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File: 14 KB, 324x323, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9794071 No.9794071 [Reply] [Original]

See you guys at $2 and not being profitable to mine.

>> No.9794106

Then a ton of miners leave and the difficulty drops to make it more available?
You okay Anon is this your first time in this crypto situation?

>> No.9794110

I can hear the the regret overflowing in OPs post. OP is praying it drops so he can accumulate more but knows it already stabilized and is ready for its next breakout with Top 25 Exchange listing coming. OP is poorboy. Dont be like OP.

>> No.9794147
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Hashrate Estimate: 18493.66 GH/s

>> No.9794194
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i'm comfy, this coin is fudproof

>> No.9794222
File: 141 KB, 493x709, spepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token uses mining to ensure a fair distribution of coins.

BTC and ETH use mining to secure the network.

So why would people use this as a store of value vs all the other transaction tokens that were not distributed via mining running on the ETH network?

>> No.9794279

proof of work gives it value as opposed to setting an arbitrary ico price

>> No.9794294

1. Because it can't be double spent even if you owned 99% of it's hashing rate.

2. It solves the oncoming energy crisis that BTC will face. After all 0xBTC has been mined it no longer needs energy of it's hashes to stay alive. Only ETH will need to be mined for it to survive.

3. It doesn't need a constant flow energy in order to survive as it does not require it's own network as it lives within the ETH Ecosystem.

4. This is THE MOST distributed to coin to date with no premine or ICO. Even Satoshi owned 10% before releasing it.

5. Lava wallet.

>> No.9794295
File: 4 KB, 347x90, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way, i'm gonna make it

>> No.9794309

See you Monday at 2$.

>> No.9794314
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>> No.9794337
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Cool, but the work does not do anything where computations on full blockchains perform a purpose.

You see what I am saying correct?

The only real difference between this and say an ICO from a market perspective is it is a slow trickle distribution vs an IPO style debut to market.

>> No.9794373
File: 157 KB, 800x770, mexpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It cannot be double spent because of the ETH network, not because of the mining mechanic.

From an energy perspective they could have saved even more if it was not POW, and just gave random blocks to people running a node that does nothing more than ping in.

If you think this team is going to make the best wallet solution in the market you are very deluded.

>> No.9794389

Mining allows anyone to particpate with a GPU or CPU.

ICO's only help those with deep pockets.

A NEET who has NO MONEY but a computer can Mine his favorite project because he believes that the project will be worth something watching the price incline or decline. iether way if the amount of coins mined can pay the electric then he can keep putting for his energy to his project.

A man with lots of money to spare can buy 27% of an ICO opening day and control the market with the click of a few buttons.

and guess what.... There a shit ton of NEETS.

>> No.9794416

1. Duh I explained this.
2. Not in the long run as BTC will need stronger and stronger computers (which will require more power) to run more and more Difficult questions. It makes MORE sense that you would hit a difficulty cap and then ALL coins would be in circulation. Kind of like Gold being mined from the ground. Once all the gold was extracted you wouldn't keep paying your miners to dig dirt would you?
3. The lava wallet is a bonus.

>> No.9794420

a bunch of NEETS is nothing compared to china, a very rich person could purchase a shitload of hashing power and mine this to death, there's no difference.

>> No.9794440

Yeah, but why the GPU ?

Again this could all technically be distributed with a basic host on your computer returning keepalive instead of a hash rate concept. (could enforce IP limitations )

This type of system again only rewards the person with the most money sunk into computer hardware.

>> No.9794443


mining in bitcoin serves two aspects: (1) securing the network; and (2) decentralized distribution of the cpins. you are conceding point #2 I believe as a major purpose of mining 0xbtc. point #1 is irrelevent, because it is on the ethereum network. so what is your point? just because mining doesn't secure the network doesn't mean it's any less attractive-- as long as the miners still get paid, they won't care.

>> No.9794447

FUD. Hashing power has tripled in the past 3 days.

>> No.9794472

It might seem like a small difference, but it's actually quite significant.

1) Since there was no ICO, this makes it one of the ONLY tokens to not even be on the radar of SEC security classifications. Gemini could pick this up tomorrow and not have to do any paperwork (they won't, but just as an example).

2) Since there was no ICO and devs hold nothing they haven't themselves mined, it is incredibly distributed. This is actually pretty significant, since it means that it has a legitimate claim towards store of value on the ETH network. The slow trickle distribution is significant since miners can hop on and any point and start to receive new mintage, as opposed to a singular ICO event. Economically, the price of 0xBTC, even without any speculative value added, is tied to the mining difficulty. Miners might not secure the network persay, but they do serve to stabilize price in the long run. Since difficulty of mining is adaptable, in the long run profits from mining are marginal. All new tokens are brought into the world and bought with nobody making money (miner spends about as much as it cost him to sell the token). This is an incredibly powerful economic argument in favor of stability and store of value status.

>> No.9794500
File: 56 KB, 600x360, Charles_Ponzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, so it is better than BTC, you just explained every alt coin. Not a high bar to hop over.

The miners need to convince the market that it has value in order to keep the price in check with the hash rate. This is different than BTC because BTC derives value now not from the hashpower , but from being a trading pair like the US petrodollar.

How are they planning to convince people this has value ?

If they cannot do that it will just be a mine coin of the month for people operating big rigs.

>> No.9794501

Distribution by a central source creates uneven trade.
The Point of the Decentralized distribution is supposed to be this way as it creates a slight inequality so that the wealth can be distributed into a market the same way.
IF someone can mine 100,000 coins
and the other guy can only mine 5,000 Coins

The guy with 100,000 coins will sell at a market price that will be profitable to him.
While the guy with 5,000 coins may wait for the profitability to be there.

>> No.9794511

NO because the miners left then the difficulty would drop so that there would be more to reach a value of equitable fund.

God we have been through this.

>> No.9794542
File: 83 KB, 1024x518, frenpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that but miners leaving the network is a death blow for this young project.

If the hashpower establishes a downtrend the coin will slowly bleed out even though that is counter intuitive thinking about it from a perfect supply and demand system.

>> No.9794544

Look at the chart, even after the last large increase in hash rate the difficultly never dropped back down.

Its over.


>> No.9794549
File: 155 KB, 600x765, 53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird. in the beginning I was fudding 0xBTC to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 300K 0xBTC. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding 0xBTC. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in 0xBTC I feel verydifferent. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.

>> No.9794563

That is not where BTC derives value... it derives value from being a censorship resistant store of value currently.

>> No.9794568

People really dont seem to understand the coin is only going to be worth as much as it costs to mine.

>> No.9794576

That's the point. Mining is for fair distribution, not hand outs for those who have already made it like airdrops.

The network is secured by ETHs hashrate, or whatever the PoS equivalent is once Casper happens.

>> No.9794582

DOMP EET please so I can fill my bags for cheap

>> No.9794585

Can I mine without spending ether?

>> No.9794594

Mining/hash rates for this this coin have gone parabolic sifu

>> No.9794601

Okay one more time....
The market can be at any level, Rght because some MINER who can Mine a value of coins CAN SELL.
From the market perspective if PRICE DROPS others will BUY to make a profit. People WILL BUY because they know it's deflantionary.

Do you understand??? Like why BTC is valuable because it's deflationary in value.

>> No.9794603


You can pool mine in a pool without paying for the GAS.

>> No.9794609

Tell me how, on linux.

>> No.9794616
File: 88 KB, 861x914, pepechina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect, in the early days I agree but now the money coming in is buying bitcoin to buy other coins or trade BTC.

The buy and toss in the paper wallet is a fraction of the volume. The vast majority is speculative market pairing.

>> No.9794627


There is a miner for linux


>> No.9794661

I feel like this really was the "hidden" feedback loop that has driven price so high up, people that said things like "btc will go over 1000 dollar in a few years" were looked at as crazy because they didn't even understand

>> No.9794706

> how does bitcoin work

when hash rates goes up, difficulty goes up to keep blocks at around 10 minute intervals

>> No.9794715



>> No.9794723
File: 108 KB, 792x648, trump-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, but why does it have value ?

That is the core question here, BTC makes sense because it serves a purpose in this current market.

Let me answer that question for you, this currently has value because of the low barrier to entry, with a classical blockchain you need to lay a foundation. With this people and exchanges can use existing ETH infrastructure to manage their speculative asset.

Last question for you, do you ever see in the future a real business or random Joe Blow accepting your 0xBTC as a store of value?

If the answer is yes, then be comfy know that you are going to make it. This pump is most certainly not over, but I you have to see that this will never be "the" coin or even a serious competitor for the allready crowded as fuck market.

>> No.9794760
File: 80 KB, 600x721, 1383647598535976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably some part of it is that. but there's still a fuck ton of active wallets holding a fuck ton of bitcoin.

>> No.9794787
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Rewards Until Readjustment 282 (~9.6 hours)

>> No.9794816

Take a look at the top 50. Do you see any future for even 50% of them? Bytecoin has a 1 billion dollar marketcap. Dogecoin has a 500 million marketcap. Please explain their value.

Here's it's purpose: it's the first mineable ERC-20 token. It's Bitcoin that can be used with smart contracts.

>> No.9794839

Alright I will answer these questions to you.
Even BTC started at .000001 cent

0xBTC is being used at store value as it already is a group of individuals and markets already do.

Next BTC is the most Valuable coin excepted and Even it isn't used in mass and widely adopted. Very few companies actually use BTC as form of payment. The only reason it did is because of the value sky rocketing.

now a "JOE BLOW" as you put it may except out of pure interest like most crypto.

>> No.9794884
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It may be the most distributed but I'm curious, will that hold once it gets to a much larger market cap?

Wouldn't in theory if all the smaller wallets sell and distribute further etc., but some of the big wallets just hold, they'll grow to larger percentages of the total supply? So those top 100 addresses holding <60% now will grow to a larger percentage.

>> No.9794905
File: 104 KB, 1280x757, 2EC6D445-3D2C-43AC-B05E-16612CB68F99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. desperate n0xbitcoiner

>> No.9794917

That is the point of rising difficulty and electric cost.
You still have to sell some coins in order to keep your operation running.
As difficulty rises you get less coins. Eventually these Wallets will have to drain or stop mining.
OR keep buying coins but who has a endless supply of money as the price continues to rise?

>> No.9794941

This is also basic stock market Eventually there hands will also be very itchy which cause a devalution of the currency which others would buy.
Just as BTC.
This is what made BTC valuable.

>> No.9795055

Lets assume the FUD for this coin is real. How far will this token pump anyway?? We only care about making money right?

>> No.9795064

Actual Pajeets Decided to pump because money. Like most any other shitcoin.

>> No.9795067


Its done dude...

>> No.9795081

19m supply you do the math. has potential to unironically hit 1eth

>> No.9795106


>> No.9795165
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Shameless bump

>> No.9795177

Ok thanks I'm a 24 yr old boomer who knew exactly jack and shit about stocks before I got in crypto last year. Still learning really. Anyway that makes a little more sense, just not sure how strong the "fair distribution" argument is - it is a decent point but it still stands that it could centralize further, later on

>> No.9795239

Centralization will be difficult unless you have a ton of moneys as price rises.
It will always maintain a price similar to it's value that the market may want it at a constant rate.
Basically if want to keep buying it to centralize it means you have to BUY IT from everyone else who has one. Which would cause the price to rise exponentially. If I had 1 of kind of something then the value of the coin Would Unbelievable high because the value that all those coins have to everyone else.

>> No.9795252

it also has a constant rising volume of coins which requires more and more buys at a higher price for smaller volumes.

>> No.9795373
File: 118 KB, 320x389, Here we are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump this thread
Let the fudders know.

>> No.9795660

Seriously Get in here you damn fudders. Stop hiding in other threads.

>> No.9795829

all the fudders are gone. did we win?

>> No.9795840

The Rats jumped ships to rafts to try to reuse there old arguments.