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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9819522 No.9819522 [Reply] [Original]

>take out 50k loan repaying 990 per month over 5 years
>use 50k to fund on bitfinex at 0.8% per day
>$40 a day, $1200 a month, repaying $990 each month
>$210 profit per month, $12600 over 5 years plus the initial $50k for an effortless $62600 after 5 years

>> No.9819542

Good luck taking out a loan with 0 credit you dumb neet

>> No.9819604

>bitfinex at 0.8% per day
what is this

>> No.9819607

oh honey... how sweet you believe there's gonna be a bitfinex in 5 years

>> No.9819629

>Taking out a $50k loan
>Only make $40 a day

The absolute state of /biz/tards

>> No.9819637

Waste of time.

>> No.9819650

I don't believe you

>> No.9819698


Margin funding, from what I have seen 0.8% is the average.

Die tether fudtard

Learn to read and comprehend simple math

Takes no time at all. All I have to do is withdraw $990 once a month. Passive income for poorfags.

Believe it

>> No.9819768

>effortless $62600 after 5 years


>> No.9819789

What's the plan for the loan?

>> No.9819796

pls be my neet gf ill impregnate u with qt neet babies and we can scheme this system together

>> No.9819844
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Pic related is the Barclays quote. I forgot that its in gbp.

I'll figure something out. I have some credit history and collateral. What's wrong with outright telling them my plan? Or saying that I plan on using the money to invest?

You be the gf and I'll consider it.

>> No.9819855

.8% daily is stupidly unsustainably high

>> No.9819856
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Oops. Meant to post this.

>> No.9819875


You dumbass, 50k of the 62600 is going to be paying back the loan, so your actual profit is about 12k after FIVE YEARS.

>> No.9819887

>What's wrong with outright telling them my plan? Or saying that I plan on using the money to invest?
Oh boy. Banks don't take risks like that without sufficient collatoral. I don't see it working out unless you own a house debt free or something.

>> No.9819896

Oh my fucking god please no
please dont let this be true

>> No.9819933

Lol you're retarded bro
.8% per diem will get him like 14.5k per annum x 5 which you then add to the 50k

>> No.9819934

It isn't. Look at the finex funding page. It's always hovering around 0.8

How do you manage to breathe?

I'll figure it out.

>> No.9819965

you realize tho that you are thinking 5 year terms in a market thats not even regulated? nonetheless reasonably priced?

>> No.9820053

Anyone that claims they can reliably gain 0.8% DAILY on their investment is in for a rude awakening, because anon is right; it's unsustainable.

$1000 with 0.8% growth compounded daily is $18326.69 after just ONE year. After only two years, it would be $335873.40. Does that sound realistic?

>> No.9820083

It's not compounded. It's based off the 50k initial

>> No.9820105
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>> No.9820115

Do you choose who you want to loan the funds you put into margin funding or is it all automatic?

>> No.9820137


Yes. Just throwing an idea out there, doesn't necessarily have to be bitfinex. Surely there are other venues where I can make a higher return than my interest repayment.

Automatic. I place my offer and anyone can take it.

>> No.9820156

What's the catch? I'm interested in this

>> No.9820179

The catch is nothing is free in this world, its going over 5 years of time, its extremely high risk for someone that doesnt have money

youre betting on 0.8% daily return for 5 years in the crypto market

>> No.9820194


Still unsustainable

They are paying near 30% interest on the loans

>> No.9820220


30% annually* sry should have specified

>> No.9820227

It's like 0.04 most days. It has never been 0.8 you fucking retard.
>What is counterparty risk
Just kys

>> No.9820247

The rate is not nearly that high
You can get hacked
Bitfinex can get hacked
Exit scam
Etc etc

>> No.9820268
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>paying 7.3% interest on a loan when interest rates are at record lows and increasing

top lmao

>> No.9820481

Well, what if I have $50k lying around and can invest into this?

So if I have funds lying around I can deposit there and gain interest? Doesn't this sound like BITCONNEC?

Not that much considering last bull run.

>> No.9820505

When people want to trade on margin they need to loan money to buy something. Thus, Bitfinex needs people to loan their USD

>> No.9820533

>So if I have funds lying around I can deposit there and gain interest? Doesn't this sound like BITCONNEC?
Bitconnect was paying 40% a month, this only pays 33.8% per year.

>> No.9820542

Still doesn't answer my question of what's the catch. Is there in any way that I can lose the money by simply loaning it?

>> No.9820602

bitfinex could declare bankruptcy and you'll lose everything.
ever wonder why theyre getting charged 200% anual interest for capital? shit is more junk than a Tesla bond.

>> No.9820921

It's retarded posts like OP that make me want to switch my long-term view of the crypto market from bullish to bearish

>> No.9820944

The average is not even close to 0.8%. It's much closer to 0.08% (and that's high). If Bitfinex gets hacked or there's a flash crash you might not get your money back. That's the risk you get paid for.

>> No.9820955

If Bitfinex goes bankrupt, gets hacked or there's a flash crash so longs can't get liquidated you might not get all/any of your money back.

>> No.9820976

If Bitfinex default, you're really fucked unless you're citizen at some 1st1st country which would go after such fuck-up