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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9817304 No.9817304 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw we all told you to buy this at $6 but at least 50% of /biz/ is too stupid and didn't buy.

>> No.9817526

I bought early and did ico

>> No.9817595

I have been telling to buy since $5, by the time there was radio silence about EOS on /biz/

>> No.9818054


I wanted to buy at $5 but ICX never pumped so I could buy into it

>> No.9818064

i did though

>> No.9818114

At what price would you sell your whole stack

>> No.9818125

was considering buying at $6, wish i did obv.
not a big fan of it just didn't want to get dumped on on a coin i don't like.

>> No.9818134

what's not to like

>> No.9818161

>At what price would you sell your whole stack

If I am using it I may not be able to sell the whole stack

>> No.9818165

You playing eos games?

>> No.9818180

If you're not all in on EOS right now you're really fucking up.

>> No.9818234

year long ICO. anyone who believes this is a more "fair" way of distribution is a moron. It was engineered only to make more money for the creators.
advertises itself as the ETH killer... while still not having a main net.
also attacks eth for low TPS while ignoring that's to keep the network decentralized. EOS would have exactly the same problem if they actually did do 10k tps
20 security vulnerabilities found within the last week, they plan to go ahead with launch anyway.
main promoter is a pedo
larimer has a history of pumping and dumping projects
they were advertising like 10k tps then every once in awhile they just lower that number....now they're saying 1k tps

sure i find it interesting the block time is so low, but that's really EOS's only innovation. and they haven't even achieved it yet. if it was $1 i'd buy but at this level its over hyped 100x what its actually achieved.

>> No.9818243

But there is that bibox token!

>> No.9818247

Don't really know, need 50$ to get my goal. But it will be worth more if the project is a succes, so we'll have to wait for that

>> No.9818248

>You playing eos games?

You wont need that much EOS to play games. But if you want to power a dapp you will.

>> No.9818254

Youre going to wish you didn't think this way in a year. Maybe.

>> No.9818260

>anyone who believes this is a more "fair" way of distribution is a moron
so what's more fair, a 20mil, 10minutes ICO where 10 whales own 70% of the tokens, or a year long ico where it's impossible to own even 10% of the tokens unless you spend 400 millions spread out everyday for 1 year?

kek brainlets.

>> No.9818271

But is that actually how it works? You mean i hold eos and the system runs my dapp, just like that?

Explain like im five. Youll get a couple people to buy in. Ceiling is like 280 usd

>> No.9818294

>year long ICO.

The year long ICO meme is garbage mainly because a year is about the right amount of time for a development cycle.

> also attacks eth for low TPS while ignoring that's to keep the network decentralized.

EOS is just as decentralized as eth. If you have china owning more than 50% of the mining they have full control over the future of the coin.

> sure i find it interesting the block time is so low, but that's really EOS's only innovation.

The main innovation is that this is the first time in history that crypto can do something. Whether or not you see value in that is up to you but to me its basically fucking iron clad that history has been made. Crypto has never had this much power before.

>> No.9818296

you realize this page exists, right?
EOS is one of the most centralized holding tokens out of all the erc20 tokens. calling ppl brainlets when you don't even know the facts
lol. ETH had the DAO hack, lots of baggage and crashes over the last 2 years. even if i change my mind eventually there will be another opportunity to buy it at $5 or less

>> No.9818306

You can rent out your eos. Dapp producers need EOS for the amount of bandwith/memory they get on the Network

>> No.9818317

instead of the user of the smart contract paying "gas" like in eth, the owner of the smart contract pays "gas".

And payment is actually only staking your EOS. you don't lose your EOS. You keep get to keep it.

So how do block producers get paid? There's a 5% inflation of tokens per year.

Which means that at current market cap, each block producer would earn around 2 million per month if he is elected 24/7.

I'm guessing the battle to be a BP will be very fierce and will fluctuate a lot, cause there's a shitload of money to be made.

>> No.9818333

Holding tokens gives you bandwidth. So as a regular user you can skate by with most functionality you want with 20 bucks of EOS.

Like say you have a dapp for private encrypted messaging on your phone and you only send a few messages every day. You can do that with barely any EOS.

But if you make a dapp and want to make sure all of your users can utilize functions without bandwidth issues then you need to hold a lot more EOS.

Steem works in a similar way.

>> No.9818359

>EOS is one of the most centralized holding tokens out of all the erc20 tokens
completely incorrect.

It's impossible for EOS to be the most centralized.

What's easier to centralize, a 20mil ico, or a 4 billion $ ico?

how many people have 40 million to buy only 1% of all the tokens?

Also even looking at the page, you can see that there are no single wallet holding more than 8% other than the 0x000000 address which I'm guessing is block.one or reserved tokens or something.

And you can also see that the top wallets are obviously exchanges.

EOS is by far the most decentralized ICO that ever occurred. Only a brainlet like yourself wouldn't realize that.

>> No.9818368

I could have bought under $1 but I didn't do the research I normally do
is it too late for me to buy? should I wait for a dip?

>> No.9818370

Dudebro, "china" isnt one body and mind, just like "america" isnt.

Look at my faggy full stop at the end.

>> No.9818388

Spreading the distribution over time does nothing to prevent whales

>> No.9818398

Why would i chose the eos thong and not whatsapp?

I kept the thong typo on purpose. Spice it up and all. We need more wymen in cryptbro.

>> No.9818402

a single mining pool has more power than a single block producer.

And you can switch your vote for a BP just as ast as you can stop giving hash power to a mining pool.

POW is more centralized. Giving power to the people who have cheap electricity or manufacture better mining gear cheaper.

With EOS, your vote is part of how much stake you have in the network. If you decide to vote for something bad and fuck the value of your own EOS coins, you're too retarded to be rich.

>> No.9818414

>Facebook literally creating an online profile of you
whats not to love abou that

>> No.9818423

Man i love 4chan
Feels like some on biz actually care about the intersection of politics and finance

>> No.9818431

>Spreading the distribution over time does nothing to prevent whales
yes it does, the whales can't buy at discount on day 1. They have to buy at the same price as everyone else as the hype grows. They can't abuse low caps.

>> No.9818440

These dapps provide a new profit model. So for example you have ad revenue which is like Youtube where content creators get money from advertising. Then you have Patreon or direct donation model. Obviously there is selling merch or products as well.

So now we have one additional and new option that has never existed. You gain money directly from upvotes. So that picture of food you were going to post on facebook got 50 upvotes. But on a dapp those 50 upvotes might have been 20 bucks of upvotes.

Or maybe a whale showed up and liked your food picture and now you have 400 bucks for your food picture. There are a lot more reasons than this but this is one of the main ones.

>> No.9818450

they had 4 months to buy at rock bottom prices, they could get up to ~33% of the supply rather easily
and there's no way to prove who owns the top wallets.. it could be block one that holds 5 wallets with 33%

>> No.9818477

Thing is, you missed most airdrops by now. So, i'd wait untill markets open deposits again, and it will probably dump at that point to get in

>> No.9818493

>they had 4 months to buy at rock bottom prices, they could get up to ~33% of the supply rather easily
ok but the argument here isn't that it was impossible to manipulate, the argument is that there are no ICOs in history that have been as difficult to manipulate.

Most icos all you need is a few mil and 5 minutes and you own 10% of the supply.

With EOS, you couldn't do that.

>> No.9818501

Same same same with bitcoin
This isnt a fair place
As i said, we need more women in crypto. I heard that crypto is the biggest salami party there EVER was.
I smell of semen when i get off biz.

>> No.9818527

If your husband or boyfriend is in crypto. You are in crypto too.

>> No.9818549

*funds get confiscated*

>> No.9818551

Why don't women join crypto then? It's all rather anonymous anyway, but EOS has some female BP's to be honest

> http://sheos.org/

>> No.9818562

both are centralized, mesh networks like Nexus are the future. Decentralization isn't the opposite of completely centralized. Decentralization is just further down the spectrum. what you want is a distributed network where each person is a node.

>> No.9818593

Holy fuck, I could have 3xed in 3 months?!??! Wow, that’s super crazy!!! Man OP, you must be way rich now.

>> No.9818620

Hey, you could've also done a -80% on a shitcoin, so x3 is pretty good this time a year

>> No.9818661

are you talking about zil?

>> No.9818718

he's talking about the tech itself brainlet, eos uses only 21 nodes while eth is currently using over 10k, actual competitors to eos are fucking quarkchain and pchain scams. the only decentralized high throughput blockchain atm is zilliqa as far as i concern, with testnet running on 3600 nodes and growing.

>> No.9818949

You're the brainlet. A node without hash power, might as well not exist. It doesn't do anything to secure the network. It means nothing.

The only people who matter are the 21 elected BP and the 4-5 mining pool with 80% of the hash power.

Everyone else has 0 power and has no influence (other than voting with either their stake or hash power).

Try again brainlet, you truly don't understand the tech.

>> No.9818969
File: 133 KB, 940x1275, eoscentralization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eos uses only 21 nodes while eth is currently using over 10k
A very shallow understanding of the concept of decentralization.

>> No.9819028

show me proof that mainnet is a go

>> No.9819047

if you want to argue that eos is in any way more decentralised than ethereum just kill yourself irl

>> No.9819058

>hurr durr I don't understand how decentralization works ur dum
wow you sure told me

>> No.9819060

Please look up which are the biggest nodes on ETH and how much they handle

>> No.9819076

Please look up what happened when one guy decided to hard for the Ethereum blockchain and fragment the community because of a valid transaction that he didn't like. Wow so decentralized.

>> No.9819108
File: 77 KB, 645x729, brain is dawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: EOS whitepaper

>> No.9819112

what has that to do with anything?

>> No.9819139

Are you suggesting that the whitepaper isn't the best place to understand how the platform works? It's no wonder you people are losing all your money

You really don't understand what the word decentralized means.

>> No.9819196

>I believe in Larimer's Gospel

>> No.9819243

5% max inflation. those numbers will be more like 2.5% in reality. 5% is for a scenario with massive adoption. also BPs need to return a portion of the capital that they earn to the platform or they will be voted out. those details are important.

>> No.9819358

>BPs need to return a portion of the capital that they earn to the platform
I doubt that's gonna happen much. How would they even do it? Send 1$ to every EOS holder?

Pay more to high holders or people that voted for them? Sounds like bribing and that is sure to bring a lot of negative PR because it's like the only legit FUD smart people like Vitalik could find agaisnt EOS.

The way I see it people who will become BPs will make tools to interact with EOS or already be big players like bitfinex and get their PR through that.

>> No.9819721

I don't support pedos, cannibals, scammers, or Soros. Would not touch Eos

>> No.9819727

>I don't support pedos, cannibals, scammers, or Soros. Would not touch Eos
k, stay poor

>> No.9820443


>> No.9820952
File: 663 KB, 2408x1488, eosautisticscreeching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm going to believe the guy who designed the system about how said system works over some ethereum bagholders on reddit. This isn't some vague wishful theory, that's literally how the platform is designed.

>> No.9821082

holy shit this guy has 100 million EOS, the dump is going to be epic LOL. EOS bagholders BTFO


>> No.9821122
File: 65 KB, 215x300, peterschiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9821156

nigger who are you trying to fool here? you bought at 22 and shitting your pants daily because you bought a scamcoin that is only dropping since then, congratulations on your bags, literally nano 2.0

>> No.9821258
