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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 874 KB, 1242x736, AB9971D6-EC0E-4F35-B560-FCDF53B389BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9794332 No.9794332 [Reply] [Original]

Minimum $90k Yearly payout. Angel expects that payout with 1 million bundles a day

>> No.9794370

if only it was that easy, cant wait for the exit scam

>> No.9794394

>Angel expects 3.65 billion revenue in the next 12 months
ambtards unironically believe this

>> No.9794399

Okay easy on the obvious pajeet shilling, I know you're making the same thread over and over again based on the time frames. This coin is too good to be shit-shilled

>> No.9794407

Companies have billions of dollars in revenue. A few hundred million is a drop in the bucket of it helps them save money. Also companies spend 10-20% of their budget in IT so it's feasible to get $4 billion with a few partnerships

>> No.9794408

This is 4D fud fren. Making Amb look retraded and fake with these bullshit numbers

>> No.9794410

AMB reaches $1
>Its a scam
AMB reaches $5
>its a scam
AMB reaches $10
>its a scam
AMB reaches $20
>Its a scam
AMB reaches $50
>FOMOs in

>> No.9794448

>A few hundred million is a drop in the bucket
>so it's feasible to get $4 billion with a few partnerships
yeah man, totally easy
you amblets are so stupid, there are no words for this
you unironically think you are smart for coming up with this childish assumptions
no words anon, i guess you have link too

>> No.9794456

Yeah I figured as much, making $90k passively within a year is not very feasible for the lowest node tier without some crazy miracle happening, but I'd be very happy seeing 20k which could be within the realm of possibility, that's my reach goal for now.

>> No.9794513
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Our in house expert says it is very realistic companies spend this much

>> No.9794590

your "expert" is a 20yr old med student who thinks he is smart while being an actual retard (common occurence with med students)
this faggot could'nt read a financial statement if his life depends on it
he also sucks dicks and holds link
idk what's worse

>> No.9794604

Explain how $90k a year is bullshit. The community were the one who calcutaled 1million bundles a day for a yearly payout.

Are you saying you’re not confident with the numbers ?

>> No.9794634

That is way too much money for a first adoption round. Don't trust any calculations until we know who the customers are

>> No.9794639

migros made 660 mio net revenue in the last year
they will totally spend 100 mio per year for your scamcoin

you stupid nigger realize that amb has to pull in 3.7 billion in revenue in the next 12 months to make this happen?
actuall money, not internetfantasyworth
are you really this stupid?

>> No.9794690

see >>9794639
even if migros would spend 1/6 of their net revenue on your scamcoin per year (lol), you would just need another 36 companies who also spend 100 mio per year for fagsettis scam
totally gonna happen

pls tell me that you ambtards are larping linkies
one cannot be so stupid

>> No.9794700

Do you not understand how math works? There is no "muh gut feelings" when it comes to an equation.

>> No.9794726

see >>9794590

when you operate with fantasy numbers pulled out of your asshole, then math won't save you

>> No.9794727

What happens when there are 1000 companies spending 10 million each a year? Did you think of that faggot? Probably not, brainlets are usually the lowest form on the biz board.

>> No.9794742

Math is never wrong dumbass. You couldn't even refute what I said.

>> No.9794745

not sure if youre trolling

the boarderline childceo will totally onboard 1000 companies in the next months to make all you neets rich
are you completely stupid?
this has to be bait

>> No.9794750

>trusting random idiots speculating on telegram
christ anon sell your AMB and leave

>> No.9794764

>migros made 660 mio net revenue in the last year
got a source for that number

>> No.9794778

faggot, are you trolling or are you completely brainless?
i refuted everything

"buy my magic tokens for 4k and you get 90k per year for the rest of your life beginning in the next months"
maybe we should do business

>> No.9794786

Its open source you moron, anyone can use it. How fucking brainlet are you?

Show me that the math is wrong.

>> No.9794795

the financial statement of migros from 2017
just look it up
how hard is it to use google?
>better trust some child in tg to invest my money

>> No.9794801

>still has refuted anything

>> No.9794803

Angel said so himself. If only 20-30 % of the companies approve his proof of concept, the expected bundles is still 500k-1 million a day. This is the worst case scenario

>> No.9794809

It doesn't matter if the math is right because WE DON'T KNOW HOW MANY CUSTOMERS THERE WILL BE. Until we know the # of actual customers, we can't speculate on bundle count.

>> No.9794811

you are the medstudent faggot are'nt you?
you are a complete moron, sorry
(actually not sorry)
completely retarded

>> No.9794814

well no. Worst case scenario is 0% adoption you idiot

>> No.9794818

>worst case scenario 3.7 billion annual revenue
amblets actually believe this

>> No.9794838

>Can't speculate on bundle count
>speculates on zero bundles
brainlet logic

Do you drool on your keyboard?

>> No.9794841

I checked and I didn't see that number, which is why I'm asking you, or did you confuse net revenue with profit

>> No.9794853
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Hmm let’s see a big partnership with Nestle or GSK with revenue in the 10s of billions can spend $100 million easily

>> No.9794864

NDA with a company doesn't equate to a partnership. Herpaderpa

>> No.9794871
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>that much projection
Good God it's like talking to a fucking wall. I'm convinced this is just larp now. There's no way a group of people on /biz/ can be this dumb.

>> No.9794887

I own some amb just in case, but it is pretty retarded to assume some random startup is gonna get 4+billion in revenue as a worst case scenario.. especially just because they say so... People can literally say anything

>> No.9794897

Daily reminder to take your meds OP. Please get help.

>> No.9794901

hm lets see,
a company with 10 bio revenue spends 320 mio in it according to your sheet
for all of their it
they will totally spend 1/3 of their total it cost solely on your scamcoin
is this what the tg "researchgrp" found out?
i can't believe how stupid you faggots are

lol you actually are the retard
pls read my post, you are really bad with this whole businessmagic
better stick to putting your finger in other peoples assholes

>> No.9794920

The Ambrosus chat telegram really believes by Angel's word

>> No.9794925

How big is VeChains market cap again?

>> No.9794930

you may be right
no one can be this stupid
but most of them are also linkies, so who knows

>> No.9794931

daily reminder that ambrosus team is a joke and project is a scam.

>> No.9794937

Show me your math faggot. You are going on "muh gut feelings", have you actually read how the system works?

>> No.9794939

what has the fantasymarketcap to do with actual revenue?
you people are dumber than all the hoodniggers and pajeets in all the tg groups

>> No.9794945

oh god
you are suffering from severe autism
but not the genius kind of autism
this is just hilarious now

>> No.9794946

You joke but these guys seem to take the words posted in the tg to be truth. They actually believe there is a korean whale whispering secrets to them.

>> No.9794947

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read. What do you mean what does market cap have to do with revenue. Are you a complete moron, or are you a true biz brainlet. Do you understand how trading stocks work?

>> No.9794952
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The virgin TE-Foodlet

>> No.9794954

his point is that VEN has jack shit and they reached a MC of 2 billion

>> No.9794963

pajeet shitcoin
just give up on those heavy bags firendo

>> No.9794971
File: 85 KB, 487x659, Anotherones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure Angel has something big up his sleeve.

>> No.9794984

do you understand the difference between a stock and a funnytoken?
do you realize the magicmoney from your fantasynodes has to be actual cash the companies spend?
3.65 fucking billion per year
not holding any of your supplychainmemecoins, sorry

>> No.9795020

>Still doesn't know how stocks work

>> No.9795035

>VEN has jack shit

the buy signals for VEN is getting out of controll

>> No.9795042

there is just no point in arguing with you
you are completely gone
i think you mentioned in the amb tg that you want to work in a psychiatry hospital later
guess you won't be the one working there

>> No.9795046


this coin is dead. nobody respects the CEO. nobody will do business with him

>> No.9795049

Minimum 90k payout per year sounds an awful lot like... a security :^) burgers beware kek

>> No.9795062

nah it's not a dividend structure. it's rewards from fess. loopholes ftw

>> No.9795095
File: 28 KB, 829x201, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try to promote and defend your own shitcoin instead of taking on the chads, lil foodlet

>> No.9795117


You're doing work on the network to earn the money, not a security


Yeesh you're a brainlet aren't you. Why are you assuming that all of these expenditures are going to come from profits? The whole point of the network is to save these companies money, meaning that these expenditures are just going to replace what they're already spending on supply chain overhead already.

Funny that you rag on people for not understanding how balance sheets work and yet you fail to consider a very basic cost-savings model.

>> No.9795119

1. that's not me
2. do you screencap every post who dislikes your beloved shitcoin and put it in a folder?
wtf is wrong with you assholes
i'm out before i catch something from you

>> No.9795123

Makes sense
TeFood huh? The brains on this guy

>> No.9795144

then look at the supply chain overhead structure and realize what the amount spent specifically on it is
can't believe i got baited into this by you faggots
you are completely delusional
like bitconnect holders who unironically believe they are smart money

>> No.9795175

All of you retards arguing while I'm sitting on the sidelines accumulating. Feels comfy desu

>> No.9795176


Their revenue is $30B you fucking moron, $600M is their PROFIT.

You are a te-food faggot imbecile lmao

>> No.9795213

AMB is not a shitcoin but to expect a B2B software startup to make $100M in the first year is retarded

>> No.9795231
File: 91 KB, 792x558, benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Foodlet is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shill, fudder, faggot, troll, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Foodlet and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”


Game over Lyin' Foodlet

>> No.9795289

>AMB is not a shitcoin
Any coin that shills heavily on /biz/ and has a CEO that references /biz/ in professional presentations, is by definition, a shitcoin.

>> No.9795360


It's like 6% of revenues on average, which for a company like Migros is like $1.62B. AMB, which means that AMB has to save them ~6% on their supply chain costs for the project to break even. That's very attainable.

>> No.9795424

Everything not BTC is a shitcoin. I'm glad some of you never realise this though desu. Less competition to sell when it's time.

>> No.9795649
File: 89 KB, 1104x1280, photo_2018-05-19_22-17-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get out of here with your facts and basic math. AMB would never get a Migros partnership. Migros would never spend 10% of their IT budget on supply chain management software.

Migros definitely doesn't run products already on the AMB blockchain you dumb AMBlet!

>> No.9795689


>> No.9795719
File: 17 KB, 249x211, 1448258402032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw went on vacation
>mfw came back to find my amblet poet STOPPED DOING HIS JOB
>mfw not really surprised at LOW ENERGY RECRUIT
>mfw my duties must resume
>Angel expects that payout with 1 million bundles a day
yes cucksetti ((SAID)) that
you know what else he said?
At 12:40, cucksetti promises his eternal bagholding AMBLETS that he will disclose big partnerships in "following few weeks". Now check the date :^). Then check the charts. Then realize AMBlets got cucksettid, scamsettid, SPAGHETTID
kimchi abandoned YOU amblet
pharmphag abandoned YOU amblet
swissjew abandoned YOU amblet
>mfw BearWolf VINDICATED
>mfw BearWolf returns with a VENGEANCE

>> No.9795750


>> No.9795778
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>> No.9795782

>10 million per year on supply chain
I defy you to find 10 companies on planet earth that spend that amount per year let alone 1000

>> No.9795785

THE REAL BEAR HAS RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE REAL BEAR HAS RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.9795806

Are you stupid?

>> No.9795809

Okay no BearWolfing for ONE SECOND.
Sorry to break it to you AMBlets, but uncle Al pajeet Jones and Swissbro FUCKED up AMB's marketing beyond belief. Basically /biz/ didn't take well to Versetti's forced deification, especially when it was clear Angel was an incompetent CEO. That and Swissbro/kimchiwhore/pharmpajeet totally inaccurate predictions and failed NDA reveals upset a lot of bagholders.

>> No.9795830
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>> No.9795835
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>mfw AMBlets hyped up NDAs and big partnerships for months while bagholding from ATH
>mfw AMB team realized they needed to release any partnership before TGcucks riot
>mfw partnership announced with Seafood Commons a literal "WHO" company
Straight from Seafood Commons website: https://seafoodcommons.org/
>Our White Paper and Social Industry Smart Contract will be published in June 2018.
>White Paper
>June 2018

>> No.9795838

Hows your TE-Food investment doing?

>> No.9795863

Did you know Aneesh got fired?

>> No.9795865


DAILY REMINDER that MrBearWolf admitted to FUDing AMB to accumulate. Then backtracked on his confession after Angel cucked him without a partnership announcement (which was later revealed in an interview to be because they didn't want to reveal partnerships until full integration testing is done and the partner signs a long term deal with them)




>> No.9795903
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>> No.9795974
File: 27 KB, 249x211, 1521149466245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Angel SCAMsetti needs to SPAGHETTI his AMBlet holders with another pump and dump
>mfw SCAMsetti tells Aneesh to spread big partnerships rumors for next month
>mfw Aneesh Zutshi does his pajeet job as told
>mfw SCAMsetti actually has NO PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS planned so fires Aneesh as SCAPEGOAT before AMBlet tgminions RIOT after another pump and dump
nice photoshop bro

>> No.9796022


>> No.9796039



>> No.9796060
File: 38 KB, 200x202, 1521251760086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. cucksetti'd
2. scamsetti'd
If you follow these rules, you will NEVER wail against the WHALES
nice fake archive AMBlet

>> No.9796075

I'll bite, how does one get an ambrosus node?

>> No.9796076

I’d like to thank you MrBearWolf. You’ve created so much FUD around AMB, which has helped me get my masternode extremely cheap.

When I make it, I’ll be sure to get a MrBearWolf tattoo.

>> No.9796084

>fires Aneesh as SCAPEGOAT before AMBlet tgminions RIOT
That's how I read it. It's gonna be a brutal summer for Ambrosus and Aneesh was setup to take the fall for it.

>> No.9796107


>> No.9796155
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>fake archive
>mfw he's no longer claiming he pnd'd on amblets

>> No.9796243
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Why is kimchiwhale(whore) so silent now?
>m-muh 71911
Think clearly for once AMBlets.
Is kimchiwhale some mystical 100,000 btc hodler in korea who somehow has contacts in big pharma?
No. kimchiwhore is an AMB marketing intern whose only purpose is to make AMBlets in TG feel like they have an "inside scoop" on "major partnerships".
The admins just laugh at you as they watch him in their office write cryptic messages for TGcucks to start researching on.
They only allowed him to hint coffee alliance partnership because that was the best they had and wanted to "legitimize" kimchi.
Let me ask this, if AMB is so regulatory compliant and strict about upholding NDAs, why do the admins in TG never ban kimchi's representative (AMB to the EXIT) or warn him since he is leaking confidential information that is breaking NDAs?
Answer: The big partnerships are nonexistent so they don't have to worry about getting sued.
Also, AMB team realized they will never get big partnerships so it is better to have TG members believe there is always some huge partnership on the horizon and draw in more speculation. That is it. End of story.
Most things in life are like this, hype with no substance. Sorry you decemberfags found this out the hard way.
>mfw AMBlets are coordinating MASSIVE attack with FAKE ACCUSATIONS and FAKE ARCHIVES

>> No.9796257

MrBearWolf did you know AI Pajeet Jones and Aneesh zutshit are trying to hire CryptoShark to shill Amb like vechain and Skycoin?

>> No.9796268
File: 1.15 MB, 1242x1946, FA8F0860-F3E9-494A-B629-835D91291AA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimchi whispers

>> No.9796303

Why do you always post this screencap?
"Market making" means volume bots you fucking idiots. It's absolutely neutral news it means nothing for the price other than you're less likely to get delisted.

>> No.9796339
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>fake archives

>> No.9796415
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Of course, nothing in crypto world escapes the gaze of the legendary BEARWOLF
>mfw AMBlets pretended to be fine with NO PRICE ACTION
>mfw AMBlets pretended to be fine with NO PARTNERSHIPS
>mfw AMBlets kept repeating LONG TERM HOLD to cope
>mfw AMBlets kept repeating ORGANIC GROWTH to cope
>mfw AMBlets finally SNAPPED when it seemed SharkCIA may not pump shAMBrosus
AMBlets showed their true colors (and MONTHS OF FRUSTRATION) that day when begging for SharkCIA

>> No.9796627

2 fucking words

Stephen croncota

Fud that mr bearwolf.


My fucking face when

My fucking wheaties

>> No.9796659
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>> No.9796673
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Stephen crotchcota gets paid a hefty sum to let rando startups to use his name all the time. Tell me, what has your dear "star" CMO done for AMB price and awareness since being hired for several months? Oh let me guess, SOON right? :^)

>> No.9796682

This shitcoin doesn't even pretend it's not a scam

>> No.9796747

I'd love to go for a beer or 20 with you. Does the persona translate irl?

>> No.9796782

Reply to me next week.

I want to fight you bearfuck

Meet me in your mums bed next week. I will slay the bearfuck once and for all.

The price is going to explode next week with the release of the sdks, developer tools and partnership announcements.

You fucking wheaties screenshot this shitcap right mccucking now.

Screen shot it. If nothing happens on the 15th of june or before i give you permission to fud using this text.


My fucking face

My fucking wheaties.

>> No.9796823
File: 57 KB, 454x211, 1525727815073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen croncota
>F-Fud that mr bearwolf
*BearWolf dismantles AMBlet hopes masterfully*
>R-Reply to me n-next week

>> No.9796856

The amblets will destroy bearfag and his legion of bearfagbabies.

Bearfags no longer welcome on planet earth. Bearfags have till 15th june to leave or the amblets will vanquish you.

>> No.9797339

>several months
He came on at the end of April

>> No.9797675
File: 62 KB, 700x442, Pharmaceuticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're going to appologize real soon :)

>> No.9797694

number of bundles you think they can realistically pull in a year or two?

>> No.9797723

good to see you around pal, we are gonna make it.

>> No.9797743

Do you know that swisscuck and autist jones pajeet group is caught brigading again Mr Bearwolf?

>> No.9797885

buy certain amount of AMB

>> No.9797941

bought an omega node yesterday. comming here see this shit thread. am i getting scammed holding this shitcoin?

>> No.9797957

yes. market sell now u fool

>> No.9798291
File: 62 KB, 906x708, pharmpajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punish news sellers indeed :^)
Stay dumped on pharmpajeet :^D

>> No.9798466

Wow PharmaPhag Joins The Goddamn FRAY


>> No.9798569

BTW.. how realistic do peeps here really believe Angel's word that ambrosus can generate 500k-1 million bundles a day by next year?

>> No.9798665

If they get real adoption from tens of multibillion dollar corporations it's possible. That's sort of the risk you're playing against though and why these things are cheap right now.

>> No.9798781

The absolute state of Modum bag holders.

>> No.9798808
File: 16 KB, 367x408, 26338E18-BE41-4077-83BF-866387D721BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake archive
Pepehands He is not pretending Pepehands

>> No.9798870

Do you really think customers are going to trust their money at a shitcoin with a network like this? buzz is serious it is not that fun you make here