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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 960x540, C9530C4B-7B5E-4314-81AE-75C9816D8CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9802663 No.9802663 [Reply] [Original]

If youre over 23 and dont have atleast 50k saved, youre a failure.

>> No.9802692

Stop posting that absolutely retardedly punchable face please.

>> No.9802707

50k in liquidable assets or in cash?

>> No.9802840

If it’s cash then you failed, who keeps cash sitting around

>> No.9802855

I don’t have 50k saved up but, I do have 50k link so I think I am doing alright.

>> No.9802884


>> No.9802922
File: 64 KB, 586x530, holdingstinkeylinkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw $20,000 in cash

Its only ~5% of my net worth so who gives a fuck

>> No.9802950
File: 73 KB, 852x480, trumpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If youre over 23 and dont have atleast 50k saved, youre a failure.

What if over 40 and don't have at least 500K?

>> No.9803071

Then you're a boomer and boomers never save. they just get a double mortgage to buy an extra RV or make a new porch on the cabin or a patio at home and maybe a 70 inch new TV with better colors and of course a new surround sound setup.

Meanwhile they expect their kids to just walk out the door after high school and be debt slaves from the getgo with nothing to their name in an economic climate that rapes them.

And boomers say millenials are fiscally irresponsible for eating avocado toast.

>> No.9803112

If ur 40 and only 500k yea ur fucked. Hope u dont plan on retiring

>> No.9803129

pocket money

>> No.9803155
File: 3.22 MB, 1544x1029, genx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


40 years are Gen X. Why do millennials think everyone older than them is a boomer?

>> No.9803200

don't you know /biz/ average iq is 80

>> No.9803204

Agreed. But alot cant even scrape that up, but i can

>> No.9803304

I keep 90% of my nw in cash faggot

>> No.9803305

>What if over 40
>Then you're a boomer and boomers never save.
No, then you're Generation X, brain stem.

>If ur 40 and only 500k yea ur fucked
If you're 40 and have $500K you're farther ahead than almost everyone else:
"More than half of Americans do not have any retirement savings. Of those who do, the average saved is $60,000." -- random Internet article

Some people think that in retirement you need the same amount every year as when you were working. You don't. It much less; a half? A third?

I can tell you that right now I could live on the 25-30% I am investing annually.

>> No.9803338

yay. 4chan states I made it!

>> No.9803370

GenX was like the last real white generation that got to grow up and live most of their lives in a white society and enjoy the peak of capitalism. They aren't boomers but they don't have it as hard as the millenials do.

I don't even want to talk bout the post 1995 gen z's. may god have mercy on there souls.

>> No.9803423

>boomers never save. they just get a double mortgage to buy an extra RV

>not saving

>> No.9803430

you underestimate how poor the world is. if you are usaian, you also underestimate how poor your people are.

>> No.9803448

>be 30
>have 1900$
>cocaine addictions
>3000$ in debt

>> No.9803528
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>They aren't boomers but they don't have it as hard as the millenials do.
Work smarter, not harder, son.

If you're in debt because you got a shitty degree from an expensive college then at least you've learned something. After your first job nobody gives a shit where you got it, unless you're in one of the old boys clubs.

>> No.9803551

are you fucking stupid? you're holding 50million worth of dollars. 50k is not even half of what you own dumb fuck holy shit. do some math

>> No.9803575


>Tfw I have 50k in cash sitting around

I bought 10k of AMD and sold already, made 1800.

What am I supposed to do? Buy in at market highs and hold?

Fuck you, I don't buy high sell low or baghold.

>> No.9803582

>cocaine addictions
deaerate, you need to sort that shit out, coke isn't even any good how the fuck ppl get addicted to that shit is beyon me & yea i have had some amazing stuff! do some DMT, coke is for fags. god hates fags

>> No.9803617

this, every single asset class is way overvalued except maybe pm and commodities

>> No.9803673
File: 235 KB, 375x360, 5c2de7b16420bbd276edc831df66d3ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be 23
> 700k in savings
> Didn't even make it from crypto
> Free education, free health care, 1k/month in student government aid
> Comfy af knowing I don't really have to worry about money for the rest of my life

>> No.9803697


>> No.9803724

1 million in your domestic currency by age 30 or you kill yourself the day of your 30

>> No.9803726

Denmark. I'm probably moving to another country in a few years because of the absurd income tax unless I get a great job here.

>> No.9803738

>> 700k in savings
>unless I get a great job here
So you didn't earn it, you inherited it.

>> No.9803763

I made most of it from online poker (which is tax free here) and investments. I didn't inherit anything :)

>> No.9803780

seems like Warren Buffett is a failure them.

>> No.9803805

That's embarrassing

>> No.9803862

Crushing an extremely competitive game for 700k is embarrassing? Everyone I've met thought it was pretty cool. Are you sure you're not just jelly, Anon? I also got a great education.

>> No.9803866

gtfo larper

>> No.9803886

Great job

>> No.9803930

>online poker
Wasn't expecting that. Good on ya.

>> No.9803949

nice, although those nice things you enjoy like tuition assistance, education and healthcare come from those things like income taxes.

>> No.9803952
File: 59 KB, 1017x629, 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is last 14 months.

>> No.9803954


I'm 28 this year, have $500 in the bank, a paid off 2004 chevy with 150k miles, bills inculding rent come out to $900, barely earning $1200 a month, too tired/depressed to study and work full time, too poor to afford the education anyway, I think I might kill myself this year.

So yeah, I guess I agree with OP.

>> No.9804005

Right, I'm aware of that of course. I have paid some taxes fwiw (the pokersite I play on pay a gambling license/tax and I pay a very high tax rate on stocks).

>> No.9804007

have a friend that went to live in Hungary in order to play poker, what got you into poker, was it greed?

>> No.9804043

I started playing for fun (and still do to some extent). I think it's very hard to get good at games like poker, chess, competive video games etc. if you don't enjoy it.

>> No.9804046

This is bullshit. Where I want to retire in America I can buy a super nice house/w 5 acres for 150k

>> No.9804061

well i'm glad anon. i cant be mad at a good poker player if you pay your taxes. as long as youre not hiding it in a tax shelter you're ok in my book.

>> No.9804062


>> No.9804081

When people talk of depression they dont realize besides the jew banker they love and cherish they dont realize they are eating jew processed cell killing food

>> No.9804105

Cool, where are you thinking? What are the top places to live in Denmark in your opinion?

>> No.9804195

I'm thinking about moving to the US, England (got some family there), Germany or Japan (studied there for 6 months but I don't like their working culture). Or maybe some other country. I'm not really sure yet desu. It depends on what job opportunities I get in the future. There's probably a 50% chance I stay in Denmark.

Copenhagen is an amazing city. I highly recommend it, especially if you aren't rich. It's expensive but wages are very high, e.g. McDonalds pays $20/hour.

>> No.9804207

Damn weeb autocorrect. t.b,.h not desu

>> No.9804223

Are you projecting or something? This might be the dumbest post I have ever read

>> No.9804275

Go for it, boring to stay in the same place all the time. I've actually been thinking about moving to Denmark for a while. I read that you have some of the highest rental yields on property, but you need to be legally resident to purchase. You know anything about that?

>> No.9804354

I don't know about that but it wouldn't surprise me. Rent yields do seem very good. I'm looking to buy an apartment myself, but prices are insane right now so I'm trying to find a (somewhat) good deal.

>> No.9804361
File: 9 KB, 216x140, s216_Sir-Winston-Churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Make* yourself go to community college. Ignore the fatigue and fight through the depression.

>> No.9804375

And I agree staying in the same place. That's part of the reason why I went to Japan to study abroad. I travel a lot.

>> No.9804394

Agree about*
Where are you from?

>> No.9804465

consider moving to jersey(island) or malta or once you're done with that life.

>> No.9804482

Savings is a meme and a good indicator that you have zero ambitions

>> No.9804534
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1514592312732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23, have $7k in crypto and $3k in the bank, make $15 an hour shitposting on 4chan and live with my parents in a very expensive city. Any advice? I have a BA in economics. Don't really have much drive or motivation for anything

>> No.9804561
File: 23 KB, 671x377, Crypto demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 27 - 3k in my bank
Nigga suck my dick
Most of you are autists with no life experiences but, wage cucking in cubicle. Going home, watching anime, losing trades in crypto, and watching cuck porn

Money aint everything

>> No.9804582

I'm 32 with 130k in debt and no assests

>> No.9804583

I'm from Finland so would be easy to move around in Scandinavia. I also have around the same amount of savings as you almost all in cash so was looking for something smart to invest in.

I might go work or study in either Denmark/Norway or maybe to Asia. I'm pretty interested in Japan too. Can also recommend SEA for travelling and chilling

>> No.9804602

5% is a lot. Also you act like you made it with $1mil

>> No.9804617

I agree but, are you black?

>> No.9804621

23 60k and two businesses that are profitable.

>> No.9804624

He had what was equivalent to 50k dollars back then, by the time he hit 18.

>> No.9804632

Same. Cash plays anywhere. Liquid. Beautiful. Although its dumb to not keep at least 5% in bitcoin

>> No.9804650
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes no sense.... all depends on person
>Chad eats what ever he wants including garbage
>Full of energy, talks to every girl , happy
Your argument is invalid

>> No.9804663

No, but sometimes i act black online.
I watch alot of nig videos, and listen to street nigger music often.

I think the Jew is winning

>> No.9804665

only 25 so plenty of time to make that $1M

>> No.9804793

I have an associates degree, ,I actually dropped out in my Junior year because I became completely disillusioned with the whole deal upon seeing lines of students at on campus ATM's going into a confused rage when the ATM ran out of money. I was also expecting an atelier environment but got hit with the reality of adult daycare and liberal professors, partially my fault for choice of major

My university wants 5.5k for the entire semester in order to release my transcripts, and I can't apply for financial aid legally unless I am using my most recent transcript.. Which unfortunately now belongs to them.

>> No.9805034

Cool. I've actually never been to Finland. What is the best city in your opinion? Helsinki? I've only been to Thailand in SEA. Japan is an amazing country. Beatiful and diverse nature, great food and the people are very friendly. I just wouldn't recommend working there. I studied BM/Econ in Tokyo and talked to a lot of people who work for major corporations. Almost all of them work insane hours (8am-9pm + drinking with colleagues is not unusual if you want to climb the career ladder).

>> No.9805563

If you think completing your degree will pay off, get a loan to ransom your transcript. Otherwise, start over again.

>> No.9805583

Get a loan or ask you parents/family members for help (I'm sure they'll understand).

>> No.9805596

It's okay, it's sorta fun like watching reality tv, dont worry about it.

>> No.9805897

I personally don't like to live in Helsinki but rather in smaller cities close to Helsinki. For a foreigner Helsinki would probably be best however. Lapland could also be interesting if you like nature and something different.
That's what I've heard about Japan yeah. Maybe if it was possible to work remotely it would be nice.