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File: 279 KB, 2311x1301, FuD or Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9903395 No.9903395 [Reply] [Original]

>ChainLink threads near gone
Is this the true hero of Biz?

>> No.9903483
File: 104 KB, 1276x718, State of Link cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9903501
File: 3.31 MB, 3000x2000, 1528149244711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think were tired of explaining our investments to literal brainlets. Don't cry when all of us stinkies have invested into our dreams with our gains and are pursuing generational wealth to build for our families to resist the oncoming NWO and you're still a wagie at McDicks. Seriously though if you don't understand that a decentralized network of oracle providers is the next step in the 4th industrial revolution, you deserve to be poor.

1000 EOY bitch

>> No.9903648

>makes a thread about link

>> No.9903680
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1527219783048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills more speculatory fundamentals
Just don't get it do you fren
Also, i don't want to bother. But i promise you half of those in that screen shot are not correlated or fake partnerships. You would have to be a brainlet to think everything on that pic is fact. And yet it didn't affect performance much at all?

>> No.9904020

Gotta hand it to the black amex oldfag, he was right and got linkies butthurt

>> No.9904162

Good thing you'll never buy right?
Or are you one of those faggots with an "insurance stacks"?

>> No.9904229
File: 495 KB, 350x350, 1525724118096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I cant wait for the cards to play out
>fake partnerships
Its a fact that chainlink will be used on the back end for a lot of these projects. Keep on fudding bud, you aren't gonna shake these hands. Like I said I wont even try to prove you wrong, your brain couldn't handle it. Keep on assuming that the biggest project in crypto will go to 0 when it in fact connects blockchain to the rest of the worlds data.

>> No.9904282

>i'm so sick of these Link threads!
>better make a thread about Link threads!

The absolute state of brainlet pajeets

>> No.9904303

Stop screencaping your own posts, you fuckin clown

>> No.9904474

He'll do an hero when LINK reaches $1000 for sure

>> No.9904506

no, all the same pajeets spamming it moved onto spamming other shitcoins like 0xbtc.

you could graph the hits for any of these shitcoins, bcash, chainlink, 0xbtc, etc, and see how they all rise and fall against each other as pajeets switch from posting one thing to another.

the end result is always the same though, people get tricked into buying a shitcoin, then spend all their time in these shill thread "support groups" trying to ignore the fact that they're thrown away all of their money for good.

>> No.9904608
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 1528575542653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm, struck a nerve?
Must i remind you the origins of Link?

Pajeet pajeet....you shit on the street
Pajeet pajeet...you come shill Us ChainLink

>Very good coin sirs

Pajeet pajeet....but why do you stink?
Me? No stink.... just buy ChainLink *wink*

Pajeet Pajeet ... I saw that wink
It makes me think.....are we gonna Pink!? (implying Wojaks)

Pajeet pajeet.... You cannot defeat
For he is the one...that shilled you ChainLink

Now you will Sink....and start to think .....how could I fall....for that stinky chainLink-

>> No.9904622

chain link is a fucking cult. beware of the crypto newfags.

>> No.9904623

pretty much, i mean they have nothing to say besides muh partnerships. Muh api economy, muh hopes and dreams if this 1 in thousand plan plays out
When you really dig deep, and see what is in front of you though. I am the one that seems to be telling the truth

>> No.9904937

>comparing chainlink to 0xbtc
link has been shilled consistently since ICO (nearly a year straight) despite the fact it has never really pumped and the team has done zero marketing. your theory that its some biz orchestrated pump and dump like 0xbtc or bazinga or DBC is beyond retarded. people are quiet right now because the market is dead and theres no near-term news or events to talk about.

>> No.9904986

>When you really dig deep, and see what is in front of you though. I am the one that seems to be telling the truth
you type sub 90 IQ mongoloid so it makes sense you would dismiss link as a shitcoin. I guarantee your portfolio consists strictly of pointless buzzword hypecoins.