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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 275x183, eos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9861889 No.9861889 [Reply] [Original]


So...you have to vote for the blockchain to be activated? I don't understand. That seems like the dumbest shit ever.

Literally 95% of crypto holders just want to make money and don't give a shit. Do they expect all these people to just log in and vote just because? Many people won't even vote for the fucking president, why would they vote for a shitcoin block producer?

I apologize for being a brainlet on this, I just want to understand what the point of this is?

>> No.9861907

yeah, dpos

>> No.9861909


I'm honestly starting to think the reason nu-biz hates EOS is because this board is flooded with teenage ETH fanboys who have brain their PS4/XBONE mentality to crypto and are too brainlet.jpg to understand the fundamentals.

The amount of confusion I've seen regarding voting, token swap, block producers, ICO distribution etc. goes beyond you're run of the mill FUD. I honestly think /biz/ IQ is African-country tier at this stage.

Now watch how all the ETH fanboys start shitting on me like fucking clockwork.

>> No.9861922



Seriously though the fucking hodge twins niggers seem to have a better grasp of this shit than the average bizraeli.

>> No.9861949

just imagine how a normie feels in this market. use your knowledge and understanding to your economic advantage, I say

>> No.9861954
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>> No.9861961

degenerate piece of shit

>> No.9861963

This is some ace level cope lad, I give you 14/88

>> No.9861981

>/biz/ is smart enough to know most people are dumb and that makes me angry
of all the reasons to sperg out at this place, yours is the strangest

>> No.9862003
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>be me
> got a car crash and going into coma for 4 years.
> wake up
>can't to see to see how my eos going on.
> loose everything because my account inactive for more than 3 years and it all gone.

>> No.9862022

this, /biz/ is retarded last months and deserves the losses it gets

>> No.9862027


>Most people are dumb

No I don't think you get it kek, biz is literally now dumber than the normies. Have you actually talked to your average normie who has money in crypto? They do enough research to know at least a little bit of what they're talking about, because there's money on the line. /Biz/ has reached roastie levels of stupidity.

>> No.9862031

You've definitely got some brain damage

>> No.9862048

this but unironically

>> No.9862096

it's right there in the eos constitution, did you even read it?
Accounts inactive for 3 years are redistributed.

>> No.9862153
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Remember to follow the EOS way.

>> No.9862195


>> No.9862235

White people possess instinctual sense of justice. It's simply immoral to see something so undeserving get $4B. Immoral doesn't mean illegal; it's legal and it should be, but it's still wrong.
I know it's something a Jew is incapable of understanding.

>> No.9862246
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>> No.9862269

I'm just happy to see some actual arguments against EOS that make sense. The OP is right about the voting being pretty stupid. And yeah, a coma for 4 years to wake up to no more EOS would be suicide pretty much.

>> No.9862290

Its really bad, and barely even makes sense. As soon as its not "THEIR" coin then you might as well be arguing on r/buttcoin..

>> No.9862301
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If only i know when I will losing my conscious so that I will ask to help active my account so I can't loose it.

>> No.9862319
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>> No.9862325

Dude the answer is easy, just dont ever go into a coma. Also don't go to jail. Or get lost on an island after a plane crash.

>> No.9862401

If you hear about eos constitution for the first time clearly you haven't actually been reading much eos critique. dyor.

>> No.9862438

I been in this shit since before you born. Hopeful you are about 2 years old or I will look like a larping faggot.

>> No.9862464
File: 109 KB, 500x566, 1528112616918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah y're right m8. Eos is great, all what I need is never going out again to reduce the chance of losing my shitcoins. Just bought 100k tks.

>> No.9862465



>Philosophy major gets 32 million without writing a line of code
Nothing wrong with that

>Some chinks get tens if not hundreds of millions for whitepapers where they just spam the word AI
Well it is a bit scammy...but good for some gainz

>A competitor to ETH gets 4BN
*preachy spiel about the white man and moral investing*

This is bait right? At the end of the day 4 billion for 'vapourware' (if you can even call eos vapourware) is no more 'immoral' than 10 million or 30 million, who decides this arbitrary number? Two years ago 50 million in crypto would be like 5 billion today. Everything has scaled up. This is the most retarded reasoning ever, second of all spare me your moralistic investment crap, if half you faggots could invest in a loli sex doll company you would.

You meth-heads are really grasping as straws to justify your ad hominems and blatant fanboyism kek.

>> No.9862523

You got this shit DOWN man.

>> No.9862565

>*preachy spiel about the white man and moral investing*

I couldn't even fathom a proper reaction to that shit. WTF. Seriously WTF. WHY ...?

Are you people fucking losing your god damn minds?

> You meth-heads are really grasping as straws to justify your ad hominems and blatant fanboyism kek.

The cope is bad man. Like how long until we start seeing a lot of dapps platforms competing and we begin seeing shit where people pretend to like a dapp because its on their coin.

>> No.9862578

>Philosophy major gets 32 million without writing a line of code
>Nothing wrong with that
>Some chinks get tens if not hundreds of millions for whitepapers where they just spam the word AI
>Well it is a bit scammy...but good for some gainz
How many strawmans can you invent?
Most icos are shit but only eos received enough money that would probably be enough for SpaceX to launch a fucking Mars mission.
Instead we got a shitcoin that had remote execution holes days before launch and that dumped all the work of launching to third parties.
The design is shit but the execution is even worse. They just absolutely don't give a fuck and made something with minimum effort possible.
That's the reason people concentrate so much on eos. More money more interest.

>> No.9862589

> Candy crush came out on LOOM

Suddenly the ETH community believes candy crush is the only game ever made.

>> No.9862627

>Instead we got a shitcoin that had remote execution holes days before launch and that dumped all the work of launching to third parties.

> I am having a seriously fucking hard time understanding this shit. So they found bugs during bug testing.


> They raised a shit load of money.


> I am personally offended by how the code may not meet up to impossible standards!!!!

OK..... Annnd? Why should we give a fuck about this? Annnnd?

>> No.9862723

It's called altruistic punishment and it's the basis for the entire Western civilization.
It's in a visible decline now which is why everything is turning so much into shit, but enough white people remain for these reaction to be visible.
The differences are easily observable eg. in an ultimatum game:
"It just seemed ridiculous to the Machiguenga that you would reject an offer of free money," says Henrich. "They just didn’t understand why anyone would sacrifice money to punish someone who had the good luck of getting to play the other role in the game."

It's a genetic predisposition, you either get it or you don't. That's why inferior races and white sociopaths are incapable of imagining it and have to invent absurd rationalizations.

>> No.9862751
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Yeah why don't you go on rants about not investing in Netflix which is single handedly doing more to harm Western civilisation than any cryptocurrency lmao.

>wow he evil because he get a lot of money for not best product ever but might still be good we dont really know yet
>grugg made because grugg not get lot of money for smash rocks.

Nevermind that Vitalik is a commie cuck who defends child porn on his twitter, or that the community manager for Ethereum has explicitly stated that forking Ethereum to better represent gender equality is up for discussion lmao.

>> No.9862782

>It's called altruistic punishment and it's the basis for the entire Western civilization.

Lay off the drugs. I am serious ok. You need to fucking stop. Is it meth? Is it college professors? YOU NEED TO STOP INJECTING COLLEGES

>> No.9862797

remind me why people are giving a group of notorious pedophiles all of their ethereum?

Wiki: "Eos was cursed with unsatisfiable sexual desire, abducted a number of handsome young men"

>> No.9862810

You reek of Reddit.

>> No.9862848

I post on both and I don't care. My shits consistent and ill stand by it on any platform.

>> No.9862871
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>> No.9862883

>replying AAAAAND to every criticism
Yup, consistently retarded. Go back to plebbit, where you'll be rewarded for your annoying retardation by the echo chamber.

>> No.9862934

>Yup, consistently retarded. Go back to plebbit, where you'll be rewarded for your annoying retardation by the echo chamber.

Whatever anon, your larping as a puritan complaining about echo chambers. kys

>> No.9862995

>Lay off the drugs. I am serious ok. You need to fucking stop. Is it meth? Is it college professors?
What a degenerate response.
>why don't you go on rants about not investing in Netflix which is single handedly doing more to harm Western civilisation than any cryptocurrency lmao.
Without giving an opinion on Netflix, I'm simply not interested in Netflix, but I'm interested in crypto. It's physically impossible to write on everything.
In any case, if you wanted to understand the reasons that's the truth. You try to explain everything in terms of making profit and blind fanboyism because these are the only reasons _you_ would behave like that.

It's like trying to explain to a Chinese why you helped someone you don't know. I remember an anecdote I read somewhere: an American tourist in China helped a Chinese who hit by someone else's car. He was sued for damages and lost. The judge argued: why would you help him if you weren't the one that hit him and afraid of going to prison for manslaughter?

>> No.9863000

Legit retard. Do you even into IDs? Thought you had exp with that, plebbitor. Also you're actively disproving your own idea that 4chan or I presume /pol/ is an echo chamber by simply arguing with him and having nobody vote you down into oblivion. Meanwhile instead of you addressing his argument you just call him a druggie. Typical from you lot. Now pls, go back.

>> No.9863010

>who hit
who was hit*

>> No.9863021

I'm proud to say I'm 6 figures deep in crypto even after cashing out $75k in gains months ago, yet I've never read a single white paper. I didn't understand the basic concept of blockchains until late 2017.

>> No.9863069

> What a degenerate response.

I thought it made all the sense in the world considering the degenerate argument you posed.

>Meanwhile instead of you addressing his argument you just call him a druggie.

If your mental capacity is limited to the point where EOS represents basically the patriarchy. Drugs is not out of the question anon.

On top of that assuming the quality of ones argument based on personal attacks is a strong indication that there is nothing of value being discussed in the first place. I am actually having fun with this though but its obviously a larp. But its tasty.

>> No.9863137

>EOS represents basically the patriarchy
What in the fuck are you talking about?

>quality of ones argument based on personal attacks is a strong indication that there is nothing of value being discussed in the first place
No, you just degraded the conversation with your idiocy. He presents arguments, you put your fingers in your ears and starts spouting ad-homs.

>> No.9863289

>What in the fuck are you talking about?

Its a play on similar arguments toward moralist stances against those who hold higher power through genetic predisposition. Usually "sociopaths" as defined by Marx.

Moralist in a technological field? Its fucking drugs. Come back to earth.

You might as well point out that white sociopaths will bring on the technological singularity.

> He presents arguments

I reject them. Its random free association. He compiled the argument based on some twisted form of common disposition mad libs.

Not only that but how fucking dare you complain about degrading a conversations in light of a massive brain fart like that. Perhaps I can be even more insulting by pointing out that maybe the greeks would have been against or for crypto.

>> No.9863382


This makes no sense, anon was insulting commies and saying how destructive netflix was with its leftist agenda.

>> No.9863393

>wall of unintelligible garble
>as defined by Marx
Come on, man. Are you fucking trolling? You better be. And I have no idea what "moralist stances against those who hold higher power through genetic predisposition" have to do with anything.

>I reject them
If you can't refute them then it's not your business to reject them. You need to stfu.

>> No.9863427


Let me get this straight, you schizos have managed to work the superior qualities of the aryan race in to your EOS FUD?

>The absolute state of mETHheads

>> No.9863511

> have to do with anything.

>White people possess instinctual sense of justice. It's simply immoral to see something so undeserving get $4B. Immoral doesn't mean illegal; it's legal and it should be,

> but it's still wrong.

This mirrors way too much leftist dogma about how evil white people are.

I am poking at this shit because its beyond fucking insane. We have gone layers deep laughably insane.

> If you can't refute them then it's not your business to reject them. You need to stfu.

This is most epic EOS FUD I have ever seen. Like I am beside myself. There is nothing to refute. Its mad libs.

>> No.9863549

the entire EOS block hain is designed around people voting for 21 trusted 3rd parties (every 100 seconds or something) that all use amazon web service instances to run their nodes

where have you been?

>> No.9863556

A sense of justice is beyond insane? What?

>> No.9863603

>where have you been?

Where have you been anon. The superior sense of justice of the white race hangs in the balance as we speak. EOS must be stopped heil Hitler.

>> No.9863619

faggot I'm explaining how shitty EOS is

back to your containment board cuck

>> No.9863648

>as defined by Marx.
>common disposition mad libs.
On the absolute contrary. You have sadly internalized leftist definition of free market, only disagreeing that it's a bad thing.

Free market works when people engage in win-win situations. When both sides value the things they get in return than the original party.
It works in investment too - if I have what I think is a great idea that will make me and every investor rich, and I convince you to invest in it we either both gain (ie. I was right) and we both lose (I was mistaken and you were mistaken to believe my arguments).

It starts being immoral the moment people start to deliberately engage in win-lose transactions, in which one party _knows_ the other is going to lose and manages to intentionally dupe them into it. A horrible zero-sum view of the world in which every gain is someone else's loss.
That's how the left defines free market and it's what you apparently think is good.
Unfortunately the moment such behavior becomes the norm civilization collapses. During the heyday of Western civilization it was the exception.

What is EOS? Did Dan really honestly expected to create new wealth from all ico funds he got, creating a win-win situation? Or did he want to cash in on dumb normies investing during a bubble, intentionally creating a win-lose situation?
In more informal times, especially in smaller settlements, parasites like him would be tarred and feathered, or worse. That's why these behaviors were an exception.
Sadly, today they are becoming the norm.
>This mirrors way too much leftist dogma about how evil white people are.
Even more confusion. You appear to accept the leftist description of 'white people' as true. People from their description are actually evil - cruel, primitive men unable to settle conflicts without aggression and driven purely by basic instincts. What's absolutely false is them saying that description in any way matches white people.

>> No.9863659

Is Richard Spencer posting EOS fud?

>> No.9863729
File: 79 KB, 555x556, B49DF4D8-6B6A-4143-98AC-7627A5C1A41F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they don’t vote launch?

>> No.9863759

>When both sides value the things they get in return than the original party.
More than the original party*
I'm getting tired, sorry for the mistakes.

>> No.9863800

Good post. I would ignore the white stuff, that's just trying to associate disliking EOS with being a nazi. For obvious reasons.

>> No.9863810

>That's how the left defines free market and it's what you apparently think is good.
>Unfortunately the moment such behavior becomes the norm civilization collapses. During the heyday of Western civilization it was the exception.

This is fundamentally true. I agree with you. And I am vehemently against the act of swindling people through things like ponzi schemes.

> What is EOS? Did Dan really honestly expected to create new wealth from all ico funds he got, creating a win-win situation?

All he did was invent a new profit model where its really no more or less moral than starting a business with some basic functionality switched around. Its honestly, nothing more than just a new version of the exact same thing humanity has done since the dawn of time utilizing technology as a base.

We have never seen anything like this before because its never been possible. But in a situation where you have high interconnectivity its possible to generate wealth using a product and have everyone who uses the product bare both the costs of upkeep while reaping potential rewards as well.

> You appear to accept the leftist description of 'white people' as true.
I just openly and comically mock most forms of collectivism.

>> No.9863844

I also warn you not to take such a moralist stance as ETH is going to ultimately follow in the same steps.

This is the core nature of dapps. They are not like anything we have seen before.

>> No.9863894

The white stuff was beyond hard confusing. The later post makes me sad that wasn't the first thing I saw.

I apologize if that was what was actually being said the entire time. holy shit. I did not get this message if that was the argument.

>> No.9864097

>I would ignore the white stuff
I don't see how it's separable. Ok - today Japanese and Koreans are similar too. Who else?
In the heyday of white society running a shop in small city meant leaving the shop open and having a basket for people to leave in. The concept is almost impossible to imagine today.
It meant that you tell your 5 year old daughter that she can go visit a nearby town alone and to ask nearby passersby for help if she feels lost.

This is absolutely unique. For example, why are burqas so common in the Arab world and why are women forbidden from walking without male guard? That's not because they are oppressed. That's because if they went out alone and without hiding their curves and hair they would be raped on the spot. The male guard is there to protect them. What does that say about about the average Arab?

China? I think their complete lack of empathy and trust is already widely know so no need for examples.
In South Asian groups bride kidnapping as the default way for proposing marriage was common even in the XX century. A remnant straight from hunter-gatherer tribal times.

There's a reason Western civilization dominated the entire fucking world. It's because every other society was absolutely horrible in comparison. Somehow evolutionary pressures created a race of people that were absolutely disgusted by parasites like Dan Larimer and even at a personal cost went out to punish, banish or even kill them, making their kind very rare in time.

>> No.9864137

>All he did was invent a new profit model
What he did, XIX century version:
>give me money to invest in Larimer's Magical Bread! It's going to be delicious and the best bread you ever ate. It's going to be produced in 21 locations all around the country and bought by millions of people.
>people invest millions
On the launch day, Larimer gives every investor a bag of wheat seeds with one-page scant and nearly useless instructions on how to plant them, how to harvest wheat, then how to make flour from it, then how to bake the bread in the factory.
There's also a second page that describes that investors should vote to choose the best factories to bake the bread.

>> No.9864160


dead hahahahha

>> No.9864224

>Somehow evolutionary pressures created a race of people that were absolutely disgusted by parasites like Dan Larimer and even at a personal cost went out to punish, banish or even kill them, making their kind very rare in time.

But Dan isnt doing anything crazy. Hes not a leech. All he did was figure out a trick where you can take advantage of crypto and evolve it into a platform. This is a fundamental path for the technology he figured out. Its a natural progression.

If you dont like the fact that EOS is doing this you are obligated to leave this space as this is the only logical next step for cryptocurrency to gain legitimacy.

Create a product such as a dapp. A game or social media platform.
Base all functionality of that dapp to be intertwined organically with a cryptocurrency / blockchain

Give the product away for free.
If the product gains popularity the curptocurrency will go up in value.
You have now made money without directly selling the product. The people who have bought into the product are now also paying for upkeep of said product.

The thing that should be devistating obvious to your example is that Vitalik has had many years and failed to even get this far. The bag of wheat seeds dont even exist yet, casper. The nearly useless instructions is a blank page, plasma. All with a desperate hope that maybe whatever is concocted is good enough to be as effective as a factory. But nobody knows yet.

That's some sad shit right there.