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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9871315 No.9871315 [Reply] [Original]

What's your most horrible wagecuking experience /biz/?

>> No.9871344
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One time I had to fly business through multiple connections

>> No.9871366

i spraypainted the handicap toilet with shit on my second day of employment and just left the office without even wiping or flushing because i had stress and anxiety induced diarrhea from starting my first job at the age of 31

>> No.9871390

I was hired once to literally be a person that the boss (a woman) could have someone to offload her frustrations on.
It was an entry level job, office shot and the shot she was doing was unreal.
I quit after 2 months because I couldn't take it anymore and because I wasn't learning shit, but instead was shitted on.
Weirdest job I've ever had.

>> No.9871395

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9871404

Not shot- shit, my autocorrect started to censor my language for me all of the sudden.

>> No.9871407

You're such an inspiration to me

>> No.9871443

I worked as a busboi at a restaurant when I was a freshman in high school. They'd sell root beer on glass mugs and I'd have to handwash 1000s of them on busy days. Whenever the owners heard the glasses clink while washing, they would inspect and take $20 dollars from my wages if they found any chips in the glasses. Of course, I was careful, but handwashing many individual mugs made it happen a few times. I made about $5.50/hr because minimum wage doesn't apply for "seasonal work"

>> No.9871532
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>> No.9871562

I worked as a custom audio/video installer for 14 years and had many. Two stand out though.
>only working for a few months so just a delivery driver
>get to old lady house
>walk in and smell cat shit
>see cat shit everywhere
>fresh shit
>old moldy shit
>have to step in between shit
>go to unhook tv
>power cord is buried in shit
>lead installer has to dig it out.
Oddly enough I never saw one cat in that house.

>> No.9871595

Odd indeed.

>> No.9871613

The next was when I was working for the boomer lead installer. He was kinda like Bill Gates but not a loser. His thing was to spit on wires to make them go down the wall, I told him to never do that with me.
>pulling wire down brick wall from attic
>wire comes through
>covered in his spit
>his spit is on my hands
>nearly puke
Still makes my stomach turn.

>> No.9871629

Kinda like Bill Gates but WAS a loser who played with Legos. Sorry. I’m kinda high.

>> No.9871659

Moar story time please.

>> No.9871673

working at abercrombie as a teen folding clothes and helping out the immigrants in the back room from time to time with shipments from the main warehouse. i felt bad, a lot of them had multiple jobs a week and were struggling with their kids. even though it was only a college job it made me miserable to realize there are unskilled people who have to rely on this income to get by. also the company didnt give reliable hours to fulltime or part time employees. they would "call you" if they needed you. best make your plans around their schedule.

>> No.9871709

Worked a 30 hour day across 3 states with no sleep. Got paid 2 months later. Wanted die

>> No.9871793

Haha kek. Wtf

>> No.9871802



>> No.9871893

What's your job anon?

>> No.9871899

He was a real winner. His helper named him Fanny Pack cause he was gay like one. He was also a Pedo.
One day we were headed back to the office and driving past a middle school. He spotted a girl walking, pointed, and said, “look at her anon! She’s gonna be sexy when she grows up!”

>> No.9871965

The pay and time wasted

>> No.9871987


Having to wake up at 5:30 so I could be packing boxes at 7 am. Shifted to the later shift after 1 month. Better pay and shorter shift.

>> No.9872061

My first job was bussing tables at a busy truck stop restaurant. We would also get a lot of local customers. There were 6 waitresses and 3 bussers due to how busy it was, 2 of the bussers quit and they didnt bother to hire any new ones because I busted ass. Some of the waitresses quit tipping me out and complained that I wasnt bussing theor tables fast enough so I waited until a night when the parking lot was packed as fuck and just turned around and went home. Felt good to fuck over all those greedy bitches.

>> No.9872232

IT Consulting, real mix of everything. The pay gaps and exhaustion make it really hard to even respond to recruiter emails let alone interviews, but I fucking need to get moving on that.

>> No.9872316
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>> No.9872384

I need /biz/'s help

I am 100% not joking I start my first job today and im a busser working at a restaurant called urban plates.

I make 15 fucking dollars an hour working this job.

California communism, that's how.

What the hell am I expecting?

>> No.9872414

a shit job like the 90% of the jobs.

>> No.9872483

My first software development job. Two years in I managed to fix a real fuck up (a batch process took longer than 24h, which seriously screwed some shit up). My team lead told me he attempted to fix it three years ago and it wasn't possible (synchronization problem that you have to actually think how to solve). Got praise from the architect for solving it but the team lead started shitting on me from then on, and feeding bullshit to the managers. Long story short - if you're in software development you better work for yourself instead of pajeeting it for somebody else like a good goy.

>> No.9872490

15 an hour for a bus boy is quite good for the job you're doing. I'm making 16.50 at my summer internship as an engineering inspector

>> No.9872503

For a job that any wetback could do, 15 bucks is great. Be glad.

>> No.9872561

I worked 2 part-times jobs in order the graduate from highschool, never have i applied for a job since.
>be me
>16 y/o
>have to work for free for 4 months in a government institution
>get sent to a hospital
>job is easy, keep track of employee contracts , give them their pay-check, usual HR stuff
>everytime i leave the office for any reason i get to see a bunch of broken limbs, amputees, people vomiting mixtures of bile and blood and drunk idiots singing while being pierced by a pole/fence in the MAIN HALL waiting to be attended
>a few meters into the building you can hear the interns fucking 24/7
>invited to join them several times
>everyone im the HR deparment had to do side jobs like clean puke/blood, bring medicines and even apply vaccines to children and the elderly
>mfw the people from my department were being payed 300 dollars a month
>mfw thats a high-tier job in my country.
Never again, i would unironically kms if crypto ever failed.

>> No.9872591

No wonder, you sound like a sperglord who is incapable of team work. Hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.9872635

The lesson is don't make the guy above you look bad, negger. The difference between me and my supervisor is that now I'm making his salary working a quarter of the hours entirely for myself, at a much younger age.

>> No.9872636


12 hour shifts on a commercial packaging warehouse as a temp worker.
Like paper commercials that had to be loaded into machines to be bundled together, or manual loading of individual batches that were plastic stripped together.

Fuck me that was shitty labour, the air was full of printing powder and we weren't issued gloves and I wore cheap-ass safety shoes that made my feet hurt like mad.

>> No.9872637
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Please tell me you didn't stay for long

>> No.9872663

How much you make?

>> No.9872687

>have kids without stable way to support them

No sympathy.

>> No.9872694

>big deal
everytime you touch money or a door handle you got worse germs than your work buddy who probably has hygeine skills

>> No.9872716

>a few meters into the building you can hear the interns fucking 24/7
:3c p-please

>> No.9872718

>be me, 45 year old, recently divorced, lost $200k n the process
>judge gave ex my house because she has kids from previous marriage and he didn't want to kick her onto the streets. Judge allowed her to buy me out for pennies on the dollar.
>stuck in shitty rental, car about to get repo'd
>no job because wife and I owned restaurant together. Business died with our marriage.
>go down to an old acquaintance's restaurant and see if he needs help.
>offers me job for $13/hr flipping burgers.
>I did it just so I could pay my bills

>> No.9872759

This would be good if the chicks werent solids 2/10

>> No.9872831

Anyone have the full version of OP’s image?

>> No.9872899

>>16 y/o
>>work for free in a government institution
>>keep track of employee contracts , give them their pay-check, usual HR stuff

>> No.9872950

You can search it up if you dont believe me famalan

>> No.9872954

Hey man, you gotta do what you can to survive, I applaud the effort and not just killing yourself.

>> No.9873091

>45 years old
>on biz

>> No.9873177
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Worked at a factory making Water pressure tanks for 13.90's an hour. Hated that fucking job, the money was ok but I worked 54-56 hours a week from 3 to 12 o'clock at night. Left after several months because I wanted to commit sudoku and the cost of gas took a lot of whatever extra I would earn from a lower wage job that was closer. 9/10 people this company hired were fired or quit within the first 12 months. Also there were a shit load of illegal migrants from Senegal and Mexico working there through temp agencies so the company had plausible deniability while saying in their marketing they were supporting "American workers". Work for a Daycare now while I take summer classes and preparing to go to college.

>> No.9873181
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200k? why didnt you just kill her? or have someone kill her?
fucksake anon this is your money here? dont you have any pride?

>> No.9873271
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Worked alone as a bartender in a single night with 300 customers. I have never EVER felt so stressed, I kept punching the stupid fucking ice bags that were compressed to shit with my bare hands in anger as the tickets kept coming and coming. It was a nightmare and I got paid in pennies.

>> No.9873290

Here's the kicker, in 2014, I told my wife I wanted to put $50k into BTC. She fucking raged and told me there's no way in hell. So it never happened. I managed to stash close to 4 btc in secret that she never knew about. That's what I've been living on.

>> No.9873313

i spent enough nights in jail due to her false dv reports and calling the cops on me. don't want life in a cell.

>> No.9873331

same thing for me but in a cleaning business
I got my security license, its shit work but not suicide level shit. Pay is much better and I just walk around slowly daydreaming or play on my phone. Except when I have to do bar work, apart from roasties (i hate women in general, i just pay whores) trying to chat the job can turn nasty quicky so I cant daydream. Invest 80% of what I earn and do online uni on the weekends.

>> No.9873336


>> No.9873338
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Was the only white person working in this really ghetto law firm owned by this crazy Jew bitch. Simple bookkeeping job. It was literally me with a bunch of retarded, inner city shitskins. Left after 8 months. Only did it for something to put on my resume.

>> No.9873347

this is the job I have right now

shit sux

>> No.9873358

What a dumb bitch, you’re better off wothout that baggage my fellow anon. May life bless you

>> No.9873384

Ok but for what she took from you, you could of had her done in for 10% of it...

>> No.9873386


>> No.9873430

You think you will have moved on? You're here forever. There's 70 year olds who shitpost on 4chan. There's no age limit. People never grow up. I work with middle aged blue collar construction workers and when they bantz it sounds like high school

>> No.9873446

thinking of doing security to be honest

standing outside a place like a dog and giving people the stink eye all night sounds chill

>> No.9873461

well, yeah, I divorced her. I knew my life was going to get pretty rough. What I didn't expect was a full on assault from her and her lawyers. She burned everything down, scorched earth. Tons of false accusations and fake crying on the stand. Judge bought all of it. I was fucked. I'm better now though. Talking to a good friend about starting up a new restaurant, things are looking up. I hope it works because cooking is the only thing I know how to do.

>> No.9873485

you're being edgy and stupid. stop.

>> No.9873566

Who else here has a /comfyjob/
>casino dealer
>make $20+/hr
>yearly raises
>play games for a living
>fun atmosphere, qt3.14s everywhere
>job is secure since gambling is popular
>paid sick days
>3+ weeks paid vacation per year
>401k with employee match
>cheap, high quality health insurance since company pays most of the premiums
>cheap or free food every day
>get a paid 20 min break every hour
>some nights stand at a dead table and either people watch or watch sports while getting paid
>fellow employees gamble so I book their bets for extra income
Feels comfy as fuck. Have some money in crypto and adding to it but this job isn't so bad

>> No.9873586

Jesus..... Why did she turn into a spiteful bitch like that? Were there any red flags you saw during the relationship? You said You weren't expecting that so I guess not..... How do I avoid the same mistake? I'm with a girl I'm thinking about long term right now but I'm so afraid of her changing, or worse yet, hiding this vengeful personality from me until it's too late

>> No.9873589

sounds like a great job how did you get it? what skills and experience before having this job?

>> No.9873590

every time a homeless person comes up to me and asks me for money to help feed their kid i tell them to fuck off. pieces of shit making a living hell for their children because of their lack of responsibility and drive.

>> No.9873616

IT recruiters are the worst. Have worked for Booz Allen and Deloitte, some recruiters ask me what those companies are. Got hired for a Business Analyst role and was doing fucking help desk work, for 45 an hour I didn’t complain though. Quit because no possibility of career advancement

>> No.9873651

I gambled a lot and saw they were having a job fair
Combo of hating my previous job and wanting to quit gambling and it just lined up
Took a quick math test, could I multiply various numbers by 1.5 which is the payoff for a blackjack
Then I did 10 week class and got hired

>> No.9873691

>Daydreaming or on phone
Wish I could have done that, former job banned even OSHA approved Headphones the day after I bought some for no fucking reason so I literally just listened faint machine Clanging through earplugs the whole time. To make things worse the 45 minutes of break time we had during the shift was off the clock so you didn't get paid during your lunch or the 15 minute break near the end of the shift.

>> No.9873729

I work on a production line and I bought some noise cancelling earplugs hopinf that I would be able to listen to audiobooks on the job

they broke after a week (300£) and now I listen to machine clinging and ariana grande all day

>> No.9873742

Cleaning the toilets at McDonalds. I only did it once but it felt humiliating.

Working as a shelf stacker in a supermarket near my house after graduating from university and being laughed at by jailbaits who knew my name somehow. They said something like, "Haha, it's Anon!"

All my jobs because I become the ugly loser nobody talks to within one day of all of them

I get given no work to do in my current job but luckily they don't expect me to sit and do nothing so it's no big deal.

But my worst experience was simply working a 9 to 5 office job with a less than 40 minute commute. My life was gone and I don't understand how people can cope

>> No.9873759


Do they put the uglies out of sight?

>> No.9873781


Lol go to the store and have them replaced unless you broke them yourself.
There's like mandatory 1 year repair policy in the whole EU if you didn't fuck it up yourself

>> No.9873808
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its good, just its an end of the road job. no matter what you cant take it anywhere, best is a supervisor position and they get paid the same amount for work
if you get hurt the company will throw you under the bus, you choke someone out and they sue you, under the bus you go again.
but because the whole industry is somewhat of a joke you can get away with lots. half the lads pick girls up and take them to the club toilets or someshit, the other day two guys went behind the bar and pulled their own beers on shift.
if your even half decent enough girls will try to hit you up, just expect your whole life to shit around overnight work which sucks

>> No.9873811

I did fuck it up myself. Its a mechanical damage

you know how all those earplugs you ever had eventually the wire and cable fucks up and they die? dont pull the wire too hard or they break

>> No.9873815

How much on the job sex is there at casinos? Compare it to other jobs

I'm bullish on casino waitresses. fuckkkkkkkkk man, so slutty but so hot

>> No.9873851

are you a big guy? Im tall but I have a shit skinnyfat body and am very weak

how often do you get into a fight on this job

any crazy stories?

>> No.9873885

Oh, tons
Dealers bang other dealers, waitresses are fair game, bartenders, random customers, it happens a lot
Unfortunately I'm a turbo autist and haven't banged anyone from work

>> No.9873958

>judge gave ex my house because she has kids from previous marriage and he didn't want to kick her onto the streets. Judge allowed her to buy me out for pennies on the dollar.
Literally my wife’s son, wtf were you thinking anon????

>> No.9873992

Pharmacist here making 65/hr. Feels good.

My expenses are high as fuck and I'm aggressively paying down debt, so I still drive a 2004 chevy. Only put like 5k in crypto last year, rode it up to almost 45k, and it's all the way back down to 4k again. Fuck me.

>> No.9874042
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depends on the type of job you go for, patrol or observation you'll be fine for but if you go for a bouncer position they wont take you. For me I was skinny at first but after a while hanging out with guys who are bodybuilders or tanked out islanders you start to change a bit. The industry is surprisingly small so if you make an enemy or dick around a company everyone will know about it. Same goes if your good everyone will send shifts your way. You'll start a week with maybe 20hrs and txts for shifts will be sent in the week, you can work back to back. I've done heaps of 70hr weeks. Because its full of guys who are ok I guess if your late or want to leave early or take extra on your break no one gives a fuck.
As far as fights go I'm actually pretty good at being there but not being there, any fights I usually disappear a few seconds before hand or make it look like im helping but im really just a spectator. The guys I work with live for a punchon but 70% of the fights can be avoided. Easily.
Just remember the guys you work with want to fight, they legit cause them.
As far as crazy stories go, you will begin to hate the Chinese. They do all kinds of weird shit
>take all their clothes off and scream when they beep in a metal detector (this happens a lot)
>pull down their pants and take a shit in the middle of the room
>sometimes they have the courtesy to do it in the corner
>one guy poured petrol on himself and tried to set himself on fire
>one woman had a human fetus in a gel sack around her neck for good luck
>girl I worked with poked it and it broke and went all over her
>girl was vomiting and went home sick
>they cough in your face when you try to talk to them (right in your open mouth sometimes fuckGodwhy)
>all this is from Chinese, you will begin to hate the Chinese..

>> No.9874067

Do you get tips?

>> No.9874080

also a fair few shifts are off the books especially concerts so you get paid under the table cash in hand. No tax

>> No.9874108

Wake up at 4:30 AM
Get home at 8:00 PM
Spend over 12 hours a day moving heavy boxes around in a hot, dusty warehouse
It was great pay for someone with no skills or connections to speak of, but it SUCKED

>> No.9874114

Used to do mow lawns for our municipality greens service in highschool. 9€/h from 6AM in a safety suit which caused you to melt from the heat in summer. One day I hit a dog turd with my lawn trimmer, had dog shit all over my face. Unsurprisingly I decided to not go back after that summer.

>> No.9874201

Thats almost me. Wake up at 6:30, get home at 19:30.
Work in investment banking for a major Swiss Bank as a SE
Commute from a different canton where I only pay 10% income tax.

>> No.9874268
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I'm a pharmacist too and make about the same as you + quarterly bonuses. I paid $4000 a month towards my student loans for 24 months and then used crypto gains in January to clear out the remaining $85k.

Feels really good to be debt-free and storing away cash but I hate how draining this job feels during the busier season. My goal is to semi-retire within 10 years.

>> No.9874338

I have no loans, but my job offers quite literally zero bennies. No 401k, no health, no paid vacation, etc...

But it's an independent and I'm the manager, and it's absolutely stress free and a joy to work. I was at CVS before, and I gave all the bonuses, benefits, and employee matching up to come here.

Worth it. I plan on trying to swing my extra income into purchasing rent homes and living on that. Get 4-5 of them, use HELOC loans to pay cash for them and the reno, and also retire before I'm 55.

>> No.9874357

Had I cashed out my crypto in january, I'd be in a much better position to do those things.

I have a wife and 2 kids on just my income so we actually don't have all that much extra income.

>> No.9874364
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>> No.9874433
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>tfw making $15 an hour to shipost on /biz/ all day at a mortgage broker office

I'm too complacent to find a new job. any advice? I also have a degree in economics

>> No.9874472

I also have the time to shitpost on biz and pol while at work, so that's also pretty sweet. And I'm able to monitor my crypto at all times with the ability to deal with anything I need to.

>> No.9874536

>a few meters into the building you can hear the interns fucking 24/7
>invited to join them several times

Fucking kek

>> No.9874557


So you got married and divorced after? Cool

>> No.9874621

lol me too. having an economics degree is knowing all of the problems in the world, knowing how to fix them, but nobody can or wants to give you any tools. so instead of helping society im here on 4chan, shitposting about technology that needs to exist for me to believe that working all day would ever be worlth it. basically im investing in the future that needs to happen. if it comes to pass, i wont need to work and i'll i will never actual create anything valuable in the world. if it does not come to pass, im shooting my dick off because im not going to go put in 8 hour of hard work so that mr. shekelstein can take 90% of what i make him

>> No.9874701
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the feels...

how much do you have invested? I only got 7k in (worth 4.5k now fuck me)

>> No.9874733

Worked at a pizza place (name withheld) that was on college campus. Open 10am to 4am 7 days a week, and the owner was a twat. The turnover rate was astounding, and there was rampant nepotism where dudes would get given the 10am-5pm shift, and I’d get the 5pm-5am shift (sometimes later if we were understaffed), and then expected to come in the next day for 4 hours at 10am off 3 hours of sleep to make 100 pizzas and open the store. Sometimes management would fuck up, and I would be the only person in the store at 1am with phones ringing off the hook, a line out the door, and everyone fucking cursing at me. I made minimum wage, had to deal with asshole drunks and fratfags and snowflake freshmen, and my drivers were all divas that never folded boxes or helped make food, despite being the only employees that had staying power. My owner was a twat (did I mention that?), who would patronize the living fuck out of me even though I was the only in-store that worked nights that didn’t quit after literally 1 week (here’s something even you could do, anon/you need to be valuable here, or you can just go work at Burger King or something)

Day shift blew, and would never proof me dough for the evening, so i would be left slapping out unproofed, freezing cold dough that I would have to pull from the walk-in. Dudes would steal orders by impersonation. Then I would have the guy who actually made the order come in and bitch, while I have a line out the door/phones off the hooks. owner would bitch about me putting people on hold, despite me being the only person running cut table, assembly, dough, front counter, phones, folding boxes, expo, etc.

I made it through 4 months or so of this. the fifth time in a row one week of coming in to no dough, despite begging my day shifters to proof me some, I finally walked out on my shift. They never gave me a raise past minimum, and never once expressed any gratitude. It was this job that made me hate richfags and frat boys.

>> No.9874734

It's funny, at first you might think you're lucky to have a long break but then you realize management is just doing it to be able to take you off the clock, since Federal law requires short breaks (5-20 minutes) to be included in time worked.

>> No.9874760

Eh, I'm not a fan of that. I hate how crypto stuff on reddit/twitter/biz consume a big chunk of my off days when it's the middle of the week and I don't have much to do. I miss 2017 when I could go days without checking my blockfolio and still know that the value is going up.
I'm really considering dumping $50k fiat into ETH if/when it hits <$400 and then not looking at anything crypto-related until December.

>> No.9874778

>starting my first job at the age of 31
And I though I had it bad starting working at 22.

Well the worst experience for me when I was in a test week in a first legit job when I was about 20 (just before college I didn't finish, btw.)
The same fucking song playing in radio nearly non-stop that was driving me crazy, co-worker singing my nickname alongside the other songs.
Being expected to be able to remember everything at fly, while there were few types of screws I had to use, other coworker shitting on me for being (apparently) a dumb-ass sheltered millennial (you get the idea, I hope). I broke down crying at home after few days, if I remember well, because that I wasn't going to be hired for longer and I have seen it as proof of my uselessness.
Yeah, first time working with strangers sucked ass.

Second job at 22 was comfy, but boring and minimum wage. Now at 23 I have a bit better paying job, more interesting, but also with hotheaded boss that likes to yell and curse when nervous. I can somewhat handle it for now.

>> No.9874791
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Back in the day, Kinko's (before it was bought by FedEx) had this room in the back called the "document creation center." We got paid $12/hour to type up resumes for poorfags who couldn't afford a computer or spell. Kinko's would charge them $60/page or something.

The work was excruciatingly tedious and I tried desperately to pass the time. My "manager" yelled at me when I made mildly off-color jokes, then proceeded to show me how he would photoshop his face into porn so he could imagine that he was fucking the models. I was only going to work for the summer, but I quit early because the job was so anxiety-inducing that I got chest pains and thought I was having heart problems (turned out to be acid reflux).

It remains the only non-university job I've ever had. Now I run my own business and let other people work for me.

>> No.9874841
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>without even wiping

>> No.9874875

inb4 taxes will eat your wage.

>> No.9874969
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go to Hard Rock in Florida
spend 2 hours talking to two huge 6 foot plus 5 300 pound red-skins about cooking

>now we are friends fine out there borthers and are the grandsons of the elected tribal council

god i love casinos so much wierd i really never talk to people or go out but i love going on the weekends and hanging with them and playing some poker vs a ton of drunk people from outside of FL

>> No.9874974

I’ll also add that I could literally, and yes I mean literally as In actually, fill a thread to bump limit with stories about customers at various wagecuck jobs. Just the customers. The pizza place had plenty that I more or less mentioned, but liquor store was by far the worst for shitty customers. I have a degree now, but can’t find work in it because I’m not a genius or charismatic enough to get handed a cushy job by my professors like half my graduating class did in my department. I mainly day trade. Ironically when I had the pizza job was 2012, and I had a wallet with like .5 BTC that got given to me that I kept convincing myself to invest a paycheck or two into. I think I cashed out when it got to like $400 and thought I “did alright”. Hindsight and all that.

>> No.9874986

Correction, I found my old paystubs. They paid me $9.50 per hour.

>> No.9875005

>children from previous marriage
There is one for sure.
Btw. Women apparently can turn nasty if they sense weakness...

>> No.9875021

>spit makes him puke
how to spot a kissless virgin

>> No.9875133

avoid normies. the qt needs to have an abnormally high level of empathy.

red flags include talking shit about other people, lying, cheating (whether it be in past relationships or in simple games), general unkindness or lack of empathy. sorry /pol/tards but if she's a racist cunt that's also a red flag. drug abuse / reliance on substances are also red flags. many parterns as well, same thing as abusing drugs (stims / painkillers / alcohol. except for weed and psychadelics if they're used in a healthy manner sparingly).

It should be legitimately uncomfortable for her to think or say ill of other people. naturally this can be pretty annoying always being around someone who looks for the best in others if you aren't at similarly high empathy levels yourself.

normal people will generally disappoint you on a long enough timeline. the ills have civilization have made them worse.

>> No.9875145
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>I don't understand how people can cope
Alcohol, sports programs, overeating... You name it.

I worked in a restaurant where we had 10-12 hour shifts, in summer it was expected to get worse. Two of my coworkers took every chance they had to leech off beer from the tap because it helped them deal with that life-killing job.

I acknowledged soon that alcohol was what made that miserable job bearable enough not to seek for something better for them and that's why I refrained from drinking whenever they offered to me. It was what kept them trapped in it, along with mortgage payments and other obligations they got themselves into.

I forced myself to stay the whole month and resigned. I'd rather fucking be a NEET than work 14 hours a day as I was told they'd be doing in summer. And this is in some Thailandese sweatshop tier conditions in what is supposed to be a first world country.

tldr; Alcohol, coffe and addictive substances are bad not only for the negative health effects but also because they attach you to what would otherwise would be unacceptable situations. They keep you from doing something to get your stuff together.

All the jobs in restaurants in my country are like this. Now I'm thinking to become a welder.

>> No.9875160

/n/ never fails to make me laugh

>> No.9875201
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>working at metal shop
>we put together pretty much anything made of metal, and weld, and then install it at the spot.
>used to weld and grind, never used the big metal cutter before
>boss asks me to cut through 20mm thick plate of steel
>start diving the saw through it, "okay this isn't so hard", I think while shaking already from the blade's force.
>saw reaches the other side of plate, apparently this is when things get fubar due to the disk touching the top and bottom of the plate from the inside
>thing goes skrrrrr, shakes violently out of my hands and cuts my finger halfway through
>day off

>> No.9875267

Whew, at least it was only half way.

>> No.9875269

My friends were working on a roof one whole month with no contract. I did not join them and instead been enjoying my summer, getting drunk and smoke weed. They did not get paid, the guy just disappeared. I did not know how to react.. so I laughed.

>> No.9875447

could have cut my head halfway through aswell.
I have more stories from that godforsaken shop. People didn't really care about safety there, here's shit I've seen those boomers do
>smoking while spray painting
>tshirt welding
>grinding with the steel sparks against acetylone tanks
>not a single helmet in sight
>using forklift on shit heavier than itself, and ocasional forklift racing
>the definition of a prank involved hammering pipes with people inside, shoving scalding hot pipes up people's ass, weld flashbanging unexpecting people etc

>> No.9875781
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been self employed a while but one of my last wagecucking jobs was to work 31 dec 1999 to 1 jan 2000 just in case y2k fucked us up. Got paid triple time at what would now be a $150k salary. VERY comfy nite

>> No.9875917

Rock bottom, the post.

>> No.9876057

used to work in a place like that too.
my friend who was an apprentice (i was too), was playing on the forklift, he drops a 2 ton steel beam next to me and smashed a £10000 steel saw.
boss was mad he almost killed me but was like
>ah whatever it's insured ill get a new one
he used to regularly sell shit and claim it was stolen and upgrade equipment via insurance claims.
i miss playing with the plasma cutter, melting through steel with that was lovely.

>> No.9876067

Worked for a polish husband wife combo in their street corner food shop by the beach. Middle of summer, hours standing in front of an oven, customers all having fun while I was sweating like a pig. The polish would visit randomly every god damn day and nitpick. I was driving a $1000 car with a broken alternator so I had to park on a hill to jump start myself to get home late at night. My parents were freshly divorced and mom was devastated and crying every night. I dropped out of college and nearly gave up pursuing a career. Things got better.

>> No.9876171

many times using the angle grinders, the blade used to break and go flying, they could cut limbs off but luckily never did.
>welding inside a tanker trailer that transported rotten food(egg) waste
always had to be me
smell would last for days on skin and inside nose etc.

>> No.9876208

oh yeah, being inside the tanker during summer when it was 25c outside so it was an oven as well as the smell

>> No.9876235

I've had pretty good wagecuck experiences. I've worked as a cashier clerk at a small bookstore. I liked that. And I like my current job. But my worst experience was an office job where I had nothing to do. I just browsed the internet and watched the clock. It was horrible. I can't describe the boredom. It tore at my soul and dranied my will to live.

Oddly enough, it is most similar to the pathetic and lonely existence of a NEET.

>> No.9876883

Lifeguard at a ymca that was 90% old people
I tell a lady swimming in the lane closest to me that were closing this lane for a swim class. She motions that she doesn't hear me. I repeat it louder. Still doesn't hear me. I get down from my chair and walk next to her and say it louder. She motions she can't hear me. I bend down and say it much louder now, she tells me in an incredibly rude voice "ok you don't have to yell!"

I haven't really had a lot of bad work experiences. That one tho was just.... I had no words.

>> No.9877792

Thats a great hourly fee for such a shitty job you spoiled piece of shit

>> No.9877840

>things that happened

>> No.9877915

Just kys dude
>not instantly spending all your money on monero when the whore tried shit

>> No.9877951

Reminds me of the time I was driving back from a business trip and suddenly felt ill. I pulled over at the first gas station, went into the rest room and sat down with explosive diarea, I then immediately, mid shit, threw up, I couldn't stand up because of the diarrhea so the barf went all over the bathroom floor. I tried flushing but it was plugged up so I just noped the fuck out. I felt bad for the young girl running the till since she was probably the one that had to clean it up.

>> No.9878417

Grow up

>> No.9878547

You need to be over 18 to post here anon

>> No.9878689
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>working at Staples
>Hear about a new brooks brothers opening at new outlet mall
>Get job
>Help set everything up
>Do decent in sales
>Excellent with customers
>Power tripping foreigner middle management (some polak hag and pajeet slut ho) starts freaking out on me for seemingly no reason
>Pajeet slut says I stole a sale from her and starts crying (I had been working a customer that SHE tried to steal and I was able to close the sale for me anyway)
>Polak hag freaks out over nothing, says us low level workers talking too much(store is empty so we chat as we face items)
>Pajeet whore goes to manager
>Manager comes down on me
>i tell him about their fuckery
>He's not hearing anything about it and clearly just cares about sales and not about how his employees are treated
>I go to the competing brooks brothers in the area and use my employee discount (which was like 40%) to fill my wardrobe
>Send him my resignation the next day
Retail can be super gay