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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 535x470, wtfbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9851052 No.9851052 [Reply] [Original]

Who is going to want to waste their time for pennies? I don't think this will ever catch on with normies. The Brave browser is also shit. Shill me either way.

>> No.9851092
File: 2.46 MB, 360x240, 1510631947893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>install brave browser on my alienware laptop
>its so shit I literally drop my pants and shit into my hand
>then proceed to to rub shit all over the screen because I can see the shit brave browser
>after 40 minutes the laptop is so covered in shit I can't see screen
>realize I fucked up and take laptop to bestbuy to fix
>they tell me they cant repair because of the shit smell
>have to buy brand new alienware laptop

>> No.9851558

neets on /biz/ seem to think everyone on the planet will install Brave browser, look at ads so they can be paid peanuts and that these ads will be paid for by large corporations that will buy their neet tokens from them

>> No.9851568

Hey atleast they have a product and a business plan...

How many other coins have that? Smfh

>> No.9851775

>Be bizfag
>Nobody will ever download brave, nobody wants to earn free money
>Invests in some obscure token with an idea and a team
>Jack in the box tweets a coupon for 2 free tacos
>Line wraps around every jack in the box in the U.S. for free tacos
>Brave only pays out $300 a year for an upper bound, nobody will waste their time
>Shitcoin launches main net, and nobody uses the shit tier project
>Brave continues growing userbase at 10% a month

lol the state of bizfags. you faggots will never make it.

>> No.9851833

I don't think BAT will do much but not sure why you say Brave is shit, I prefer it over everything else.

>> No.9851865

The tech is good but the browser is shit.
They don't have any good designers on board, so it's just nerds making shit no one will use.
If you can't engage the public, you're done.
Long term bearish.

>> No.9851906
File: 35 KB, 420x583, 1322949135933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brave only pays out $300 a year for an upper bound

this is where the brainwashing comes in. YOU are not worth 300$ in advertising per year unless ALL the advertisers in the world spend their money through Brave 24/7. Even then, if you're a shitskin, at best you're worth 30$. Right now you are not worth shit to advertisers as a Brave user since no one is paying for ads. For you to be worth 300$ every advertiser on the planet would have to advertise through Brave, and for that to happen Brave would have to be a monopoly larger than Google (Chrome) so that advertisers don't have a choice but give in and buy ads with BAT.

Fact of the matter is that you'd be lucky to earn 5-10$ per year by 2020 for using Brave. This is literal peanuts that no one gives a shit about, except shitskins and they wouldn't even earn 5-10$ but more like 50c-1$. These is where Brave will be stuck forever and your tokens' price will reflect that.

>muh Brave will beat Google and have a monopoly
>muh all the advertisers in the world will use their ad network
>muh everyone will earn 300$ per year

This shit is already overvalued. Expect at best a x3 or x5 increase in price. Maybe fomo will push it to x10 and it will immediately dump, but that's about it.

>> No.9852222
File: 21 KB, 600x647, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>For you to be worth 300$ every advertiser on the planet would have to advertise through Brave, and for that to happen Brave would have to be a monopoly larger than Google (Chrome) so that advertisers don't have a choice but give in and buy ads with BAT.
>Thinks an aggregate spending of all advertisers combined for one customer acquisition is $300

Lmfao. You keep talking about shit skins yet you think exactly like a stupid poor nigger. A doctor or lawyer would happily pay $300 for the right client, and thats not an outlier scenario either you stupid nigger.

>> No.9852244

Some pay-per-click campaigns cost the advertisers $300 per fucking visit. And that's not even a guaranteed converted client.

>> No.9852280

coinbase speculation will drive the price up, not necessarily value

>> No.9852287

lol thats exactly what I was getting at. That brainlet seems to think people are going to make $5 a year. I can also tell that hes a pajeet because he puts the dollar sign after the amount instead of before. We don't do that in America.

>> No.9852343

oh look, a complete moron that has no idea what he's talking about. This is the absolute state of the BAT bagholder.
A lawyer paying 300$ for a client doesn't translate to 300$ in your pocket you dumb shit. If a laywer is willing to pay 300$, that's his CAC (customer aquisition cost).
>mr. laywer I clicked on your ad cause I happened to need a lawyer at that exact time, where is my 300$?

Depending on the cost-per-aquistion and the conversion rate, those 300$ could be spread between 1000-10000 people.

You know what you get when you combine all the lawyers, doctors, dildo sellers and so on? You get an AVERAGE of 300$ in advertising money spent per user per year. Some will be worth more than 300$ and others less. And guess what, the guy that can earn 500 or even 1000$ from BAT per year is already so high networth that he doesn't care about it.

This is one of the most retarded posts I've had to reply on /biz/. Fuck off and keep holding those bags.

>> No.9852367
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, 1516266457757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude if you keep going you're going to be the sole cause of at least a few BAT holder suicides.

>> No.9852394
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>> No.9852404

Don't buy it. The product will work without the BAT-token too. It does not need it; it was just a way to raise funds.

>> No.9852417

The browser is pretty good. My main complaint is that the UI makes it look like some weird and creepy linux shit.

>> No.9852423
File: 55 KB, 640x602, 1628792992984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird and creepy linux shit

>> No.9852563

lmfao please go you stupid pajeet nigger.

>Depending on the cost-per-aquistion and the conversion rate, those 300$ could be spread between 1000-10000 people.

Wtf is this convoluted mess? Just fucking lol if you think $300 can be spread between 1000 people when lawyers pay around $50 for a single click.

>> No.9852795
File: 18 KB, 183x200, 1506358824823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A doctor or lawyer would happily pay $300 for the right client
>lawyers pay around $50 for a single click

so based on your numbers lawyers have 16.6% conversion rate? bretty gud.
You really have to make up your mind, mutt. I've already BTFO you based on numbers that you spewed from that shithole you call a mouth. Want me to continue with your new goalpost?
Let's say lawyers pay 50$ per click, which they sometimes do. How does that translate to money in your pocket or in the pocket of the average Brave user? From your replies and lack of understanding of basic math or concepts as simple as averages, I think it's safe to assume you're the typical dumb as shit burger with 10 times more liabilities than assets. You're not exactly the target market for those expensive lawyers and doctors. Explain to me how you, the typical dumb as shit burger, will benefit from lawyers paying 50$ per click?

Let me explain it to you again, this time slower so you understand. IF BAT had a monopoly and it was the main advertising network used by all advertisers in the world, a user could potentially be worth 300$ on average. Obviously that would never happen, but lets say it will. That 300$ amount is an average. It doesn't mean that YOU will earn 300$. Some will earn 10$ and others will earn 1000$. When lawyers pay 50$ per click, they do it to reach high net worth clients and not wageslaves like you. A rich guy using Brave will probably be targeted by expensive ads and he will probably make 500-1000$ per year using it. Now answer me this: why would the rich guy care about this, and even if he cared, how would that benefit you and put money in your pocket? You don't actually believe that YOU will be targeted by those expensive ads, do you? It would be a really shitty ad network if that happened. You are probably worth around 30-50 bucks of advertising money per year in a world where Brave has a monopoly. In the real world you should be grateful if you earned 3 bucks per year

>> No.9853189

So 5 million Brave downloads and growing user base is what then trolls? BAT is more legitimate then 90% of shitcoins out there.

>> No.9853440

It has a very good commitment rate too with over half those downloads being regular users.

>> No.9853469

You have the logic/reasoning abilities of a third world street shitter. Listen Raj Patel. What I was insinuating is that your idea of a user only being worth $5 per year is absolutely asinine. I used an easy example for you, but you still missed the mark. I used the lawyer to illustrate that service professionals, and businesses will pay plenty for customer acquisition. Also lawyers don't just target high net worth individuals either lmfao, neither do doctors, or credit repair agencies, etc etc, all of which are very expensive industries to run ads for. The whole point was that the entire advertising industry combined will spend much more than $5 per user per year. Some people will obviously be better suited to advertise to.

>> No.9853561

I don't get it, wouldn't these service professionals who pay $50 per click be factoring in that their CTR will be like 5% if the ads only showed to highly targeted users? Untargeted the CTR would be like 0.0005%. How does that translate into $300 per year per Brave user?

>> No.9853573
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>> No.9853757
File: 91 KB, 200x200, 123214241512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have the logic/reasoning abilities of a third world street shitter.
Every time you post, other BAT bagholders get a little bit more embarrassed cause they realize they bought into a shitcoin that was pumped by dumber than shit burgers like you. You're actually causing people to sell when you open your mouth more than me BTFOing this fantasy project.

>user only being worth $5 per year is absolutely asinine.
no, it's called reality. If you think for a second that this bullshit ad-network with its glorified adblocker will capture more than 1% of the global digital advertising market, feel free to hodl this shit to oblivion
Once reality hits, you'll actually pray to earn 5$ per year.

>Also lawyers don't just target high net worth individuals either lmfao
what is ROAS?
what is ROI?
I'm sure these guys will be more than happy to spend more on advertising than they can earn for providing their services so that useless debtslaves like you can click on their ads to get your gibs. BAT brags about its targeting system. If that system works, I guarantee you that you will never see in your entire life an ad for a product or service that you can't afford. The day that shitstained wallmart burgers with 500$ in the bank start receiving ads for Rolex watches and they can earn 50$ by clicking them, it's the day the entire BAT network proves itself a failure and dies. You personally will be targeted by ads for McDonalds and you will receive 0.0001$ per click because that's what the system will determine you are worth.

>The whole point was that the entire advertising industry combined will spend much more than $5 per user per year.
Yes, which is around 300$, which coincidentally is also the amount that will never go through BAT because it will never in a million years capture more than 1% of the global ad revenue, hence 3-5$ per user per year on average.

>> No.9854764

Yeah wtf, we were supposed to be first.

>> No.9854801
File: 131 KB, 211x286, 3BB14ADE-C817-4205-882F-8845AA6DB062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I capped your responses, it’s going to be hilarious when bat is getting normies 500 bucks a year and you’re still street shitting.

>> No.9854984

> dont buy bat
> buy scamcoin link or pajeetpoo 0x instead

>> No.9855110

BAT is the SwagBucks Toolbar of Crypto. Except worse.

>> No.9855210

>currently not paid to browser
>paid $30 to browse as normal

>> No.9855229
File: 21 KB, 688x507, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1% of $250Bn
>$25Bn MC
>Every $1bn invested into a crypto equates to $25bn MC

>> No.9855713

It's uniripnically one of the very few projects that has a chance of seeing massive real world adoption first. The usecase is actually something that makes sense and is easily digestible for normies. But good luck with your obscure shit tokens. I'm sure they will be in great demand one day.

>> No.9856171

I think people are focusing too much on Chrome and replacing advertising in general. Brave probably won't be adopted by the mainstream, it and BAT will be adopted by streamers, writers, and artists that want to work independently online.

>> No.9856404

topkek, nice explain goy

2.9% + $0.3 (paypal) seems better than 3.99% cc fees (uphold/coinbase) right out the fucking gate. Paypal will still be king among normies along with credit cards.

>> No.9856552

stay poor

>> No.9857497


Goddamn, good eye. I really hope Pakistan wipes India off the face of the Earth. It would be a win-win for everyone.