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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 389 KB, 818x944, 3E75D119-F273-46FE-B6E6-F3050FD7B174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9863358 No.9863358 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 20k link at .60$ thinking it would go to 10$. I promised my wife a house in a year that cost 50k. Now my link is .22$ and she keeps asking me where the house is. I don’t know what to tell her. How long until link hits 5$ so I can buy her the house?

>> No.9863381

Why do linkies larp about being retarded? Is it some sort of shilling technique?

>> No.9863400

A house that cost 50k wtf

>> No.9863404

where is your wifes son dude tyrone will be so pissed

>> No.9863406


>> No.9863418

50k is a nice house around here.

>> No.9863423
File: 360 KB, 600x580, HAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was buying into this scam
LMAO you fucking retard got pumped and dumped on. you better sell because this shit is bleeding to zero.

>> No.9863441

there is no 50k for you, your money is already gone.

>> No.9863449

It's called a circle-jerk. It's been painfully obvious to anyone not participating.

>> No.9863452

50k house? Where is it fucking east st louis?

>> No.9863456

Long time, nigga. Surprise surpise the get rich quick scheme was actually a "get back to break-even slowly" scheme.

>> No.9863471

Kabul? Basra?

>> No.9863488

Upstate NY nice house for 50k.

>> No.9863500

Right now I’m down 8k. Can you bros help me understand what is going on?

>> No.9863533

wait wait are you serious? what is wrong with you? you seriously fell for the whole chainlink meme that is going around here?
holy fuck this guy fell for the meme lmfao

>> No.9863552

Could well be a bear market for the rest of the year. Important thing to be patient at this point.

>> No.9863578

Please be real. Please, Lord

>> No.9863597

because they have literally NOTHING else going on in their life. This is it! Not only that, they're too cowardly to even have the decency of offing themselves. They literally do not know how to win at anything.

>> No.9863615

You got bizd my guy, sell ur bags and try a safer coin like 0xbtc, easy 10x eom

>> No.9863618



>> No.9863700

chill dude, hold through 2020 at least

>> No.9863709
File: 76 KB, 700x560, 17 cents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a joke around here on 4chan to trick newfags (people like you) into doing something stupid.
every board has his own culture, like on /b/ they trick you into charging your iphone in a microwave or making deadly explosive spoons and here on /biz/ its "buy chainlink" or "1k EOY" to make you lose money and hopefully kill yourself.

The Project itself is also a meme, I give you the short version, basically Sergey studied some stuff about psychology and with a Whitepaper full of "math" and smart sounding words and shills he got people to meme him donations.
I know it sounds weird but usually people figure the meme out on like day 3.

Like hell, didn't you notice that the "memes" were actually just sergey cutouts glued on outdated 7 - 10 year old meme pictures?

>> No.9863713

Chainlink = /pol SCAM group

>be conspiratard polack
>spend years there
>learn all the merchant tricks
>take over /biz with LINK
>scam your fellow people

The absolute state.

A new generation of bagholders is created with every new thread. These bagholders will become scammers themselves. Gotta give it to polacks, they learned from the best merchants.

>> No.9863749

So the oracle isn’t real?

>> No.9863791

Imma help you out here anon cause I feel bad. Chainlink being a meme is the meme. People in this thread are all link bagholders who are trying to get you to sell them your bags for cheap. Sage.

>> No.9863808
File: 28 KB, 461x246, oh ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention, its also kinda comparable to the whole fingerbox thing, the chainlink whitepaper is the same, newfags ask "what is it?" but everyone pretends to know and directs you somewhere else.

nope, it never was. from sergeys end the joke is that he can delude the masses by pretending to have created the "God Protocol" which is another inside joke inside the broader crypto community.
everyone knows its worthless, thats why Vitalik bashed it and why nobody with half a brain gives a shit.

>> No.9863817


>> No.9863827

You guys are sick fucks. They're just trying to make you sell. The team is completing tasks everyday. Will it go to $10? Nobody knows. You have to make your own choices.

>> No.9863878
File: 92 KB, 512x384, The_Joy_of_Sect_76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at >>9863791
its a prime example of what I'm talking about.
>chainlink being a meme is the meme is the meme is the meme...
thats also a meme, don't fall for it.
I know it seems complicated to navigate /biz/ but after a while you figure it out.

or look at >>9863817
sergey used lots of money during Sibos and the december bullrun to hire shills.

>The team is completing tasks everyday.
another meme, fact is nobody can see any REAL progress since all the code is "secret". all their progress is LITERALLY writing up imaginary tasks on a schedule that gets delayed forever.

>> No.9863880
File: 62 KB, 800x450, fingerbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you you fucking newfag, Check the collection.

>> No.9863914

This. Fudders are psychopaths.

>> No.9863927

Last commit 4 hours ago. Get a real job instead of fudding.

>> No.9863948

>this much cope

LMAO Don't sell. Watch me give a fuck.

>> No.9863998
File: 161 KB, 337x265, 1521668851464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what are shills then?

lets look at the real world and not imaginary code, open up binance and look at LINK.
Its bleeding, look at volume, you can easily spot the coordinated dumps.
people like OP lose more money every day.

they hope to keep the meme alive to milk this shit some more when the next generation of bagholders joins us.
most of the board got in at what? .09 cent? expect this to bleed much much more, its a race to the bottom.

>> No.9864045

Now is the time when I buy

>> No.9864096

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.9864142

>How long until link hits 5$ so I can buy her the house?
>I don’t know what to tell her.
That you are suicidal


believing a Nigerian prawn racing forum site....

>> No.9864151

>Now is the time when I buy

What? Obviously not link, it is going to under .10 and that will happen when mainnet launches an....nothing happens.

>> No.9864158


>> No.9864162

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

OP IS always a faggot tho' that's tru fren

>> No.9864180

it really is unbelievable how far this whole chainlink meme went.
I don't understand why mods don't ban threads about obvious scams, ponzis and cultist bullshit that has nothing to do with business and finance.

true dat, but kinda sad that he threw all his money away like that while legitimate projects gave better returns.

>> No.9864190

I bought when that fucking faggot posted that fucking bait thread and it plummeted that night and hasn't stopped FUCK

>> No.9864202

why you fell for the meme?
can I ask about your level of education? no offense, just curious.

>> No.9864228 [DELETED] 

>>>9864045 #
The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.9864236

I didn't go all in. I'll buy almost any call here, assuming it's something I'm cool with buying anyways (at least a little bit) and it seems to be about 50/50, sometimes I get completely burnt and sometimes I make money.

I think I threw like $400 at it, it's fine really, if anything I'm amazed he might've known how hard it was gonna dip.

>> No.9864255

oh and to clarify, I wanted to be in LINK anyways so that was just when I decided to jump

to me it's stupid to not have some LINK

>> No.9864328

Marines I am never selling my link but I have been doing my research and have found a fucking brilliant coin that is very like link called lindacoin. I found it because it was alphabetically beside link and its brilliant!

Its on way more exchanges and there are lots of videos about it and everything. I don't think many people have heard about it so I am just sharing it with my fellow marines

>> No.9864352

>it really is unbelievable how far this whole chainlink meme went.

Its been fun, but sad, like fun but also like link, and its sad but entertaining but sad. When will the an heros start for link? we had the first FUN an hero last week (pete was his name) I'd give it until next week. It was sad, but FUN, but sad.They are so invested in this they probably already have the helium and exit bags bought, it will be entertaining but sad but entertaining. I really think the bags have stopped this time

>> No.9864596

Well I’m from Utica and I’ve never heard of any houses for 50k...

>> No.9864634

oh not in utica, its an albany shack

>> No.9864654

You sound poor. Go back to poverty island, you poor fuck.

>> No.9864895

be 100% honest with her. tell her you have a gambling problem and lost all of your money on a digital scam "currency" built by a dropout philosopher major. tell her you're willing to get help (maybe use the remaining money you can cash out befire this shit falls to $.10 , huh?)

>> No.9864921

I literally laughed after reading op in the catalog

Lmao you fucking retard

>> No.9864950

no idiot

tell her you lost it, don't tell her you still have some to cash out

>> No.9865078

Sell to me bitch

>> No.9865097

what's stopping you from just market buying on binance tho?