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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9799062 No.9799062 [Reply] [Original]

>remember little anon, if you study a really hard subject then you will always be guaranteed a good job
>study mechanical engineering because it's really really hard
>still no job one year after graduating
>browsing through job listings
>entry level: 5+ years experience required
>extended hours and weekends required
>must be okay with working in a stressful work environment
>$18-$25 an hours depending on experience
>job responsibilities: stupid bullshit a high schooler could do
Where's the undo button?

>> No.9799118

Considerers ME a "hard subject" kek

>> No.9799171
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You don't even know, man. You don't even know.

>> No.9799308
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>mech eng

>> No.9799370

don't fret, anon.
voice or reason here:
they thaught you the theoretical part.
they thaught you the practical part, most likely, as well. you could literally start building shit, right now. so. fucking. jelly.

but nobody, like it is with most of us, including me, ever taught you how to properly organize yourself and bank on your knowledge and skills, completely independent from a "boss"/"employer"...

if you have the guts, make it your single goal to become independent...
start it as a hobby and always create stuff that you deem "worthy"; that has a use, you know. potential buyers/users...

if you can find one with a consumer-base with enough cash: go for a niche market, not over-saturated yet. if you don't know what i mean, you'll instinctively know when you come across one...

seriously, man. your education is GOLD-FUCKING-PREMIUM-TIER for people who wan't to get out of the wagecucking life...
you just need discipline and organization...

even if you have to work for a "boss" short- to mid-term...
make it your single goal to be independent and create monetary value without having somebody above you siphoning off 9/10s of what's, rightfully, YOURS.

grow a capitalist 15 inch cock and fucking bank on it... maybe you'll even have wagecucking joes sucking it for you, one day.
if you hate people too much for that, just work alone...

>> No.9799372

>Mech eng is hard
As a blockchain/dlt asset manager, I laugh at you

>> No.9799380

another thing:
if you don't have that "creative spark" to start you out, seek out people who are innovative, but don't have the tech-knowledge...
but, once again, if you hate people (you are on 4chan, after all), you might want to consider working alone...

>> No.9799393

>asset manager
How in the fuck could you even possibly know?

>> No.9799422

EE here
>ME hard

>> No.9799543

That's the other thing about engineering: it attracts people with hypercompetitive personality disorders who are so busy measuring how their dick is 1/64" longer than everyone else's that they don't even realize how utterly fucked the job market is for all branches of engineering. It doesn't matter if you're chemE, EE, aero, or nuke, the prospects are all really really bad and everyone is too insecure to admit it.

>> No.9799558

I bet you don't even know your way around Solidworks, you fucking kike.

>> No.9799560

>he fell for the wagie meme

tfw never had a job
tfw never will.
tfw still higher networth than everybody ITT

>> No.9799574

Mines 3/128" longer :^)

>> No.9799585

My friend is a civil engineer and makes like $25 an hour busting his ass. Meanwhile I make $40 an hour in corporate finance and spend most of my time shitposting and put in maybe 35 hrs a week despite being salaried at 40 hrs.

>> No.9799593

This is probably why I'll switch to finance/econ or some shit. Enginnering and CS are about to be overtaken by Ranjesh and his friends

>> No.9799629

Meanwhile I don't work for anybody and make more than you and your friend combined.

Never change, wagies.

>> No.9799639

It is fucking frustrating that neets start web developing using tutorials on YouTube make more money than senior engineers with 30 years of experience (although they're very proud for busting 12 hour days for pennies) .
Being an engineer sucks, I really wish I would have gonna for computer science instead of power engineering.

>> No.9799656

start your own projects dumbass. Money is on the street if you combine your coding skills with some basic SEO, SEM and a halfway decent idea.

>> No.9799668

Sure you do
Never change larpers

>> No.9799678

Please do not post this. I keep my wealth hidden from everybody, It is only on here where I can rub my crypto riches into wagies faces so please stop.

>> No.9799772

Ok fine... i admit it, doesnt look good. Fuck ranjesh, fuck pajeet, fuck muhammad

>> No.9799958

>go to law school with your science degree
>don't fuck up
>sit for ip bar
>make 185k your first year out.

You're welcome anon. All the sweeter if you can get a scholarship

>> No.9799967
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It's really amazing how quickly engineering fell on its face after 2008. I went into college before the crash with salary estimates of $65-80K starting, but graduated post crash seeing that go to $35-50k for myself and my friends. I barely managed $33k my first year as lead designer for some point to point microwave telecoms hardware working 50+ hours a week under very unprofessional conditions.
I finished that job at $16/hr, while during college I made $15/hr working an enjoyable job at a bicycle shop in my home town. Plus I'm paying off $34k in student loans now.
Anybody that ever told me I would be a failure if I didn't get a degree can suck my fucking dick.

>> No.9799988
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>> No.9800037

This is terrible advice, the market is saturated with law school graduates of all types. Unless you go to one of the top schools, graduate with honors, AND rub shoulders with the right people, you might as well take your money and burn it.
p.s. Good luck with that scholarship if you are a straight white male.

>> No.9800040

How much does getting your PE license help you in the engineering profession?

>> No.9800084
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The way the laws are set up, if your company does something illegal or unethical, you as a PE are personally held criminally responsible instead of the company. You only make extra money because you're a scapegoat.

>> No.9800108


hello fellow theoretical physicist

>> No.9800226

This applies to general practice of law but not IP practice. Perpetually short staffed due to lack of STEM backgrounds

>> No.9800234

I appreciate optimism and dont want to be one to shit on positivity...........but...........engineering and ESPECIALLY mechanical engineering attracts generally speaking a very book smart, organized personality that needs direction in order to achieve. Independence and fearlessness, needed in order to branch out and start their own businesses, is not a common personality trait for MEs. Those skills can be learned but in my experience it is confidence in one's knowledge or ability that allows the STEM major to branch out beyond the worker ant mentality and into some self-starting scenario.

Plus, you told him his eductation was
and I dont know how you figure that. Did he tell us where he got his degree or if he had a specialty? If so, I missed that.

OP, you are not going to bypass the need for experience. Your field is oversaturated (even tho when you compare the US to China we are grossly lacking in STEM students). You will need to find an entry level position. But dont let this scare you. Yes you may have to work 1 or maybe 2 years as a grunt but if you do it right you shoykd get a pretty quick promotion. Find a company you want to work for.....literally find the company that you woukd be proud to run some day. Something that treats their employees well. Then go speak to a higher up and tell him qhat your goals are. You shoukd have clear concise goals. Engineering title in 2 years. Group leadee in r. Project manager in 6. Etc. Then be willing to start as a fucking garbage remover. Anything to get in the door. If they dont have such a position and you are certain that job is where you want to be, then offer a 6 month unpaid internship. The second thing is, and most importantly: never forget this fear of wanting a job but having trouble finding it. Use that to be willing to go over and above. Stay late to do extra shit without compensation. If you remain diligent and thankful, you will have a successful career.

>> No.9800268

I looked it up and man, they make ridiculous money.

>> No.9800279

Wouldn't know, I was just a CMFGT working way above his pay grade. Seriously, they had me just wing so many things (after a day long Google study session) that were way out of my scope of knowledge that I'm half surprised the final product ended up working so well.
I learned and/or did/helped with the following:
Reverse enginerring (several designs, even a shitty Pajeet one!), PCB layout, microwave patch antenna arrays, parabolic reflector dish antennas, microwave signal strength testing, microwave bandpass filter tuning (5-cavity design), "wind tunnel testing" (90mph with my dish and bracket strapped to a truck's lumber rack, lol), hardware sourcing and supply chain management, 3D printing, CNC machining, design for plastic injection molding, industrial machine selection, and leading a 4 man team, all fresh out of college.
How I was ok with doing all that for $16/hr, I still am coming to terms with. It was a startup though, product worked, but it didn't sell well, so I got the boot after they didn't need me any more.

>> No.9800305

>Comparing engineering with economy and management

Anyone here who is actually an engineer from a decent school is currently laughing his ass off at your ignorance. Please kys

>> No.9800326

Ah, I missed the IP part of your post. Talking about engineering gets me into a bit of a blind rage after my experience in the industry!
Patent law seems like it would be pretty interesting though, I just dont know about having to deal with some of the Patent Trolls, or even worse, becoming one.

>> No.9800352

Trade off is the actual work is boring as shit, but very secure and high paying, and unless you fuck up in law school it's nearly a lock, places are trampling each other for ip qualified lawyers

>> No.9800374

You actually need more than just a bachelor's before you can start your own engineering firm. You need some sort of certification just a heads up OP

>> No.9800415

capitalism, OP. it's not about what you can offer, it's about if you're useful or not to the market

>> No.9800438

Mechanical engineering isnt hard, its the easiest engineering degree to get. You shoulda went electrical engineering.

>> No.9800636


I'm curious, what's your current job now?

>> No.9800653
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If I end up like you after 6 years of med school + 6 years of specialisation (EU system) I'm seriously going to off myself

>> No.9800941
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Wildland Firefighter. I'm the lead Pulaski on a 20 man hand crew, occasionally a Squad leader (soon to be full time).

>> No.9801095

>6 month unpaid internship
Absolutely NOT. If a company needs engineers at any level, make them pay for it.

>> No.9801108
File: 66 KB, 960x948, C4F5BD6A-9932-46F2-9AF8-B524860DBC17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is 12 Angstroms longer

>> No.9801119

>It doesn't matter if you're chemE, EE, aero, or nuke, the prospects are all really really bad and everyone is too insecure to admit it.
Graduated with a masters in ChemE/Materials Sciences 2 years ago, found a job within 2 weeks. I was getting 4 or 5 phonecalls a day to recruit me and even today I still get spam mail about people wanting to offer me a job.

>> No.9801124
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Yeah, don't Pajeet all the other engineers in this country and undercut their wages by working for free! That kind of dirty cuck behavior needs to stop.

>> No.9801143
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I can still satisfy a woman though! Right?

>> No.9801198

Hahaha, wtf, its a 3 in 1

>> No.9801427
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That's just the latest in inanimate fucking technology, courtesy of engineers just like us in this thread. You're welcome, world!
Here's another 3-in-1. Sporty, yet discreet.

>> No.9801474
File: 89 KB, 265x265, teeka-circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are you guys doing? I sub out stuff to engineers all the time and they are charging $150/hr easy - with a 4week turn around.

>> No.9801493
File: 23 KB, 600x400, B9hT4O_IYAIbL-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting fucked apparently! Not unlike this "thing".

>> No.9801548


That's just fucking creepy af bro.

>> No.9801632
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Somebody somewhere likes it, I guess.
Real nice profit margin manufacturing dildoes and dildo accessories by the way. All you need is a simple mold and some liquid silicone, no machines, no precise computer models. Just make a model out of wax (or use your own dick, if you got what it takes), make a plaster mold, pour the latex, and pop that freakshow out of there and sell it for outrageous markup! You can literally have an-cap dildo factory in your garage, add more molds as demand increases.

>> No.9801662

must be bait. you couldn't be this dumb

>> No.9801668

Whoops, meant liquid silicone, not liquid latex, unless you wanted to make a special "pushing rope" edition of one of your masterpieces.

>> No.9801964

Delete that picture dammit

>> No.9801976

You will signing round corner patent's cause boss tells you to if you want to keep the job.