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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9911763 No.9911763 [Reply] [Original]

>first week at new job
>"So what kind of stuff do you like, anon?"
>Uhh, I like the Twilight Zone
>"Twilight? That movie with vampires and werewolves?"
>everyone starts laughing
>second week at job
>start mealprepping my meals at $2.50 a meal
>take 5 packages of minced chicken/beef/pork
>put them in a pot and let the meat cook in the meat fat oils
>add 10 diced carrots
>add 10 diced potatoes
>add water and mix with a generous amount of pepper, paprika, chilli powders and other seasonings
>mix them up and leave the stove on for 15 minutes
>enough food for 10 meals
>eat by myself at my desk at work
>coworkers laugh and ostracize me for being a boring loser that eats the same thing everyday
>meanwhile they go out and eat at restaurants and spend $8 a meal followed by a Starbucks(tm) coffee for $5

What the fuck is their problem?

>> No.9911780



>> No.9911783

That's so cruel of them to go along with you victimizing yourself. Truly abhorrent behavior.

>> No.9911786

Stop giving a shit, you are there for the money, not for making friends.

>> No.9911790

Just go with them and eat afterwards or take the meal prep with you. Isolating wont be fun in the long run.

>> No.9911814

You will be the one laughing when they ask you for a ride home on your lambo, OP.

>> No.9911817
File: 27 KB, 330x221, E3C50A2C-F265-49C6-B498-631A336465E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favorite ep Anon?

Pic related for me

>> No.9911819

watch gary vaynerchuk and don't care about other's opinions. fuck them. lol. they are 0 in your life

>> No.9911823
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pic related

>> No.9911824

Get a hobby like I have like doing math. I eat and read about functional analysis at my desk and do a few problems. By the end of the year I'll be reading research papers on it and eventually writing and sending my own out to publishers despite no university. Or just trade shitcoins and make a ton of money.

Get money go home. When you have enough to quit, quit. That's fucking all we have in this world.

>> No.9911826

I eat like you do, but I am popular at work so maybe you're just not likeable person and not because of the food.

>> No.9911996

I'm pretty sure I've already read that at /fit/ sime time ago.

>> No.9912215

You have to go back

>> No.9912251

the twilight zone is absolutely based. each episode is like watching a novella. few television shows since have been of such a high quality.

>> No.9912255


>> No.9912270

>what do you like?

>> No.9912281

Stop being a boring loser. Also not your blog.

>> No.9912287

>>meanwhile they go out and eat at restaurants and spend $8 a meal followed by a Starbucks(tm) coffee for $5
sounds like a pretty sweet job if they're able to drop $15 on lunch every day.

>> No.9912302

Or they're just poor retards who barely manage to live from paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.9912333

Just do the math for them and remind them daily how much they spend in a year on a shitty coffee or their disgusting food.
They come back and you are like „aaaand another 30 bucks down the drain“ and give them the smuggest smile ever.
just bully them back, its easy and its fun.

>> No.9912334

This is usually the case. I have a friend who have much less money than me and he just spends it recklessly in retarded useless shit.
I save almost all the money I get, and carefully plan what I'm going to buy so I get the best deal.

>> No.9912351

To Serve Man. A cautionary tale about demilitarization, welfare state, benevolent dictators and leftist shit in general.

>> No.9912354

Been a long time since I read this

>> No.9912402

lmao yeah take your shitty meal prep to the restaurant like that won't get you made fun of, or sit there and suffer while watching other people eat

really good pointers anon!

>> No.9912482

Kek fake it till you make it

>What stuff do you like
Play some guitar, like to read and chill with friends

If you cook, do it next level or just eat some bread at work. I would also laugh if you bring daily the same food. It screams autism.

>> No.9912495

i like your style.
you'll make a good wife.

>> No.9912593

First of all, this is a thread for /fit/, second, fuck them they sound like faggots People at my job used to judge my meal-prepping too, and I bring homemade coffee instead of the $5 starducks shit.
Now that I'm jacked/shredded from 7 years of nonstop dedication to lifting, they're constantly ogling me and asking me stupid shit like "bro what protein powder do you use, i need to get some to look like you," as if a fucking shit vaporware powder could replace years of hard work in the gym.

>> No.9912628

Grind your ass and let them wagecuck.

>> No.9912734

dude, some people are scared of change, because it not only implies that their surroundings change, but that they need to adapt, which in turn implies that they havent done that, yet.

following story to explain what i mean:

today, i went to a volunteer firefighters training session. i said that, if i ever hit it big, and get rich, id start a restaurant where hot sexy young girls (18 and above) serve you molecular foods made entirely from themselves, harvested from their bodies. i had mentioned bitcoin a couple of times at work, and a colleague at the department went

"well, you do own some bitcoin, dont you?"

i knew this wasnt ,meant to be a conversation - it was meant to be a sting. he said "its nice to talk about bitcoin when you read news like 'bitcoin exchange hacked in south korea'"

he kept smirking at me

and i dont know how to feel. on the one hand, sure im salty my bitcoin value in usd is down. on the other hand, it just seems sad to be a grown man that refuses to assume that there might be something deeper to bitcoin than making quick money (he is 33 year sold and studies administration studies, so he is probbaly scared of blockchain withoout knowing why, haha)

>> No.9912886

> /fit/izen-/biz/raeli crossover

>> No.9912924

Jfc it must suck being american. Never had this happen to me in europe.

>> No.9912984


Being poor in America is heavily punishing.

>> No.9913051

I worked with a condescending cunt for 4 months. She literally short circuited most days because I would point out how condescending she was and ask why she always acted like that. Shit was funny as fuck. I don't think anyone in her life ever actually called her out before. I'd just say things like "hmm, the way you said that implies you think it's not a good decision, yet you didn't say that... Can you explain your thoughts so they're more clear to me"

>> No.9913066

What does the finished product of this recipe look like?

>> No.9913075

like stew that you eat with a spoon

>> No.9913105
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In reality nobody gives a shit about you prepping your meals, they react to your behaviour and your appearence and apparently you're easy to pick on.

Improve that, become more extrovert / louder, laugh more and you'll have a better social experience.

>> No.9913148

>just become more extrovert / louder, laugh more
thanks for the advice chad, I would have never thought of that myself either

>> No.9913160

its a waste of time
be who you are and wait for someone who is secretly fed up with their way of doing socializing to come to you
most people see how shallow this is

"guuuyyys, what do you want to get for lunch todaaay?"

suck farts out of my ass you tard. should be

"guuuyyyaaaaeees, how much are we going to collectively spend today and feel real accomplished about it? i love it when people serve me cuz that means im importaaant"

>> No.9913210


If they're assholes to you then be an asshole to them. Don't take that shit from your co-workers. I find it also uncanny how whites act like this in the workplace and in the real world. They pretend to be your friend at first and but they're just sneaky sons of bitches who will just strike up conversation in order to get some "ammo" from you in order to shoot you down if the need comes. Maybe this is why whites and people of color are at odds with each other. People of color are just more direct in their approach. Whites are just weasels who are duplicitous in their behavior.

>> No.9913262
File: 32 KB, 499x339, 1517285590749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skipping lunch every day

>> No.9913282

>trade shitcoins
>make a lot of money
Do people actually do this?

>> No.9913460
File: 221 KB, 563x780, Datei_Phillips and MONIAC LSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I eat and read about functional analysis at my desk
What books are you reading?

>> No.9913590

You say whites but you mean women , right?

>> No.9913607

No you crackers need to be real niggas

>> No.9913686

>anti commie prop narrarated by rod sterling
see this is the kind of shit "kids these days" need in their life. it would save (some of) them from being faggots