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File: 14 KB, 761x800, 800px_COLOURBOX11387815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9833960 No.9833960 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here unironically suicidal?

>> No.9833969

go ahead
remember to burn your private key so the supply drops

>> No.9833983
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>> No.9833995

or send it to a address that you give your family with a time lock of a couple hundred years

>> No.9834010

ops first market cycle

>> No.9834012
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suicidal? but why?

>> No.9834020
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>> No.9834032

>coin forks

>> No.9834039

I recommend trying DMT
you can buy it in DarkNet
Cured my depression yearrrrrrs ago
give it a shit. You already have the crypto

>> No.9834045



listen to the mix

>> No.9834054
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not really, pivx zdex coming soon.

>> No.9834060

How to do this? In seriously interested

>> No.9834064

2007-2008 people killed themselves. If they just stayed in the stock market they would be up today at all time highs.

Just manage your risk and don't put all your money into memes like bitcoin. If you are gambling for huge rewards might as well go to a casino. Stop trying to play a lottery.

>> No.9834069


Im not falling for that meme

fuck you

>> No.9834072

no. AI is right around the corner. my life will be comfy as fuck in a decade, just man the fuck up and survive

>> No.9834095
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activate quantum immortality

>> No.9834097
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Invest in KJV

>> No.9834099
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Its good your suicidal, we have to make it
or else.....

>> No.9834104

you have crypto I'm assuming.
Download and use tails/tor on a usb.
go to https://www.deepdotweb.com/
find a suitable DNMarket
purchase DMT from a reputable vendor
vaporize that shit

>> No.9834113

degenerate minorities. they always end up wearing the wrong colors. real men only wear light blue or white button ups. one of the many reasons they'll always be lower class scum.

>> No.9834129

Life has it's goodside brother.
Keep your head high. Nothing is impossible that's why peoples laugh at your post OP Beceause happiness is not impossible to get.

>> No.9834134

hey I wanna be stuck in a computational eternity

>> No.9834135

it's not a meme anon.
I was very depressed, had tried killing myself(even failed at that)
a friend introduced me to DMT randomly.
It reset me.
DYOR and give it a chance.

Would you rather just off yourself?
If you're going to why not try something first?

>> No.9834157

Unironically consider going on a professionally guided psilocybin mushroom trip.

Listen to this podcast: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/05/15/611225541/reluctant-psychonaut-michael-pollan-embraces-the-new-science-of-psychedelics

>> No.9834158

what do you have to lose at this point? its legitimate advice

>> No.9834166


Been for years. Crypto is literally my last big gamble. I'm still gonna give it till the end of 2020 but after that I'll either be rich or I'll be dead.

>> No.9834193

last time i did shrooms I went into a pychosis afterwards, and got put in a mental hospital :)

>> No.9834214

if you have ERC20 tokens don't forget to transfer to 0x000....0. It will decrease the token supply.

>> No.9834217

probably because you were a super duper faggot

>> No.9834229

different experience for everyone.

sorry you had to go through that. I'm not advocating doing shrooms unless a "professional" tripsitter is present.

>> No.9834235
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easy there your talking to a pychopathic schizophrenic mate

>> No.9834263


>> No.9834270
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Yes but I was suicidal before crypto so it doesn't really count.

>> No.9834493

Many blockchains fork their coins for security/upgrade purposes. Switching to a 'forked' coin or chain.
In a couple hundred years assuming the coins existed and were worth anything, there is a huge possibility of a fork or airdrop, leaving the original coin useless or obsolete.

>> No.9834554

oh i see what you're saying. i know that - but in my scenario i would go all in on bitcoin and time lock that for a couple hundred years. i believe bitcoin will still be around then and more valuable than we could even imagine.

>> No.9834607
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Why would I be? I did the logical thing.

>> No.9834615

won't there inevitably be a flippening?

>> No.9834852

looks like it's time to buy.

>> No.9834881

i don't really think so, although i would be interested to know why you think so.

>> No.9834896
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All jokes aside frens,
If you're feeling suicidal please take a moment to reach out to someone.
If you don't have someone to reach out to, please call:
> 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Markets move in cycles. If you've been burned by this downturn, or you feel like you've missed the big bubble, don't fret. The future holds unlimited opportunities, and you've learned a tremendous amount through this experience. You'll be ready for the next one. Remember: the top coins of 2020 havn't even ICO'd yet. You'll get another chance, just hang in there.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.9834972
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This is pretty funny.
Suicide interest is related to Bitcoin dumps.

>> No.9835162

If this correction is making you emotional, then you either invested too much in crypto or aren't the sort of person who should be attempting to trade in the first place. Since you are suicidal, I imagine both are true.

People like OP should stop trading immediately. Here is my advice for emotional people who are bothered by this crash but aren't suicidal.
1) Don't ever put more than 5% of your net worth into crypto. Most people should invest even less than 5%.
2) Whenever you buy any speculative asset (this applies to stocks and options trading too), you should set rules for what situations will cause you to sell or buy more. Write your strategy down and stick to it no matter what happens. I find that I am a lot less emotional when I am simply executing plans that I laid out a couple years ago.

>> No.9835468
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>> No.9835838

Don't do it, anon