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9780399 No.9780399 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some honest answers? For those that don’t hold ICX, I’m curious what your reasoning is? Is it because currently centralized/delays/Korean?

What’s your reasoning for not owning it. It looks pretty solid to me but I’d like to know the take of people on the other side.

>> No.9780428

Good luck. There hasn't been a single non-meme discussion on /biz/ about ICX yet.

>> No.9780444

Not open source
Something is wrong with the token swap. They cliam the exchanges aren't ready, I don't believe that.
It is still over 20x Ico price and that in a bear market.

>> No.9780477

There is no fucking hype and delaying token swap for month. Dex should be online end of the month but i believe it wont happen.

>> No.9780501
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>> No.9780509

This might actually be labeled as a security. Development is completly centralized and closed source.

>> No.9780531
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Binance can do the token swap whenever they want, it really isn't that complicated if a piece of shit coin like tron can do it a day after launching their mainnet. So yes, there is some shady sneaky chink shit going on behind the scenes which is worrying, but the coin is still solid regardless of chinkery.

>> No.9780542
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>> No.9780638

You guys think of swap happens and those releases come out, ICX will have confidence again? I can see that many are turned off by delays

>> No.9781163

Maybe some day anon, but not today

>> No.9781254

"Hey guys, I wont you to tell me why you don't invest in a gook scam coin that has been one of the worst performing coins for the past 6 months and has absolutely zero upside potential from here, kthx"

>> No.9781413

I think it'll be open source after swap is figured out and more of the segments are available for use but don't quote me

>> No.9781442

the two biggest things this coin had going for it was (1) getting released on korean exchanges and them supposed to go apeshit over it; and (2) mainnet released. both happened, and the price didn't do shit. this coin is literal trash at this point as there is no upside left.

>> No.9782032

This makes sense . Should I sell

>> No.9782071
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I held since January when I could've sold at 12 dollars because you fucking pajeets told me it would go up to 50 once the gooks got their hands on it. Sold for 3.20 a month ago like a dumbass... Fuck this gook scam

>> No.9782152

>For those that don’t hold ICX, I’m curious what your reasoning is?
Because it's dead
>ib4 muh private repo
No public improvements for 4 months? Not even to a testnet? Not even a token swap?

DESU holding onto something more worthless than Bitconnect is actually pretty impressive.

>> No.9782277

fuck. i got gooked, didn't I?

so this is why everyone posts gooked all the time. FUCK.

>> No.9782366

Because it already has a working private chain in multiple enterprises and they actually REQUESTED for a way to communicate to each other through a central public chain. This is why ICON was developed. This is why the Nexus is such a big deal. It will literally be the ONLY blockchain that will already be inter-operable from the start and to be used. It is already being used.

ICON's vision and product is so much bigger than a fucking token swap meme. But everyone on /biz and in crypto only cares about hype and how fast they can make gains.

Min literally talked to someone I know personally and he was very frustrated because exchanges were not passing the stringent security measures that ICON had for the token swap to be implemented.

But I know for a fact most are ready, we may just be waiting on a few to catch up, who knows.

Either way though, if you can't see the actual value ICON brings to the table and how huge it is going to be once the network effect, DEX, and interoperability comes into use, all while we get to earn money by staking and running nodes and shit, then you are fucking dumb.

I have over 100k ICX and im not selling until anywhere between 25 and 50 dollars.

>> No.9782372

wait, where did you get that one?

This is what is on their site:

>> No.9782388

A fellow pub bro I see

>> No.9782440

I've held through all the bullshit but I am losing faith desu

>> No.9782500

>Min literally talked to someone I know personally
ok ranjesh

>> No.9782510

This market is built on hype and things like ICX and NANO are yesterday's news. You need to get in coins that have more recent hype like EOS, ONT, and ZIL.

>> No.9782524

This is so false... Cosmos.network
Cosmos does everything ICX tries to do but is basically done and actually works. Today.

>> No.9782533

Same that's why I made this thread. I've been looking at it through rose tinted glasses

I like what you're saying man but it's been months. How the fuck do we know it's legit or not BS?

>> No.9782540
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>forked from theloopkr/loopchain
>last update on Feb 21

>> No.9782556

cosmos isn't developed yet, but I think it's going to be pretty big.

>> No.9782572

the hype in ICX is pretty dead but its also a solid coin. it's not going to reach a new ATH until BTC reaches a new ATH. if youre down a lot I would just hold, it'll come back, but it might be next year

>> No.9782577

Because this is so much bigger than just a token swap man. I could see why you would think it should be quick if it was like TRON token swap because literally all they had to do was fork ETH and shit and put their token on their main net. Thing is, the main net for ICX already works, but once token swap is active, everything goes online. There is no point in the token swap if you can't really use ICON is there? The Public channel isn't even out yet.

What I am saying is that it's harder for ICON to do the token swap because A, exchanges are being cunts about it and B, the launch of ICON doesnt just launch a regular blockchian, it solidifies a blockchain that has already been in use for over 2 years.

>> No.9782593

I did zero FA on it but the chart tells me that it's a weak coin

>> No.9782602

I agree with you and definitely see the potential. I hold it myself. I'm just trying to see the other side of the coin.

I'd say most people of the crypto world are somewhat competent. They go on CMC, and research. The percentage of that is debatable, but people still are competent in the crypto space (I know there are a lot of gamblers and hype chasers that don't even know what a blockchain is)

Yet, the coin has performed poorly and all the other anon just shit on it. If they feel this way, how many others do too? I thought it would pump with the LINE partnership. But nothing. And most people go well but but but TRON is a shitcoin scam- well, they have a way bigger community so technically they have a bigger network. I mean, I know Justin hype's shit up, but if the network is based on how many token holders there are, is he so wrong on his approach?

Maybe it's just this weird slow place where patience is necessary. Maybe the swap will occur, DEX out, IISS out, and investor confidence will be restored. Thanks for your response

>> No.9782606

Oh also keep in mind cosmos has been in development for over 1.5 years just about. ICON's token swap for main net hasn't even happened yet, so cosmos is over a year ahead of ICON in that regard. But cosmos is a lot different than ICON.

>> No.9782621

I hope it all gets released this month but something tells me it wont. Something tells me its going to take about 3 months before all the necessary things are actually online like the DEX, IISS, and the Public Channel.

Honestly I just want staking so I can rake in passive income and let my ICX sit while Min Kim and the gang do their thing.

>> No.9782686

I'm always wary of icos that raise too much money, they don't have as much incentive to really put in the work, and investors see smaller returns
It'll probably do fine because everything will get brought up by a bull market, but I wouldn't say put my entire portfolio in it

>> No.9782711

Had ICX on my short list but then ended up going with some EOS and OMG at sub $11.

>> No.9783023

The Loop partnerships do not necessarily translate to ICX partnerships. How or even if the token will come into play here is still murky.

>> No.9783120

This is why Ive stayed away. It may bite me in the sack but they really need to clarify partnerships with ICX. “Dude the Loop and ICX are the same thing” yeah in your opinion. I need the team to say something officially

>> No.9783181

it makes sense people dont want to hold icx right now, it doesnt move much up or down, they will fomo in once the development is finished

>> No.9783247

Theloop is the company that is building ICON. ICON is the public chain built BY theloop, theloop is partnering with companies to build private blockchain solutions that connect to the main chain (ICON's Nexus) where they will use the ICX token to transfer information and value across each network like hospitals, universities, institutions, etc etc.

>> No.9783254

but i thought icon connects private chainz in hospitals etc such as loopchain to the general public?

>> No.9783262

the charts tell you that tron and ripple are strong coins. But are you going to believe that?

>> No.9783357


The thing is, I thought theloop's relationship to ICON was clear but it surprised me to know how many people in the crypto space don't make that distinction, and as a result stay away.

Someone posted this little podcast thing:

And even the guys on there were discussing ICON, and couldn't understand how ICON and theloop exactly worked. And it made me realize how many others are confused as well.

I mean, I thought with a little research it would be clear but I guess not

>> No.9783408

ICON will get alot of news coverage when its a bit more established. It just has all the hallmarks to be normie friendly

>> No.9783668

90% of all people are brainlets. they will fomo in end of june, when tokenswap is done. even south korean themselfs are idiots. they buy eos without a research.

samsung chain id
line, the asian uber
naver, the google for gooks
south korean customs service
the seoul government uses smart contracts already
gook insurances
expanding to japan
ico ban beeing liftet soon
when the network effect kicks in we made it. if a gook logs into his bankaccount using his samsung finger print, or orders a taxi.

>> No.9783698

i hope you're right man

>> No.9783792

Chink = Chinese
Gook = Korean

>> No.9784302
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>but everyone on /biz and in crypto only cares about hype and how fast they can make gains.


I made it and you fags will be poor.

Made less than 5 trades since 2016.

Buyed shitload of ETH under 10$ still sitting on most of it, used maybe 20% to buy XLM under 0.002c when all you faggots was like "muh free airdrops", sold 30% to buy 25 k ICON in range from 2$ to 4$.

Do you have any idea how much money I made lol...

Do you have any idea how much more i make when ICX gets in 50$-100$ range in few years???

Bitcoin literally drow you roadmap how to "make it", all you have to do buy promising shit and sit for long time on it,years if it takes..

You ADHD retarded poorfags chaseing "moon missions" and "flipping coins".

Its just sad acually.

>> No.9784414

Damn bro nice

>> No.9785269

you got in 2016 and you made smart (which werent hard 2 years ago) decisions.
now we are in a much harder market.
but you are right.

>> No.9785284

>This might actually be labeled as a security
it's korean dipshit. no one cares about what amerifats think about icx

>> No.9785286

es good coin but price has been in big downtrend and there are large wallet holders which lead me to believe the price is being heavily suppressed to accumulate

>> No.9786100
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Do you know how much of my buddys sold eth when it dipped from 14$ to 5$ (or something like that)..most of them...and how much of them fomoed back after it went parabolic ..most of them again yep.

Do you know how much of them and /biz made fun of me when i started buying XLM when every faggot started selling "free airdropped shit"...yeah..

Do you know how much "gooked" and "should i sell" icx threads /biz haves every day?

Man market is not much harder at fucking all, you all are just short time framed focused and gambling money you can't afford to lose.

Pick strong shit move on with your life.

Last question:

Do you know how many retards on bizz gonna say "It was easy to buy ICX when it was 2.79$) in 2-3 years?

Yes most of them because because everything is easy in retrospective.

Gl Anons.

>> No.9786853

Yes, I own tron and ripple