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9885116 No.9885116 [Reply] [Original]

>Global warming is real

>> No.9885130

who cares?

>> No.9885142

I'm in Sydney too and not looking forward to the cold snap but you're a brainlet if you think this disproves global warming in any way

>> No.9885143

>posting winter temps

>> No.9885151

how i make money from it?

>> No.9885154

uh oh
you might be retarded OP, seek a doctor

>> No.9885156

weather isn't climate

>> No.9885163

There's not a single proof for global warming, so there is nothing to disprove.

>> No.9885166

Find a way to reduce CO2 from the Atmosphere and shill that to G20

>> No.9885167

short global avg temp

>> No.9885168

Climate Assets B Acc

>> No.9885170

>Man-made global climate influence is an illusion

>> No.9885190

Oh lordy

>> No.9885198

Invest money into the countries, that don't give a fuck about the global warming conspiracy theory and build more factories and nuclear plants instead.
I.e. China, Russia, Taiwan, VIetnam.

>> No.9885233


If you don't trust the data, then go on Weather underground or whatever weather data you trust. Not trusting any of the data isn't an argument. Earth's average temperatures are increasing and that's the definition of global warming. Just because it isn't clear why/if humans are causing it doesn't mean it's a good idea to ignore.

>> No.9885260

That's absolute bullshit, if you know there was a little ice age that lasted from 14th to 19th century and the temperatures are returning to the mean average, as can be seen from the CO2 records in the Vostok ice core.

So it's not a proof at all.

>> No.9885365

>post proof that average temperatures are warming
>that's not real proof cuz I 100% know the reason for it
Are you retarded? I didn't claim that we aren't approaching the historical mean temperature. I'm just saying that taking climate change up the ass like it's "God's plan" or whatever is a stupid idea, and burying your head in the sand because it doesn't make intuitive sense to you is as degenerate as it gets. I'd hope you can understand that the temperature changes over the past 50 years are alarmingly high, but that's up to you

>> No.9885497

global warming is very real. The environment is changing!

the oceans are getting more acidic, the weather is getting more extreme, and the ocean currrents are slowing down at a dramatic pace.
We have an ongoing mass extinction of mammals and the species composition of many ecosystems are getting less and less diverse (meaning less fish and more jellyfish).

>> No.9885542
File: 147 KB, 1065x623, vostok_temperature_methane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm just saying that taking climate change up the ass like it's "God's plan" or whatever is a stupid idea
Brainlet, temperature cycles are completely normal. I would start building CO2 production machines if I were you, because we're about to crash into an ice age, we're about 5 thousand years overdue for that one.

>> No.9885556

>hope you can understand that the temperature changes over the past 50 years are alarmingly high, but that's up to you
If you zoom in to 1m on the BTC chart, we're mooning. But if you zoom out to 4h, we're crashing. The same thing with temperature. Every "global warming" believer brainlet is looking at a zoomed in chart. 50 years means shit, when you have 400,000 years of data.

>> No.9885565

In 10 years there will be more plastics than fish in the sea but dont worry, its all a leftist conspiracy.

>> No.9885583

You’re a fucking brainlet. The earths temperature is always changing, how can you not see this. Look at ice core data

>> No.9885596

"global warming" conspiracy theory implies that humans somehow affect the changes, brainlet.

>> No.9885674
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow are people actually arguing in this thread wether or not global warming is real?

It's a bigger scam than Chainlink

>> No.9885733
File: 81 KB, 600x544, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good advice if i ever make it i will buy some factories in China or Vietnam depends where i get cheaper slaves

>> No.9885901
File: 63 KB, 500x521, 1516284071351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like global warming. I like pollution and environmental damage. It's the only thing we can still do that harms the extremely wealthy. It's how I get back at them.
>They control everything I'm taught through schools and media
>They control how I work through taxes and inflation
>They control my freedom through legislation
>They control my thoughts through censorship and spying
But they cant stop me from ruining the planet. If I ruin it fast enough, they grandchildren will go extinct just like mine. They don't get to continue the cycle of profiting off of my genes. We all die, fair and square.
Throwing trash in the ocean. Wasting as much paper as I can. Cutting down each and every tree. It's the ultimate revenge.

>> No.9886245

Is 12c cold for you guys? Looks pretty warm for the middle of winter desu desu

>> No.9886340

>we're about to crash into an ice age

>Science vs. a guy on 4chan telling us we're brainlets

>> No.9886431

>global warming harms the wealthy
Jesus christ, the word is overused but amerifat poorfags are KEKED. You idiots just love fucking yourselves dont you?
In enviromental disaster the elites will live in high tech strongholds with flood barriers while your comfy suburb becomes a third world shanty town

>> No.9886464

it's not just human factors though. it is temperature of earths core responsible for it. b/c that temperature effects the magnetic field which protects us from harmful radiation.

>> No.9886466

Short humanity

>> No.9886468

They'll be the only ones in the safety of the bunkers, or on a different planet, or space station. They won't die, and they're literally laughing at you killing off yourself and your entire lineage willingly.

>> No.9886540
File: 316 KB, 1449x1088, 2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the last thousand years. Are you saying it's just a coincidence that the average temperature has shot up together with CO2 levels?

>> No.9886570

>muh science
A buzzword used by brainlets, who have no clue about actual research. I bet you think Bill Nye is a actual scientist too.

>> No.9886610

earth has been ice cap free for 90% of it's existence. what everyone is fearing is actually a return to what's normal

>> No.9886625
File: 50 KB, 750x392, 5-Signs-Your-Baby-is-Ready-for-Solid-Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truly revolutionary.

>> No.9886629

What the fuck are these symbols and letters? Speak American

>> No.9886659

yeah, and who released those "data"?
the jews

>> No.9886664
File: 70 KB, 618x366, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've collected data for actual research. Bill Nye was a mistake.

Heres another Vostok graph for you to puzzle over.

>> No.9886665

Nuclear plants are actually a solution against global warming.

>> No.9886681

30 is hot
20 is nice
10 is cool
0 is ice

celsius is patritcian tier don't cuck yourself

>> No.9886712

Lets return to normal, before you existed. I'm sure you're fine with that.

>> No.9886730

No intelligent, informed people agree

>> No.9886767

>trusting data taken by people who have been caught on multiple occasions changing and skewing said and re-doing experiments until they find something close to what they’re looking for to stretch that for more funding
Literally have a plethora of emails by these “scientists” talking about data forging and what that you can find on Wikileaks, that have been there for over a decade.

So why would i trust the data by people who say the right thing for more funding i.e. payed to lie aka incentive to lie?

>> No.9886785

That's exactly my point, why the earth is flat.

>> No.9886824

Except i can visibly see the curve of the Earth in a plane and pilots have routes they take due to the curvature of the earth. Plus night and day.

The fact that you even grouped together flat earths and global warming deniers when you’re on the level of flat earther is weird and unsettling, friend. You’re going to have to do better than (((that))).

>> No.9886828

>coal is heating up the planet
sweet I have this great alternative called nuclear which doesn't pollute the earth in any significant way
>no fuck you we'll waste taxpayer money on inefficient renewables instead

>> No.9886839

Anthropogenic global warming denialists are like flat earth or homeopathy believers to me. Take this graph >>9886664 by anon for example. Does he know that there is no deltaT/year average measurable on that graph (due to too large time scale) nearly as high as post industrial revolution? His chances of insight are hampered by the fact that he isn't trained in the scientific method and I can feel sympathy for his tries to go to the source but he lacks the capacity. I know this because to say that it is deltaT that is plotted is nonsensical without discrete values on the years axis, in which case the graph would break physics by ´negative millions of kelvin. What's plotted is of course temperature and anyone with even the first idea of what they were doing would know this. I see a hostility towards the authority argument as to blame for many of these conspiracies, it's the only reasonable argument for most people given certain precautions.

>> No.9886843

Imagine disputing the legitimacy of global warming with a group of people who can't comprehend the falsehoods inherent in the gender pay gap myth.
It's well and truly summer.

>> No.9886845

Unironically this

>> No.9886982

There's an article on the front of our local paper today: Antarctica's ice is melting 3 times faster than in 2007.

It will become inescapable soon enough that the Earth is warming, and it's causing damage, and most dummies will shut up and act like they never said otherwise. A minority will admit having been wrong.

>> No.9887040

Got the data of the suns heat output for the last thousand years as well?

I think we're heading towards another iceage.

>> No.9887176

>A buzzword used by brainlets, who have no clue about actual research.
Jesus fucking Christ I've found it! I've finally discovered the single dumbest fucking statement on the internet!

>> No.9887345

>I think we're heading towards another iceage.
What you mean is that you think that we're headed towards another glaciation within our ice age and if we weren't it would be a break in the pattern, so your thought is reasonable. It is safe to say that few scientists would be surprised at the start of another glaciation within the next 1000 years because we just don't have a clear picture of what triggers it even if we can list things that should be a factor. It is important to remember that while there are self proclaimed prophets saying that magnetic fields or solar cycles or whatever are the be all end all concerning climate they're just appealing to a innate human wish for a simple explanation, the modern day echo of (zeus/thor makes lightning), while fact is we don't know the inside of the sun or earth, we see cycles but they aren't regular we can't predict them and we don't understand a lot of their impact anyways.
One easy to see cycle that I really like however is the fact that glaciers suppress the crust of the earth which then rebounds when the glacier is gone. Low land -> higher temperature, high land -> lower temperature. Neat, right? Just one factor contributing to the cyclic nature of it all.
One point I'm really trying to make however is that just because it's cyclic doesn't mean it's predictable.

>> No.9887375

Oh man the "however" in the last sentence is painfully superfluous. Forgive my plebby writing.