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9920647 No.9920647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's hungry?!

I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a NEW Quarter Pounder with cheese made hot from FRESH beef, hot fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!

>> No.9920656
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make it a Double Quarter Pounder

>> No.9920667

If you order on the app you can get extra onions and picked for free. Also you can add lettuce for

>> No.9920676

>20 Nuggies
pick two

>> No.9920678

Sergey, I thought you were a Big Mac guy?

>> No.9920682

Just finished some onions for breakfast.

>> No.9920694

damn that looks good not gonna lie

>> No.9920726
File: 54 KB, 671x334, Deliciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.9920728

you need to stop eating that or you're going to have a heart attack and die while you're 38

>> No.9920762

Don't listen to Burgernon.
Make yourself a tasty meal instead please little bizlets:
1 chicken tiddie
1 yummy bacons
1 tomato
1 onion
shredded cheese
garlic aioli
any cajun style seasoning
spinach leaves

Set up a bowl with some spinach leaves at the bottom. That's it. That's your meal. Nah, I'm just kidding. We leave that cunt sitting there until we're ready to dump a hot load on him.

Get the bacon and the chicken tiddie in front of you. Chop both those bitches up. Stick those bitches in a pan with the hotplate on high.

While those cook a bit, chop up an onion and a tomato, dump those bitches on the other bitches previously loaded into the pan, along with a bit of cajun seasoning and tarragon.

Cook all that stuff until it looks, like, cooked. Put some shredded cheese on it in the pan, mix it around and give it time to melt in. Hot. Once it's all melted in, dump that on your spinach. Mix it all up and eat it. You can add a bit of aioli as well at that point, but it's pretty good anyway.

>> No.9920797

sounds disgusting, kys

now go buy a McChicken you filthy nigger

>> No.9921708
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>one big mac costs like $7 with no fries or drink in canada
what should be done about this ?

>> No.9921775

I only eat at two fast food places, Chipotle and chic fil a

>> No.9921795

yeah what the hell, man?

>> No.9921797
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>father's day
I'm getting the Father's Day special... Biscuits and Gravy.

>> No.9921806

This better be pasta

>> No.9921893
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Get back to work Sergey. I fucking mean it this time.

>> No.9921900

>he doesn’t order McGangbangs to save himself money
>1 McChicken
>1 McDouble
>remove 1 piece of bread, or an entire bun
>put McChicken inside McDouble

Seriously, it costs like $2 and it’s fucking great

>> No.9921925
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McDonads is a scourge upon the earth. In fact I hope all of the old fast food joints, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's etc, every single one of them goes. I hope they are wiped off the face of the earth. Total "fast food" collapse.

Their food is shit, their menu is shit, their prices are shit, their quality is shit, their staff is shit (its usually mostly niggers, like little Africa) and everything about it is shit.

>> No.9921943

fucking disgusting, kys. McDonalds is nigger food

>> No.9921992
File: 228 KB, 1032x581, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm hungry as fuck, gf is making ham&eggs tho she is a real champ in the kitchen and gives the most amazing mind blowing bjs. yesterday she made a fucking great steak. weekends are the days worth living for.

>> No.9922031

McD isn't even food

>> No.9922035
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You can also get a student discount if you ask, at least in Finland.

>> No.9922219
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and it was godlike as expected.

>> No.9922306

You must know about the disconnect between fast food photography and reality.

>> No.9922317

to their defense it's hard to make good photo of real food. don't know why but what looks good irl often looks like shit on a photo. especially meat.

the best you can do at home is if you put the food into a white bathtub. photos never really give back the true colors. i'm glad if not everything is green toned. and other tip is you have to make a hundred shots and select the 1 or 2 that turned out to be okay.

>> No.9922330

the burgers now actually pretty much look like this. the new QPs are fucking delicious. Some stores have them a little pink and OD greasy but for the most part they are amazing and rival Shake Shack in their own McDs way.

>> No.9922334

stop making me hungry faggot

>> No.9922339

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.9922342
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>eating meat

>> No.9922351

now i'm hungry

>> No.9922360
File: 533 KB, 1400x626, Quarter-Pounder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you were talking about this?

>> No.9922364

>being a vegan faggot

>> No.9922792

>having the testosterone levels of a 60 year old

>> No.9922798

>eating only plants

both diets are ridiculous and a combination of the two would be best

>> No.9922879

this guy gets it.

>> No.9922898

top fucking kek

>> No.9922986
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Even twitter is onto us

>> No.9923005

Fucking hell mate I woke up my gf

>> No.9923088
File: 16 KB, 384x384, 6C3B3242-3B65-4A7A-9897-AD409ABE5EBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some stores have them a little pink

>> No.9923118

Don't eat that shit brahs, it will kill you. Tons of toxic ingredients that cause heart problems and shit. Spend a little more on actual food or make your own burgers.

>> No.9923125

good goy eat your mc donalds


>> No.9923145

Damn.. now I crave a Quarter Pounder with Extra Cheese (no pickles).. fuck bro.. shit... mannnnnn...

>> No.9923270

The best burgers are bad for your heart bro. Red meat should be completely avoided. Just stick to grilled chicken and fish. Avoid seafood, it is packed with cholesterol.

>> No.9923283

Every Thrusday after work I treat myself to a large Double Quarter Pounder meal with of course a large refreshing Dr. Pepper; as I eat said meal I check /biz/ and my crypto. Honestly defines my week every week, very comfy

>> No.9923336

Colorectal cancer is a blast out your ass. Rather grill your own chicken and season it with parsley, basil and oregano instead of salt to lose love handles. McDonald's food has too much fat, salt and calories for anyone except people moving to a deserted island for a month.

>> No.9923342

Perfect for a nigger like me, then

>whitey can't digest our food

Inferior whitey genetics, baka

>> No.9923978
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>> No.9924157

Eating McDonald's causes cancer.

>> No.9924221

it's not the red meat that's the problem. it's the gut flora of people that eat too much red meat.
you got to take breaks between steaks and consume probiotics and or live flora joghurt. you will be alright.

>> No.9924231

>Avoid seafood, it is packed with cholesterol.
yeah that's an other thing that turned out to be a false alarm. cholesterol you consume has no effect on your blood cholesterol.

>> No.9924241


I guess fish shouldn't eat each other than.

>> No.9924257

not to mention moega-3 is really good for you.

>> No.9924282

Please explain to me how people love to drink ice cold cola while eating Mc? This is madness. Even without ice it's too cold, so taste is shit and cold water will just wash the food out of the stomach and damage your intestines + food will not be digested properly.

Well I understand if it is a little cold, but Mcdonalds just overkills it.

>> No.9924290

Do you live in a trailer by chance?

>> No.9924313

No it's a chicken sandwich

>> No.9924317

>he thinks /biz/ isn't all blacks

>> No.9924345
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>> No.9924346

Thanks. My MCD shares appreciate the support.

>> No.9924356

How's the 11/10 diarrhea afterward?

>> No.9924360

love the quote form tany harding ice queens mom. "we arent trailer trash we have a nice trailer'. really though the online shoe guy is a billionaire living in a trailer so dont be so quick to think you are awesome cause you pay schlomo and rabbi a mortgage payment, so they can suck adrenochrome out of babys dicks

>> No.9924361

An ice cold coca cola on a hot, sunny day is a gift from heaven. Couple that with a tasty and nutritious hamburger and you've got a perfect meal. Really, the positive impact that my local McDonald's has on the community is immense. Not only do they offer affordable and delicious meals for the whole family to enjoy, but they also help in employing our youth. Truly, a fantastic company.

>> No.9924390


The burgers at my mcdonalds actually look like the photos most the time.

>> No.9924518

If you're eating at McDonald's you clearly don't care about your health and like to shit your pants. The cola is inconsequential.

>> No.9924643
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Burger King is the real McDonalds.

>> No.9924876


>> No.9924885

Hahaha wtf fuck me

>> No.9925561

Nice, sounds yummy, have fun bro!

>> No.9925688

the wagie tears on it makes it extra delicious

>> No.9925697

How the fuck did this thread get this many replies?

>> No.9925821

Thanks know what I'm having for dinner

>> No.9925824

is that girl from Finland? I hear they are the asians of europe

>> No.9925910

How would that give you diarrhea? You never ate chicken and beef together before?

>> No.9925927

Sometimes I add barbecue sauce, it's delicious

>> No.9925954

>FRESH beef
>literally has to be washed with acids to make it safe for consumption during mincing process because it literal scraps off the factory floor
Enjoy your colon cancer anon

>> No.9925966


>> No.9925989

Yes, I am hungry.

>> No.9925990
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>> No.9926000

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.9926078

Thanks for the rare genuine belly laughs.

>> No.9926094


>> No.9926121

>eating carbs

>> No.9926172
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This better not be a larp

>> No.9926200

McD should unironicaly win a nobel prize or 2

>> No.9926305

So many newfags responding this pasta.

>> No.9926338

You have been lied to.
Pls educate yourself and watch "What The Health".