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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9838241 No.9838241 [Reply] [Original]

Normies are starting to find out.

>> No.9838263

Do these nigger really know anything about crypto. They don't seem the like. Anon, I wouldn't trust them with predictions.

>> No.9838267
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>> No.9838286

They are your average american so I would say they account as a good benchmark for crowd sentiment.

>> No.9838296



>> No.9838302

>knowing anything about crypto

Click bait, what else?

>> No.9838308

These fuckers piss me off with their videos. Just like the average american they come up with their own facts and spread them through their big mouths

>> No.9838346

we makin ALL KINDS a gains

>> No.9838371

>they come up with their own facts and spread them through their big mouths
exactly like ~90% of /biz/ and other crypto analysts

These guys are followed by a lot of cryptonormies (people not on /biz/ and not even on r/cryptocurrency). They have been Bitcoin supporters for their whole crypto time, now starting to switch the attention more to alts. Mainstream sentiment changes slowly, but it's good to be ahead of others and see the change before them.

>> No.9838377

american chad confidence pissing off eurocucks since the dawn of time

>> No.9838400

They know they are dumb as fuck and only try to be entertaining.
That makes me like them

>> No.9838424

>american chad confidence
The Americans arrogance of their own ignorance has been pissing off eurocucks since the dawn of time!
fixed it for you!

>> No.9838455

>Eurocucks still think they're smarter because they're quieter
Americans speak louder only because they have more to say. It's always been this way.

>> No.9838460




>> No.9838501

They've got a long way to go before they top the bongs. No country has pissed the euros off more.

>> No.9838511

Americans speak louder because they’re unironically delusional about their own worth. Individually, and as a nation. It all stems from that. Also because their circumcision lead to overstimulation of the peeper through childhood this making them literally mentally retarded in a slight way. Dick head exposed permanently and literally rubbing on your pants and shit since a boy apparently will have no effect on someone’s brain and senses dude. Lmao nah bro, just cut that bit off my man, wtf does nature know anyway?

>> No.9838514


The video itself, for ya lazy cunts.

>> No.9838522

People love us what do you mean

>> No.9838527
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imagine being so desperate that you pin you hopes on some unknown 56% mutts that look like they have a combined IQ 105.

Bit-cone is headed straight to $2k

>> No.9838529


>> No.9838530

My god... just read the fucking comments. Im telling you guys, we are no where near the bottom

>> No.9838543

Oh, shit. Youtube is cancer as always. Bottom of the crypto investor barrel.

>> No.9838547

Nah Americans speak louder because we get pussy. It is so easy for us to fuck your women. They are begging for Yank Cock. They know which genes are better.

>> No.9838600

They’re pretty handsome though desu
Usually mixed race people look odd, but they have striking euro features such as straighter and narrower nose, blue eyes, higher cheekbones, different head shape etc.

The best looking people always look slightly Germanic, maybe Hitler was right with that superior ppl talk lol

Lol you get cholesterol
Yank women love British men anyway like women in almost every other country
Americans are hated by many but I actually don’t mind some Americans personally. it’s good to be loud and arrogant because fuck em’ all

>> No.9838656

Dios mio....

>> No.9838716

>implying you could even find a burger's cock

>> No.9838734

they would be the perfect black nazis for Battlefield 1 / V tier sjw video games.

>> No.9838775

based bob triggering all the wageslaves and roasties

>> No.9838793
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Those are gorilla Niggers.

>> No.9838807

The thing about american males is that there are a wide range of unique traits given to us due to living here that you brits wish you could ever have. You're all the same

>> No.9838822

nice bedtime story, brainlet.
this is what actually happened: they saw a post on plebbit how an alt rose 20% compared to btc. they got greedy thinking they are first few guys to discover this thing called "alts", sold all of their btc for meme coins and obvious scams (they made a video about this few weeks ago). now that the market is crashing and vast majority of alts are crashing compared to btc, they are desperately shilling their bags.

>> No.9838836


you have never been to yurop, have you?

>> No.9838853

Such as what
it’s rare to see a classically handsome American but here it’s common, or definitely more common.
The women.. it is what it is, lol. The reason the men here are probably more handsome on average is the same reason the women aren’t.

You can always tell when you’re looking at an American though. Something about the eyes and ears, also because they weigh 400 fucking pounds

>> No.9838865

Bitcoin days as kangz is numbered

>> No.9838870


Lmao Americans are terrible. The accents are disgusting and nasally and they are so loud. Americans are constantly told to be quiet when in restaurants here because they’re roaring across the table. So ignorant and rude.

Also Americans are mentally disabled when it comes to humor; they are so slow and need everything to be explained to them.

It’s so much easier for us to pull your own n as you are all basically fat, unfunny, no sexy accent (donegal), and YOUR DRESS SENSE. MY GOD. Inb4 “real men just wear what they want”. Yeah, take your plain t shirts and new brooks shoes and cargo pants and go away lol.

>> No.9838881

To be fair they are actually quite humble and smart guys. I met them once at a bodybuilding convention where no one cared about them

>> No.9838887

my experience with brits is fucking awful: they are always load, obnoxious, fat, disgusting, only speak one language and get offended if you dont speak to them in theirs.
they are honestly even worse than slavs and thats saying a lot.

>> No.9838898

these guys genuinely look like zombies

>> No.9838899

Nah the loudness isn’t a problem, it’s what they’re saying that is

Just ‘obnoxious’ shit that no one gives a fuck about and for no reason

Basically how Trump is... that is how Americans see themselves even if they’re fucking broke lmao

Someone said before can’t remember who that they all act like “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”

>> No.9838909

Well yeah but we have the history and put in enough work to back up that way of thinking
That’s the difference
I wouldn’t care if Chinese did too because so have they

>> No.9838920

OI bruv
oim going to need to see ya posting loicense

>> No.9838927

You can get a ticket for crossing the road mate

>> No.9838964

>born in Austria
>Russian parents
>grew up in Belgium
>feel no affiliation with any nation

Culture is not your friend. Deprogram yourself

>> No.9838973

that's because we actually have traffic here mate

>> No.9838987

Damn this board is so retarded. These guys are actually quite smart and of course this shit is satire and hilarious as fuck.

>> No.9839049

Didn't these fags do body building vids? The fuck they know about crypto?

>> No.9839142

They're riding the hype train and play those retarded characters with unrealistic expectations and buying high selling low, they even were on crowders show a couple of times, they are conservative.

>> No.9839184
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So true XD! One upboat for you.

>> No.9839200

LOL updoot!

>> No.9839381

They're actors retard

>> No.9839388
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>> No.9839390
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>imagine being this autistic

>> No.9839583

uks history is just that- history. your little shithole has been declining ever since ww2 and lately at accelerated pace. you will be completely irrelevant in your lifetime.
by the way, italians, french, spanish, portuguese, even god damn polish had as strong as empires as brits once had, but for some reason they manage to remain civilized people and not some retarded, inbred apes.

>> No.9839648

A true indicator of bottom before the run up, when normies give up hope

>> No.9839662

Irish are the niggers of the white race, and that’s a Fucking fact you r8 gyppo

>> No.9839761

Hodgetwins are ok but I wish they would say less ebonics and niggerisms in their vids

>> No.9839772

normies have been unironically ahead of you coinshilling brainlets for decades.

>> No.9839795

>being so emotionally invested in niggers you whiteknight them on anon boards
eceleb-watching mongs are living satire of the human race

>> No.9840760
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Americans are European + mixed with toad licking AIAIAIAIAIAI war cry red homos. Are you gay?

>> No.9840852
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but "crowd" has no money, and people with money isn't going to park their wealth in anything that isn't Bitcoin if they want crypto exposure.

>> No.9841373

these guys are the modern day pyramid schemer's. they hop on any trendy youtube topic and spam videos about it.

started in fitness with their broscience of eating fast food and taking steroids, now they shill EOS.