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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9925334 No.9925334 [Reply] [Original]

I am here to revolutionize blood tests.

>> No.9925354

How the fuck did she think she would get away with it. What a dumb bitch.

>> No.9925367

I saw an article this morning saying that she is looking at jail time. Prosecutors intend to make an example out of her.

>> No.9925368

Me want poke out her eyes

>> No.9925378

Who is she?

>> No.9925380


>> No.9925381

her dad should have nutted in mommas ass this time

>> No.9925388

>Who is she?

>> No.9925404

Not only "jail time", 20 fucking years

>> No.9925405

imagine how much her eyes would bulge out when you stick a dick in her throat

>> No.9925422


If Hillary were in office, she'd be getting a slap on the wrist, you know it. She thought she could get away with it being a roastie

>> No.9925433

What did she actually do?

>> No.9925482

She founded a multi-billion dollar company selling fake blood tests and got all the big guys to FOMO in: https://youtu.be/ta1DqI4xDRw

>> No.9925514

Of course she’ll be made an example of. She scammed the Walton Family and a lot of other powerful and wealthy elite.

>> No.9925532

this is what i'd find interesting

>> No.9925568
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It gets even better, apparently she was boinking her business partner and old fart Ramesh Balwani

>> No.9925631

>like half the Clinton administration

She out-jewed them all... What a time to be alive.

>> No.9925633

honestly scammy pajeets run rampant in sillycunt valley.

>> No.9925726

That is truly vile. I hope she has a public execution

>> No.9925809

she will not go to jail

>> No.9925826

We need decentralized blood tests

>> No.9925839
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>> No.9925844

high test

>> No.9925851

What's wrong with her eyes?

>> No.9925859

Hindsight is 20/20.

>> No.9925863

wait what happened here..so it's a tranny?

>> No.9925867

She can be the butch when she goes to prison.

>> No.9925874
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>> No.9925883

her 50 year old indian bf knows what she looks like when he sticks his hairy dick down her throat

>> No.9925886

I see what you did there.

>> No.9925895
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I can’t go to prison. I’m female. R-right guys?

>> No.9925897

20 years per count bruh. There are like 9 counts. She could go to jail for the rest of her life.

>> No.9925936
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She sounds and looks like an earlier model of ZUCC

>> No.9925943


>> No.9926056

the turtleneck is to hide her adam's apple.

>> No.9926292

Damn, didn’t know Balwani was into traps

>> No.9926508


Apparently, the voice was an act and she doesn't actually sound like that. Some of her advisors convinced her that the big business guys would be more receptive to her if she sounded less feminine. It sounds like she's trying to hold back from puking.

>> No.9926628

no you are here to revolutionize sperm tests, bitch

>> No.9926926

fucking HOT

>> No.9926941

the name keeps making me think of "aneros"

>> No.9926948

>pajeet detected

>> No.9927201

I'm white and I exclusively watch IMWF porn

>> No.9927335


>> No.9927439

She has a vagina, she won't see a single day in prison.
Offending Wall Street can destroy you no matter how innocent you are (see Shkreli), but even (((they))) are not powerful enough to destroy the golden pussy pass.
t. /pol/

>> No.9927455

What the fuck

>> No.9927685

Do you prefer the darker sri lankan types, the paler paki type, the east asian burmese types or the traditional browns?

>> No.9927716

the more pajeeti and creepy they look the better

>> No.9927747

i can buy that, the way she talks all monotone and shit makes it seem like that's the only way she can talk while keeping that voice up

>> No.9927761


>> No.9927784

But was she really trying to scam people, or was she just retarded and failed at making her project work?
In the latter case, I don't see why investors can blame anybody but themselves.

>> No.9927806

>I don't see why investors can blame anybody but themselves.
t. Sergey of Nazarath

>> No.9928271
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My guess is that she thought her engineers would eventually figure out how to make the device work, and then everything would be fine. Everything afterwards was attempts to put off having to prove anything until the device worked.

Except it didn't ever work, and oops she was billions of dollars in debt.

>> No.9928286

At first? No I don't think she was trying to scam people. Within a few years? By the time she discovered what she'd promised was impossible?

At that point, and forever after, she was absolutely trying to scam people.

>> No.9928339
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I want to join the circus.

>> No.9928349

Those had to have been the best months of her life.
She traded the rest of her life to LARP as Jesus Christ for a media that badly wanted a female Zuccerburg.
I'd honestly consider it. Having your name in all those papers...

>> No.9928632


>> No.9928689

>spend money she don't have
>company go bankrupt
Females in a nutshell.
Hire no cunt m8s

>> No.9928729
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I'm putting together a team. You in?

>> No.9928744
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whos next???

>> No.9928749

Whenever I hear her talk I think of Dr. Lexus from Idiocracy.