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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9843452 No.9843452 [Reply] [Original]

>the true power of Chainlink though is its generality. this is why people refer to it as part of the God Protocol. it will enable a liquid marketplace of *securitised trust in anything*, anything that could be concievably digitised. it will change the relationship of business entities to blockchains from a push to a pull phenomenon, as businesses come to desire to put their agreements on blockchains precisely because that is how they gain access to that liquid marketplace of securitised trust.

Is there a comfier hold than Link? Honestly, while Eth proves the significance of smart contracts, Chainlink is the key to bringing real world data on chain and making a smart contract actually "smart" and able to interact with us in our daily lives.

1000 EOY boys, dont let the fud get to you, we are kings in the making.

>> No.9843473

>liquid marketplace of securitised trust.
please for you to be elaborating on this. paint for me a photograph with your words.

>> No.9843529


It will be over $7000 EOY do you not believe in the prophecy but honestly you should stop talking about it. Just leave the people behind.

>> No.9843543

>god protocol
Trustless transactions in the real world. Smart contracts are neat but they only really have power and fulfill their purpose when they can do things like pull real world information and then utilize it along side the execution of a smart contract.

>> No.9843570

With all the fud and shitposting I just thought I'd post some comfy information. Theres so much out there that makes this a strong hold but the fact that this idea has been around for so long, and the relationship between Szabo, the man that coined the term, and Sergay is the icing on the cake that make me confident Ill be able to retire by the time Im out of college in two years or so

>> No.9843625

you're rephrasing not illustrating.

>> No.9843777

I dont understand how you aren't comprehending this concept. Say an earthquake happens and you have insurance for it, if the quake hits a certain magnitude you get paid x amount. With traditional infrastructure, youd have to call your agent, make a claim, and jump through hoops to get your money. With chainlink, the insurance company can use multiple weather stations or other seismic activity data sources, and pull and information to compare, and then automatically take care of claims. This saves both time and money on both parties ends.

>> No.9843829

Insurance is just one way this could effect our lives. Take a measly vending machine for example, by using smart contracts you can use a crypto enabled machine that only takes money from your account AFTER the item has dropped and registered on a pressure sensitive sensor where you can remove your item. That way if it gets caught in the machine, you dont get charged for an item you didnt even receive. These are just off the top of my head, the connections between salesforce, docusign, swift, etc. all put this token in a league of its own as far as potential gains.

>> No.9844409

LINK was always close to 0 than 1000 so 0$ LINK will come soooon be ready for the droppppp

>> No.9844456

>General public finds out LINK before we are suppose too.
>Shill against LINK all the time
>This is the type of shill they can afford

Honestly scared for the first time about LINK guys.

>> No.9844557

So in your future we use blockchain connected vending machines with multiple sensors and chainlinked smart contracts to do something you can do now without blockchain. kek fucking linkies

>> No.9844584

It's time to stop LINK posting.

Everyone has had more than enough time to accumulate and to research.

Now is the time to go radio-silent and wait.

>> No.9844609

This. It's the newfags that make daily threads or shill in replies

>> No.9844985

kys and fuck link

>> No.9845047

So Link is basically just taking the smart contacts to every possible transaction to normal businesses? Is anyone else working on this?

>> No.9845061

actually kind of sad to see how desperate you fags are becoming. just kys so you don't have to endure any more pain

>> No.9845086

says you lol





>> No.9845878

you are a


>> No.9845913

Just bought 2K. Whoever is selling is bat shit crazy

>> No.9846186

You've made a fatal assumption though. Insurance companies actually want to DELAY the pay out speed, rather than
making it easier for the poor goys to get their due

>> No.9846332
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Then they'll get put out of business by the new insurance startup that can:
1. offer lower premiums due to lower premiums as a result of replacing employees with smart contracts
2. offer quicker payouts

>> No.9846338

Once you figure out a way to import external data into the blockchain/smartcontract environment, we go from "send me $5 for a digital kitten" to "send me $5000 per month for 9 months but for every 2 hours that it rains in your construction site, I will pay you $3000"

beauty of capitalism, there will always be competitors willing to sacrifice that for advantage. The problem fixes itself

>> No.9846345

*due to lower overheads

>> No.9846675

You know the guy who first made this meme with Link from Zelda has already killed himself right?

>> No.9846793

>pressure sensitive vending machines

1000 EYO

>> No.9846888

rip, more reason to bare the torch. Let it be known that his existence here was one that benefited the linkies and the world alike.

>> No.9846898

you will join him in the weeds

>> No.9846947

no you.

>> No.9847166

hey this is my pasta, but it’s missing the first part

>> No.9847307

Dude, so are you.

>> No.9847779

intelligence and digits

>> No.9847875

Why the fuck would they payout based on magnitude of the earthquake and not based on actual damage incurred?

Is this weird fud? This may be the dumbest usecase I've heard. Why would the vending machine owner go through that trouble to protect your money?

Both of these are poor examples, but if you apply that same rationale to legitimate needs, $100K EOY.

>> No.9848112

Yeah, but common people are sick of their bullshit. Get with the times oldman.
Buy link!

>> No.9848151

As if a decrease in link supply wouldn't make me buy more. ;)

>> No.9849022

Golden triple 7s once again

>> No.9849037

Dubs confirmed

>> No.9849638

Just an example
The most exciting use cases haven't been thought of yet.

>> No.9849685
File: 41 KB, 485x312, 1489273325471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the ideal protocol. It would have the most trustworthy third party imaginable – a diety who is on everybody's side. All the parties would send their inputs to chainlink. chainlink would reliably determine the results and return the outputs. chainlink being the ultimate in confessional discretion, no party would learn anything more about the other parties' inputs than they could learn from their own inputs and the output.

Alas, in the our temporal world we deal with humans rather than deities. Yet, too often we are forced to treat people in a nearly theological manner, because our infrastructure lacks the security needed to protect ourselves.
Trusted Third Party

Network security theorists have recently solved this problem to an astonishing extent. They have developed protocols which create virtual machines between two or more parties. Multiparty secure computation allows any number of parties to share a computation, each learning only what can be inferred from their own inputs and the output of the computation. These virtual machines have the exciting property that each party's input is strongly confidential from the other parties. The program and the output are shared by the parties.

>> No.9849703

Chainlink = /pol SCAM group

>be conspiratard polack
>spend years there
>learn all the merchant tricks
>take over /biz with LINK
>scam your fellow people

The absolute state.

A new generation of bagholders is created with every new thread. These bagholders will become scammers themselves. Gotta give it to polacks, they learned from the best merchants.

>> No.9849763

moreover, in the future there will just be people selling their own smart contracts to various businesses. That's true automation, by smart contracts, not the robots. You would have an ebay of smart contract and many sellers listing their contract for various needs. Guess what? All of them needs a data provider to do anything useful

Every smart contract creator will need an oracle to bring in data to their contract that they want to sell. Any little fucker can code an insurance contract and sell it to local businesses or developers and there wont be issues of trust as long as both parties have enough collateral.

The smart contracts then effectively function as corporations

>> No.9849873

Started a new (containment) board over on the other chan devoted to linkies. Hopefully the shills will be easier to spot and it will lead to some good memes. It's /chainlink

>> No.9849923


Yes. But Link are the furthest along - they have examples of integration with Truffle on their github (which is the main Dapp development framework). Development tools are insanely important, as developer uptake is #1 for any platform or language in software. It means they're going to be a part of the already existing ecosystem as a major upgrade, not competing with it. So Solidity devs (including me) can start building a TON of shit with it on release day. That then drives up the value of the underlying platforms, including Chainlink. I don't know about 1000 Eoy, but it'll be huge. Sure, there'll be competing platforms, but first mover advantage is huge.