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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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985467 No.985467 [Reply] [Original]

So /biz/, is going into game design a good or bad idea?
Programming or project management would be my field.

>> No.985471

Games are a fucking meme

>> No.985472
File: 142 KB, 823x603, peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes are major dosh (especially the shit ones). What's your point?

>> No.985474
File: 166 KB, 1041x526, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.985476

Huge competition, very saturated field and it's a lot harder you think.

There is tons of game studios barely making any money, it's really not that good of a choice.

>> No.985477

Also no one actually bought those.

You can put in bids for 1,000,000,000.

>> No.985482

Fair enough. Games are sort of a hit or miss thing, so there wouldn't be much security either.

Yeah, I know. I was thinking of the people who sell meme t-shirts and shit like that as well but they aren't really making that much either.

>> No.985984

Game "design" is a meme. There are no jobs for it. Game "programming" is the most horrible way to squander perfectly good developer skills. The field is saturated beyond reason. Everyone and their grandmother wants to do it and so the pay is shit, they work you like slaves, treat you like slaves, and fire you the moment after the project is done, assuming it doesn't fold on itself as games are a ludicrously unstable business. They can get away with it because for every person who gets fed up with it there's ten idiots clamoring to get that job because they want to live the dream.

Source: Studied for that in college, got the fuck out when I saw where my friends were working and what they were making. Now working for a finance company. It's not as sexy, but the pay is much better, the people are professional, and the company is pretty much desperate to keep me and people like me.

>> No.985988

The time a game programmer invests relative to their income is ludicrously high compared to literally any other programming gig. Of course, if you have a passion for game programming and couldn't give less of a fuck about enterprise software then you'll make more money doing something you enjoy doing and even if you don't you'll be making more than a burger flipper, but if you have no preference one way or another just do literally anything programming related other than vidya.

>> No.985992


It's literally a meme and retards who "suck at math" think they found something easy and effortless which is exactly like eating cheetos while playing LoL all day but don't realize the pay is shit, the work is shit and 90% of game programming is math.

>> No.985994

>ource: Studied for that in college, got the fuck out when I saw where my friends were working and what they were making. Now working for a finance company. It's not as sexy, but the pay is much better, the people are professional, and the company is pretty much desperate to keep me and people like me.
Oh my fucking god are you me in reverse? I wanted to go into programming but life sent me directly to banking and finance. I've been thinking long and hard over the past two weeks whether I should accept another, higher paying job in finance because I dislike it. I was lamenting the fact that I never went into game development or the industry in general.

Then I saw your post.

>> No.986027

There are two ways to make money in game design.

Project management:
lots of responsibility
have to be good at managing/planning
good communication with engineers and executives
The only way you'll get this job is by already being a project manager or knowing one.

Game engine programmer:
highest paid position besides project manager
do you like math, physics, low level programming?
Can you understand this article:
If not then don't bother applying.

>> No.986033

there is actually lack of game programmers in scandinavia at the moment. you know the job and have previous experience of mobile games? grats you're hired!