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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9844184 No.9844184 [Reply] [Original]

previous threads:
#1: >>9814201
#2: >>9819464
#3: >>9827681

Let's all focus our mental powers on making BTC crash. We're all in this together! Don't underestimate the power of thought - especially the power of collective thought. BTC is falling below $7000 and then below $6000; hold that thought and visualize BTC at $5900 in your mind, every day as often as possible and it will manifest into reality. Do it. This isn't a joke. Visualize it often and as detailed as possible. Visualize a total bloodbath: BTC in red and several percentages down, 99% of the alts down too, and pink wojaks everywhere and utter despair and panic. Together we can make it come true!

>> No.9844232

saw a 200 sell wall on bitfinex just now. what does this mean?

>> No.9844259

don't steal LINK memes

>> No.9844273

Lets dox op and hunt him, then kill him inna woods. Together we can find him and post pics of his dead body on chan

>> No.9844298
File: 84 KB, 573x430, 1528656675948-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love animals
Love pepe
Go green

>> No.9844304

100 sell wall x 1
50 sell wall x 1
40 sell wall x1

>> No.9844319

50 buy wall just eaten

>> No.9844328

200 sell wall back up

>> No.9844408

BTC is probably going to 3500. If it goes below 6k, more specifically below 5.5 (which is very likely to happen), then the next strong support is at 3500.

>> No.9844427

Its working! -13% in only 24 hrs. Kek is a god of choas. The crash pleases him. Golden bull run never. If it moves up to retest $7,300, that will be the time to truly focus your mental powers. Together, with our meme magic combined, we can crash this to $0.

As Kek wills it, death to Bitcoin!

>> No.9844432

there is no way i could be so lucky so no.

>> No.9844453

Btc $40 eoy

>> No.9844669
File: 176 KB, 742x960, NS Anti Vivisection 1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can love animals /and/ eat them. They're not mutually exclusive things. Take good care of animals and give them love and then kill them in a quick and painless manner. But don't kill or eat frogs... that would be fucked up.

>> No.9844679

3k 3k 3k 3k

>> No.9844714

>You take away the life of things you love
Imagine being so delusional

>> No.9844728

These kinds of guys, seem funny at first because ironic fagposting, mixed with coincidence in the real world make for a well memed thread.

Then they get a small taste of that and start sniffing their own farts SO hard that they fry their brain with the methane. OP, I hope BTC crashes as hard as the next bear but you gotta take stock in your life before you end up eating your own shit for breakfast. From the smell of your breath it’s already too late

TLDR: dude your breath suuuucks!

>> No.9844752

"""salty""" nocoiner here, I'm loving this

>> No.9845041
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you keep a vegan diet up for a long time then you're much more likely to develop depression and/or other mental disorders. You need proper nutrition in order for your brain to run 100% smoothly and function properly (which is absolutely necessary in order for you to be able to stay happy and have mental energy and focus and to be able to think clearly, and in general to be able to stay mentally healthy).

>> No.9845078

>ITT: some mentally ill no-coiner desperately wants to buy into BTC but wants it to dip first, so he tries convincing others of """"""the power of thought xd"""""

>> No.9845138

the brain needs animal fats for development and function. this is a well known fact. i feel sorry for vegan kids. they must be dumb as fuck.

>> No.9845140
File: 412 KB, 2000x1333, vegan_vegetables-484152000-588893413df78c2ccd8d08b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks veganism isn't proper nutrition

>> No.9845163

only for old men.
for young people animal fats are absolute necessity.

>> No.9845289
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, 1528669843523-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the brain needs animal fats for development and function. this is a well known fact. i feel sorry for vegan kids. they must be dumb as fuck.
>only for old men.
>for young people animal fats are absolute necessity.
Wew, imagine being this retarded. I think you need more of your magical animal fat, your brain doesn't seem to work properly

>> No.9846132
File: 78 KB, 464x288, what-are-you-waiting-for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep being dumb and ignorant veggie! see if i care...

>> No.9846163
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no survivors

>> No.9846289
File: 163 KB, 633x779, alcohol dependency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Worry's