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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-12-07-21-28-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
989056 No.989056 [Reply] [Original]

So when is the CAD going to get better gents?

OPEC loosening all fucking limitations probably isn't helping LOL

>> No.989064

Sigh. OPEC is so unpredictable.

>> No.989065

Literally never.

also the TSX is a peice of fucking shit

>> No.989072

Lmao. Any particular reason as to why? Plenty of companies in the S&P/TSX 60 that aren't directly related to oil dropping


>> No.989080

what broker to use in Canada?

they're all kukkolded

Also who /LAURIER BBA/ here?

>> No.989088

OK fair enough. Canadian anything from hydro to commercial banking fees were retarded so nothing new there.

Also UofT Commerce here.

>> No.989092

>OK fair enough. Canadian anything from hydro to commercial banking fees were retarded so nothing new there.

Dude I'm expecting that faggot weedman Trudeau is going to steal all the money from our TFSAs when the country starts to collapse.

They already do a ton of retarded shit and he said he's going to reduce tfsa back down to 5.5k yearly contribution again.

>> No.989096
File: 101 KB, 960x731, pepe_the_sad_frog_but_with_the_wrong_colors_by_ghostdime-d8kye14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRESH FROM /POL/ look this fucking shit



>> No.989097

I always wondered if.this was the long play on tfsas

>> No.989099

>I always wondered if.this was the long play on tfsas

Tbqh I got a feeling it is.I really wouldn't be surprised if Justin "Two Joints" Trudeau stole all or some of our TFSA money when it came down to it.

He's already said that "$10k/yr TFSA contributions doesn't reflect most Canadians and only benefits 'the rich' ". So he thinks... $10k/yr savings is "rich"? What the fuck...

>> No.989104
File: 12 KB, 493x99, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like I said, Canada was always in deep shit. You would expect that the huge (HUGE) drop in oil prices would equate to lower prices at the pump right? But obviously the prices don't match the way they should. And I don't care, the CAD did not drop as low as oil did so that isn't a valid excuse. And even if it did, why don't we process our own oil? What is Canada too undeveloped to do it ourselves? Really stupid political games are played at the expense of the people.

We already have enough problems as it is. Trudeau is just the icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned.


>11 thumbs up
>35 thumbs down
kek, there is your answer right there.

>> No.989106
File: 44 KB, 620x400, trudeau in his natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek, there is your answer right there.

CBC - Communist Broadcasting Corporation

This is what our tax dollars are going to... Fucking sad

>You would expect that the huge (HUGE) drop in oil prices would equate to lower prices at the pump right? But obviously the prices don't match the way they should

Americans have cheaper gas than we do... How is that even possible? Transportation is much closer for us.

Trudeau is a literal cukold

But on the real tho, is he going to steal our TFSAs? I am almost considering falling for the bitcoin meme considering how fucked this country is getting...

>> No.989115

>But on the real tho, is he going to steal our TFSAs? I am almost considering falling for the bitcoin meme considering how fucked this country is getting...

Lol. To be honest I don't know about TFSAs. In a free country you wouldn't expect that sort of thing, but we don't live in free times. Seriously we shouldn't be complaining so much, we still have it good compared to the rest of the world. Europe is literally over run with barbarians. Check out Cyprus even, it was a big private banking country and the E.U. literally confiscated entire bank accounts that were over a certain level. So anything is possible.

As far as the CAD is concerned. Yea get the fuck out. Personally I would recommend either buying precious metals like gold or silver or diversifying into other more reliable unpegged currencies like the Swiss Frank and possibly the Yuan Renminbi.

>> No.989122

>Seriously we shouldn't be complaining so much, we still have it good compared to the rest of the world. Europe is literally over run with barbarians

Not for long, it's getting worse and worse maybe Canadians will finally grow some balls and stand up to the muslim invaders... Nah of course not

No wonder Trudeau is so strict on gun control

>> No.989290

dollar index will grow to 120+

>> No.991049

>Yuan Renminbi.
You know you're fucked when Communist China has a better currency than us.