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File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9886817 No.9886817 [Reply] [Original]


Daily reminder that money is cope.

>> No.9886829

Literally >>>9886359

>> No.9886834

holy fuck. this is true. i thought you are kidding. what a fucking cunt.

>> No.9886842

>Thinks a virgin won't cheat on him.

>> No.9886858
File: 660 KB, 1825x4361, 1526245881368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9886868


>> No.9886895

He didn’t commit suicide he was murdered

>> No.9886896


>> No.9886994

This, both he and Kate Spade had connections with the Clintons and knew things they shouldn't

>> No.9887163
File: 62 KB, 482x692, chad skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice conspiracy theory but that's beside the point, he got cucked with Chad nontheless.

>> No.9887188
File: 259 KB, 1080x1349, chadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, you just need to go back in time when the internet didn't exist and women were stuck with what they had on their small village.

>> No.9887208

change that file name to billionaire illuminati member vs brainlet.jpg

>> No.9887231

Dude was definitely murdered.

>> No.9887234

When gen z discovers ROK

>> No.9887249

life sure is fair

i hope there's a god so that i can take a big fat steaming dump on his face before he sends me to hell (although i dont know how it could be any worse than this shit they call life)

>> No.9887312

>Guys, I have information that will lead to the indictment of Hillary Clinto-

*commits suicide by shooting self twice in the back of the head*

>> No.9887348
File: 143 KB, 634x1046, bourdain-wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see the beta posture and a nice guy smile in this male feminist (he was for his daughter)

>> No.9887362

Heaven and Hell are subjective concepts, anon. They exist in the present moment, not in a life after death. They are names given to the default neural pathways which have been written into your brain. To live a life of sin and degeneracy is to construct your own hell; to live a life of fulfillment and beauty is to live in Heaven.

>> No.9887366
File: 756 KB, 1992x1932, bch pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5% virgins at marriage during 2010 sounds completely made up. I'd expect maybe 0.1% at best. wonder how may women were honest when answering the study...

>> No.9887434

>its your own fault you were born into a 3rd world shithole youll never be able to escape

>> No.9887458

Also a reminder that being a lanklet doesn't help.

>> No.9888298



lot of guys getting destroyed by family courts

>> No.9888359

So where in that article does it say he got cucked?
It just had pics of his ex wife with MMA guys, so what?

>> No.9888828

Is this how you cope?

>> No.9888878
File: 93 KB, 632x951, 4CE6CF7A00000578-5807979-New_love_Argento_42_first_met_Bourdain_61_just_around_the_time_t-a-5_1528206740893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it. He got cucked by her ex wife and Asia Argento:


with this Chad. Then a couple days latter he killed himself.

>> No.9889245

>killed himself over roastie
Good riddance, cuck.

>> No.9889307

shes ugly
he could have fucked and had a loving relationship with supermodels if he wanted

>> No.9889637



Bourdain was an anti white basedboy

>> No.9889711
File: 35 KB, 480x360, toothyspanishguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9889717

also whoever does an hero because of a fucking bitch will not be missed anyway

>> No.9889777

Asia Argento is hot.

>> No.9889822

nah, you're disregarding your own filter bubble. there's plenty of cultures where women are encouraged to preserve their virginity, and virgin girls don't exactly advertise themselves to the world - it's the sluts you see

>> No.9889873

just lost whatever respect i had for him

>> No.9889879

>live in a medieval retard/arab/muslim culture where idiots give a fuck about virginity at marriage

no thanks

>> No.9889901

the thot of marrying a virgin is cool until you realized how unexperienced they are in more facets than sex

>> No.9889909

>Having sympathy for a Jewish kike that talks about white genocide on his shows
Fuck you nigger

>> No.9890614
File: 2.00 MB, 208x156, 685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she cucked him with asthetic manlets

oh fuck 4chan you told me this wasn't possible and that lanklets were more desirable please be fake please be fake

>> No.9891059

dude every man in those pictures are taller than her.
definition of a manlet is less than 2 inches taller than the girl.

>> No.9891149


makes zero sense

>> No.9891186

This. Get over your illusions of this shit mattering. My first GF her and I were both virgins but still broke up after 3 years because we didn't know what the fuck we were doing. There's a lot to learn in relationships.

>> No.9891224

well i phrased that wrong. A manlet is a 5'11 or less
BUT if you're 5'6, you can go for a 5'4 girl.
HOWEVER, a 5'4 girl has lots of options, and the 5'6 guy has very few options.
So most 5'4 girls will already have a 5'10 boyfriend, meaning the 5'6 guys are still lonely

actually i wonder where to get dating height statistics, itd be extremely interesting to see the disparities

>> No.9891275

I'm 6'3" and have never had an issue.

>> No.9891313
File: 2 KB, 247x139, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kike shill.

>> No.9891321 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 500x667, 9368b9e90e3bd5d36742af11057a8480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to get paid in crypto to post to biz?

i need biztards who can copy paste pasta to biz, will pay in ether, btc, or bcash

join the discord if you are interested

discord gg BhacpYq

>> No.9891355
File: 73 KB, 621x684, manlets_btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay actual statistics

average UK male is 5'9
average UK female is 5'5

4 inch disparity.
But if you look at average relationship, the average guy is 15 cm (6 inches) taller than the woman.

IN less than 7% of relationships the woman is equally as high or taller than the man.

>> No.9891402
File: 20 KB, 403x269, manlet_problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, the distribution of height in woman is more narrow than men. While most women are 5'5", only a very small percent are 5'0" or less! So to reach the required 6 inch gap that women prefer, A man must be at least 5'6" to have access to only 10% of the female population!

This is what scientists call "The Manlet Problem". A man that is onlly 5'4" will have NO woman that prefers bbeing with him due to his height. So he MUST overcompensate in other areas to become an attractive mate.
However, since height is one of the most important things in a relationship, no matter how hard he compensates, it never seems to be enough!

>> No.9891436

>This is what scientists call "The Manlet Problem"
PhD in shitposting

>> No.9891465

t. 5'4"

>> No.9891513


daily reminder that being redpilled > money & fame

>> No.9891527

Your ideal partner would be 5'9". But any girls from 5'7" to 5'11" will want to date you.

>> No.9891599

most of the girls in my family were virgins until marriage.
t. burger

>> No.9891631

then you get that experience together. christ this is an anime board and nobody knows the "childhood friend" meme?

>> No.9891633


>> No.9891640

Get this fucking shit off of /biz/
This isn't your blog, go whine about women somewhere else. Jesus fuck I'm tired of seeing the same threads about women every damn day, it's as bad as LINK fuck

>> No.9892512

>can murder hundreds of people without getting caught
>can't rig presidential because not powerful enough

Pick one you retarded nigger

>> No.9893752


These two things aren't even remotely related to one another, why would I only pick one?

>> No.9893849

Not hot enough to kill your self over

>> No.9893932


5'11" vs 6'. Manlets will never learn.

>> No.9894646

but at least you have memories

all i have is bullying and isolation

>> No.9894746

>Fucking incel trash.

>> No.9894852
File: 3.97 MB, 400x400, 3D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i assumed the survey was done in my own filter bubble. otherwise why would it be relevant to post? highly doubt its a global thing, if it is it's hardly creditable since youd have to poll thousands of women in all countries on earth (including bongocountries)

>> No.9894922

>b-but the sex won't be as good
Sex is far from the most important aspect of marriage, stop thinking with your dick all the time