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9919689 No.9919689 [Reply] [Original]

What is the price of BTC?

>> No.9919711

0. but the price of ETH is 10,000 and the price of QTUM is 5,000. also REQ is 1,000

>> No.9919716



>> No.9919718

BTC likely will not exist as a serious commodity at that time.

>> No.9919726

1 million, satoshi becomes the world's first trillionaire

>> No.9919727

In January of 2023 it crashed to $60000

>> No.9919742
File: 147 KB, 1026x932, 2018_06_17_07_12_39_John_McAfee_on_Twitter_First_time_I_ve_quoted_my_own_tweet_but_here_goes_Wa_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anywhere between $10-250 million USD per BTC

>> No.9919743

Whats a bitcoin? The Rothsmark is now the single currency of the world. Price is irrelevant as no other currency exists to compare it to.

>> No.9919779

Assets have always been a hedge against inflation. The low IQ it takes to think bitcoin will be the only thing appreciating is hilarious.

It's a neat technology, but bitcoin isn't going to replace fiat.

>> No.9919798

>why doesn't my cash increase in value

Such an economy would be fucking hellish. Return on Investment needs work to be done. If you could just hold onto cash and do nothing with it the economy collapses.

>> No.9919814

13.7 million

>> No.9919817

Oh good lord that sounds like the kind of logic that led to the gold confiscation in 1933. Is that you helicopter Ben?

>> No.9919833

Meh, I'm not saying it has no value. Bitcoin has a lot of best-in-class uses. It's just no one is going to want to get paid in bitcoin when they are just about to pay rent or get groceries in USA.

Cash savings have always been a wealth transfer to investors. You need to do something with the money to to get returns.

>> No.9919879


Lol. McAfee is kinda wack. He has literally said it's a mathematical fact that bitcoin has to be over 1 million usd in 2020. You know that dude has heavy fucking bags of bitcoin on him lol.

>> No.9919916

yea man, hyperinflation rules!

>> No.9920033

Crypto will be gone before 2023

>> No.9920714
File: 11 KB, 640x640, 1527738677668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on mr. future man..

>> No.9920730

Stop typing like a faggot

>> No.9920739
File: 125 KB, 854x752, 1527450290246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just a sneak peek of the year 2023

>> No.9920742

each link token is 3000$

>> No.9920750

what is btc?

>> No.9920771

>BTC $500
>ETH $400
>XRP $1
>XMR $0.5
>LINK $0.001

>> No.9920831

All hashes hacked by IBM quantum lab employees

>> No.9920946

Oh look, a whole thread of stupid newfag replies, likely people that found out about Bitcoin on /r/cryptocurrency

Everybody wants their stupid little shitcoin to win because it is too late for any of you to make it, so your predictions of Bitcoin being replaced is pure cope. Crypto is too big a market cap as a whole to have any more extreme explosive growth. Everybody knows about it. Everybody knows of its limited usefulness, even as a speculative play. We are no longer looking at an environment of 1000x returns on anything like in 2015, now you have to deal with very limited returns.

Bitcoin will remain the leader. Everything else is only succeeding due to people missing out on it and telling themselves a fairytale that will ultimately now lead to a South Sea Company/Rail company/Canal company like return for all alts. Just go back and look at the list of alts in 2015. Many of those had business ideas as well. They almost all died.

Bitcoin will continue to grow but we have to be careful about its market cap when making price predictions. At 70k, it will be as big as Apple. At 300k it will be as big as gold. At 1M it will equal a year's worth of global product. I think it is safe to say that within the next 5 years we will arrive at between 100k and 300k and maybe 1M is achievable in the event of a Chinese debt driven collapse.

On balance I am not realistically looming at more than 10x performance on any crypto from here on in, and that means that a great deal of stocks are going to perform better than crypto. This already removes so much of the incentive for institutional investors to shovel money into it that crypto will likely end up being one big slowly collapsing bubble from 2023 onwards

Na not really, I think it will always be around and for that reason, and the fact that AI driven hypergrowth will require a predictably scarce apolitical digital asset to hedge into, we will see Bitcoin 10M within 30 years.

>> No.9921061

big tiny cock