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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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990105 No.990105 [Reply] [Original]



Negative interest rates coming to Canada! Ids habbening!

>> No.990109
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IT'S 2015

>> No.990113


What does this mean for me and you? Can we now go and take loans from the bank for lower interest rates than 5% or something?

>> No.990116

It means that when you take a loan from a bank you pay negative interest - so bank pays you!

>> No.990120

It means that banks MIGHT pick up the tab. But eventually you might as well say "bye bye" to whatever fucking savings account you have. Not to mention the carnage it's going to bring on the already half dead CAD.

Things might actually get fucked. Let's just say that. Everything that is going on is screwing the decent value generating worker who saves and gives more benefits to the idiot who keeps going into debt because WEED LMAO.

>> No.990123 [DELETED] 
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This man will lead us to greatness.

>> No.990124
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Fuck i want to discuss this in the /canada general/ on /pol/ but I got banned for 3 days for shitposting from there

>> No.990127


so you're saying I should do what they're doing and take a $100,000 loan for my education right when it reaches -%, so i can go to school interest free?

>> No.990128 [DELETED] 
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Justin "Pass the weed" Trudeau

>> No.990133


rekt biz shitposter, why havent u been banned from here as well

>> No.990134
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>zero to negative intereste rate (4000 year low pretty much)

>this is fuckin fantastic! now i can survive his 25-years floating rate mortgage!! wohoo!! banks fucking pay me!!

>> No.990136

>rekt biz shitposter, why havent u been banned from here as well

Because I'm a high quality poster.

Why haven't you?

>> No.990145

What I am saying is that I have no clue anymore on what is right or wrong.

In a crazy world. Where women rule men, where up is down, where black is white, where debt is better than savings, I don't know what is good.

Yea I guess go ahead and take the 100,000 dollar loan. All the conditions in the environment point you to do that pretty much.

Welcome to the neo-liberalist Western world.

>> No.990146
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Iveyfags mad?

>> No.990147

Holy shit. I'm going to college in Canada.

>> No.990149

>Yea I guess go ahead and take the 100,000 dollar loan. All the conditions in the environment point you to do that pretty much

This is what you were suppose to do in the first place.

>Not taking out massive student loans then leaving the country

LMAO why are goyim this dumb? I bet you pussies don't even sell adderall/ritalin

>> No.990155


wouldn't the negative interest just add on to the debt interest?

>> No.990156



>> No.990158

I think he said it is just an option on the table if things went real sour.

With the Fed rate hike coming soon next week, there's no way we could have such divergent monetary policy. Inflation would be devastating.

He better legalize weed stat, we need US tourism badly.

>> No.990161


No, because it would be lets say 5% usually, so $105,000 over like 5 years (simple math)

If its negative, it will be like the bank pays u $25 or w/e to use the money, for 5 years, as long as you're using it for investing, to stimulate the economy, so student loans = investing in urself, which the bank would not mind, because you'll bring $100k a year into the economy after

I think thats how they're looking at it, pay people some $ to use debt, and then bring people with lots of money into spending after the 5 years or w/e

>> No.990165

>With the Fed rate hike coming soon next week

Yea you don't fucking know that. And what is the rate hike going to be? 0.25 percent? thats fucking nothing. NOTHING. America had like 20% interest at one point in time. The fact of the matter is that we are all fucked because of these retarded central banking monetary policies and because of the ignorant and stupid government going through the roof with their expenses.

And shit son. Toronto has the infrastructure of a third world nation. At least they could have upgraded it if they were so keen on Keynesian bullshit.

>> No.990170

>And shit son. Toronto has the infrastructure of a third world nation

They deserve it, it fits the kinds of people living there.

Toronto literally looks like India

>> No.990171


then couldn't you take out massive loans, stick them in a US bank and make a profit off the interest?

>> No.990172

If the US and Canada diverge.on interest rates, what happens?

>> No.990174


shit replied to the wrong person

>> No.990176

A black hole

>> No.990177


You can, but usually the bank doesnt just wire you $100,000, they will give you like $20k a year, since you're a student, but if you're older and have good credit, you probably could, but now the Canadian dollar vs USD is so low, that its kind of a long shot to me anyways, wouldn't be worth the few thousand you'd make.

>> No.990179 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990182

Canada is going to be a third world shithole in a year.

>> No.990183

Wow. Didn't know 13 year olds visited this board. Maybe you should step out of this thread because you obviously don't know why everyone's here...

>> No.990184 [DELETED] 

>Canada is going to be a third world shithole in a year.

With all these refugees lmao it might take less than that

>> No.990187 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990192 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990193


nah student loans are bullshit, all the money goes to the schools so i wouldn't be collecting interest on it anyways.

>> No.990195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990199 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990205

...What? No.

Negative interest rates refer to dealings between governments and central banks. The banks still skim some off. Say the government offers -0.5% loan to a bank, the bank then offers a 2% loan to you instead of 5%.

Your rates are going down, yes, but why would anything legitimately good ever happen to a person? Stuff like that is reserved for corporate entities.

>> No.990206
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>> No.990208

Looks like the magic dirt theory of human development isn't working out quite as well as we hoped.

>> No.990210 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990211
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No you :^)

Shit. Look at all those White people with that token Asian bitch lmao.

>> No.990213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990216 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990221


xfcPchqx, fuck off you autist.

I go to Laurier.

>> No.990225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990229

The economy is so pre-2015. Who needs jobs?

>Canada endorses tougher 1.5-degree limit to global warming

>Canada supports a stiffer target at the Paris climate talks as the Liberals continue to try to differentiate themselves from the last government


>> No.990235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990238 [DELETED] 
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Why didn't you guys vote harpz?

>> No.990240

You have devoted a fair amount of your free time to shit posting about Justin Trudeau and the liberals over the last few weeks. Must be nice having no job and the free time to shit post 20 hours a day.

>> No.990242 [DELETED] 
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shut up faggot, I don't have a job because the faggot liberal government killed our economy

>> No.990246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990250 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990252

So the month this government has been in power is the reason you don't have a job? Has nothing to do with the fact that you're unskilled and have no people skills?

>> No.990260 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 615x571, trudeau facebook blazing kush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work in Alberta but we lost a whole bunch of jobs now because of our shit government

>> No.990273

Wait a second, you seriously think Trudeau could highhandedly change the demand and supply of world's oil? You smoking better stuff than him.

US fracked too much oil and kept ramping up production to squish out their own dependence on Saudi Arabia and Venezuela + fuck with Putin at the same time.

>> No.990389 [DELETED] 

it's 2015

>> No.990393 [DELETED] 
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>> No.990398
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>average Laurier BBA grad

>mfw I can see exactly why he didn't get into Canada's top business school in the year of two thousand and fifteen

>> No.990400
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>Negative interest rates is "its happening" material

Step up your game Canada

>Bank of canada

Do you keks borrow money from the central bank or something?

>> No.990407

>ivy league

Thats one great meme

>> No.990430
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>Top business school

Lmao ok Ivey marketing department.

Nice allocation of funds all into marketing but really shouldn't you be shilling elsewhere? I think we're all a little bit too smart to fall for your tricks.

>> No.990447
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Btw I'm making $30/hr at my co-op, meanwhile you're paying over $30k per year of "HBA".

U mad dumb faggot?

Ivey is a meme

>> No.990480

If you are truely someone from Scandinavia then you shouldn't be talking...

>> No.990493

He's pretty right tho.

"Top-tier" Canadian schools are mid-tier of the US.

We will never get to wallstreet

>> No.990502

That's not what I have heard from people who have actually talked to U.S. recruiters but if you want to believe that go ahead.

>> No.990505

>That's not what I have heard from people who have actually talked to U.S. recruiters

OK how many people get to Wallstreet in total from all the Canadian "top schools" per year?

>> No.990510


With the exception of a couple universities in the UK, the top state schools in the US best out the top any schools world wide. You can forget about competing with our top 20

>> No.990513

Looks like the "lower taxes at any cost" theory of economic development isn't working quite as well as we hoped.

>> No.990515
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Canada cant handle some banter :^) Im sure universities like McGill can be considered good compared to ivy league unis but its not ivy league unis.

>If you are truely someone from Scandinavia then you shouldn't be talking...

Im using my scandikek tricks to study at an ivy league uni for free

>> No.990517

>Looks like the "lower taxes at any cost" theory of economic development isn't working quite as well as we hoped

More like raise taxes at any cost.

California has a larger population than Ontario. And Ontario has MORE debt than the state of California.


>> No.990519

Reminder that Stephen Poloz is a Harper appointee.

>> No.990522

>With the exception of a couple universities in the UK, the top state schools in the US best out the top any schools world wide. You can forget about competing with our top 20

B-b-bubt if my tuition is higher than schools with co-op programs who graduate debt free that means it's more prestigious!

I really want to hear how many Graduates from ANY Canadian school end up in Wallstreet.

>> No.990524

I'm not taking about Wallstreet as there are plenty of opportunities outside of Wallstreet. (At least there were until QE LMAO) Hell there is plenty of opportunity on Bay street you don't even need to go to the U.S. but that is outside the point. Yes despite everything people from top Canadian schools do go to Wallstreet if they decided that was for them.

>> No.990526
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You can thank your boy Mike Harris for the huge deficits Ontario runs.

Cost of refugee program: 1.2 billion over 6 years
Cost of tax cuts: 15+ billion every year

>> No.990527

I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not.

To answer your question: few if any.

>> No.990532
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Jesus fucking Christ this country is a disaster

>> No.990533
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>1.2 billion over 6 years

Lmao do you actually think this? When they start to bring their families over to "be with them" it will be more like 12 billion.

Kathleen Wynne are to thank for wasting our taxes.

Remember when they spent 1 billion on soemthing... THAT NEVER GOT BUILT?


>Ontario’s Liberal government will spend a billion dollars to cancel two gas-fired power plants, a sum that puts the scandal among the costliest in the province’s history and threatens to damage the party months before an expected election.

>> No.990534

>Yes despite everything people from top Canadian schools do go to Wallstreet if they decided that was for them.

How many?

I am willing to bet ~10 per year at most.

>> No.990537

Pic related btw.

Mike Harris was great in comparison.

>> No.990541

One gas plant cancellation (which I agree was retarded by the way): 1 billion one time cost
Harris tax cuts: 15+ billion a year

You're almost there, keep going. What else did Wynne blow the budget on?

>> No.990546


>Our debt has doubled. We haven't seen a balanced budget in years.

>The Liberals wasted a billion dollars on eHealth, billions on reckless green energy experiments, and another $1.1 billion on the cancelled gas plants scandal.

>Public sector employees have been bankrolled with generous salary increases -- all paid for by you and me -- so the Liberals could count on bought-and-paid-for support come election time. The Sunshine List has exploded.

>Kathleen Wynne's plan promises "only" two more years of deficit spending, with "only" $9 billion in deficit spending for 2015-2016. Then, somehow, two years later, the budget would be balanced, program spending would be the same, and interest payments would be $3 billion higher.

>> No.990565

All of the Liberal corruption in the world and you still can't even get close to the $15+ billion per year of revenue that we have lost due to crippling tax cuts thanks to Mike Harris and the PC regime.

And even with all of those tax cuts and utter destruction of the public sector, the PC STILL couldn't pay down the debt so we might be prepared for the recession in 2008. Even in an economy that was booming.

But I guess if a PC premier that spouts the right memes makes you ~feel~ better, that's all that matters, right?

>> No.990575

>utter destruction of the public sector

What destruction? They are by far the most overpaid in this country.

Canada is truly fucked and I am glad this country will crumble within a couple short years.

>> No.990659

>>he doesn't understand the concept of investing for future, and not immediate, returns


>> No.990663

>He doesn't realize that I'm already making $60k/yr and after my co-op I will get a fulltime position while you will walk around saying "I-i w-went to Ivey! I-i should be paid more"

I have co-op at Barometer Capital, where is your co-op? Oh wait you don't have one.

>> No.990684

well faggot?

>> No.990689
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Holy fuck Ontarians are the worst posters on /biz/ nobody gives a fuck about your shitty fucking university rankings, literally every Canada thread is full of you faggots arguing about muh prestige

Do your asian parents beat you when you get an A- too? Calm the FUCK down

>> No.990693

>Holy fuck Ontarians are the worst posters on /biz/ nobody gives a fuck about your shitty fucking university rankings, literally every Canada thread is full of you faggots arguing about muh prestige

It reflects us as a people.

It's actually pretty funny how bad it is looking back on the posts

>> No.990717
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its just the same fucking guy over and over again that talks shit about any school other than laurier and then cries about how his parents made him a beta. sign the petition for that guy to leave.

>> No.990721

>its just the same fucking guy over and over again that talks shit about any school other than laurier

But that's not true, I make constant high-quality posts and help people out. My memes are in response to retarded elitist Ivey/Queens fags.

>and then cries about how his parents made him a beta

My parents made me an alpha though. Well I made myself an alpha I should say.

>> No.990725

i am a nigger

>> No.990730

Way to go Canada, you mooted your money. Into the locker your economy goes.

>> No.990732
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And I agree. University is a nice thing to be proud of, but if you turn into a cancerous fag then obviously it's a problem.

And this is coming from a UofTfag. We're supposed to be the most stuck up out of all of you guys.

>> No.990736
File: 399 KB, 1440x1080, UofT students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And this is coming from a UofTfag. We're supposed to be the most stuck up out of all of you guys.

Yeah... you have a lot to be proud of LMAO

pic related

>> No.990738

>What destruction? They are by far the most overpaid in this country.
>Canada is truly fucked and I am glad this country will crumble within a couple short years.
Don't worry, Canada can still auction land to America if the bankruptcies get the better of it. Louisiana purchase 2.0 upcoming, because the Canadians will go into full scale civil war without free healthcare.

>> No.990742

>free healthcare

We pay thousands every year for healthcare with hour long waits in ER and months for specialists... and sometimes years for surgeries. We have year+ long surgery waitlists in Canada lmao tbqh.

>> No.990744

>And this is coming from a UofTfag. We're supposed to be the most stuck up out of all of you guys.

King of the flies

>> No.990745
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>mfw that pic actually reminds me a little bit of Toronto

>> No.990751

UofT really is shit though.

It's not any better than other schools it just has a lot of research and high publications/faculty.

No school spirit, everyone just kind of does their own thing, pretty bad administration, co-op programs are shit, some campuses have grading curve which makes it nearly impossible to do well

>> No.990762

>US fracked too much oil and kept ramping up production to squish out their own dependence on Saudi Arabia and Venezuela + fuck with Putin at the same time.
But in reality it was just a bunch of greedy fucks that went in too deep on the newest bubble without considering the most basic economic principles.

>> No.990767 [DELETED] 

Which of you snitch ass niggas reported my posts?

Like half my shit got deleted fucking snitches man

Come to Scarborough I'll cut all you snitch ass niggas up

>> No.990768

>It's not any better than other schools it just has a lot of research and high publications/faculty.

Well it depends on what you consider as a "better" school. Personally I could wipe my ass with "school spirit". I'm not in school to run around watergunning 22 year olds with a stupid university shirt but to learn and gain some sort of network.

As far as UofT is concerned I find that the professors are very international, and that they give some very good insights on business based on the different views and experiences that they personally had had. The students are a little one sided in the fact that practically ALL international students (which make up like 85% of my program) are either from China or to a lesser extent from India. But whatever it's not my place to judge or complain. And to be fair, in a true "international" setting UofT is probably the best known university from Canada (aside from maybe McGill) so I'm willing to put up with whatever shit the university throws my way. If Canada really does go down the drain (as it is clearly headed) then I will have a much better time finding a job internationally than 99% of other Canadian university graduates.

>> No.990769

Which is shorter than any other country with paid health care, shy of the utopia that is Scandinavia

>> No.990771

Equityholders "quit" because they don't want to have to pay taxes with a trash currency so artificial growth has to pick up the slack until it reaches its' limit and gets sucked into perpetual stagflation and decline which will inevitably force economic reform.

>> No.990776

>Which is shorter than any other country with paid health care

what do you mean? Shorter wait times?

There's a reason everyone who has money in Canada goes to either the US or Mexico for surgery.

>> No.990780

I know it sucks this whole place gets screened 2 ways. Am I the only one here that can post anything (not cp) on a whim?
This stinks of treachery.

>> No.990783

Oh sure. I meant if you're reliant on state care.

I'm living in Canada and am in awe of your health care. In Ireland we have state health care but if you have a cent to your name the first thing you buy is private health insurance

>> No.990788

>And to be fair, in a true "international" setting UofT is probably the best known university from Canada (aside from maybe McGill) so I'm willing to put up with whatever shit the university throws my way. If Canada really does go down the drain (as it is clearly headed) then I will have a much better time finding a job internationally than 99% of other Canadian university graduates.

I don't really think so, aren't most business schools pretty much around the same level internationally(although they like to measure dicks regularly)? Really the only downside of UofT is that it's a commuter school making it harder to network and just pretty darn boring overall. Not a very good co-op program is also kind of disappointing.

Healthcare here sucks dick. If you're not dying you have to wait hours/months/year for ER, specialist or surgery respectively.

Really really sucks especially because most ailments will only get worse if you put them off for months.

>> No.990815

I was thinking of starting a business in Canada in order to escape "The Bern" all my pleb friends keep going on about. I really dodged a bullet seeing this thread.

>> No.990831

>I was thinking of starting a business in Canada in order to escape "The Bern"

Bernie cant win

>> No.990833

but being a berner is ironic and thus cool

>> No.990838

I know im a berniecück myself

>> No.990839

>Escaping Bernie by going to a country that literally just elected a Bernie


What are you thinking, ma familia?

>> No.991410
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This will force banks to not hold onto their cash and actually give it away, trying to boost the economy. Banks will never take away your money (aka average joes savigs) because thats not what they will ever ever do. instead they will pay back interest to the bank of canada for borrowing money, which they will not want at all. so the money that usually sits around will kind of be forced to be given to more people so they can at least get some return onit.

although this can back fire if the bank decides to cover losses by betting riskier, this could lead to another speculative bubble and thats not good for an already sunken CAD dollar.

Hope this clarifies it for everyone.

>> No.991411

hello dBjjrsyy
>Barometer Capital

you have a co-op at a place that doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. No future employers will care

>> No.991444

so if banks pay to take out loans, instead of charging, you'll see lots of canadians with money to spend. this will inflate earnings for the canadian market.

>> No.991487

Look on the bright side, now Canada can pay of its debt.

>> No.991572

so I'm confused and maybe stupid. Why would banks go along with this. What benefit do they possibly get from paying people to take out loans. Wouldn't they just lose all their money and go bankrupt when literally every single person takes out a loan because "lol free money"

>> No.991575
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Ofcourse banks arent giving you fucking loans with negative rates lol. Central bank rates do not transalte to fucking bank loans like that, just look at the current mortgages

>> No.991600

Okay, raise taxes a whole bunch and see what happens. You may want to ask someone who lived through the 60s and 70s in the UK how that works out.

>> No.991603

I really feel for you poor Ontarians. The evil shadow of Mike Harris looms over your province, never to depart. Perhaps some day hundreds of years in the future you will be free. If only there was a way you could unshackle your province from the unsustainable path of too much spending and too little income to balance it out.

>> No.991605

>look, a squirrel!

The magic dirt theory still doesn't work.

>> No.991710

We would need to remove liberals for that

>> No.992120

Thinking that I really don't know that much about Canada.

>> No.992809

I think the result is banks will park more cash in bonds which will suppress CAD value while reducing their stress. It'll support artificial financial growth while repressing organic financial growth. Maybe the intent is to drive out artificial foreign and organic domestic investment because equity would prefer to avoid paying taxes with a trashed currency.

>> No.992815

>I really feel for you poor Ontarians. The evil shadow of Mike Harris looms over your province, never to depart. Perhaps some day hundreds of years in the future you will be free. If only there was a way you could unshackle your province from the unsustainable path of too much spending and too little income to balance it out.
The Canadians are just filling the niche for a snobby American currency, they want to be like the Europoors. I guess their aristocrats have taken over their monetary policy.

>> No.992837

>tfw u'll never make it to anything beyond a 2nd tier uni at best

>> No.993196
File: 122 KB, 440x615, 1444330097143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is 1rst tier uni
What is 2nd tier uni
What is 3rd tier uni

>> No.993274