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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9916985 No.9916985 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9917606

Another Dump Soon be ready guys

>> No.9917620

Rolling for green Bart.

>> No.9917641


>> No.9917646

Look at the hour. A dump happened minutes after he posted

>> No.9917676

dont know desu its near the inverse h&s neckline....it could break it....but shit doesnt look very good though

>> No.9917711


>> No.9917720

Wasn't even one percent.

>> No.9917766

Next red dump in 2 hours

>> No.9917767

Shorting is the only way to make money in Crypto now. Shorting literally is the new paradigm of crypto. I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube everything everywhere. Everywhere and everyone, Short short short short short short!!!!! Short to -$0 !!! Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :) Did you not hear that everyone is shorting now? Omg like shorting is brilliant! BTC will ofc go down forever. You didn’t think that it would stop going down did you? Didn’t you hear? $5k by end of minute, $4k by end of hour, $1k end of day, and triple digits back to sub $100 end of week!! Shorting is the best way to success!! I’m writing a book on shorting. Shorters, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!! <3

>> No.9917773

The upward trend was broken in seconds

>> No.9917786

Are you a insider at Bifinex?

>> No.9917815

Sort of. The big volume players want Bitcoin down and down until is so low everyone will get in it again. Around 1-3k. Dumping will be constant, each gain will be met with a dump

>> No.9917821

We are about to have a bull cross on the 12 MACD. false breaks through are rare so I am confident we will at least continue to move sideways or slightly up, if not have a massive green dildo while bitfinex/tether paints the charts into a bull market

>> No.9917828


>> No.9917853

I don't buy it. People need to believe there is a floor to BTC if they want the money to flood in. If we don't get people to continually adopt then the big players don't win as much. We get people to adopt by getting the price up.

>> No.9917865

There are examples of very obvious floors after big dumps. Open a chart. They're also the ones preceding big bull runs. They're playing with you boy

>> No.9917879

What is the next target price??? Please let it be at least 4k

>> No.9917965

WTF. Is this for real? The dumps are going to terrify bagholders? Because I'm already scared. I want to sell now and buy in the next bull run

>> No.9917976
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>> No.9918004

>sell now and buy in the next bull run
This is the only smart thing a bagholder said this year.

>> No.9918040
File: 138 KB, 792x844, 1522198352357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't (((they))) just let it die already?

>> No.9918041

>sell now and buy in the next bull run
Fucking this

>> No.9918061

They want to almost kill it for a great last big pump. First it has to go to the bottom though

>> No.9918686

where's the bart?

>> No.9918755


>> No.9919048

Burgers will make it happen tomorrow after church. Screenshot this

>> No.9919111



I'm literally fucking falling asleep in from of my PC watching literally 0 fucking trade action. This better be the dump of all dumps.