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9932485 No.9932485 [Reply] [Original]

>gf's 30 y/o brother moves back in with parents to """save""" to buy a house in 2 years
>he is on 80,000 AUSD a year, has a girlfriend who has failed 4 degrees at 25 y/o, has been through 5 jobs in 6 months, finds working casually "difficult"
>within 2 weeks of moving in, went to bank, got knocked back from a loan, goes home and bitches "never going to do business with this bank" gets a loan with another for $50,000 AUSD to pay a deposit on a $700,000 AUSD apartment, 1 bedroom, no garage
>will be ready in 1 year
>borrows his mum and das car, at 30 y/o, uses it regularly, doesn't fill it up, returns it empty every time
>keeps telling his parents "he doesn't need a car" parents agree
>girlfriend of 4 months wants the title in her name, mortgage to be in his name
Seriously, i have NEVER seen someone so fucking blatantly stupid in my life, how do you tell someone like this they are a fucking idiot? Meanwhile, im 23, have $30,000 AUSD in savings, a degree in Crim, and no debt, with no interest in going into debt. Do you just watch the train wreck in slow motion?

>> No.9932496

Also like to mention, he uses his parents car to pick his dumb cunt gold digger of a girlfriend (she's a bushpig) 100KM round trip + tolls all paid for by his parents, who say nothing. When she could catch a bus to and from.

How does a 30 y/o """man""" become such a fucking sore loser?

>> No.9932502

You should give him some money or a laptop or something. Don’t be selfish, anon. He deserves it just as much as you.

>> No.9932508

watch them from afar

be very cautious with valuables around, these kind of people think nothing of stealing from family and then shitting out a bad apology

>> No.9932534
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The bloke refuses to drive even a $1000 beater car, he used to rent with a friend for $100 but buys stupid consumer shit like $3000 watches and gucci clothing, has a super hard on for expensive things and looks down on people with cheap clothing, has 5 credit cards.

He asked to borrow my girlfriends car (His sister) but she refuses every time because he flat out flogs the cars he borrows, leaves them on empty, he wont take certain cars if they are empty to avoid paying his own money to fill it up. He gave up asking her, she never gives it to him, but he gets agro. How does someone get so entitled? His rat of a girlfriend even asked his parents to chip in for the apartment he is buying...UNDER HER FUCKING NAME

>> No.9932564

Classic Australian sluts man.

>> No.9932581
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She's a slut, compulsive liar too. She says she has a Econimics degree (failed 1st year, 1st term), Health degree (First degree, failed at 3 years into), she advertises all of this on instagram, including a law degree (which she never got into)

Hosts a multi-tude of lies on linked-in i.e. worked with the UN, now she is an aspiring """psychologist"""" at the age of 25, these people make me sick.

>> No.9932612

>t. boomer

>> No.9932621
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Sound like he deserves to get rekt Lmao.
80k AUD with no rent or car and still needs to take a loan for a deposit on a bigger loan? LMAO WTF

>> No.9932624
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23 y/o millenial actually

>> No.9932654
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Lad, cant wait to see it blow up in his face and see one of the big 4 banks strip him clean, gf and i plan on both telling him to fuck off if he comes to us

>> No.9932666

He will have a family and a son and man him up.
Will you, OP?

>> No.9932691
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Nah lad, buying a $130,000 AUSD house in regional Victoria (200kms) away from Melb, and living debt free, i estimate that will be done by the time im 25. Will consider kids at 30, but i like money and no debt, so ill probs pass

Fags like the bloke im talking about will kill themselves, he's not a man.

>> No.9932700

His girlfriend sounds seriously like a semi-psychotic borderliner. Trust me, my ex was like this. She had 0 degrees and was blatantly lying on her linkedin (she failed after few months but still put on CV that she studied something for 1 or 2 years etc.). She was extremely superficial and only cared about possensions eventhough she was continously in debt. This is because borderliners lack any type of self image, they can only be something by showing off or lying to the outside world.In the core of their being they are afraid to be found out and they will do anything to keep up the appearance. People that are standing in her way she will try to manipulate using others. Needless to say I dumped the bitch and never looked back. I have to say though that your brother sounds seriously stupid or at least gullible, but I fell for someone like that as well. Your only hope is that he finds out he is a STUPID CUNT for staying with someone like that and he WILL get rekt with all the debt and psychological abuse assiociated with borderliners in general. Be there as a mental support for him when that happens but you can not get financially involved now.

>> No.9932713

give insta of said bitch, faggot
thanks m8

>> No.9932725

>how do you tell someone like this they are a fucking idiot?
You don't.
Someone that stupid can never learn. He isn't cut out for critical thinking.

You are describing my brother exactly btw. Parents give him everything. He has no job, and is functionally illiterate.
He said he wanted to be an Uber driver so they leased a black Mercedes for him, but his app is always turned off.
Even let him use a vacant warehouse, and a penthouse they own, instead of leasing them out for over €10k a month so he can spend time with his literal mudblood gypsy street trash whore there.

Two years ago I asked them to cosign a €500k loan so I could buy a small ship yard.
They said no, because it wouldn't be fair to him.

>> No.9932750

It ain't your brother that's dumb. Your parents are pretty much retarded for supporting his sorry ass. I got kicked out as soon as I turned 18 and left for uni. If I had such parents I would've taken such advantage of the situation...

>> No.9932804

Your a scammer

Ausd isn’t a really currency, wtf are you on about?

Is this for real, you living in Atlantis or something?

>> No.9932809

Why dont you tell him instead of us? Is he gonna beat you up again like a little shit that you still are?

>> No.9932999
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He is chubby, he doesn't have any sense of posture, he carries himself arched, he looks like the biggest fucking bitch. Talks with a really pretentious voice too. His sister thinks he's a sissy

Cunt wouldnt lay a finger on me

>> No.9933124
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Dude, AUSD is not the preferred nomenclature, AUD please.

>> No.9933140

The real estate market in aussieland sounds really tight.

>> No.9933176

>>borrows his mum and das car, at 30 y/o, uses it regularly, doesn't fill it up, returns it empty every time
This alone speaks volumes.

>> No.9933420

>OP bitches on 4chan about another man

absolutely pathetic

>> No.9933448

Dude.. you are absolute shit.
He is your brother fornfucks sake. He is of your fucking blood. I tell u how we do it here.
Get him in your house. Close all doors and beat him until he cries and learns what you have to tell him.
Families never let other fall. What are you, a Sweede? A Dutch? For fucks sake... never move a single word -let alone a finger- against your family.
This is exactly what you shouldnt think. If I had you hee I would beat some fucking family pride into your fucking shameful disgraceful head. You can lose money, but u can never lose family (for you cant have it back).
Family and blood always comes first.

>> No.9933483
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Dude. He is brother.
You should have not allowed him to invest like that.
When he makes mistakes, those mistakes affect everyone in the family.
Anglos are so fucking dumb

>> No.9933505

just watch it burn OP

>> No.9933588

Why do people double post like this? Started noticing it a lot more the past few months. It's irritating.

>> No.9933605
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This is a proof that not everything is genetically determined.

>> No.9933796

break up with her and tell she's with financially stupid people

>> No.9934040

>This is a proof that not everything is genetically determined.
Children receive genes from two different sources. The distribution of the Parents DNA amongst siblings is not necessarily equal.

>> No.9934082
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Theres levels to everything op.
>mfw the jew is laughing at you for working a productive job in crim when you could be abusing the system to strip money off of hardworking boomers like your gf's family through bad apples like your brother-in-law

Best thing you could do is lobby them all to secure your gf's inheritance asap. Do not allow him to squander their assets through leeching over many years and still get half of whats left when they finally pass. Get on top of this now.

>> No.9934126

Why would even waste time focusing on people like this? The world is full of losers.
Don't hate on them Anon. The truth is, we NEED them. Who the fuck else is going to wagecuck for us if they haven't bound themselves in the shackles of debt? You need to understand that you can never help these people and that they don't want your help. Shift your focus on how you can exploit people like this for your own gain as both employees and customers.

>> No.9934194

You’re a bit too invested in his life. Sometimes karma matches up and sometimes it doesn’t, be prepared for it never to touch him and you’ll be a LOT happier. Live your own life and don’t worry about others. There is always some cunt who has way more than they should. Don’t let them drive you nuts.

>> No.9934258

It's OP's GF's brother fucktard. Also he is an adult that's actually older than OP. It's not OPs duty to give him advice which he would probably dismiss anyway

>> No.9934497


Fucking brainlets. It's not his brother. Read it again you mongoloids

>> No.9934943

desu im tired of aussie women even the "good" ones go to a fucking club/bar every weekend for "fun" , i just work FIFO and dont give a fuck about women anymore i come home and sleep for a week and plan on buying my own place and start some side hustles maybe a nice rural area so i can have some acreage for my own animals and vegetable patches.