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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9863594 No.9863594 [Reply] [Original]

They gave you this and you still didn't listen, how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.9863613
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We are still at hope

>> No.9863622


you forgot something. we hate everything including ourselves, op, each other and everyone who has not an hero'd, including ourselves. If you want to be fren think same. If you have a plan to destroy the world leaving us in charge speak and we enter via your ears and argue with each other in your brain

>> No.9863646

the good news is we were always at depression, anger, denial, anxiety and panic combined for most of our lives so it seems normal to us

>> No.9863655

I'm not a scalper, am still way up, and don't need the money right now. It's another opportunity to add to my stack. I'm thankful.

>> No.9863668

No we are still at euphoria. Face it we’re going to zero and never coming back.

>> No.9863737
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>> No.9863769

So.. basically sideways until the next bull run?

>> No.9863804

ask a retard
>how fucking retarded are you
would they be too retarded to know?

>> No.9863855
File: 41 KB, 400x386, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5k will unironically be the absolute bottom. I´m ready to turn back to bull and laugh at the deluded permabears waiting for sub 3k

>> No.9863871

it's going sub 1K basically confirmed at this point

>> No.9863891

we need to retest 0,3$ in order to reach new ath

>> No.9863910

see you at 1k faggot

>> No.9863921
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>> No.9863959

I love how you try to post that laughing pepe to give yourself that false confidence. We both know we are going to 1k and probably won't ever recover past the ATH. The sooner you admit the truth, the sooner it can stop hurting so bad.

>> No.9863973
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>pepe gives false confidence

>> No.9863995
File: 44 KB, 1200x630, apuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I enjoy to watch the current delusion of the herd. It is very similar to 19k bitcoin and the eternal rise.

>> No.9864009

This is going to 3k GUARNTEED

>> No.9864055


>> No.9864080
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Bless you anon for the chart.

>> No.9864089

nice to see some positivity however I have lost all hope everyday more and more sure getting into crypto was the worst mistake of my life. On the positive note being 85% down and past any emotions it can o all the way down to zero without really hurting me anymore than it already did.

>> No.9864106

>literally everyone is looking down at 2-5k when this is possibly a spring
not saying to go all in either way but all this doom makes me think the bottom is near
one more capitulation candle below maybe 6k to trigger all those stops followed by sharp reversal up

>> No.9864127

>unironically panic

>> No.9864128

Praise KEK

>> No.9864152

this. the bounce will also be very big and fast because of all the shorts getting liquidated.

current state is that open shorts in bitfinex is almost 1,5x the 20 day average volume. there will propably be even more shorts opened on the coming days when we push under 6k.

the squeeze will be bigger than the one on april

>> No.9864548

This. So much of this.
People just overlook the long/short ratio. Every.Fucking.Time.
I hope we are going to see 5.8-5.9k but I think that probability of this happening is slim to none and the probability of me catching it is even less.
So I'm buying and dollar cost average now.