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9801470 No.9801470 [Reply] [Original]

What coins will this asshole HODL in the afterlife?

>> No.9801477


>> No.9801487

He was just another mean.... nasty.... liberal. Just like David letterman. They act all funny and nice......but you can tell just by looking at them that they are unhappy mean assholes

>> No.9801491

Anthony who?

>> No.9801515

Dude fuck this fucking un-cultured faggot.

This ugly cunt is so full of himself and literally every episode of his show dosent actually show the culture. He can't pronounce words for dick ass. If you've been to 1 of the places his show visits, you would laugh at this asshole.

Sometimes I wonder if he knows exactly what he's doing and it's this big joke to him while he mocks all the "hidden gems" he visits.

>> No.9801550


>> No.9801571


>> No.9801650

Do you guys think weinstein sent someone to kill him?

>> No.9801713

the episode on armenia was ok, it's probably what got him offed though.
of course you can't expect a white guy with a camera crew to get the true story, but you hopefully understand that going in

he was making food that sells for $500 a plate while you were still in preschool

>> No.9801744

yea so if hes so succesful why commit suicide

>> No.9801745

fuck! this dude was living the life I want. be probably left a shitload of xmr in his wallet since he probably relapsed and an hiro'd

>> No.9801766

Good question actually you could ask about a lot of celebrity suicides.

Tbqh I don't think he killed himself.. think about it.. the guy made a lot of enemies and he also knew a lot of dirt about people i'm sure

>> No.9801779
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>> No.9801789

An hero.

>> No.9801792
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously bitconnect..... cause they are both dead

>> No.9801812

>for dick ass
tips fedora

>> No.9801816

Why is everything a conspiracy here? Plenty of “successful” people kill themselves. Especially ones with addiction problems. People don’t use opiates for fun: they use them because they make life more tolerable.

>> No.9801818

Cuz you could tell by just looking at him that was perpetually angry.

>> No.9801832


Read it all, you will not be the same. Check the sources etc.

>> No.9801848

Dead boomer only ever heard of BTC

>> No.9801867

weinstein killed him

>> No.9801871

Don’t have time

>> No.9801904

Lucky for me I never went to pre school.

I don't really care what he's "accomplished"

Killing yourselve is such a pussy way to go.

He over dosed, and it's pretty clear. But nowadays killing yourself turns you into a hero cause you had mental health issue.
None of these rich fucks want to kill them self. They have all the money in the world and can get so fucking high that they are almost dead. When you have access to goooood hard drugs, eventually you gone die. They're just trying to save face, I'd say he had a needle in his arm when they found him.

>> No.9802197

plz shop some monster energy drinks in there

>> No.9802322


>> No.9802362
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>Read it all, you will not be the same.

>> No.9802711

Jesus relax. I bet you are sitting in your mom's basement eating pb and j and Doritos all day, you uncultured fuck. Anthony Bourdain showed the world food from many places people will never go. He fucked your mom too.

>> No.9803342

He was actually a kind of cool dude. I met him a few times and was always normal dude. My brother was on an old episode but when I met him he didnt know that and my GF was his handler at an event and was cool with her too. Its hard to be an asshole when your a recovering heroin addict.

>> No.9803750


hay es?

Why would you think the episode got him offed lol?
do you think he was poisoned by turks?

or do you think he was killed for breaking his lavash into his khash too soon

>> No.9803765

>Its hard to be an asshole when your a recovering heroin addict.
ive never heard this meme before lol

also how exactly was he recovering? you mean "someone that used heroin before but now just does everything else instead"

but yea RIP i did like his show besides the little nuggets of liberal twist thrown in

>> No.9803815

>Its hard to be an asshole when your a recovering heroin addict.
funny, the complete opposite has mostly applied to the people I've met

>> No.9804024
File: 1.37 MB, 989x4160, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand..
People made reservations months in advance to have the chance to pay hundreds of dollars for something cooked by Bourdain
Being edgy is a survival mechanism for autismo incels

>> No.9804084

hehehehhe loving your pro-wagie infogram. retired boomer here and large passive income diety.... it's false

>> No.9804108

Yep. Faggot liberals project 24/7 .. they call right wingers Nazis and hateful but it’s all projection

>> No.9804192

they project the racism thing the most i think

i cant tell you how many little liberal fuckhead latinos ive met for example that love to talk about "niggers" behind their backs

>> No.9804753

Ara tsav’d danim they must have spiked his jajukh with lethal amounts of garlic out of suspicion

>> No.9804765

The incels... They're everywhere....

>> No.9804785

I liked his shows and I liked his fearless attitude, you guys could learn a lot about being an alpha male by just watching a few episodes of his show.

>> No.9804820

>16 year old /pol/ children home for the summer who try to see who can be edgier while losing their allowance on low market cap shitcoins
Don't forget to buy espers on yobit...

>> No.9804866


>> No.9804874

Everyone in heaven uses NiggerCoin

>> No.9804876

>legit source of information
pick one and only one.

>> No.9804889

hope he held some BBP

>> No.9804891
File: 71 KB, 523x768, shadilay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting poltards to think for themselves
He doesn't bite his tongue when talking about their orange god emperor, that's all they need to hate him

>> No.9804898

God here, this is true. 1000 dollars end of times (EOT)

>> No.9804963

Kate Spade just hung herself a few days ago as well. She created a massively popular women's handbag company.

>> No.9806037

No shed'nt