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9814869 No.9814869 [Reply] [Original]

Exchanges have been ramping up. Remember that news recently that coinbase was hiring way more and building up infrastructure expecting way more volume. Yet volume is way down. Well either the exchanges know something is coming, or theyre fucked, right? Surely they wouldnt be doing all this if they didnt think things were about to pick up, would they?

>> No.9814880

source that exchanges have been hiring and building?

>> No.9814894


>> No.9814926


But theres more than just that. You can also see other exchanges doing thing like expanding and adding fiat trading. Things that dont make sense to me unless they believe interest will pick up soon

>> No.9815022


>> No.9815043

It's called institutional money, retards
It will come in, in a big way, once we get clarity in burger land about taxes, securities law, and then some solid custody solutions

>> No.9815049

anyone who honestly thought this was the end is fucking retarded.

>> No.9815051

well there's your answer then, bullrun incoming $18000 EOY

>> No.9815053

Unironically this. Remember, always do the opposite of what /biz/ says, and /biz/ has been autistically screeching "IT'S OVER" for the last two weeks. Let's just put it this way - McAfee won't be eating his junk.

>> No.9815074

For coinbase, that's how a startup works.

You get capital, and to get that you need to give investors a plan for how you're going to deploy it. If they raised that much and didn't hire a fuckload of people, they wouldn't be using the money.

Who knows what their runway is, but it's probably like they expect to spend 30-50 million in a year. That's regardless of actual volume or use.

t. startup boi

>> No.9815105

People have been talking about institutional money coming in since at least 2013. Look through old reddit or bitcointalk posts. It's literally a meme just to get you idiots to feel comfortable buying something extremely overvalued.

Reality is, institutions aren't stupid enough to buy a bunch of retail investor's bags. We had one of the biggest bubbles in history, with no working products, and you faggots want more bull runs. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.9815142

>t. commiefag

>> No.9815145
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Your wrong. Bitcoin futures kicked off the 2017 bullrun. Bitcoin ETF will kick off the 2018 bullrun. You say it will never happen but it is already happening.

>> No.9815169

This guy is right, just look at how we are still at 2013 price level and nothing has changed Bitcoin, oh sorry I meant Bitcorn, is over.

>> No.9815194

they made a bad business decision and will lose money. happens all the time

>> No.9815221

The ETF has been talked about since 2013. Where the fuck is it? Where? I've been promised this shit for 5 fucking years. Also the day CME opened was the start of this bear market. Had nothing to do with the bull run

We'll keep pumping and dumping. Thats how this shit works. Soon we'll be back where we started at $1-3k levels. Thats when institutions will come, but you'll have already panic sold your bags by then.

>> No.9815226

They're prepping for institutional money to come in. they're licencing themselves for securities since it looks like a lot of tokens will be classified as suck, while the base currencies will probably be considered just that "currency".

It may not happen this year, honestly, it takes a long time for gov't to do fuck all but it is coming. set a price alert for 10k BTC and go outside and ignore the markets as much as you can until the alert goes off.

>> No.9815260

Volume problems for exchanges do s not mean more $ value is exchanged but more trades are placed...
It could literaly be bot fight capabilities they are expanding on

>> No.9815261

when the fuck is Paradex going live?

>> No.9815272

It was annoucned 2 weeks prior on december 1st and thats what spurred the massive bullrun. Bitcoin was at $8,944 on november 26th and $19,500 on december 17th. What major event happened between those dates? The CME announcing bitcoin futures coming on december 1st.

Your fucking retarded and you act like you can speak with authority and that you know whats going on but you have no fucking clue.

>> No.9815289

Also the fact that an ETF has been talked about for 5 years does not mean its less likely to happen it means its more likely because people have been trying to make it happen for 5 fucking years.

>> No.9815307

The bull run didn't start at $9000, holy fuck you're retarded. That's when all the retail idiots, youtubers, and soccer moms were piling on trying to get rich quick. If you're just going to ignore the run up from $150 to your $9000 number then I hope you lose all your money.

>> No.9815308

>no working products
You are not obliged to invest in shit pumped to the top 10 by dumb normies

>> No.9815348

5 months to go from 1800 to 8900, 2 weeks to go from 8900 to 19500 AND every other fucking crypto mooned and some mooned even harder than BTC. It was a bullrun the likes of which crypto had never seen. Everything before was somewhat organic. Thats why we are stuck in the 7-9k range, because that was where the organic growth got to BEFORE the bullrun.

>> No.9815369


Wait so isn’t “Custody” Basically just another term for Bank but for crypto? I thought we were supposed to be our own banks? How is this progress?

>> No.9815387

muh organic growth

We got here from shitty, unregulated, chink exchanges wash trading all fucking day. Pump the price, get people thinking its actually valuable, then pull the rug from underneath them.

The fact that all these scams still have billion dollar market caps shows that we still have a long way down.

>> No.9815414

So are you fully cashed out? Or are you shorting with high leverage right now?

I think we will have to agree to disagree but i still think there is some money to be made before this is over.

>> No.9815430

Shorting with high leverage. I'll take some profits at $3-5k. But we're definitely going deeper

>> No.9815431
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I know of several exchanges with big money behind that are currently being built in Europe. They would not do it if something was not around the corner. September, most likely.

>> No.9815470

And we are back to 6-7k levels again. Those futures meant shit in the end.

>> No.9815472

These are the guys having buy order slightly below the current price in hope that someone will sell into him.

Don't be that stupid /biz/

>> No.9815500

Fair point, however a lot of people made a lot of money during that time. I wasn't one of them because I fell for the HODL and new paradigm memes. Still have a lot of buffer from my initial though.

>> No.9815999


>> No.9816036

trips bump

>> No.9816078

that would break organic growth. We go that low, there's no coming back

>> No.9816098

>muh institutional memes

>> No.9816122

>muh bitcoin is finaly dead for the 9th time, this time for sure!

>> No.9816126

Alot of defense contractors are hiring crypto programmers / engineers too

>> No.9816256

It’s mostly a meme because they’re already here. Who the fuck do you think provides liquidity and market making services for exchanges.

Ffs even for hadax listings you see which hedge funds are voting for particular coins.

>> No.9816295

when it breaks it's long term up trend, it means it's going down, idiot

>> No.9816321

it's a meme, eh? Watch what happens when institutional money pulls out when we break the long term up trend

>> No.9816341

If you say so.
Glad that I could get your intelligent input.
Just sold everything I had in crypto, the market is dead now, finally, crypto is done, no need for new state approved crypto exchanges from finance institutes, no need anymore for banks to add the option to buy cryptos on ATMs.

All this mess is now finally over.

>> No.9816366

you're being sarcastic, but that's going to be Very true soon

>> No.9816405

>he actually thinks institutions will pump his bags
listen newfag, the only ones that will pump your bags are retarded normies. institutions buy the bottom and sell the top.

>> No.9816448

Do you still hold a single coin?

Institutions will "put money into crypt" read:
now accumulating, and later on massive news, hype and shilling and some easy quick green candles, all the money comes from stupid normies and self-entitled crypto experts.

>> No.9816476

lol the smart money is propping the price up with walls while mass selling to idiots

>> No.9816479

Most people don't want to be their own bank, they are afraid of losing everything by making a small mistake.
As long as you have the option of holding your own private key, who cares what other people do?

>> No.9817274
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He does have a solid point...