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9917885 No.9917885 [Reply] [Original]

Is Netflix a bubble?

>> No.9917893

if thats not a bubble idk what is

>> No.9917899

check NVDA

>> No.9917902

>tfw i started binge watching netflix in 2008 but was only 9yo at the time.
looking back, if i was the age i am right now i probably would have invested but w/e

>> No.9917903

new paradigm

>> No.9917928
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>> No.9917964

Yes along with AMZN, Adobe, TSLA, and every other 200+ E/P ratio.

The increase of FED interest rates will force the family offices and shit-tier hedge funds to sell their positions to consolidate gains, and when god tier investors reject their sell offers at these insane prices the bubble will pop bringing down the entire market due to histeria.

However this would present an amazing opportunity to buy over-punished stocks especially AAPL since the masses associate it as a tech stock when it really is a luxury retail Blue Chip stock with -20 P/E ratios.

>> No.9917983

You're a smart guy. You're right, that's what's gonna happen. The crazy uptrend has shown first signs of exhaustion. It's only a matter of time before things turn south and it's going to happen really soon.

>> No.9918000
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>bringing down the entire market due to histeria.

>> No.9918008

it has to be. they literally just take already made tv shows/movies and allow them to be streamed on their site. their originals are 99% DOGSHIT. the also haven't turned a profit? there's simply no way they're actually worth that much

>> No.9918076
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>muh fed rise rates
>muh high PE means overvalued

you dont know what youre talking about kid

>> No.9918090
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>provides growing, high demand, value added service in exchange for money thereby providing a reliable revenue source outside of market speculation
Looks like you're still retarded for buying BTC.

>> No.9918113

>Is Netflix a bubble?

>> No.9918121

Let's face it. Adoption of netflix, at least in the west, has peaked. They would need to raise subscription prices in order to get more income.

>> No.9918135

They do this regularly. It was 8 bucks when I signed up in 2012, and it's double that now.

>> No.9918146

Yes. Sell.

>> No.9918156

> muh Amazon and Tesla is the future
> b-but Amazon was re-investing in its business and betting on future profits
> b-but Musk is a genius
> but AMZN is worth 3x more than Wal mart
> w-why are the jews not lending more money to M-musk
> but stocks can only infinitely go up

You probably should stop listening to Jim Cramer "old timer". Enjoy loosing your 401k again.

>> No.9918165

Wow, you really got me!

>> No.9918176

is it really $16 in america? it's $10 AUD here, that's still $8 usd.

>> No.9918182

>it's double that now.

You really pay $16 a month? I pay $11.

>> No.9918206
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>Netflix went public on May 23, 2002 and an investment of $990 on Netflix's initial public offering, or IPO, date of May 23, 2002 would have generated over $310,000 after stock splits


>> No.9918449

>t. december bitcoin buyer

>> No.9918753
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>> No.9918769
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The entire stock market is

>> No.9918786

Hope this doesn't mean Shopify is overvalued, I'm all in

>> No.9918789


>most people would have called Netflix as a concept crazy in 2002.

Makes you think

>> No.9918800
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still some time before it pops

>> No.9918918

great meme lines

>> No.9918982



>> No.9919031

>15 fucking years

No thanks

>> No.9919055
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>a 31,000% return over 15 years is bad

>> No.9919089

Actually now that I think about it, English speaking Africa, like Nigeria, is a huge emerging market for english language content. Netflix does have some big growth potential.

>> No.9919227

near flawless balance sheet
Nice, I just started drop shipping on Shopify, I like it.

I'm not sure. Too uncomfortable at these levels for me. I'll ride iQiYi for an undetermined amount of time but I've been eyeing Spotify.

>> No.9919235


They do not have 10% of the wealth the West does

The whole of Africa has a smaller GDP than Australia alone

>> No.9919624

lol. no. netflix has a really good float. and proper backing, and a working product.

>> No.9919659

i actually bought some NFLX as part of my normie investment strategy and it's up over 30%
just turn your brain off bros

>> No.9919685


Except only accredited investors made out, plebs aren't allowed to get in at that cheap rate because of muh SEC protecting us.

>> No.9920328

Most shit on Netflix is owned by the Big 6. Once they get their own platforms Netflix is doomed.

>> No.9920412

I've travelled around africa extensively. Problem is that ISPs there have monopolies and are openly ripping off customers with prices similar to Europe.

so streaming internet is a luxury for the 1 % rich

>> No.9920418

. Once they get their own platforms

Apple is working on it's own platform as well,, so does amazon.

>> No.9920421

>just turn your brain off bros
Go back to redddit you mindless cock sucker

>> No.9920431

And split the viewership 6 ways? Force people to choose which of those they actually want subscriptions to? Not likely any time soon.

>> No.9920464

lol most definitely time to sell

>> No.9920469

>tfw bought Netflix at $90

>> No.9920707

no thanks again

>> No.9920994

Wtf ?? I just bought 5k of Netflix stock and now you say this ??????

>> No.9921020

buy high sell low

a true /biz/raeli

>> No.9921209
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>> No.9921330

teach boomers how to watch their shit for free and what add blocker is and this company is worth nothing again