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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9853162 No.9853162 [Reply] [Original]

> Already on Binance.
> Binance trading competition starts tomorrow.
> Masternode announcement coming up.
> Yellow Paper will be released this month.
> Testnet will be released this month.
> Next month will be "partnership announcements and ecosystem" month.

Instead of hoping your REKT shitcoin goes up buy a coin that actually has volume and stuff coming up this month that will pump it. Stop being a retarded HODL'r and make back your losses anon.

>> No.9853272

This shit is going to pump so hard

>> No.9853274

because it's easy af to shutdown any IoT thread with just one sentence: "provide a use case for the blockchain on the internet of things"

>> No.9853294

Somebody is butthurt that they were too big of a tard to buy at 2 cents.

>> No.9853313

>queue the strawmen

>> No.9853341
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> Actually caring about use cases in crypto.

>> No.9853363

maybe if you're retarded you'd consider it a shutdown

>> No.9853372

Anyway, I bought 900k of these, you're right OP.

>> No.9853373

whatever. i'm going to have the last laugh when my solid use case cryptos get adopted.

>> No.9853383

>buying during a competition
are you fucking retarded or just new

iotex is a chink cashout scam. they added this shitcoin to binance to take the last amount of liquidity remaining in the market before it dumps HARD next month. this and quarkchain couldn't even pull off a STORM like pump. enjoy your fucking bags retard

>> No.9853388

Nice. This is looking like it will do a ZIL or ONT like run the coming month. Pumping in a JUST'ed bear market, people will fomo in so hard.

>> No.9853399

Ok which bags are you holding. Genuinely curious.

>> No.9853416

i'm not going to say because then you'll come up with an argument for why it's not a solid use case, then i'll have to spend half an hour explaining to you why you're wrong.

>> No.9853433
File: 353 KB, 476x520, Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 10.43.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont. Just curious. I don't care about use cases, I care about hype and announcements. That's how I trade and it worked out pretty well for me.

>> No.9853484

alright, it's icon (due to private blockchains) and noia

>> No.9853502

bought on idex, sold during the binance pump

1 - crypto is dying, why the fuck is anyone buying anything now?

2 - prepare to fucked by quarterly inflation, circulating supply of 15% HAHAHA

>> No.9853535
File: 480 KB, 512x536, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 16.59.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job. If you're really smart you buy back right now and sell it when it pumps again. This shit has too much going on this month for it not to pump.

Nice, good luck with that brah.

>> No.9853560


not touching any more crypto, BTC is fucked and will fuck the entire market

nothing is going to go on a big run as it stands, IOTEX might pump 30% if you're lucky, if not stagnation

holding alts especially given the recent SEC news is a mugs game, more so considering IOTEX is based in the fucking US

>> No.9853608

sorry dumbfuck but not all competitions are created equal. no recent binance competitions have had a "minimum amount to hold in wallet to be eligible" clause. it is literally mathematically impossible not to have more buys than sells over the next week because of this.

iotex only sold to accredited investors because they aren't brainlets. they have no issues there whatsoever

>> No.9853691

30% in this market is still 30% brainlet. Also:
> Falling for FUD when bitcoin has already crashed.

>> No.9854327


"or stagnate" you stupid fuck, if you're going to quote something then quote the entire sentence

>> No.9854342


people were saying Bitcoin had "already crashed"...at $16k, $14, $12k, $10k, $8k and oh and now what just happened...another few % down HAHAHAHAHAHA

complete mongoloid

>> No.9854392

6k is bottom since it cost that much electricity to produce a bitcoin

>> No.9854440
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Have fun fomo'ing in when this goes past the initial pump retard.

>> No.9854553


I find it fascinating that those lower races still do not understand the concept of value. No matter how many times you ask them about the worth of the coin, they can only list useless features and never seem to understand the question.

>Pajeet A: My piece of shit has only 1 million mcap
>Pajeet B: My piece of shit got partnership XYZ
>Pajeet C: My piece of shit just got listed on binance
>civilized human: But its still shit. How does this make it any more valuable?
>Any above Pajeet: (not understanding my comment exept that it was some kind of criticism) Pajeet detected. stay poor. Atomic swaps are the future.

>> No.9854634
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This is what makes you money in crypto you absolute dumb fuck. It's all hype. If you don't understand that you will JUST yourself so fucking hard HODL'ing a worthless boring shitcoin with 'great fundamentals'.

>> No.9854958
File: 233 KB, 600x600, pepe_dero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Respect Satoshi's vision (Totally decentralized PoW)
> No more 51% attack
> Faster than nano
> Private Smart Contract
> Atomic Swap

Because I already have a better one.