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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9856285 No.9856285 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I'm a DACA recipient
>tfw no one wants to hire me because no green card
>tfw can get kicked out at any moment
>tfw no opportunities, no hope, no future, just one BTC to my name

>> No.9856322

guess you need to start a landscaping business, Jose

>> No.9856486

here are some ideas:
+ attend anti-trump/pro-daca functions looking for side work
+ attend cryptocurrencies/libertarian meetups looking for side work
+ attend latino functions looking for side work
+ sign up to Fiverr and start doing gigs for people
+ look up help wanted ads on craigslist
+ look up Free Stuff on craigslist and resell it
+ make/sell tacos
+ start washing peoples' car windows at stop lights

>> No.9856640

Is it better to be "kicked out" or to leave voluntarily and then re-apply for citizenship?

I have no idea but if getting "kicked out" means never coming back in, you may consider leaving until it's easier for you to stay.

>> No.9856656

reported you to the authorities

>> No.9856682

1. Search for high paying jobs in latin america.

2. Get an Associates degree in the subject (take out loans if you have to).

3. Brush Up on Your Spanish

4. Wait to be deported.
a. If you have a degree by that time=good, you have set yourself up for a decent return home.

b.If you don't, falsify information, hopefully basic understanding gets you by.

Other Options:
Gang cum Dumpster, Anal bug collector, Coffee bean collector, sugar cane cutter, Rice cook, retail, fast food, begger, local loquito, miner, Agave processor, cotton picker.

Last Resort
Find, marry, impregnate an American chick. Aim for heavy and pasty white. If her daddy owns a business that's a plus. Go through Naturalization process, accept your fate as this woman's husband for life. Work for her daddy.

Good luck and never sell that BTC

>> No.9856684

Try to leave without being detected its possible ICE will drop any file they've collected on you if you leave before deportation process kicks in a few years from now. Then reaply visa. Or idk that that 1 BTC back to wherever your from and blow it on hookers and drugs until you die from overdose.

>> No.9856737
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>+ attend anti-trump/pro-daca functions looking for side work
>+ attend cryptocurrencies/libertarian meetups looking for side work

I think these are really great ideas. I know it's easier said than done, because I hate/am afraid of networking more than anything else in existence, but I worked at an immigration law firm 2 years ago and a lot of the attorneys attend functions like this and would LOVE to help out DACA recipients. There are lots of people out there that want to help you, you just need to find them and speak with them.

But I know how hard that is to do - networking is extremely painful, for you.

>> No.9856863

Leave and don't come back

>> No.9856869

How far would a Bitcoin get you in Mexico anyway?

>> No.9856908

Don’t commit crimes and you’ll be fine. Move to a sanctuary city where you’ll have more protections.

>> No.9856918

move back to your country and use the 1 BTC to start a proper life

>> No.9856963


You have to go back you spanish aztec rape baby. Northern america is the land of the whites. Shhh. No tears. Only hatred now.

>> No.9856970

I hope you get deported and banned for life. Fucking leech scum.

>> No.9856987

He has a BTC and he posts while not being a pajeet here can't be that bad my dude.

>> No.9857023

OP here, I'm actually from Iran. My parents have been here for 25 years but never bothered to fix their immigration status (came on temporary visas). They applied me for asylum on account of us being atheists and thus being persecuted in Iran, and because i was young I was eligible for DACA. I'm still waiting on my asylum decision, its been over 7 years now I've been waiting. my dad is a mechanical engineer and even hires american employees and owns a home, all without a work permit

>> No.9857109

Why haven't your parents been deported?

>> No.9857113

Convert back to Islam you heretic.

>> No.9857117

Go back

>> No.9857272

I'm going to assume you are a good hard working person. Leave and come back legally and be welcomed as a hard working American. Staying and leaching off of tax dollars would make you scum

>> No.9857300

Ignore the racists and the /pol/tards, OP. What you and your father have accomplished is remarkable. I am sorry that my country puts genuine people/families like you in limbo. Keep doing what you're doing, man. There is a sunrise on the horizon

>> No.9857310

>implying this beaner was gonna pay tax on his 1 bitcoin

>> No.9857326

Seems like some people are smart enough to not let their status as illegal to stop them from achieving great things

>> No.9857338

>implying illegals can apply for welfare

>> No.9857358

>ITT: Subhuman shitskins who have to go back

>> No.9857408
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Fuck off cuck.


>> No.9857477

>Asks for advice
>Get's virtue signaling on a anonymous image board
>No advice

>> No.9857528

This is the gayest post I've ever seen on the 4chan and I've been here since the beginning.
Nobody was talking to you, don't ever speak to me again, homo.

>> No.9857529

Maybe it's not "virtue signaling", maybe he's just trying to make up for the all the cocksucking douchebags who need to mind their own fucking business. Was this a libertarian board at one point? That's what I keep hearing.

>> No.9857534


how much onions have you consumed today?

>> No.9857547

Moot here. Can confirm, this is the gayest thing I have ever seen

>> No.9857583

Making up for mean words on the internet by offering meaningless condolences and pep talk for somebody you don't know and will never meet is pretty firmly in the realms of 'virtue signaling'.

>> No.9857644

go around wearing maga gear, walk into a shop and ask for a job, they'll just assume you're a legal immigrant who hates all the people that came in illegally while you had to wait your turn

>> No.9857670
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Kek you have to come back Paco, we are crashing this country without survivors with LMAO

>> No.9857777

Get yourself a lawyer who's specialized in immigration laws. I was in similar situation like you but in a different country.

>> No.9857842

It's my business because he coming into my country and getting tax breaks to out-compete locals (you really think pajeets are better at running gas stations? they run them all because they get tax breaks). And this is a nazi image board now go gas yourself.

>> No.9857873


>sentient §oy

>> No.9857887

You really think any of the advice on this board will apply in a few years time? Either everyone like you will be kicked out of America or America will collapse. Either way you don't have a future here.

>> No.9857889

>problem isn't that they left their country
>problem isn't that their country is a shithole
>problem is their host country that gives them wealth beyond any other isn't generous enough
fuck outta here with that shit
i'm pro immigrants who work hard but we need to deport natives like you

>> No.9857898


Libertarians want the opposite of state enforced mass migration in replacement levels.

>> No.9857904
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gl friend, hope you make it

>> No.9857935
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That pepe is rare as fuck. Thnx stranger.