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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9916383 No.9916383 [Reply] [Original]

ok guys, this is me giving back to the community.
someone mentioned rlx here in january, i bought and almost 6x already.

this is an opportunity of a lifetime, sec - approved, no ico real estate token, which will be getting an 1:1 airdrop of relex health token soon. they've also dropped 77000 rlx to every holder of at least 10000 tokens, almost 1000$ per account.

that's all the info from the top of my head, dyor.

join their telegram with still less than 600 members and heavy presence of the rlx team

i've just bought another 50000+ today due to low prices

>> No.9916410

Is that the new Relex logo? Nice.

I bought in very early, accumulated enough, let's hope for the best.

>> No.9916415

>airdrop a bunch more tokens
>op doesn't understand that each token will inevitably be worth less now

>> No.9916443

total supply is 2 billion rlx, they've airdropped it from the devs wallet

there was no ico, retard. they have to distribute them somehow. which is better: airdrop them to the holders or market dump them?

>> No.9916494

- They have SEC approval for individual investors to purchase residential lots (SEC is golden standard and this is typically followed by other regulators)

- They are reaching FINRA approval for crowdfunding developments

- They have skipped ICO stage for compliances

- They have developers signed on to support the crowdfunding and individual investor models

- There is essentially no competition in this marketspace

In my opinion, the last point stands out the most from an investment standpoint. Many crypto projects try to force themselves into established markets with huge players ("the next facebook". "the next google search engine"). This is a doomed strategy and the big players will always find a way to adapt and come out ahead. True innovation lies in trying something completely novel and then grabbing a hold of the market and never letting go. The only true crypto coins that have done this thus far are Bitcoin and Ethereum. The rest of the space is wide open for grabs, in my opinion unique and industry changes ideas are the brightest ones and RLX is well along that path with development crowdfunding.

>> No.9916518

what he said

>> No.9916525

been in since Jan, pretty certain this will be my golden ticket. there's literally nothing i can fud this on apart from if they fuck up marketing/exposure

>> No.9916547

The only coin which was kind of a competitor to this was BST and it got delisted from idex. Makes me feel even better. Not to mention how well this coin has weathered the bear market

>> No.9916570

no point telling biz they only buy shitcoins.

>> No.9916586


what are your price predictions?
is 0.5$ achievable?

i only hold 400k+, so that would be nice
i have no problem with waiting a few years

>> No.9916612

eh price predictions are kinda pointless because there's so many variables involved, if i had to guess for price eoy it'd be $0.25+

>> No.9916761

The team is projecting 0.25 to 1. Ideally it will represent the value of the real estate developments

>> No.9916853

it's a home run desu, some dude on /biz/ shilled me this back in early Jan when there was like 0 information on it and even then i knew this was the one

>> No.9916871

for real, what discord group did you guys come from? This systematic shilling on reddit and here is fishy

>> No.9916895

what systematic shilling are you even talking about? i haven't seen an rlx thread on /biz/ for at least a week. why don't you link me to the reddit shills? because i haven't seen any there either

>> No.9916903

Why isn’t this shitcoin on cmc?

>> No.9916933

not ever shill is a part of a group. i just wanted to give a heads up to biz before it gets on bigger exchagnes and before the rlxh aidrop.
freely dismiss this info

>> No.9916939

they applied to get on there when they reached the required $100k daily volume but then the volume dropped and so they didn't get listed. the volume today is >$100k though so they'll probably reapply soon?

>> No.9916940

How high do you think this will go? Reasonable to assume $1 by mid 2019?

>> No.9916947

its incredibly legit guys. go chase some failing mooncoin if ye must, but dyor.

>> No.9916966
File: 32 KB, 244x194, pajeetmyson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy RLX sirs, make moons sirs

>> No.9916969

when's the airdrop and what do you speculate it'll be worth? it's 1:1 right?

>> No.9916984

kys, at least be funny
ya 1:1, no idea how much rlxh will be worth, i suspect some cunts will just dump the airdrop they get immediately so yeah i literally can't even give an estimate. some pretty cool shit tho, inhalable viagra, cbd (weed) and some other medications. think the rlxh token gets its own website this month/next

>> No.9916986

hey partnered with Katipult, which shot Polymath into the stratosphere, for regulatory compliance

They just received a formal letter declaring them a utility token by an Enrolled Agent at the IRS

They reward their stakeholders with huge, unexpected airdrops. The last one was worth $1,000.

They have a 1:1 airdrop coming up this month for a healthcare subsidiary RLXH.

They have enormous partners in Woodfine Capital Projects, Cocobay Danang, and Marine City

They are completely rebranding: new website, new logo, new investment platform. Once everything is new and pretty, you’ll be too late.

They invited all of their token holders to Vietnam and they’re PAYING FOR THE WHOLE THING

They have huge pending deals in multiple countries like Russia, Cambodia, and Vietnam
Speaking of Russia, they were just invited by the RUSSIA CENTRAL BANK to participate in a pilot program

They’re also expanding to Russia with an office and have 150m in deals pending

They were formally endorsed by OPORA Russia which is a major NGO in Russia

Their team is continually communicative. They have LIVE video or telephone conferences EVERY Sunday.

They are based in the United States (New Jersey) so you know they’re not going to be a scam or else they'd face consequences.

>> No.9916996

see now this is pajeety, no one is even gonna read that shit dude you just make us look bad

>> No.9917005

Discord pajeet shill
Stay away

>> No.9917023
File: 32 KB, 505x567, retaredwojak3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your PnD /biz/ discord LOL
this guy gets it.

Dont buy this memecoin

>> No.9917032

>Will pay for Vietnam accommodations while attending RLX meeting
Meeting literally scheduled for 1 day. Let me take a 19 hour flight to a total shithole where the bungalo is paid for but my flight is 900.00 which ISNT covered.
What a damn deal !

>> No.9917043
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>> No.9917057

they airdropped 77k RLX 2 weeks ago which at the time was $900USD to pay for the flights big boy. why even press your fat fingers onto the keyboard when you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.9917233

Hey slick.. how long does the meeting last abroad?

>> No.9917309

one or two nights, not 100% sure yet because i haven't read all the info. accomodation/food is already paid for, the airdrop was to cover flights

>> No.9917644

arrive 18th Aug (at latest) dep evening 20/21st Aug. Internal flight to Da Nang covered along with whatever else. Only the flight (nominally covered by the 77k airdrop, epending where you are from in the world) is on you.

The full details haven't been released yet, but they will also help you out with your visa if you need one (check with whichever govt agency deals with visas for that). Not to mention that you get perks for going. idk what those perks are, that's for after. now you can ignore this and say its a shitcoin scam or you can take cahnce and say well yeah maybe... this is what the next wave of crypto is starting to look like

is it a scam? I don't think so, but ffs dyor. also the token(s) will likely drop after all this because hey crypto if you just want the moon. That doesn't make it a pnd. it just makes it something that requires a little more brainpower than idk sntr or any other amount of shitcoin that gets spammed on here daily.

quite simple rly, biz. I'm bagged up and ready to go. i'm out a few thousand dollars or millions richer with not just health but also real estate tokens i got at less than a penny each. even if it moons and plummets, i'm gonna make ashitload. so go EOS or whatever flavor shitcoin your on or try something that might actually be the thing that... whatever

yes i'm drunk fuck oyu

>> No.9917909

amen brother, i'm going to that vietnam trip because why the fuck not. it's literally free