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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 200x193, 1528892066251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9886359 No.9886359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>his gf/spouse had previous partners before him
>he still think hes gonna make it

>> No.9886367

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.9886372
File: 38 KB, 852x664, 1500744624580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disgusting desu.

>> No.9886390

Or.. just be poly and not worry about it. I had partners before her too, and we'll both have partners after too.

>> No.9886402
File: 31 KB, 500x374, 64B0367E-7F09-4392-AB81-FA7ED30C1E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting this , you keep shilling go back you faggot pussy limp wrist go lift, if you cant have a successful relationship its your fault you are a loser a failure fix your life yourself or anhero we dont care about your whining here you fucking faggot I hate people like you, you are a complete drain on society you literally do nothing!!!!


>> No.9886411

are we in /middle school/ again?

>> No.9886432


You have to go back.

>> No.9886449

>he uses the term "making it"
>he still thinks he will be wealthy and successful some day

>> No.9886463

>he wastes his time and money on women
>he still thinks he's gonna make it

>> No.9886465
File: 14 KB, 208x250, 1434039584090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I only sucked the cocks of two Chads! Marry me anon, I want your betabux ASAP!

>> No.9886476

A lot of underage posters here

>> No.9886482


Literally every girl has had partners before she settles down. So does literally every guy. Except you, of course.

>> No.9886486
File: 170 KB, 540x280, IMG_6211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women retain the DNA of every man who has banged them, it's been scientifically proven.

>> No.9886495


>> No.9886524

And I have fucked many more women than the girls I have dated who are younger than me and physically couldnt reach my numbers whats your fucking point you asshat. You think relationships are all about gimme cummies than you need to do better and be a more deserving and desirable person. You are probably ugly and or poor and I dont feel bad for you. You wish you had a oneitis if you are successful it comes to you. Dont be such a whiny faggot you are probably under 21. Or a MGTOW fucker who is a manlet playing vidya with no employable skills stick to your goverment neetbucks if I see you in public I will trash you

>> No.9886525

>so insecure his fucktoy can only have had experiences with him

Jesus, you don't want them to bring anything to the ball? Do they have to watch pornhub to surprise you with new moves, and then suck at them?

It's like you don't like sex, and don't want to know that your spouse has chosen you over other material they know they can get.

>> No.9886558

Also im lawyered the fuck up have money in crypto and will have offshore money and will get an explicit pre nuptial so its all good

>> No.9886582

It's ok to fuck and chuck whores, but if you settle down with a non-virgin then you're a bitch.

>> No.9886588

if you guys are so insecure about this, just fuck a lot of random girls so you can stop being paranoid about these immature thoughts. the most important thing is to be certain that your girl truly loves you or not. but we're /biz/, not /adv/ or /r9k/

>> No.9886601

What specifically is wrong with this?

>> No.9886604

I've been with a decent number of women and I would never consider marrying a non-virgin

Everyone who says getting married to a non-virgin is okay is a fucking cuck in my eyes.

>> No.9886608

Wow. Can't wait to see your life play out. Gonna have a bad time.

>> No.9886618

> Mfw banged over 40 chicks and still manage to get a qt Korean virgin.

>> No.9886619

>if you don't marry a whore you're gonna have a bad time
lol cuck cope

>> No.9886620

I'm sorry you need a virgin to make yourself feel better about sex. I'm sorry you're incredibly insecure.

Personally, I'll do whatever the fuck I want. I married my wife because she's the most amazing person in the world and my best friend.

>> No.9886624

>imagine being this much of a manchild

>> No.9886626

>I married my wife because she's my best friend

>> No.9886638

why are there so many redditor cucks in here defending female promiscuity?

>> No.9886642

How does it feel to be so insecure you have to lash out?

>> No.9886648

Also males that wear wedding rings are turbo cucks. Disgusting.

>> No.9886658

>i-if you don't want your wife and mother of your children to be tag-teamed by a bus full of guys, you're insecure!

>> No.9886668

i once dated milf it was my best realitionship ever

>> No.9886685

That's true, totally not hyperbole. If a girl has fucked a guy she's run a train on a bus of dudes.

>> No.9886692
File: 83 KB, 1080x569, IMG_6192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing at you beta cucks. I married a virgin over a decade ago and we're still going strong and have a wonderful son. I pity your pathetic existence.

>> No.9886697

I was once like you until I took the virginity of my former girlfriend. virginitiy is meaningless. the most important thing is to truly love the girl you're with

>> No.9886700

So I take it you wouldn't have a problem with your wife if she had a train run on her in the past?

Right? Because having a problem with it would you make you insecure, right?

>> No.9886702

That's funny, I don't even consider yours.

>> No.9886718

I don't give a shit what she did before I met her. Just like she doesn't give a shit what I did before she met me.

I wasn't calling you insecure because you want a virgin, I'm calling you insecure because you feel the need to lash out at anyone who doesn't think the way you do.

>> No.9886725

dont be such a bitch stacy, doesnt mtr many how many broads i fuck - its what being the man is. but a woman should keep her wet pocket for her husband, it is the only thing of value in a woman. how hard is that? if she couldnt keep it, she is a whore and a retarded one too. why would you wana be around that?

>> No.9886737

>I don't give a shit if my wife had a train run on her
Lmao @ the absolute state of your self esteem

>> No.9886744

Holy fuck. A thread like this 6 months ago on this very board would have a bunch of men agreeing that non virgin women are the WORST for marriages. Now i know why crypto is crashing... its because S O Y boys and easily manipulated normal faggots like you are in... and the institutional investors know it.

>> No.9886754
File: 1.19 MB, 320x240, IMG_6214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's funny, I don't even consider yours.
7 posts by this id

>> No.9886756

4Chan isn't just for Incels anymore.

>> No.9886757

It's just the way it is OP. It really is the medias fault for placing sex into minds at young ages. Now all women are roasties, 20 years ago that was not the case. Women think they have power but they are clueless, they need a man to lead the way. It is our biology to be that way but our technology has resulted in the opposite. OOGA BOOGA.

>> No.9886764

>are all about gimme cummies
that's all there is to them though. only dumb idealistic teenagers think otherwise.
>i dont feel bad for you
well i do, you are lying on the internet and making shit up and pretending to be successful on fucking /biz/, there's no lower than this

>> No.9886821
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1526151654935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be op
>be internet incel virgin
>unironically obsessed with sexual purity in his nonexistent sexual partners
>will only date confirmed virgins
>demands photos of intact hymen before any dates
>no adult woman will touch op
>but that's okay, because op has figured out the perfect plan: a child bride
>the arabs were right all along, unironically
>expects everyone to pretend this isn't extreme levels of V I R G I N C O P E
>"at least my fellow internet incel/closeted pedos will back me up"

>> No.9886849

Women BTFO

>> No.9886878

These posters are women, no man can be this much of a cuck

>> No.9886884

>misogenyst r9k
>thinks he has the required iron hands to hold
Nope, weakened by fapping to traps.

>> No.9886902

kek, their ids are all pink and purple

>> No.9886905

My gf was a virgin, but she's getting fed up with my autism. Can I ever make it?

>> No.9886929

pimp her out as a wife for anon

>> No.9886952
File: 74 KB, 666x692, teachman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-B-BUT IM SPECIAL! mommy told me soo.
statistics don't apply to ME, I am an EXCEPTION! and my woman is surely an exception too!

Statistics don't matter stop posting proof that shatters my 1 dimensional perception of society you FUCKING INCELS REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9886960

nice larp

>> No.9886969

It's no wonder crypto is on a downward trend. Look at all these people who are ok with settling for trash and pretending it's gold. They actually enjoy tasting another man's cock in their gf's mouth.

>> No.9886973

I'd risk the 25% for better sex but anything more than 4 is whore tier

>> No.9886980
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 1520721405077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine unironically trying this hard to project an identity of masculinity to total strangers on an anonymous canadian moose husbandry image board
kek, you geek virgins will blame everyone but yourselves for your desert-dry dicks
100% onions

>> No.9886991
File: 217 KB, 534x548, 933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, pic related is you

>> No.9887002

>being this triggered

>> No.9887023

>I'd risk the 25% for better sex
i never got this meme. your woman will eventually get better at it so why even bring it up. are you so lazy that you'd just get another guy's used goods?
and what if that so called "experienced" woman is shit at sex too? hell even high-end escorts can be shit at sex.

>> No.9887024

>pink id

>> No.9887030
File: 135 KB, 853x1066, 1528625705277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh how am I triggered. Does the truth hurt or has the S O Y started affecting your brain?

>> No.9887035

>purple id
>triggered af

>> No.9887036

Keep going OP. I'll be sure to let these normie cucks know your wisdom as a daily reminder in case you are not here anymore.

Why is /biz/ so full of normie cucks lately? It's fucking science, if your wife was non virgin then you will never have a stable marriage. I'll be sure to remind you of your cucky ways when you faggots come bitching about your wife leaving you and taking half of your coins.

>> No.9887045 [DELETED] 

oh how am I triggered. Does the truth hurt or has the S O Y started affecting your brain?

>> No.9887052

said the cuck after wasting 5 minutes posting and perfecting his edgy paragraph and carefully picking his best "smug" picture

>> No.9887056

Who are you quoting my virgin friend?

>> No.9887063
File: 49 KB, 396x382, 1527175467455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximum triggered
>rally the incels

>> No.9887070

Who did you quote in your original post? You should refrain from using the quote feature (or 'greentext') unless you are explicitly quoting somebody. Otherwise please refrain from typing in such fashion!

>> No.9887096

note how people ignore this and instead keep flinging insults and epic jokes at each other. nobody will be ever able to refute this. this pic absolutely demolishes and destroyes every normalfag who mocks chastity and fidelity so the little cucks just close their eyes and pretend those statistics don't exist.

>> No.9887100

real alphas get betabux from their roasters. Women use the down dating stratagy. so can men. get you a woman you know your worth$$$$

>> No.9887103
File: 427 KB, 3024x726, IMG_6216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marrying a virgin is now considered unbelievable
What a sad state this world is in.

>> No.9887104
File: 10 KB, 300x191, trumpcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a chad and I grease every hole I see.

>> No.9887120
File: 78 KB, 904x735, 1526570658122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one graph
>clinging on for dear life
>fake and gay

>> No.9887126

How is your wife's son doing these days?

>> No.9887134

mods can we just have an /incel/ daily thread for these literal faggots?

>> No.9887138
File: 611 KB, 322x322, 1510770395768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you guys need to get laid pretty badly.

>> No.9887143

ever get large sums of money from girlfriends. "oh chad your such a big cocked genius take my money i dont deserve it" <----- pretty much the norm for me after a few conversations

>> No.9887144
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1525631651556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shamelessly triggered

>> No.9887185

The utter fucking state of /biz/. Do you actually think one image can describe something so complex and dynamic as human relationships and sex? Where did you go to school? Did you even go to school? What's the age range of these candidates? What time did they get married? Boomers and millenials have vastly different outlooks on sex, marriage, relationships, careers, and just about everything else. It's hard to settle down with one chick when you're 20 while all you're mates are out and about slamming new broads every weekend in this age, so of course divorces happen more frequently. Get a head man.

>> No.9887187

How mad are you that my DNA will be in your child if you ever even manage to have one?

>> No.9887190
File: 27 KB, 508x524, okayfriendope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody gives a shit because stats like these are only relevant for average 100IQ normalfags
since Im a good looking and wealthy genius any marriage I have will end when I want it to end

>> No.9887191
File: 920 KB, 3230x1891, 1509078551860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does chads cum taste?
KEK just wait for your divorce

>> No.9887200

Another fucking pop sci brainlet that didn't even bother to read the abstract of the article he so vehemently throws around at the sight of the word virgin.

>> No.9887211
File: 23 KB, 347x350, 1526931622417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be unironically literally mad and triggered incel
>asks "how mad r u about this thing that will never happen hahah btfo kek"

>> No.9887219

The fact that you have that image saved on your computer and use the words chad and kek speaks volumes.

>> No.9887226
File: 548 KB, 203x335, 1526481325118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard as an internet incel virgin
>graphics, not pussy. GRAPHS!

>> No.9887242
File: 244 KB, 1200x4168, cuck_Destroyer_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9887246
File: 49 KB, 473x409, IMG_6218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm married with a son.

>> No.9887255

sorry to hear that.
>muh graphs
>V I R G I N C O P E

>> No.9887261

marriage is basically a cucking of sorts, marriage now is for women to prey on man, any man who marries is a cuck, virgin or otherwise. In order to get the bride you want you'll have to deal with fucked up whack job cult religions. No desirable woman is non-fucked now days unless they are into fucking Mormonism. And in that case the dad gets dibs so you have to share her with the dad. fucking wierd. just get in to pimping and milk beta females who are dumb and scared of the world. If you seem like the arrogant well informed type she will let you manage her wage money. If you do this well you will double her money and you will be her lord for life. only works for gamma plus types if your visibly alpha she will expect YOU to earn the wage. repeat with multiple gf's and take a small percentage. IF YOU EVER LOSE any of their money the same is up move to the next town. you gotta have a 100 % success rate. because sometimes the girls find each other and talk. Ive even been able to skim a bit for my companion girl, who doesnt pay but lives modestly of a part of 1% of the betagirls slush fund. get on my level but first you gottaget out the gym and into a book or something baka....

>> No.9887268

>ignoring facts for feelings
There's no way this isn't a roastie.

>> No.9887280

>he has to be a girl!!!!!!!!
>C O P E

> any man who marries is a cuck, virgin or otherwise

>> No.9887282
File: 12 KB, 258x245, pepe-big-laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a shit if my wife had a train run on her

>> No.9887285

>sorry to hear that.
Of course you are, kike.

>> No.9887289

every word out of this post oozed weakness
it's not merely the shit you say, we've got plenty of cucks expressing similar sentiment itt. but you stand out in the way you say it like a fag
grow up man, you can be a liberal without being a complete pushover. keep going with that passive aggressive shit and i guarantee you one of the following futures:
- wife asks to open the relationship
- wife cheats
- dead bedroom
- son becomes a far right advocate in his teens and hates you

>> No.9887293

>my extreme scenario is THE NORM and justifies my virginity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>c O p E a C a B a N a

>> No.9887300


I just met two mormon twinks outside my house wanting to talk to me about jesus. I told them I dont believe and dont want to neither and dont have time for their shit lol

>> No.9887302
File: 28 KB, 423x410, vitalik2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women who have never been in a relationship are more likely to stay in an unhealthy one since they dont know any better
wow killer stat there bruhh, marriages can be unhappy and terrible as well
some men dont need to shackle women to themselves to keep them from running away to the first pretty boy they see

>> No.9887303

Wow, that's a lot of very losely related data that a sad person could easily twist into some excuses for why their own life is a shithole.

>> No.9887325

>12 posts by this id
Fess up, are you a slut or are you dating one? Because no self respecting man would try this hard to defend whores.

>> No.9887334

Cunts are a waste of time and money.
Should I really need one, I wll simply rent her holes for the day.

>> No.9887346

How many women have you interacted with? You can lie here, I don't actually want to know. But you know the truth and that's all I need to remind you of.

>> No.9887364

>tfw my gf is a non-virgin

should I dump her ass or what

>> No.9887372

not until you have an upgrade ready. she is clearly a whore, but a free succ is a free succ..

>> No.9887381

Enjoy your v&, kiddy diddler.

>> No.9887385

if you're seriously considering to dump her ass off because of a bunch of 4chan incels, just do it already. stop wasting your time and spend your money with random hookers until you're really prepared for a relationship

>> No.9887400

>the truth
Truth is I can't even imagine being you and I don't want to. You've actually convinced yourself that a heavily used passenger vehicle is better than a brand new luxury car. Your bitch is an Uber and mine is a lambo.

>> No.9887401
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts with studies are loosely related now
cucks who had their wifes cheat on them multiple times would do anything to defend their views

>> No.9887403

This. Like wtf. Who actually listens to the people who obviously have minimal contact with the other gender for advice on the other gender?

>> No.9887411

That depends, do you enjoy the taste of other men?

>> No.9887413

>be virgin incel
>consider self to be "self-respecting man"
>declare other people to not be self-respecting men
>le cope

>> No.9887421

lol youve never touched a girl in your life and its pathetic that you try to justify it with this virgin crap. Some crazy mental gymnastics to justify being a loser who cant get his dick wet

>> No.9887426

How is your hormone replacement therapy going?

>> No.9887433


>> No.9887435

It's amazing that in the mind of a virgin, only extremes exist. That is the sign of a child with no life experience. When you're "lambo" goes up in flames, I hope you don't get burned too bad.

>> No.9887440

ah the good old social proof arguing strategy

>> No.9887454

I literally married a virgin and procreated, how mad are you that you have to settle for my left overs?

>> No.9887463
File: 250 KB, 1000x863, 1528470319650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le epic rebuttal good sir!
A thousand keks for thee

>> No.9887469
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1515775449133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my last gf's bf was a tiny-dick Jewboi
>claimed to have 6" inch penis
>first time we fuck
>"holy fuck anon, your dick is fucking huge! It's gotta be like 10 inches..."
>"No, it's only 7""
>"b-but my ex said his was 6" and it was so much smaller..."
>the first few times we fuck its painful for her
>she had only fucked her ex like twice, and he was her first
>we start using lube
>over time it gets easier
>soon I've stretched her out enough that we can fuck without lube
>a while passes and her pussy is actually pretty loose (we used to fuck all the time, it was our undoing unfortunately)
>a few months later we break up
>mfw I took her near-virgin tight pussy and turned her into a literal roastie

>> No.9887477

>That is the sign of a child with no life experience
I'm old enough to be your dad, actually I probably literally am.
>When you're "lambo" goes up in flames, I hope you don't get burned too bad.
Confirmed for a roastie, no man would write something so gay.

>> No.9887492

Sounds like she needs to do some kegels.

>> No.9887495

Its honorable mr. biz it really is. Old fashioned virtue. Its the occidental standard of goodness--sacrifice. When a man and a woman commit to a life together under a "sacred contract" he sacrifices himself to her, am I even wrong? who puts in longer days, who gives more and who takes? Once a child comes into the picture its all over- you commit to a servile type of life. Your life is no longer yours, the primary object of your wife's deepest desire is no longer you- its your son. You become your son in a way. Your son will cuck you, in a way. Its really brave and impressibly moral in an old school kind of way. You are the jesus christ of male-female interaction, illing to die for the sins of others for a greatr good. And in a way since parenthood is so demanding, the only shot you have at realizing your highest self is by relinquishing your sovereignty as a living being- to basically pass that mantle of responsibility to your son, who may just choose another path or not be man enough for that greatest good. This is a fact, your giving up your own -ness for your son. I would NEVER. I am on my way to becoming great beyond any earthly measure, and my girls sacrifice FOR ME... except my companion girl-who is actually a bit superior to me in terms of spirt and intellect- but is a literal jain so she doesnt consume me (or anything really) like your wife will consume you. If you are a small man, you will be so filled with joy by your wife and son you'll swear you aren't sacrificing at all. You'll feel to be in a heaven on earth and that will be enough.

>> No.9887498



>> No.9887500

Dubs confirm

>> No.9887506


>> No.9887510

You're one of the boomer fucks who destroyed this country and want to come here and brag about marrying a virgin?

It's your free love bullshit that ruined marriage.

>> No.9887513

HAHAHAHA roastie btfo

>> No.9887515

You incel/puritan fucks who want nothing but untouched pure virgins while being nothing but a pathetic faggot with zero sex appeal need to unironically kill yourselves already and make the world a better place

>> No.9887521

>this mad
>this much cope

>> No.9887541
File: 43 KB, 500x369, IMG_6219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job ditching that thot, anon.

>> No.9887551

>Implying a prenup is worth its weight in horse dung
They get thrown out all the time. Any halfway decent family law attorney can do that.

>> No.9887567

>30 something year old boomer
You're not supposed to take memes seriously, kid.

>> No.9887569
File: 27 KB, 500x500, black-plain-burka-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw muslims were right all along
while we re at it, can we also talk about proper female attire?

>> No.9887592
File: 70 KB, 736x552, IMG_6220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard because you love a slut.

>> No.9887597

Fucking boomers.

>> No.9887608
File: 29 KB, 249x266, IMG_6171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does my dick taste, faggot?

>> No.9887627

How do I find a qt virgin?

>> No.9887631
File: 106 KB, 500x492, IMG_5918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me.

>> No.9887638
File: 175 KB, 478x434, 1527454553873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically this triggered

>> No.9887656

Go to your room, son.

>> No.9887723

It's a lie being married means "I have a man that pays for this pussy"

True love doesn't exist and I'm ATTRACTIVE

The wives and girlfriends of miserable fucks come at me ALL the time

All it did was ruin my innocence and opened my eyes. I'll NEVER find the one. How can I don't you see how they act anons? EVERYONE CHEATS ESPECIALLY BITCHES.

Not everyone here is some ugly neet

If you believe in love you'll be slaughtered out here I wish I could believe again bros it doesn't matter who I fuck or how much money I make....i'll always be lonely

>> No.9887765

>You aren't man enough to date some used up slut that has been around the block for 10 years
How cucked is this board? When did 4chan attract a bunch of failed alphas?

>> No.9887835

It's literally posters from reddit and boomers who came here to shill their shitcoins. You don't see other boards with this many cucks.

>> No.9887842

I too use threads like these to gauge how much this board has fallen. I wonder where all the old fags went? Did their samurai morales helped them make it and leave this board for good?

>> No.9887912

Its because you are dealing with too high a class of females. Their intelligence or their cunning at a level which gives you difficulty. They can hurt you, get to you, cause you all sorts of trouble. There is only one option if you don't want to lower your standards-- You need to ascend. What ever that means for you, fucking do it. Then you will be treated exactly as you wish, you will be valued. and given real love (probably only a handful of men get to experience this, you can be one of them). To do this you must appear SINGULAR to this woman, that there is no man on earth that she has even seen EVEN IN FICTION which come close to achieving what she sees in you every second of everyday. It is being authentic in a world of shams, shills and imitators. Being absolutely 1 in a billion... An illusion of course... but the illusion becomes easy to maintain once you consider the veil of mundanity which is wrapped over everything that exists today. To be you. Not the slapdash assembly of fictional selves which lies at the center of these hopeless anons... the real you. and only you knowwhat that looks like. so go do it fagman

>> No.9887917

December bull run brought all these S O Y cucks here. 6 months ago when BTC was 2000$. Alot of fellow /biz/ bros are all red pilled who are against promiscuity, now its the complete opposite. I seriously think that the more morales you have, the more likely you will be successful and take risks (old faggots in /biz/). The late comers here (blue pilled) will never be successful.

>> No.9887926

>actual biz fags and not 12 year old reddit or pol's
pick one

>> No.9887939

bitcoin was 20k 6 months ago

>> No.9887950

Women aren't meant to be people. They are trophies. Objects. Nothing more.

>> No.9887962

My bad. I thought it was still February. I meant 12 months ago. Fuck, time files so fast.

>> No.9888006

how is he a basedboy when you're the one who can't hold onto a girl, and needs a 15 year old virgin to download all your bullshit thoughts.

>> No.9888061 [DELETED] 

See >>9887765 niger

>> No.9888063

i like you.

>> No.9888076

Places that aren't degenerate. Church, library, through a hobby, work sometimes, etc.

>> No.9888117

From my reasonable normie perspective (30+ bitches), how can you maintain the singular pov. This is almost impossible. My BPDex see's me as this, but only after we broke up. If i were to date her again this image of me would break at some point, because i'm only human, and not some perfect 10/10 handles everything amazing 10/10 adonis god.

I agree with >>9887723, bitches be bitches.

>> No.9888213

>sleep with dozens of roasties from tinder and parties at school
>meet shy qt asian as lab partner
>hit it off, start going on dates
>good sense of humour, academic, literally never even seen/touched a penis before, never even made out with a guy
>this was 5 years ago
>married with a kid now both earning $60k+

>> No.9888297

Also just to rub it in a little more,
>both invest fervently
>only 4% of my portfolio is in crypto, all else in ETFs and some bonds

>> No.9888314

There's no such thing as high class females they're all trash

The ones who try to appear perfect are the trashiest ones. It's a universal game

Any girl who claims to be "high class" is trying to finesse YOU. It's an adjective. A descriptive buzzword.

Ayyy I rather live in truth than live a lie

>> No.9888318

now that's a prodigious kid

>> No.9888352

thanks for creating more eliot rodgers in this world nigger

>> No.9888365

>I'd risk the 25% for better sex
you are dumb.

>> No.9888436


> Asian

You know you fucked up, right?

>> No.9888509

Men can and should, women should not.

>> No.9888579

Haha are you losers for real? Leave your room and maybe you'll get a girl to talk to you.

>> No.9888617

Good thing only depressed incel losers like you care about that. Girls will keep having sex (not with you) and there's nothing you can do incel.

>> No.9888707

My gf-soon-to-be-fiance is was a virgin before me but had blown a few guys before me. What do anon

>> No.9888747

She will 100% cheat on you when she starts wondering about fucking other dudes. Virgins are not ideal bro. Best bet is to cuck so at least you can supervise.

>> No.9888769
File: 243 KB, 394x401, hiafi0g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey dad

>> No.9888778

Actually worse desu
At least with sex she enjoys it, blowing a guy and just taking his cock and cum right in the face for his enjoyment

>> No.9888803

Just be confident and don't act like you're scared she'll leave you. It's that simple.

>> No.9888814

>brags on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum
I can tell the only bitches you’re fucking are 3’s and 4’s quit trying to make yourself feel better

>> No.9888859

So much sexual frustration ITT
I would never marry an inexperienced virgin who cant even suck proper dick/do anal

>> No.9888881

>This amount of coping

>> No.9888970

I fuck my coworker because she never tasted another dick now she fuck a lot of them and the cuck who is a fat(offcourse), say to her that he gonna kil himself if she left him, and my dick is not big

>> No.9889033


Speak english euro-nigger

>> No.9889231

>suck proper dick/do anal
Go back to grinder, faggot.

>> No.9889242

>society is morally degenerate so become a moral degenerate so you fit in

>> No.9889253

Crypto is speculative and there is nothing wrong with that, just like most stocks if not all.
You will see some crazy shit, it might not happen in 2 years or 5 but it will happen and crypto will be the only deflationary currency out there people can buy with their fiat which will continuously lose value that will maintain or increase in value and allow them to buy/ trade etc with ease. the globe to pay for goods and you’re not going to walk around paying with gold coins, silver etc.
The clock is ticking, the debt is rising, the paper is being printed as we speak, we can only delay the inevitable for so long.
That’s the value of crypto, that’s what caused btc to take off. Contracts and distributed ledgers are amaizing and be the next technology revolution alongside AI smart contracts powered by AI and oracles could settle most of not all transactions, claims etc in seconds at a much lower cost than now, that’s cool and eventually might be worth trillions, it might not be eth or any of the coins in existence that doesn’t matter.
Crypto will go on, when the next economic crisis hit and it will hit, much harder than 2008, because printing money and racking debt to give liquidity to banks won’t worth anymore because the crisis will be the printing.
The reality is crypto is the only deflationary asset that is easily transferable and tradable, gold is nice and all but you can’t send gold across
Might not be any of the cryptos in existence now, it might be a crypto backed by the government, who knows but the reality is crypto is the future.
It will replace fiat, mark my words.

>> No.9889321

Cut yourself

>> No.9889435

Virgin incel men are literally disgusting but so are women who sleep around I agree

HOWEVER, incels shouldn’t be allowed to criticise until they have literally became a man and stopped bein a man child. If you’re over 17 and still a virgin despite wanting not to be, then I could never respect you. How much of a fucking pathetic faggot do you have to be to still be a virgin if women are so bad as you describe? (And I’m not disagreeing, they are worse than incels even know)

Either way, you shouldn’t be allowed to even speak on the issue until you’ve proven yourself

If you can’t get laid in 2018 but want to then you are quite literally useless and probably retarded

Most women are whores this is just basic, but it’s never not been the case. Thousands of years ago if your ancestor was weaker and died/invaded/killed she would have have spread her legs for the winner

So, yeah, women are whores, but if you still can’t get laid then you need to start lo looking inwardly also.

And if you play video games, you’re a man child. No exceptions

>> No.9889753

T. Virgin

>> No.9889797

Like I said earlier, this board is full of a bunch of failed alphas who think that settling down with some whore is admirable.

>> No.9889866

>its ok for men to fuck 200 skanks but my wife must be a virgin
According to your logic, there are 201 woman for every 1 man

>> No.9889876

hAHAHAHAHHAAHHAH would you look at these cucks
>b-b-but you are insecure
no, in fact it is you who are insecure who won't even put any standards on your wife at all

>> No.9889895

What are you even talking about?

>> No.9889915

>no, in fact it is you who are insecure who won't even put any standards on your wife at all

>> No.9889919

200 incels for every 1 chad.

>> No.9889920
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Basic math

>> No.9889925

>for better sex
this has to be the worst meme in existence
are you actually admitting that her previous chad bf is so much better teaching her how to fuck than you are? cuck

>> No.9889950

>Strawman attack and resorts to brainlet memes
Wish I was surprised...

>> No.9889959
File: 8 KB, 224x250, gsBfZAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 5% of women above 18 are virgins (very generous estimate), and they're already married to Chad by now.

so 3 billion men must compete for 150,000,000 women. gee I wonder how thats ganna turn out

>> No.9889971
File: 133 KB, 900x728, 1513701274872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fallacy buzzword

>> No.9889972

>only 5% of women above 18 are virgins (very generous estimate), and they're already married to Chad by now.
Maybe in some uber degenerate European country...

>> No.9889994

>Spergs out into posting memes
>Thinks marrying a whore is admirable
Just stop... You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.9890002

first year: virgin Wife say im chad who fucks her right
5 yers later: Her friends tell her that she is losing the good stuff, she go fuck the first chad she see

>> No.9890003

Why is it your desire to have to spend hours of your life teaching a woman to fuck? What a waste of time when you can have a woman who already knows how to fuck plus the confidence that comes with it. Are you all teenagers?

>> No.9890008

This has to be ironic...

>> No.9890023

Marrying is never admirable you dumb cuck

>> No.9890033

Let me guess, single mom?

>> No.9890048
File: 9 KB, 261x193, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone just tell me where to find a qt virgin? I can barely even find girls my age at all (im 23, graduated college, just go to the office then go to the gym then go home) all the girls my age are still in school getting fucked by Chads

>> No.9890061

Yes, 3 beautiful brown shitlings

>> No.9890077

>23y virgin girl

>> No.9890079

Virgins are at the church

>> No.9890088

Start looking in the right places.

>> No.9890102

I cant just randomly show up to church and start hitting on girls, what the fuck is that?

>> No.9890125

You are asking in the wrong board

>> No.9890137

you cant tell me that when you only want to fuck and are horny the sole fact that the girl isnt a virgin anymore turns you off. chads also dont give a fuck

>> No.9890155

>why waste time preparing delicious and healthy food yourself when you could just go to McDonalds... such a waste of time

>> No.9890173

doesnt turn me off, I just dont want to be in a committed relationship with her

>> No.9890185

I think you almost have to look in the 3rd world these days.

>> No.9890198

ofc you can, specially on the open coffin ones

>> No.9890204

It isn't THAT bad, but definitely more prevalent.

>> No.9890235

how can you prefer a virgin when infact you never have slept with one? i don't understand incels, you are at the bottom of experience in this "field" so why would anyone listen to your advice? honest question, its like asking the mentally challenged kid that failed most recent math exam if he can help you out with math, why the fuck would you do that?
so why are you niggers taking advice from incels here? lmao

if you arent a completely fucking retarded human being you'd know that there is a sweet spot, you wouldnt want a virgin and you don't want a whore....so, find the middlegroud.
if a girl is virgin after 25+ something is wrong with her, same if you are a man.

we're made to have sex, look at animals, we're animals. but hey, masturbate to loli and dream about having sex with your "virgin" perfect body blonde arian gf

>> No.9890268

oh and, anyone that rather would pick a virgin hambeast than a 10/10 girl that knows how to suck dick is properly fucking retarded. im out.

>> No.9890342 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1271x751, 1527287170123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can you prefer a virgin when infact you never have slept with one?
That's because the media has already brainwashed the vast majority of young women to be degenerates.
>i don't understand incels, you are at the bottom of experience in this "field"
What the hell are you talking about? A vast majority of powerful men, kings, dictators, billionaires, conquerors. Im talking about the REAL alpha males who control this world... they prefer their women pure. When will you S O Y boys ever learn?
>you wouldnt want a virgin and you don't want a whore.
Literally all studies point out the fact that virgin marriages are significantly happier and stable.

And most importantly
>so why are you niggers taking advice from incels here
>we're made to have sex, look at animals, we're animals
YOU are the nigger faggot. Literal nigger thinking

>> No.9890356

good lord. that. this post need to be stickied that this topic is over for good here. its fucking /biz/ BUSINESS & FINANCE !!

>> No.9890385

The truth is, all the MegaChads get the perfect virgin blonde aryan gfs. everyone else is fighting for scraps

>> No.9890619
File: 30 KB, 532x455, 1528208048015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my last gf's bf was a tiny-dick Jewboi
>>claimed to have 6" inch penis
>>first time we fuck
>>"holy fuck anon, your dick is fucking huge! It's gotta be like 10 inches..."
>>"No, it's only 7""
>>"b-but my ex said his was 6" and it was so much smaller..."
>>the first few times we fuck its painful for her
>>she had only fucked her ex like twice, and he was her first
>>we start using lube
>>over time it gets easier
>>soon I've stretched her out enough that we can fuck without lube
>>a while passes and her pussy is actually pretty loose (we used to fuck all the time, it was our undoing unfortunately)
>>a few months later we break up
>>mfw I took her near-virgin tight pussy and turned her into a literal roastie

>> No.9891152

>its ok for men to fuck 200 skanks but my wife must be a virgin
duh. whores are for everyone, they are public utilities. wife must be a virgo though, if you settle for less - you're a cuck. if you're settle for a whore, you send females a signal its OK to fuck around, making it worse for all of men, so fuck you

>> No.9891221

>Her friends tell her that she is losing the good stuff
its your responsibility to isolate her from bad actors. no divorsed/roasties/"smart" females. ideally her social life interaction should be with your children and cleaning lady, that's it.

>> No.9891378

Do you have success with women serious question and do you have any women in your family or woman friends? How successful are you are you well liked by others?

>> No.9891591

>If you have standards for women, you're a loser

>> No.9891787

I know this is just you shitposting but I can tell deep down you actually believe this shit and it makes me feel legit bad for you. I hope you get help someday and find someone that will actually care for you, good luck man sorry you bought the the con you got sold =/.

>> No.9892032

well too bad everyone cant be the 0.0001%
thats life dude, some people are born with 10MM in their accounts, other are pisspoor and have a one inch dick, but the vast fucking majority of the people can get laid and find someone that suits them, people who can't see this are just retarded.

>> No.9892224

Awwww. So not being a cuck is bad. Poor him! XDXDXD. Now go back to plebbit before your wife comes back home from Tyrones house.

>> No.9892452

Does pair bonding ever occur with you niggers?

>> No.9892679

the cope just keeps on getting worse
have banged 50 girls and still all I want is a virgin
>How successful are you are you well liked by others?
richer than most and well liked enough
> woman friends
who the fuck would want this?