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9792835 No.9792835 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto Weekly Episode 16 has dropped. Listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/cryptoweekly/ep-16-coinbase-in-japan-eos-mainnet-stutters-binance-1b-fund-crypto-visa

This week VISA went down across Europe and caused some to speculate where we would be in a world of decentralised payments with crypto. The Crypto Weekly team give this a ponder and share their discussion to the world.

Coinbase announced plans to expand into Japan creating an onslaught of memes telling Japanese citizens to be ready for trash tier customer service. Does anybody care?

Binance soars even further in our estimations as they announce a $1 billion fund for decentralised projects that will benefit the crypto space as a whole. How much of a big deal is this? Why have so many exchanges come out recently announcing their own fund?

We cover the mess that has been the EOS mainnet release thus far. Can we expect things to go smoother in the future? Is this really what one should be seeing from a project with $4 billion in the bank?

Ken’s Coin of the Week returns to its roots - adult themed coins. This week get shilled on the wonder that is WankCoin and why you absolutely should be holding it. (Spoiler alert, you should not be).

Beak wallows in the success of his previous coin picks and gives us another candidate for gains this week. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.

That gives us an episode of Crypto Weekly, you’re welcome!

>> No.9792848

fuck off beak

>> No.9792921
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Noice. Gonna listen to this with a fruit beer in hand when I get home from wagecuckery.

>> No.9792945

fuck this funfair shilling normie reddo user, oh and fuck the polack in the discord too

>> No.9793001

Fuck this fucking cunt and his shit fucking calls. Just look at the Ethorse chart it has only been dropping while this was his favorite shittoken. If the market hasnt already humbled this fool yet he better shut the fuck up

>> No.9793027

How many weeks has he called the top performing coin now? 3?

>> No.9793046

fuck off beak

>> No.9793118

3 yes although this week he didnt call the top performing coin which will be aphelion

>> No.9793224

Called tether as the coin of the week perfectly last time I listened. I'm going to see if he can pull it off again

>> No.9793331
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the polish shitposter is a national treasure.

>> No.9793440

VaCX/fNZ U pathetic Clown! Polack here replying to your enquiry:

U seem 2 b really into fucking everyone so if u horny find a cash cow somewhere on a cougar site, cause you not gonna make it on your own mate, as your FUN investment is gonna asymptote to zero!

I suspect why you're having such a weak hand. One related to another...

And what u gonna do now u low-IQ, gullible, poor, mentally retarted, over-leveraged crypto normie wanabie?

How u gonna pay your pre-paid internet and electricity bill now?

Keep hating on and blaming someone else for your pitiful decisions while living in silent hope that your investment will raise for u to break even one day.

Cause your ambitions got scaled down from fucking bitches on yachts to fending off bailiffs from your door with crypto gambling and payday loans.

U gambled on a gambling site u fool!

Put yourself out of your misery and sell your non-performing cryptos right now and STFU! I guarantee you will feel a great relief and no more compulsion to come on Biz ever again.

Go back to your normie life, maybe u will not feel that u made it, but at least u will be under less pressure, with your weak hands shaking much less...

>> No.9793449
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>> No.9793491
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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.9793634

Can u BTFO from how I manage my online identity!? U didn't have capacity to choose the winning coin, u have no capacity to tell me what is vital or not to my post!

U relied on Beak for your coin choices, now go ask him should I reveal my identity or not!

I don't give a flying fuck about your funny rules on your funny forum, where fucking everyone is free to speak their mind cause they feel safe cause they r anonymous.

U r a bunch of fucking pussies in here! Case closed...

>> No.9793721

and btw: I want your smiling face, photographed next to your passport opened on a page with your picture and name and surname.

U could do it on Binance, or CoinMetro? - u can do it on Biz as well!

>> No.9793841

Apologies, you seem to think that I, Anonymous, have selected this shitcoin as a prospect for financial gain. Unfortunately you are sadly mistaken. I unlike the slav(e)ic unwashed masses conduct my own research and do not rely on pseudo-wannabe "internet famous" financial advise giving pump n dump northerners.

>> No.9793845

You boys sound like benders