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9807031 No.9807031 [Reply] [Original]

Dude is shrewd as fuck. Not only does he living rent free in every SJW faggits and destroying unconstitutional federal bureaucracies.

But now he's going to end the federal marijuana ban. What will all the degenerate weed smokers say then?

They'll probably still hate him. This is how I know why...

When trump did the Muslim ban it was the left and atheists all out there protesting at airports over it. When in fact they should have loved trump for the Muslim ban because thy are anti religion and regular Muslims are the most devout radicals ever.


>> No.9807060

it's only logical considering the government is missing out on literal billions in revenue from not legalizing and taxing it.

>> No.9807119

That's not why he's doing it tho. Trump is already dismantling the IRS... and destroying these federal bureaucracies.

He's doing it from a freedom angle.

Also... you don't think trump knows the medicinal power of marijuana? You don't think he knows... with opiates destroying people.... that this is a big fuck you to the big pharma people getting people hooked on dangerous drugs?

Trunks entire candidacy was to fuck this big govt bureaucracy and he's killing it.

You think trump ran and become president so he could end things like the marijuana ban just so more money could flow into the govt... of which he hates?

Cmon dude... use your head and critically think

>> No.9807157

>Trunks entire candidacy was to fuck this big govt bureaucracy and he's killing it.

And you belittle others for their inability to think critically

>> No.9807172

trump is goat. he has to compete with putin's alpha

>> No.9807209

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.9807235
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>say trump is gonna do a thing
>brings up /pol/

>> No.9807237

You’re legit really goddamn stupid if you still think trump is the man of the people he portrayed himself as in order to get elected.

>> No.9807553

You don't understand America and the constituton. Being a man of the people is destroying unconstitutional agencies like the EPA, big pharma, IRS, board of education.

Being a man of the people literally means destroying federal bureaucracies that put all these fucking regulations in place that restrict the American people from doing what they want

Do you get that? Being a man of the people means letting the people do what they want without soul crushing regs. Do you even understand what freedom is???

>> No.9807564

I mean what do you think being a man of the people means??? The entire point of being a man of the people is unleashing people to do what they want without taxes and regulations. That's how America became as wealthy and powerful as it became in the first 150 years of this county you moron

>> No.9807604

Fuck off back to Venezuela commie faggot

>> No.9807672

You are so retarded you need the epa to stop mining companies from poisoning water sources that people drink because they dump all their waste wherever... that's just one of the many examples of necessary regulation. Go read about Theodore roosevelt brainlet

>> No.9807696

>business and finance

Go back to pol

>> No.9807761

So we need the EPA to do stuff like this???


You brainlet

>> No.9807790

It just eliminates the burden from a federal level and puts It on the state to regulate, kek are you that retarded

>> No.9807807

Trump is the ultimate NEET

>living rent-free

>> No.9807816

I'm not saying there can't be some basic regulation. But people literally pay half their income to the govt... and inflation is out of control because of govt. And they do things like ban marijuana and then make money off incarcerating people. Not to mention we are 20'trillion in debt because of our worthless govt

And trump is taking an ax to all this shit.

The dumb nigger above said he's not a man of the people. Wtf does that even mean? What could trump do in his mind to be a "man of the people."

You niggers are so brainwashed you don't even realize that being for the people is unobstructing them with thing with things like taxes so they can create value and output and jobs and grow the economy so everyone's standard of living goes up.

Stupid niggers like you actually believe that paying taxes is good for you. While the Jews laugh all the way to the bank.

>> No.9807845

I mean... today in America... you literally have people who will identify as being a good citizen.... and one of the reasons they give as to why they are a good citizen is because they pay their taxes!

Think about that... they literally think paying taxes is a good thing and makes them a good citizen. Basically they think being a servant and paying the lord is a good thing!

100-200 years ago when the country was growing and becoming wealthy as fuck. Nobody ever said "I pay my taxes, so I'm a good citizen" because nobody fuckinf paid income taxes because income taxes are un-American

>> No.9807846

Why does all the barely literate link fud and /pol/ spam have reddit spacing? Is it just how the bots that post this stuff auto-format?

>> No.9807851


>Work at an agency.
>He thinks agencies put in the regulation and not Congress.

I wish I could cut 90% of the regulations from my agency since it makes my job hard as fuck but both Repubs and Dems keep adding to it.

>> No.9807863
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Picture of Colorado river after EPA fucked go a mine cleanup

>> No.9807874


Blame our fuckhuge military civilian agencies get jack shit and get paid jack shit. Even SSA and Medicare employees, because they don't touch trust fund money to pay employees. And trust me if you cut SS and Medicare 50-70% of America's old people are absolutely fucked.

>> No.9807876

Fucked up a mine cleanup*

>> No.9807886

good, we can legalize weed, and then take guns from everybody that smokes weed.
last thing we need is a bunch of george washington type mentalities in America.


>> No.9807926

I agree with you on military. Our founders never intended for us to be a country of war and policemen of the world. But the Jews print money out of thin air to support the war machine. If we actually had to pay for wars then the only wars we would fight would be those of a defensive nature, as it should be.

SS and Medicare are going to collapse anyway... they are both scams. Medical treatment was dirt cheap before govt got involved in healthcare with Medicare and what not.

Medicare is fascism. Obamacare is fascism. Take away Medicare now and old people are fucked because they've become dependent on an unconstitutional system. But the money will run out inevitably anyway. So either fix things now or have collapse later where everyone including older people will be fucked

>> No.9807929

Save your gold and silver shekels, wait for Trump to send MURIKAN economy to sht and buy sht at 90% off.. KIKE MENTALITY

>> No.9807935


For reference I have an entry level fed job and I have to apply over 6,000 pages of regulation and procedure on a daily basis with Congress adding more and more every day. Meanwhile getting paid 70% or less of what private workers would do. Fuck Congress and also fuck Trump for trying to make my life harder.

>> No.9807949

Why would you take the guns? If you are anti gun then you are anti American, simple as that.

So you support a police state??? Cuz if you take away peoples guns that's what you have... a police state. It's amazing how stupid you idiots are. You literally make public school educated niggers look like geniuses in comparison

>> No.9807972

The constitution is the education. Our founders values and ideas are the education.

That's where you faggots go wrong and why everything is fucked up in America. Because we don't teach or follow the constitution anymore... the real education

>> No.9807979

i wish this orange retard would legalize heoin ffs im so sick of shooting fentanyl

>> No.9807991


Actually tbqh this is probably the opening move in support of Ag tariffs.

>retaliatory tariffs on corn, onions and other low-value commodities threaten farm business models

>Trump opens up vastly more profitable crop alternatives

Its fucking easy famalam

>> No.9808085

Actually he's not. He's only going to sign a bill that basically says they won't fuck with state's laws, which is redundant anyways considering the 10th amendment. Its will still be a federally controlled substance, which doesn't mean too much at that point, but could still impact transportation across state lines, denying marijuana users their second amendment via the ATF Form 4473, and prohibit marijuana use by military and federal employees, among other things. This is not about freedom. It is about appeasing congressmen from legalized states.

>> No.9808168

Thank you for the insight.... so what is your overall take on it???

>> No.9808234
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He's just a Kushner lackey doing his job, they tried to coopt the conspiracy croud from very early on. The phrases he repeatedly uses give the game away.

>hello fellow kids, the trump administration reminds you that we're still emptying the swamp (TM)

They never actually got support from the CT crowd (other than jointly btfo'ing Hillary which was pretty much fate and karma and beyond human agency) but they still to this day try to play it off like they're part of the group or some shit.

It's been my longstanding belief that all shills don't actually shill to convince us, but the lurkers who are trying to piece this whole mess together in their heads

>> No.9808260


>> No.9808264

The article says that he's working directly with a senator for Colorado on Marijuana issues.
That's about as good as news gets if you are pro-Marijuana.

I'm still iffy on it, but am pro-Hemp.
If he were planning to legalize it in some way would he just come out and say it or slowly work up to it?

This isn't my topic of expertise anyways, but just keep in mind to read between the lines.

>> No.9808289

I want to see weed legalized because i hate seeing my shitty asshole friends make money slinging the shit. Fuck em.

>> No.9808295

Based Trump is the best president of all time

>> No.9808344

I fucking love this man would be a honor to ever just be in the same room

>> No.9808351

I think they need to remove it from the controlled substances, or even get rid of the federal controlled substances altogether. It is absolutely a state's issue according to the 10th amendment and it shouldn't take a separate law to recognize the amendment.

>> No.9808364

Go to a rally; best chance.

>> No.9808373

>muh medicinal power of weed
god I wish these degenerate weedfags would stop attributing quasi-mystical power to marihuana. It's not a fucking miracle cure, the fact that you know pharmaceutical companies are fucking you over doesn't mean you're not a retard.

>> No.9808394

No, its not a cure, but it can help relieve symptoms and sometimes pain and suffering, fucking brainlet. Retards like you are the ones who think they know whats best for everyone else.

>> No.9808423


You idiots are failing to remember the vast market for industrial hemp.

>carbon storage
>building materials
>industrial oils

America's the number 1 Ag producer in the world, this is really a no-brainer that gets Trump to his 5% GDP growth goal

The existing shit-tier onions and corn market and its perverse lobbyist and subsidy racket is a swamp that needs to be desperately drained

>> No.9808461


>> No.9808563

A man can dream

>> No.9808570
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>semitic screeching

>> No.9808585

>But now he's going to end the federal marijuana ban.

Not without getting rid of Sessions, he's not.

I see that issue as second term stuff. He has bigger issues to deal with, and getting re-elected, before he takes a shot at a controversial issue like that - and you know the stick up the ass GOP will fight him.

>> No.9808597

Why doesn't Trump do something crazy like Andrew Jackson and put us back on the gold standard? Surely he of all people is red pulled enough to know that our current fist money scam is only working for (((them)))

>> No.9808634

What products do you pay Federal taxes on? Hmm? Taxes are not a Federal issue with pot, that's a state issue, and why states are legalizing it, after seeing the states that did see a hug rise in tax income.
The one reason to legalize it federally, aside from the waste of money locking up pot smokers, is Mexican cartels. They will throw an utter shitfit if Trump does it. I think it's one of the top reasons why the Fed refuses to do it, because they don't want to deal with the fallout from the cartels.
The "of no medical use" argument has been destroyed by actual science, and the whole "threat of abuse angle" is laughable in a country who's worst drug abusers are alchohol and opoid abusers. Legalizing pot makes sense, but the same people who got it made schedule 1 - the textile industry and the alcohol industry - will fight it tooth and nail.

But yeah, he won't go there, this term. Second term. If he makes it.

>> No.9808656

Congress doesn't make the rules, they give the authority to agencies like the FDA, EPA, and DEA to create and enforce policies and regulations. If Congress did it, it would be laws, but they're not laws. And it would take decades to get new regulations, or change old ones.

>> No.9808685
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>he's in it for the freedom angle

>> No.9808688

It's not onions and corn fighting hemp, it's big cotton, and any crop that produces oil, because hemp oil has a TON of uses. Hemp is not a food product, the food growers don't give a fuck about pot. Corn farmers have nothing to worry about with pot - cotton growers are scared shitless. (And then when pot is legalized, they'll grow hemp instead. They just fear change)

>> No.9808756

legalizing it will cut off part of the cartels revenue stream. which will weaken them. as far as fallout. whocares? this is america. we aren't helpless like they are down in mexico. we are armed to the teeth there. bring it the fuck on.

>> No.9808779


All trump needs to do is think outside the box

mediocrity is for losers.

>> No.9808790

>Retards like you are the ones who think they know whats best for everyone else
No, it's weedfags that enthusiastically support fucking over chronic pain patients and cutting them off from painkillers that work. I don't care about someone using weed for a health problem or just as a relaxant, I don't oppose legalization. But the abuse of weed, weed culture and its resultant contribution to societal degeneration can't be ignored. The good thing about opiates is that you can't abuse them regularly and not suffer serious consequences. That's how good medicine works. Not as a 24/7 soma trip.

>> No.9808803


I totally agree anon.

>> No.9808806
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>Trump is already dismantling the IRS... and destroying these federal bureaucracies.

Any proof for this extraordinary claim?

>> No.9808852


Mmm, okay... so you are saying the body count due to interactions, abuse, and simple side effects is a 'good thing'?

Opiates aren't even effective at managing chronic pain. They are a total shit-tier class of drugs that don't work at all.

The medical paradigm we are living in:

>Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error (including drugs effects and interactions)

>> No.9808872

Who cares? Their reaction will be shooting US citizens in the streets. They've threatened us with that before. Washington are pussies, there's no fucking way they're gonna say "bring it on" to the cartels, if they're gonna aim for citizens.

You just don't have a fucking clue how shit really works. You think like a child.

>> No.9808884

Shut the fuck you retar, Trump never banned Muslims and he's not even that racist. Quit acting like every Republican is some cringe extreme alt right fag

>> No.9808888

>No, it's weedfags that enthusiastically support fucking over chronic pain patients and cutting them off from painkillers that work.

This doesn't happen. At all.

I don't even use pot, but i think it being illegal is dumb in 2018. Both sides of it have complete fucking morons making comments, and you're one of them.

>> No.9808915

they wont last long. armed citizens will band together with police and national guard troops. their numbers will quickly be reduced. we outnumber them on this side of the border.

>> No.9809094

>Trump never banned Muslims
He banned them from traveling to the US, which is probably what the OP is talking about. And that ban is still in effect.

And you're calling him a retard. LOL. Never change, 4chan, never change.

>> No.9809106

You don't have to prove you think like a child, we already know that.

>> No.9809116


>This doesn't happen. At all.
It absolutely does.

>the body count due to interactions, abuse, and simple side effects is a 'good thing'?
Yes. Would be better if beaner cartels weren't involved though.

>> No.9809172

Muslims are not currently banned from entering the USA.

>> No.9809560

0.0000002btc deposited into yor account :-}

>> No.9810311

Who cares what sand monkeys think? They were never meant to live in the United States.

>> No.9810719

I know trump didn't ban Muslims but that's how it was branded by the media. So the left and atheists were out there protesting at airports over a Muslim ban... it wasn't christians out there protesting the "Muslim ban"

So if you are a leftist anti religious atheist.... shouldn't you be absolutely loving trump for "banning Muslims?" Since you want less devout religious people in the country

>> No.9810850

Go die in Reddit, faggot

>> No.9810864

It's more like he's angry Sessions being so shit at deporting illegals that he's gonna legalize weed so he stops with his pot obsession and can focus on real issues.

>> No.9810874

>stronger immigration enforcement
>reduced taxes
>downsized government
>reasserted American global dominance
>trade war with China
>putting conservative judges back in power
>now legalizing weed

I'm starting to truly love this man

>> No.9810884

imagine being a liberal in 2018 LUL

>> No.9810894
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>> No.9810930

The 10th Amendment died in May of 1861.

>> No.9810946
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>EPA unconstitutional
why dont you just move to china then you massive fucking faggot? pic related
you can enjoy that regulation-free air
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's so refreshing

>> No.9810956
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>> No.9810993

The entire point of America and the constitution is decentralization. Not having big govt federal bureaucracies. Unironically you should be in china. China has an enormous centralized govt and the air quality is awful

>> No.9811009

But muh govt will protect meeeeeeee. Stupid faggot. Your govt is communist and they take your money and fucking waste it and put us 20'trillion in debt. You stupid- govt loving un-american faggit

>> No.9811021


>Booming economy
>our enemies cowering and seeking treaties

yes, a burning nation indeed

all because you don't have your happy dancing nigger on TV anymore