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9904930 No.9904930 [Reply] [Original]

So what kind of video games does /biz/ like to play when they're not trading crypto?

>> No.9904950

Crypto is a game...

>> No.9904966

Write that in your diary, not in my thread you piece of shit.

>> No.9905013
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World of Warcraft - still.

>> No.9905035

I'm flabbergasted people still play this game, how active is it?

>> No.9905066

They either just came out with or will be coming out with another expansion soon. I haven't touched that game in like 6 years and I've still got friends playing it

>> No.9905078
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>> No.9905094


>> No.9905097

There are a lot of high pop servers and they’re pretty active even at the end of the expac.

>> No.9905100

have you tried grim dawn?

>> No.9905107

Bet you bought BTC at 13k

Kill yourself

>> No.9905110

nah never tried

>> No.9905119

It's a singleplayer game that's like PoE, don't bother playing it cause its singleplayer

>> No.9905127

it's gud mayne

>> No.9905132

i play ssf (btw) on poe anyway so PoE is basically single player for me anyway

>> No.9905148

best part of PoE is the global chat

>> No.9905163

ye i still tune into global 1 a lot of the time >>9905127
dont u have to buy it? i very rarely buy games anymore

>> No.9905164

I don't play games but I smoke weed and fap to porn

>> No.9905208
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this and visual novels/eroge

>> No.9905210

I hate people who smoke weed, it's like everyone in the world is numb because of that shit, stop being a weak minded person who relies on weed to endure life.

>> No.9905220

>projecting this hard
kys yourself my "friend"

>> No.9905230

You're projecting, not me, because you could relate to it as a thing people do.

>> No.9905244

secondlife and cs:go, mostly

>> No.9905266
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Lol why is OP projecting so hard?

>> No.9905284
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back you go >>>/v/eddit

>> No.9905296

You're the guy who posted about playing WoW and visual novels/eroge right..? ... yeah... Should we tell him guys?

>> No.9905300
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>> No.9905304

ARK: Survival Evolved

never had more fun playing a game.
its insanely time consuming and a good way to burn time waiting for investments to mature.

>> No.9905309

> I'm not projecting
> Stop being a weak minded person who relies on weed to endure life

That's projecting friendo. You are "projecting" your own views on weed to say that everyone who smokes it is weak minded/needs it to endure life.

>> No.9905317

This was fun to play with friends, solo, not so much. Have you tried conan exiles? Should be similar but haven't try yet

>> No.9905323
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>> No.9905335

At the moment it's Guild Wars 2, Skyrim, and Diablo 3

>> No.9905342

>helbreath screenshot
>in 2018
well that's a surprise
i knew the guy who ninjalooted that very first excalibur off the fire wyvern that dropped it. fun times
blows my mind the game still lives on through private servers. seems really popular with south american players for some reason

>> No.9905363

Fistbump :) Good memories with that game

>> No.9905370

If somebody were to ask me the shittiest 3 games off the top of my head I would probably name those 3, you probably don't know better because you grew up with shit games so I don't blame you anon, but there are far better games out there if you are willing to delve deeper :)

>> No.9905398
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>> No.9905418

>12 posts by this ID
lol kys faggot

>> No.9905420

jesus fucking christ

>> No.9905440

Daily reminder the people on this board are the people you share /biz/ board with, buncha weebs and normies.

>> No.9905454

I just type fast, by the time you are done with that post I have already posted in 3 different threads, my mind works fast, yours work slowly, who's the loser now huh? huh??

>> No.9905494
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So you made a thread asking what everyone's favorite games are so that you could shit on them?

>> No.9905507

Dark Souls, motherfucker

>> No.9905545
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Take a guess

>> No.9905552

what eroge is this

>> No.9905571

joining a private wotlk server today, haven't played wow in 10 years.

>> No.9905591

Haha yeah man, but no hard feelings man we're all just peaceful you know, just wanna shit on other peoples opinions but no hard feelings hey man its all good man

>> No.9905592
File: 67 KB, 780x439, bloodborne1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played video games in months, saw Bloodborne for 15 bucks and decided I'd grab it and try it out. Just tried playing and can't even make it to the first boss. Almost erupted into a vent of racial slurs, fuck this game.

>> No.9905619

>can't even no death run dark souls series
you'll never make it

>> No.9905647

lol console gamer spotted bitch ass pusssy, pc master race!! go learn to build ur own pc and git GUD

>> No.9905668

> play a ridiculous amount of Overwatch
> tfw everytime I watch porn there's an ad for Overwatch video game porn

I refuse to combine my two favorite vices

>> No.9905747

WTF?!?! No fortnite players here?? I thought u guys were cool!

>> No.9905894



>> No.9905895

dont play video games, but play miniature war games with the lads.

>> No.9905937

Girls' Frontline.

>> No.9905951
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Me CSgo & SC2 type of girl

Me KDR & % winning trade hugely correlated

>> No.9905981
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>mfw cant play overwatch because watching overwatch girls die makes me too wet

>> No.9906006

Carry me in csgo. I'd carry you in sc2 like 5 years ago

>> No.9906022

oxygen not included.

>> No.9906029

OP sounds like a faggot who gets 0 pussy. Keep playing your wow poorfag. Don’t mind kys later on in life because you’re not a matter of competition or a factor in society anyway.

>> No.9906057

old school runescape :)

>> No.9906090

None. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.9906274


>he doesn't know video games were created by adults for adults.

>> No.9906299

last year i was watching the nintendo e3 when they were showing the new mario game. honestly it was depressing watching middle aged men showing a kids game to other balding middle aged men

>> No.9906954
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>> No.9906957
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Almost exclusively dota2

>> No.9906987

fortnite is the first game I've truly enjoyed since early team fortress 2.

>> No.9907009
File: 552 KB, 669x1052, B82AF5A3-5D03-42BC-B78D-574603B94D6B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing some stationeers, but now I'm sick of pc games. So either back to xbox one or indeed.com.

>> No.9907061

Git gud, bitch