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9817767 No.9817767 [Reply] [Original]

>Be neet
>Virgin because no money or confidence being a leech

>Now wageying for two years still virgin because no energy or time

Is this just how it ends?

>> No.9817776

just work hard and book some escorts for you weekends to have fun

>> No.9817798

Im scared they'll scam me I cant afford the good ones

>> No.9817873
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you have no idea

>> No.9817886

If you don't do anything to improve your life, yes

>> No.9817909

you can't do anything to improve your life, free will is nothing without luck

people don't change

>> No.9817931

Is this true?

>> No.9817953

once you stop wagecucking it gets better. Got it

>> No.9817990

unironically this. life gets better being neet WITH money.

>> No.9818075

It's a safe bet that people don't change. At least until they die. Having died (metaphorically) like two times myself, I can say that even that doesn't always work.
But having read your posts, your life probably won't be that bad, you'll find a gf, several probably, and have a normal normie life one day. I'm sure of it.

>> No.9818137

Wow thank you anon

>> No.9818361

dunno they cost like 200€/h in central europe. Have no problem getting that money with a good job.

>> No.9818383

Everyone should get laid just to get that weight off your back, but it's not going to change your life. Sex with someone you care for is great, but sex in and of itself is pretty much your dick in a warm wet hole and a rush of endorphins. Masturbating on stims is probably more enjoyable than casual sex, easier to accomplish too.

>> No.9818442

You've got a choice. You can keep doing what you're doing and nothing will change, or you can do something different way outside of your comfort zone and you can have the things you want. It won't be easy but you can absolutely change your life and get laid at the very least.

>> No.9818695

lol have you actually met a single person who does "something different way outside of your comfort zone"? AND gets the things they want at the same time?

woefully naive

>> No.9818726

>Is this just how it ends?

nah you got like 30 years of this atleast

>> No.9818733

The reason why you have no energy is probably because your not exercising. You should probably start and eat somewhat healthy. Whens the last time you drank some water?

>Join the military to learn a trade

>> No.9818740

wtf are the colors?

>> No.9818802
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>join spic boyscouts to get a welding job robots will take when you get out

>> No.9818959

>you get happier knowing you're going to die soon

>> No.9818989

keep thinking like that and you'll end up at 30 a boomer realizing you wasted your youth. excuses will get you nowhere and you'll never know unless you try. Deep down you know it's just excuses to stay complacent, stagnate, and never try to improve yourself. It's incredibly hard and you don't have the fortitude for it judging by this post but many people have done it and understood the true meaning of happiness which isn't "getting the things you want" obviously, that's just shorthand for the real meaning you dumb pedantic faggot.

>> No.9819135

Basically: be the good looking trust fund kid or kys

>> No.9819148

said the waggie

>> No.9819167
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What do you want OP? Friends? Wtf you want dude. If u dont want to wagecuck u dont have to, live out of your car or get student loans and go to school. What the fuck does debt matter if youre gonna live the same aa you do now. You might as well try another form of living or take a risk to do something that would interest you more. You have a strong case of being a massive pussy

T. Ex-massive pussy

>> No.9819495

Only join the military to learn a trade if you don't have the mental chops to do something else.
If you are capable of critical thinking, join for intel/cyber/space. You'll have relevant experience for shit that's not about to be automated. Also GI Bill, and once you hit E-5 the pay is pretty darn good.

>t. USAF computer boi

>> No.9819520

My life satisfaction has increased immensely since I was 16.
Things got way better once I found my social niche and was out of the awful social world of high school.