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9891915 No.9891915 [Reply] [Original]

Alright so I know at least 75% of this board has been considering suicide lately, let's talk about methods. Personally I'm gonna use what little I have left to buy a Kel-Tec KSG shotgun. It's short, making it optimal for using on yourself, and packs a seriously deadly punch. Chance of survival seems incredibly low. I've also considered explosives but those are much harder to do obtain and have more room for error. Also is the helium method legit or a meme?

>> No.9891929

Inert gas asphxiation is the only way to go. No pain. Just sleep permanently

>> No.9891955

I want to feel my death when I die, something like bleeding out does not seem too bad. I would shoot myself in the heart before I shoot myself in the head. Only get one death why make it quick? Also I unironically think the brain is the gateway to the afterlife so I don't want to splatter it.

>> No.9891957
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What kind of flair are you going to wear?

>> No.9891959

i thought of directing my own kino shot and slowly bleed to death near a mountain edge

>> No.9891977

I was just going to jump a high bridge that doesn't have water under it.

>> No.9891988

Just get a plastic shopping bag, hose, and a liter of Nitrogen (get this anywhere online). Bag over head, bring hose up to neck/nose, hold bag as tightly as possible around neck. Painless unconsciousness in under 2 minutes.

>> No.9891989

the suicide larping is getting boring, try something else.

>> No.9892026

Not LARP, friendo. I really have lost everything and I'm ready to die.

>> No.9892028
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i wanna be frozen and launched into space before i die. With some luck i will land in a parallel universe where im not tfw no gf. I will ofc kill and replace my other self in that universe.

>> No.9892060

Friendly reminder to lock your coins away before you kys. Decreasing the circulating supply will ultimately help more people than just giving them away.

>> No.9892404

so fucking friendly

>> No.9892419

crypto suicide is all too real man
hey I'm a poorfag so I only invested 200 in late december
luckily I'm still at 200 cause I made extremely nice trades

>> No.9892445

wait, don't kill yourself
I need you to go to work tomorrow so you can pump my 2021 bubbles again

>> No.9892454

This thread would be better as post suicide crypto thread.

>> No.9892494

What makes you think thats a good idea

>> No.9892544

Get a job, anon, and put everything in crypto. It's not over until you say it is. Tons of successful people have been bankrupt before making it. It's just a bump in the road and not worth killing yourself over.

>> No.9892566


>> No.9892604

don't use a gun. Your death will be used for suicide statistics, which then get added to gun death statistics. This gives lefty libtarded people who hate firearms more ammunition to outlaw them.

Helium/exit bags are better anyways. They are also way less messy.

>> No.9893115

Go on cruise
jump into freezing Ocean from 150+ feet at midnight.
Die while family can still cash life insurance and doesn't remember me in vain.

>> No.9893235

Norm MacDonald has lost everything he owns three times by gambling it all away and look at where he is now. If you still have your health then you haven't lost everything.

>> No.9893242

bunch of whiny crybabies, stay in the market at least a few years before you off ys

>> No.9893269

shotgun suicides fail pretty often. Make sure you get the angle right so you don't wake up in the hospital without a face.

>> No.9893331

Can you die from shit posting?

>> No.9893369
File: 1.19 MB, 978x1436, 20180614_191324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Down -60% Fiat

At least 5.56 is still cheap

>> No.9893584


>> No.9893747

Why don't you just shoot up some niggers before you go. Spark a race war or sumtin

>> No.9893824

Why don't you do something outrageously illegal to make a lot of money and get back in the market? Call it suicide-by-crime.

>> No.9894027

Statistics say otherwise. That said hedge your bets by using a double barrel, not a bullpup meme.

>> No.9894039

surely you have something to offer the world besides a mangled body

>> No.9894304

Don't do it, anon

>> No.9894316



>> No.9894332

It's only money.

>> No.9894468

but I just joined the crypto fun, why would I kms now?

but yeah, I've long thought about doing it. my way will be to jump from tall building after taking some pills and shooting myself in the head, just to make sure I die.

>> No.9894487

I've heard they are the most reliable way of killing yourself.

>> No.9894520

Just put a charcoal grill on the floor of your car. Light it, sit in the driver's seat, and wait.
Asians been suiciding this way in groups even. It's painless and it's easy. Got so popular that in china they print suicide help messages on the bags now.
Comfy as fuck way to exit. light up a blunt of weed, sip some scotch, with a grill burning in the passenger seat floor, and log out IRL

>> No.9894522

is this the gun that one kid used?

>> No.9895133

also this >>9893242
since ur gonna kill urself anyways
just chill and see if your coins moon first

>> No.9895134

People lose money all the time. Marriage in particular. Sometimes you just got to start fresh. Get a job if you don't have one. Working will bring you income and keep your mind off things. Get a manual labor job, work outside or something. It will get your test up, make you stronger, and build your your discipline. Don't kys. Life is the greatest wealth.

>> No.9895394
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no gun, you retard

>> No.9895503

I will probably do a school shooting bun instead of shooting people i will rape all the cute girls there only after i will kill myself.

>> No.9896112

Don't use that gun. It jams very easily.

>> No.9896166
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>> No.9896177

Gonna slowly kill myself from old age

>> No.9896190
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I hope you live a long, happy and healthy life, friend!

>> No.9896213
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What the hell is wrong with you?
I would suck hobo penis before I offed myself

>> No.9896346

rofl yeah everyone knows you can't go to heaven(or hell) if your brain is damaged. fucking retard. if anything your brain will trap your conscience in a lifeless body until you can't hallucinate anymore.

>> No.9896917

please follow his advice before you go thank you

>> No.9897866

I'd like to make sure my brain remains intact so my pineal gland can produce DMT when I kick the bucket. It would be a shame to just flick the lights off, I'd like to have one last trip before it's over

>> No.9897875
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first sell off complete

>> No.9897877

fucking retards, that's what you get for pouring your money in code, lol. people learn nothing from history