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9912743 No.9912743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What man in his right mind would do this? Literal cuckold.

>> No.9912750

>"you don't know what's going on in their lives"

>> No.9912760
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How are your investments doing, anon? Life treating you well?

>> No.9912973

Imagine how many Link that mulatto kid has on her ledger gifted to her from Rory.

I bet she's in the top 50 wallets.

>> No.9912988

go back to /pol/ nazi piece of shit

>> No.9912995

He is also on the idex and tap project team so not chainlink exclusive in fact he is leaving chainlink in july to go full time idex because idex is getting so popular. Go into idex or tap project telegram and you will see he is way more active and communicative in those telegrams.

>> No.9913009

JIDF out in full force today I see. Isn't it Shabbat right now? You shouldn't be shitposting on the Internet, jud

>> No.9913024

>uh hur hur da joos did everythane bad 2 me!! its so hard as a white man in a first world cuntree!!!11

>> No.9913038

Keep white knighting for shitskins and nigs who don't give a fuck about you or your race and don't give a fuck about equality. They want you, your entire family, your entire country, your entire heritage dead. When theyre killing off the white race and they come knock on your door at 3am, you're gonna show them the anonymous posts where you defended them? You think that will help? They will behead you just the same.

>> No.9913100

WTF is wrong with you faggot go out and live in the real world. Blacks HATE your kind fag, you are going to die if you don't join your whit brothers.

>> No.9913108
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Anons, really, is chainlink a sound investment with a Low-T cuckold on the team? I'm really wondering.

Pic are his daughters, pulled straight from his FB

>> No.9913127
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from his public FB

>> No.9913147

Is that his first marriage? How do you know the mulatto isn't his from a previous relationship? Black women love white seed.

>> No.9913151

Truer words have never been spoken...

They call us "racist" for everything and anything... and in 10 years time you will be considered "racist" for just being white. You already hear it in some precincts on the left.

Like the great Thomas Sowell says "the word racism is like ketchup you can put it on practically anything any demanding evidence makes you a racist"

And that's the point. It isn't about "equality" its about getting you to shut up more and more, give up more and more and submit more and more until your eventual extinction.

I don't even blame blacks tho... it's whites who are so scared to be called racist as if lightning will strike them down if someone calls them the oh so scary R-word. Blacks understand this.

And then stupid white people will say... "no no it's black people who are the REAL racists."

Not using their brains and realizing that black people don't give a fuck of black people call them racist.

When I get called racist I just say yeah? So what? Does lightning strike me down now?

>> No.9913169

leave this man and his family alone you fucking cocksucker

>> No.9913178

Best thing I've read all day

>> No.9913184
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>> No.9913185

I hate white people who say "but how is that racist?" Well so what if it is???

Like Thomas Sowell says... "the word racism is like ketchup, you can put it on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a racist."

So when stupid white people say "how is that racist?" It doesn't matter... your still racist for demanding evidence.

Your being psychologically buried by being called a racist.

When I get called racist I embrace it. Yeah? So what if I am?

And that's how you get the upper hand on them. NOT CARING

>> No.9913199

But white men who impregnate black women are few and far between cuz most white men are smart and most black chicks are fuckinng nasty.

I mean when I see a nig male and a white chick... I get it totally. When I see a black chick and a white dude I'm like wtf?

>> No.9913214

any guy who saw all his money going down because of this cuck ready to stab him irl?

this kind of cuck deserve to lose his teeth

mulatoo shit

>> No.9913224

Now of course........ there are obviously exceptions and there are some black chicks who are fucking incredible looking.

But your avg good looking black chick who is a 7 or 8 for black chicks is like equivalent to a 3-4 white chick when it comes to fuckability

>> No.9913306

>implying a baboon can be fucked

>> No.9913693

Kek, 95% of all black chicks are just disgusting, let's be honest, there is the rare 5% but its fucking rare. It's not just the way they look, its everything. Just their mere presence....idk what it is, its just an instinctual turn off.

>> No.9913731

this id say more like 99.5 percent are nasty as can be its the white dna that probably make the other 2 percent fuckable.

>> No.9913738

oh look another link post...how boring

>> No.9914092


>> No.9914151

>holds LINK
>adores Sergey
>has a wife that fucked other guys before
>not just fucked, had kids with
>looks like a massive beta
Is Rory, dare I say it, /our guy/?

>> No.9914243

>Chad falls in love with sexy girl
>she has had a child already
>doesn't care about her race, because Chad isn't an insecure beta male
>decides she's worth a stepchild, marries her
>learns to love his new family, has healthy balance between career and family life
>gets involved in groundbreaking technology
>is happy, takes nice photos, rich, gets laid
>virgins call him a cuck on 4chan

>> No.9914287

Go back to your discord, fudder

>> No.9914318

you guys sound like have paranoid personality disorder

>> No.9914385
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>An SJW wish list

>> No.9914404

>>Chad falls in love with sexy girl
>>she has had a child already
>>doesn't care about her race
this is wrong
fortunately, chad is not a real person

>> No.9914409

chad doesn't 'fall in love' that's beta behavior

>> No.9914413


Will never marry a womam unless she meets my criteria, one of which is being a virgin.

>> No.9914433

It'll be too late before they come to this realization. By then, the shitskins will become a majority in white countries and these traitors will get slaughtered by subhumans while mumbling their last words: "At least I'm not racist".

>> No.9914482
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OP Link id obviously a investment for cultish fools, BUT, I would rather invest in a hopelessly loyal, teddy bearish cuck, than a self serving Chad who is smart enough to exit scam when he has the chance.
Just to be clear, a reputation system for a decentralized oracle network is more retarded than being a cuck. And being a cuck means you have a few brain cells missing to begin with.

>> No.9914490
File: 166 KB, 648x768, wwqNup1LjfqnO9LxhQtuCtHBkmK_ihwKeFbquu_IrDU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will never marry a womam unless she meets my criteria, one of which is being a virgin.

>> No.9914586

It's interesting taking a look at the dynamics between attraction to Blacks between the genders.

White men simply find most Black women to be vile on some sort of level. Just repulsive.

White women on the other hand are a mixed bag. It's like a very base instinctual attraction, but its kind of twisted and fucked up. It's akin to bestiality, because its like fucking a human gorilla. Since Blacks are viewed as savage, and rightly so, it appeals to their darker nature.

But few White women actually hook up in successful relationships with Blacks. The ones that are impregnated, the Black soon leaves. I suspect once again that these White women find a deep base sexual attraction to these Black men, again in a fucked up sort of way. An attraction that they cannot control because of whatever slutty reason. That's one of the reasons why White men, when finding out a woman fucked a Black, find her revolting, cause its as if she finds bestiality attractive

That's probably why the whole "BBC cuckold" fetish is so widespread, cause blacks are hyper-masculinzed in the process. Women simply enjoy a savage element to their men. White men could easily gain this savage element back, but Feminism is the culprit.

In fact I daresay Feminism is the cause of the cuckolding phenomenon, both the literal cuckolding as in OP's pic but the sexual fetish itself.

>> No.9914612

anyone consider the child might be adopted by them, and that they can't have children of their own?

>> No.9914640

Also, the same could be said for Asians, White men find Asian women attractive cause they seem feminine and delicate. White women on the other hand arent attracted to Asian men.

Overall though, White men are the ones that always can build successful relationships, ironically both Asian men and Black men are failures for White women.

Which s why the propaganda of interracial relationships is targeted more towards White women because that's where it will do the most damage. If White women start preferring men of other races, Whites are truly fucked.

>> No.9914658

Either way, still a cuck

>> No.9914695

Who is his?

>> No.9915087

There are actually anons on this board who make investment decisions using criteria like this.

>> No.9915221

this old FUD again? She's adopted you fags

>> No.9915250
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>> No.9915484

Rory Piant from Chainlink

>> No.9916457

Kek. Nice pol containment thread. Why are white people so paranoid, insecure and hypocritical?

>> No.9917068
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Still a cuck

>> No.9917120

First I might agree with some of what you have to say, but this is biz, so take this shit post back to pol please and keep off biz and link thread, take op with you please too

>> No.9917213

his current wife will be EOL in 10 years, thats when he drops her for the loli. smart long term play

>> No.9917262

You live a sad, sad, life kid.

>> No.9917298

>white supremacists actually believe this

The thing that’s killing you is heroin and your birth rate.

>> No.9917473

Or maybe it's just that blacks look a lot different but women care less about looks and more about power

>> No.9917498


>> No.9917686

Why do you think the birthrate is going down? Because the country is in debt and we have to support these niggers with welfare.

And why do you think so many are doing heroin? Because the govt destroyed all our manufacturing jobs with NAFTA.... then lied about the war on terror in Afghanistan to harvest those poppies to send all that heroin here that hopeless formerly employed Americans end up using.

If you think the destruction of jobs by our govt and subsequent flooding of heroin into our country wasn't done on purpose by our govt to depopulate whites so could replace us with shitskins so the elite could finally enslave the entire world then you are an idiot.

>> No.9917708

imagine being this insecure. anon, trust me, even without any comparison she will be disappointed by your dick

>> No.9917707

All this shit above is by design by our govt.

Hell, just look at every fucking commercial with a shitskin in it.... and 100% of them with a white and black is the black in the smart dominant role while the white is the goofy idiot.

The fuckig brainwashing and propaganda average Americans are undergoing would make Stalin blush

>> No.9917740

Reported. Fuck off Charles. You're actually fucking retarded.

>> No.9917753

Why does he live a sad life? Everything he is saying is fucking spot on.

You know... I don't even care if Muslims and niggers take take this country over.... as long as I live enough to see nigger loving cucks killed first thinking that blacks would love you for defending them... then it's all worth it.

Blacks, muslims, and Spicks.... I don't even blame them for invading our country and wanting to get rid of us... that's just the way the world has always been....

The problem is you white faggot cucks who buy into all this tolerance and diversity propaganda bullshit that allows them to take us over.

I even have to hand it to the Jews for getting you to believe the bullshit that will end up being your demise.

>> No.9917804

Why are you such cucks that you don't fight back? Just lmao

>> No.9917834
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Someone tried no one followed.

>> No.9917841

Ewww blacks. Smelly, uneducated, not even human.

>> No.9917855
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No U

>> No.9917860

>That's one of the reasons why White men, when finding out a woman fucked a Black, find her revolting, cause its as if she finds bestiality attractive

This has happened to me before. I was with this cute hipster girl in brooklyn and as we were going back to her house she casually mentioned that she's into black guys. I could not acheive an erection with her despite trying on several occasions. I just couldn't get over it. The wierd thing is I've been with multiple black girls.

>> No.9917862
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Yep. But not me, I’ll fucking whip out my AR-15 and my double rugers and go out like a boss

>> No.9917869

I’m mulatto and hold 40k LINK. Come and take it, meth heads.

>> No.9917875

Unironically, how do I short whites?
The insecurity on display in various places throughout this thread is key to their demise

>> No.9917881

More like 99.9% there’s like 0.01% that are okay but they are still violent apes

>> No.9917894

Its because you felt inferior and unable to please. Which you are, which is why she would even be comfortable saying something like that not only around you but to you

>> No.9917900

Stfu nigger, you have it easy. You have affirmative action and all sorts of hold ur hand faggot shit. Enjoy your time in the USA because when whites backs are truly against the wall then you will see the gloves come off and why whites are the most hated race of all, becusse we are masters of warfare faggot

>> No.9917919

Stressing and fear ofyour penis not being able to measure up to the bbc is literally just your insecurity acting up.

>> No.9917921

Dylan roof was a badass dude, even in all his photos the kid was cool as shit. I feel bad for him, maybe one day once race war is over we can pardon him

>> No.9917929

>muh dik
Literal niggers say the same shit over and over. Because they are insecure of their shit colored skin tone

>> No.9917954

I piss off as many people IRL as I can. I'm just as racist IRL as in here. I don't give a fuck. As far as fighting back goes we neee the white race United and the Jews have successfully fractured our race in two.

I love looking at old black and white photos from the late 19th century through the 1930's.

Go look at pictures of New York from 1913 or 1930 and whites everywhere... dressed nice... a truly civilized society. Compare it to the filthy fucking nigger and Spick infested citites they are now.

I'm just saying when these white cuck faggits get killed by the very shitskins they defend.... that will be worth it to me even tho real Americans may go down in the process

>> No.9917967

And desu most whites are beyond repair.... or at least half aren't. So I'd actually rather see them fucking killed by shitskins. Because we ain't going back to the golden age.

>> No.9917985

I agree with you. Niggers and spics have truly ruined every major city in the United States. Cities Use to be beautiful white dominated lawful places and now they are abhorrent disgusting nigger and Mexican shit holes. If we didn’t have all these nigger spic bottom feeders we would truly be better off

>> No.9917998

I mean seriously.... as worthless as most (not all) blacks are.... I'd rather see these white hipster latte sipping faggots get curbed stomped by niggers than have to look at these faggots for another second.