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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 720x1280, Etienne_Joining_Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9924555 No.9924555 [Reply] [Original]

Etienne you are better than this
You work for Wysker
Not for some 10 yr old kids
Who think they will get a mansion

>> No.9924583

He was never let in though.

>> No.9924590

They got Etienne roped up into this now? FUCKING WYSKER can't keep their shit together.

Damn, I really believed in this project too bruv.

>> No.9924594

Nope pajeet, they didn't

>> No.9924605

time to buy more i see. when somone fudding hard they got rekt and it is time to buy.

>> No.9924619

evidence speaks for itself. Etienne is now made aware of this group and their is evidence of communication between group members and him. BAFIN will go nutzo over this

>> No.9924620

That's what I think. Now that there is only 1 month left, people want to accumulate it seems

>> No.9924625

lol more promotion when the ship is sinking?

you guys have no morals and deserve absolute shit for scamming people into buying your bags

the team should be ashamed at best, if not complicit in your crap

>> No.9924638

Dear bafin, a team members gave some kid's pictures to make memes. Thats unfair.
Bafin: what is a meme? Get out pajeet

>> No.9924639

Whales want to accumulate cheap before the pump. Don't fall for that anon. Same guys started shilling some weeks ago now they turn around with 2.0 imminent.

>> No.9924650
File: 92 KB, 488x478, 1529114717477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raise a shit ton of cash
>pay a few ux and app devs to make pretty gifs, ui/ux elements, and a working (albeit simple) mobile app
>take 98% of the raised funds and go party

>> No.9924658


This is exactly what a child would say with no understanding of German financial law and the gravity of die situation.

>> No.9924677
File: 738 KB, 1250x936, 083D735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whales are accumulating
Lmao, the standard bagholder reply. Every shitcoin holder thinks this.

>> No.9924711

>muh German law
Implying they aren’t ready to fuck off to Panama with your money, cucks

>> No.9924710

Lol you dont even believe in your own project you shill to get rid of


>> No.9924883


Still ist important

>> No.9924887


Fuckers want to keep this fraud alive, they have already run our of cash

desperate cash grab is desperate
