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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 373 KB, 576x768, bcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9873363 No.9873363 [Reply] [Original]

The saddest thing is that all that was needed was a measly 1 MB block size increase and:

1) BCH wouldn't exist.
2) Fees would never have skyrocketed so merchants would still use BTC.
3) No developers would have abandoned BTC.
4) The BTC's reputation wouldn't have been tarnished, community would have continued to appear united. No need for extensive censorship.
5) Lightning Network could have been developed for another 5 years and not be released in a broken state.

Feels fucking bad man.

>> No.9873440

wasnt ever about a 1mb increase, bcash exists because the chinks realized they had no real control or power over bitcoin, so they wanted to create a coin they have total control over.

a 2mb blocksize i btc would have created all of the exact sae problems, the usage always expands tothe capacity. do you seriously think that everyone that wanted to send a tx was trying to when the blocks were full? lower the fee and suddenly thousands more txs appear

>devs abandoning BTC
to where? bcash? lol
>reputation tarnished
people would still be crying about tx fees with 2mb blocks
>lightning broken

you late adopters are fucking hopeless

>> No.9873543

Why would more usage be such an awful thing?

>> No.9873549
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>a 2mb blocksize i btc would have created all of the exact sae problems, the usage always expands tothe capacity.
You're so ignorant it's amazing. You better not be one of those who took a mortgage on their house to buy BTC in the peak.

>> No.9873641

This. And I'm not even a proponent of BCH. But Bitcoin Core Devs shot us all in the foot with their stubborness. Fucking nerds and their dogmas. As if 1MB would have had any impact on centralization. Well, fee crisis is over now. Nobody using bitcoin anymore. Thanks Devs and #No2x Folks!

>> No.9873655

Why is the current crypto market a bad thing. It's simply a market that is going through it's early stages. It'll stabilize over time. In 2-5 years it will be stronger than the stock market. People who bought in now will be lambo drivers. It's just that /biz and most of crypto is full of 'get rich quick' brainlets that aren't here to invest but rather get change their immediate financial situation

>> No.9874232
File: 696 KB, 792x461, bch vs btc 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why Cockstream destroyed Bitcorn:


>> No.9874247
File: 32 KB, 773x421, blockstream ef91701bdedef6d1f176048585e79bedd13a541a51a5268ff60174e2d65f3e88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9874284

I support Occam's razor.

Occam's razor told me a few things many years ago.

One of the things it told me is that governments are not going to leave Bitcoin unmolested.

Another thing it told me is that the obvious weak spots were the dev team and the online community, which in 2013-2015 was heavily in rbitcoin. And since then, this is exactly where we've seen almost all the disruption.

One of the first things the US government did was call in Gavin. I understand others got visits as well. Shortly thereafter, Satoshi vanished. Occam's razor suggests to me that the US government wants to know the identity of the people most in charge of Bitcoin.

Occam's razor also informed me about the pool of people we're dealing with. Since WW2, the US and most other major first world nations very actively recruited and monitored the entire cryptography community. There are very few cryptographers worth a shit that aren't known to, and probably employed by, first world governments.

When you add these all together Occam's razor allows you to reach a conclusion. Governments know who the anonymous people are in this community, and they're ok with them. In fact, we ought to assume that the team in charge is the team approved by governments. If the CIA didn't like the shenanigans they would be trivial to stop. The disruption continues because it is in the best interests of the disruptors.

Yes this is all conjecture but it is the likely case IMO and has been my opinion since 2014ish.

>> No.9874319


>Chinks have no power over bitcoin
>Doesn't know bitcoin and bitcoin cash have SAME MINING ALGORITHM
>Doesn't know that bitcoin doesn't have EDA
>doesn't know bitmain could crash bitcoin in 1 second if they wanted

haha oh wow. blockstream must be running out of money if they can only afford shills this stupid