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9890344 No.9890344 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me how 0xBCH is not as good as 0xBTC.

Hint: you can’t

0xBTC was the first working mineable ERC20 token. Then 0xBCH and cloned the fuck out of it and ONLY changed the name in a few places in the contract. Go ahead and open both smart contracts, put them both side by side, and compare.


I’m not even mad about it, I could give a fuck less, 0xBCH will gain maybe 50% of 0xBTC’s price, meaning in can x100 very easily.

You can still mine a good bit as the diff is 1/1000th of 0xBTC’s difficulty. 0xBCH is worth $0.10, and is going to be listed on Mercatox soon. That also means that CMC is soon too. If you missed out on 0xBTC, don’t make the same mistake. /biz/ has always been my frien and they’ve always called me a faggot when I’ve needed it the most. Stay based fellow faggots.

>> No.9890373

> this scammer actually tried to short the bottom of 0xBTC with a huge loss

>> No.9890381

Cashies are so pathetic.

>> No.9890569
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Comfier hodl

>> No.9890595

Neo, they have different:
Community size
Meme quality
Shill quality
And last but not least, names

You really think people would buy 0xBTrash over 0xBitcoin, you're fucking deluded

>> No.9890630

Sypdrzero the SEC is coming for you.

>> No.9890646

This isn’t Neo, who the fuck is Neo? Are you talking about The Matrix now?? Are you fucking retarded??

This is actually Infernal_Toast.
I go by AZ on the discord, I’m not scared to tell you my name fuck heads.

>> No.9890696

Mercatox listing is .5 btc if I remember. If you really think the shitter behind this copycat is going to fork up that money you’re out of your mind. They’re just trying to break even on all the gas they’ve wasted creating these shitokens

>> No.9890735

No butt hear me out you one cell brainlet, the community could maybe donate or something WOAH WHAT

Shut up AZ, you’re literally cancer.

>> No.9890744

I have been shamelessly mining this.
Got over 22k of these 0xBCH shitcoins now.

I will NEVER buy a single 0xBCH, but I'm more than happy to sell to morons. Make me rich, idiots.

>> No.9890756

Ok sure but when do we get 0xBTCP, which is the TRUE vision of Satoshi?
Triggered c0recucks

>> No.9890766

>pretends to be creator of 0xbtc
Really are desperate, the ‘community’ you refer to is nothing but poorfags trying to catch a free ride. None of them will cough up anything towards a listing.

>> No.9890776
File: 7 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not supporting Iether of these coins and watching dumb asses fight each other.
Take your grade school drama somewhere else you fags.

>> No.9890894
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Neo I know it's you.

>> No.9890917

Kek, I will admit to being that.
There are too many greedy 0xBCH miners for this to go anywhere. Over 1 million 0xBCH minted already, and everyone looking to dump the instant some idiot decides to buy.

>> No.9890937

Hm op sounds like that cc retard. One of the few morons to buy in lel

>> No.9891153

Omg, please buy 0xBCH already, i got Thousands of those in my pocket and waiting for idiots to buy it.
Shit takes to long to go off, wtf

>> No.9891387

>Explain to me how 0xBCH is not as good as 0xBTC.
Althought 0xBCH is a literal copy of 0xBTC, it was premined. On top of that anybody who isn't retarded can see the obvious moneygrab that it is capitalizing on the success of 0xBTC and anybody with half a brain would pick 0xBTC over any of the alternatives because it is the pioneer in this type of token. Also Lavawallet.

>> No.9892145

Lava wallet will work with 0xBCH too retard

>> No.9892166
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>> No.9892513

this. i wouldnt hold this literal pajeet trash even if someone dropped it on me for free.

>> No.9892537

also this. 0xBCH will NEVER be listed on ANY exchange. it was created by poorfag pajeets as a literal ponzi. its going absolutely NOWHERE. cashies are so fucking pathetic

>> No.9892822

0xBitcoincash was announced June 5th and currently has minted over 1,023,600 tokens to ~310 wallets.
0xBitcoin was announced Feb 28th and has minted over 2,900,800 tokens to ~4073 wallets.
So 0xbch has already minted over a third of 0xbtc's total current supply in 9 days vs the 105 days 0xbtc has been deployed. I know biz only pretends to be retarded most of the time but seriously just do the fucking math.

>> No.9892866

This, the distribution of 0xBCH is already fucked.

>> No.9892878

>1/3 the tokens to ~8% the number of wallets
>not a scam please buy moon mission any day now sir

>> No.9892892

>>1/3 the tokens to ~8% the number of wallets
>>not a scam please buy moon mission any day now sir

The absolute state.

btw 0xBTC is mooning again and you guys missed the dip. kek

>> No.9893082


Fuck both your shitcoins. OxBTCG is coming, with masternodes instead of wasteful PoW mining!

>> No.9893153

Also, samefag that fails so fucking hard at life he cant even samefag right. This dude is worse than any other scum out there. Get out of 0xbch while you can. Blocks are being minted ~1min since it was created and shows no sign of slowing down when the targeted block time is 10min. Cut your losses and just let this stupid shit die.

>> No.9893329


People get made if popularity isn't concentrated on their coin. They perceive threat to their investment.

>> No.9893819

>0xbtc was the first
there has been dozens of these worthless shitcoins
kys pajeet

>> No.9893822

ERC20 is not minable retard

>> No.9893838

exactly. you are just wasting hash power for a fucking Ponzi game
explain how minerium and others weren't any different

>> No.9893900

0xBitcoin Cash is the real 0xBitcoin

>> No.9894016

Spyderzero fuck off. FBI coming for you.