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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 348 KB, 885x765, Wysker_Running_Out_of_Funds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9924840 No.9924840 [Reply] [Original]

Ever wondered why all the wysker hype was around?
Well, they raised less than 2M USD
Idiots used parity wallet that got hacked
Have half the funds now
Spent half of that
Clock is ticking indeed... TO BANKRUPTCY

Don't be an idiot buying their sell orders

>> No.9924866


FUD on point

>> No.9924914

the op is fudding because he got rekt lol

>> No.9924935


Tobias Haag wallet.

You can see he owns 720k Shopin tokens, SHOPIN is their main competition. The plot thickens...

>> No.9924943

t. discord pajeets

>> No.9924946

i exited with no loss and barely any profit, not my cup of tea to fiuck around with other people and make them bag holders

im just happy i did so seeing all that is coming out

so many people in your pump group are disgusted

fuck you nigger scammers i dont care about wysker at all, i want people to know why your endless promotion was going on

>> No.9924954

That's not his wallet lol

>> No.9924968

trinity is the guy behind all this fud

>> No.9924980


you dont even defend what is posted, you just jump to claim FUD like an autist, never addressed any of the posts

Why? because you guys are scamming the shit out of the newcomers, every day trying to "pump pump" with that german autist TheMexican, or how he aptly renamed himself 'Bag Holder'

>> No.9924984
File: 114 KB, 298x231, photo__divakar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking way.

All of this just to shill your shitty Indian alternative?

Holy shit.

>> No.9924985

LMFAO all that fud is coordinated Shopin shilling.
Very clever kek.

>> No.9925006

I'm going to exit sometime today. 33k here. I see some upward movement so I will hold off until later.

>> No.9925011

trinity got rekt lol

>> No.9925014

coordinated fud for sure.
No one comes on here to look out for others.

>> No.9925031

no fool im pumpin my own WYS until i cash out of this scam coin today. https://idex.market/eth/wys

price is moving up. hehe

>> No.9925040

trinity leroy ken coordinating fud to buy low

>> No.9925052
File: 525 KB, 1809x833, 0sLMMqAt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we come on here to make fun of others

>> No.9925053

Not sure if coordinated fudding or 6 dimensional Shilling

>> No.9925055


you guys are coordinating the shoppin BS

we will leak how you came up with mentionning shoppin to divert the blame

you never addressed any of the actual screenshots, the evidence speaks for itself

fuckin niggers

>> No.9925067

Evidence lol. You are engaging in market manipulation at this exact time, price is going up. kek

>> No.9925097


waste more of your funds to pump the price

i am never touching this garbage again

fuckers dont even address the issues, just look to blame others for their shit

you niggers will be served in time anyways

>> No.9925121

>wizzka trading club
Fucking lol, you faggots deserved to be called out for this shit alone.

>> No.9925124

Haha you probably had a greater shilling impact than all the other thread combined. Nice job.
There is nothing to adress, there nothing wrong by shilling a token on 4chan.
Shopin pajeets fud attempt pumped Wysker like a great shilling attempt.

>> No.9925127
File: 70 KB, 245x254, MFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divert blame for what to whom?

Addressed what points?

- Team wants to sell tokens for funding - Every crypto project ever.
- Some guy was disappointed with the latest news. Big deal.
- Etienne wanted to supply some content so we
could make better memes, so what?

Literally nothing has been exposed. I don't get what this is all for, if you're trying to raise the price so you can exit, I guess I'm helping, you're welcome. If you're trying to FUD so you can buy more, GL I guess.

>> No.9925156


lol learn 2 english faggot

enjoy your orchestrated pump, i hop eyou guys have enough eth left over for saving the coming wrecking ball

>> No.9925170


lol sure, spin it that way

we will see what they think

enjoy your pajeet marketing, but you are the scum of the earth for all your lies and manipulation

>> No.9925192
File: 22 KB, 320x220, Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think /biz/ is? This is a place where people post about the projects they believe in.

That is literally all this "exposed" group actually does.

>> No.9925243


LOL this place is where fucktard like you shill shitcoins

and where others laugh at them

"believe in" go to scientology nigger

>> No.9925261
File: 137 KB, 500x750, TheWysBois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I found IOTA and Raiblocks through /biz/, all the money I have in crypto is from those discoveries.

Worked out nicely for me. I'm white.

>> No.9925291


good job

now offload your bags on the wyskies that will come your way

fucking spending all day shilling this crap

if the project was any good it would have taken care of itself

ask tobi about all his failed startups, see what he tells you

>> No.9925316


you niggers are the ones pumping your own coin

just like every time some shit came up, you gathered you measly eth to pump the price

>> No.9925324

shady as fuck that the admin keeps shutting down any discussion on this.
Pretty sure investors outside this little clique would like to know what the fuck is going on, but every time it's brought up, NOPE.

>> No.9925365
File: 276 KB, 1944x2243, BoxOfKittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean the incubator that spawned Wysker?

If Wysker succeeds I don't think that's a "failed startup."

>> No.9925458


lol incubator? try failed venture fund with barely 100k raised

and past track record is indicative of future performance, so good luck convincing others of that

>> No.9925494
File: 121 KB, 500x500, WyskerBeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and past track record is indicative of future performance, so good luck convincing others of that

I guess it depends on how the app does. It'll be hard to call it a scam after 2.0. if that ends up being successful.

If the venture fund led to Wysker, and if Wysker succeds, then it is a success in my view.

>> No.9925635


> if Wysker succeds, then it is a success in my view

fuck, IQ is single digits

how much more of your circular logic, dont even have arguments left to pump this shit

>> No.9925657

no one is buying it anyway, it's just these pajeets.

>> No.9925701
File: 47 KB, 720x720, Lion_Looking_Up_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other measure of success could there be for an incubator (or venture fund, w/e you wanna call it) than the success of the projects originating from it?

Isn't that sort of the point of those things?

>> No.9925746


dude go check tobis linkedin
wysker did not come from the shitty venture fund he had

i guess you have deluded yourself, its up to you to delude others now to buy your bags