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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 710 KB, 981x739, bubble collapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9893670 No.9893670 [Reply] [Original]

Massive student loan bubble collapse imminent. Get your free college degree now on some relevant useful technically skill while you still can. student loan ponzi scheme collapse of catastrphic and titanic proportions due to occur any time next year if not in the next few months. Screenshot. The normies are waking up to the fact that their worthless peace of paper degree in arts is not worth the dozens of thousands of dollars they paid for. Get your money out while you still can.

>> No.9893700

can i get a 4 year degree in 5 months
i have a 140 iq and im 11 btw

>> No.9893701


what does this have to do with loans from "real colleges"

>> No.9893733

a college is a college. they require people to apply for loans and pay them back. You do know what a loan is right anon?

>> No.9893902

I never understood why they put minimum times on degree completion

>> No.9893983

>The normies are waking up to the fact that their worthless peace of paper degree in arts is not worth the dozens of thousands of dollars they paid for.
No, they're not. Lol

>> No.9894117

> took out fat loans to go to law school
> bought crypto with some excess $
> tfw the bubble collapses right before I have to start making loan payments
Money. That's literally it. There's no "minimum" time required to complete a degree, but there is a minimum # of credits you must have in order to graduate. That sort of functions as a time restriction because it is not really feasible to take 120 units (the amount required to graduate form a 4 year university) quickly as each class gives around 3-4 credits each. However, literally the first two years of college is almost all "electives" or basically, useless fucking classes that you have to take to make your education more well rounded (X amount of "art" classes; X amount of physical education classes; X amount of foreign language classes; X amount of English; X amount of Math etc. . . you can see why these are all useless to someone that has no interest in pursuing these fields)

>> No.9894118

>peace of paper
Don't have a piece of paper, huh?

>> No.9894124

>He doesn't know about the quote text feature

>> No.9894181
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>> No.9894191
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>> No.9894204

only burgers are retarded enough to borrow money for their education

>> No.9894371

burgers have to do it because MUH CAPITALISM

>> No.9894397
File: 115 KB, 930x1024, 1505180597324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this plus another housing market crash, auto loan crash, and 2 more fed rate rises is going to fuck up everything. I really don't see a way out.

>>9894117 is completely right, same shit happens from day one in american public education

only burgers have to pay out the ass to get educated, and even then its mostly bullshit.

>> No.9894676

it's still better than the european system.
spending in european universities is even more out of control. so taxes are much higher in europe to pay for that.
Either you pay for your education once in america, or pay for it the rest of your life in europe