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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9798187 No.9798187 [Reply] [Original]

> thanks based anons who fudded this. i almost went allin at 50c. phew, dodget a bullet there.
> also fuck you /biz/ for shilling this trash

>> No.9798204

Kek, 4 cents away from the pre-shilling price.

>> No.9798206

Some pajeets shill a shitcoin for two days
>Fuck you /biz/
Well fuck you too asshole.

>> No.9798207

It went to shit after they released more tokens. And will continue to release more into circulation. Why do teams do this? It's fucking stupid.

>> No.9798217

They almost got me. Went in at 50 cent but tethered at 49 after token release. Anyone who didnt is paj imcarnate

>> No.9798221

Because fuck you, round eye.

>> No.9798230
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chinks killed crypto

>> No.9798253

I've seen worse, done by Euro teams. They shouldn't neglect investors especially ICO buyers, and do stupid shit that will certainly drop the price.

>> No.9798277

Can you please explain the more tokens drama? I am not in this coin and I don't want to be on it, but I just wonder what those gooks did again

>> No.9798581

People forget to read their white paper and token release model. New coins every month for six months.

>> No.9798627
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Just read this and think "financial advice from a board know for trolling"

>> No.9798653

and now everyone is panic selling it's a great time to scoop this up for a quick rebound

>> No.9798664

Just making a transfer in 2 days...

>> No.9798680

In the last 6 months I've seen about 10 posts with good advice here. But the memes when flash crashes hit are fucking awesome.

>> No.9798974



>> No.9799193

Just bought 10k. Now is the time b. Dont be retarded like ur big brother