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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 975 KB, 880x752, 1528078061996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9779044 No.9779044 [Reply] [Original]

I'm kind of worried. Is shitlink a security or not?
Is it a business token?

>> No.9779112

dude it doesnt matter link is a dead investment anyway. it will never get to $1000. hell it will never go to $1. it going up would mean stuff like 3k ethereum

>> No.9779116
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security, but most will be. How many currency coins do you really need? I'm so pissed that the government can pull this. Now you see why people hate the Jews (make up like 25% of government)

>> No.9779143

LINK is a security. It was initially offered in an ICO.

What does this mean though?

>> No.9779147

It is a utility. At least, I think that’s their strategy. The ICO was pointed towards prospective node operators, not just speculators and they haven’t shilled at all while they’re building their project. They could be able to argue in court that they acted in good faith with due dillegiance but that the model couldn’t avoid user-side speculation.

>> No.9779152
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>> No.9779157

FAT burgers can't hold ico stinkys it seems

>> No.9779170

It means coinbase is going to have a monoply on providing certain coins. Chances are they won't support little link, and other exchanges won't be allowed I FUCKING HATE THEM

>> No.9779175

the regulators are not going to go through 2000 ICOs one by one. They're all gonna be labeled securities even if there are some that could arguably not be.

>> No.9779220

To elaborate, if the token is intended only to pay node operators and not as a speculative investment, they can narrowly pass the Howey test. The value isn’t just built of the effort of others, node operators are participating in that effort themselves. In short, start a node and support the community. Every single link holder should be running a node in the short term. Let’s help this thing get off the ground and get the SEC to fuck off.

>> No.9779288
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>> No.9779333
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Gets tell you all you need to know

>> No.9779345

Nice trips. Unfortunately, numerology is a retarded superstition.

>> No.9779357

I have friends in high places. Chainlink team is going down because he took 32 million and will not even provide a roadmap or updates. Sorry linkers times up

>> No.9779394

cant run a node or even plan to run one until Sergey gives us a fucking mainnet date. Ropsten node mean shit.

>> No.9779397

Stop right there criminal !
>Link $1k eoy
>Moon mission & shit
>Buy high sell low
>Sergey better deliver us to LalaLand
It is all speculation !
Also reported your ass to FBI for high treason and incitement to mutiny against the USA.

>> No.9779411

You can begin planning with what they’ve released so far.

>> No.9779437

>I dindu nuffin !
Said the criminal although blood was on his hands. Also blacc. And with criminal record.

>> No.9779576

you cant beat 7 7s

>> No.9779714

Sergey knows that under the hostile SEC regulatory apparatus that he must maintain the idea that LINK is a decentralised utility token and not a security and once it has utility they can promote chainlink, but not before that, or it jeopardises the whole project. This makes the fact that theyre as quiet as they are make more sense.

>> No.9779800

The sec already has classified link as a utility token not a security. Only really smart thing chainlink has done so far

>> No.9779844

It has???

>> No.9779909
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>> No.9779928

wanna back that up with some sauce other than ur ass fren

>> No.9780186


You may not know the history. Sergey was involved in a project called assets exchange based on next. It got basically shutdown by the sec so when he started chainlink up it was defined and declare to the sec as being a utility token with then from the get go. They will confirm this directly with you if you ask them.

>> No.9780214
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As of today the general public has no roadmap, timeline, or an update within 6 months from the Chainlink CEO. We have heard this before but based on Pivotal it appears the main net will not even go live until mid 2019, but once again everything is speculation. Heck if you look at Sergey's last project it was shut down very early, I am hopeful Chainlink won't have the same fate.

I do feel chainlink will be completed (mid 2019). My truly biggest concern is if the is overly high expectations for usage. We are already seeing this with no testing on Ropsten. Also, even though Chainlink team decides to stay quiet you would think some potential clients (banks, insurance cos, etc.) would be discussing using Chainlink in the near future. There is none. Not only that chainlink has very few social media followers and is not present and most of the crypto and financial events where it should have a presence if it is within a year of completion. I am nervous people will stake and realize they aren't making anything.

If that happens, the value of the token will quickly go to near-zero.

>> No.9780325

So burgers = safe?

>> No.9780337

smartcontract company is incorporated in the Cayman Islands.... what declaration did they do to the SEC? stop talking outta ur ass

>> No.9780366

just buy nexus it never had an ICO and is basically like Skycoin but with an actual professional team.

>> No.9780417
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Don't worry guys, I'm sure based Trump and the based Republican-controlled government will save you.

>> No.9780460

Not even a Trumpfag, but why are yurpoors so booty blistered about Trump?

>> No.9780564

>tfw hodling with my dear life
link marines report in
this. chainlink is a sleeper, all it needs is one announcement once the SEC heat dies down during US budget season

>> No.9780788

Really? Rory just he and Thomas can’t comment on this. Got any proof? I hope to god you’re right and not fucking with me.

>> No.9780819

So fucking comfy being european. Give a fuck about your retarded clap laws.

>> No.9780829

Neck yourself. This project is based in America. It’s absolute fucking garbage we have to be worried about this.

>> No.9780843

since when are Cayman Islands the US?

>> No.9780866

Everything that people complain about... no marketing, hype, "muh community involvement", regular updates...every leddit poster complaint, points to Sergey knowing whats up and doing the right thing for the project.

You have access to the pivotal, git, interaction from community managers in relation to RUNNING NODES. This project has been a utility token since day 1.

The only people "speculating" on ChainLink are people who understand technology, and may operate nodes...hence no reddit hype

>> No.9780867

Since when is San Francisco in the Caymen Islands?

>> No.9780875

>why are we mad that the US literally elected a Hitler-tier villain to the presidency
stop sucking glumpfy's peepee for once and maybe you'll figure it out

>> No.9780890

and those who understand digits and meme magic

>> No.9780907

So you just disregard the other 75%

>only dumb niggers fall for the kike meme

>> No.9780910

>US embassy moved to Jerusalem
Please, enlighten us.

>> No.9780911

Because he's like every other president, a fucking neo con kike sockpuppet causing massive displacement of immigrants and pushing for war with Iran. Also started a trade war with Europe.

>> No.9780912
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> trump is like hitler
Oh that's right, people like you are historically illiterate trash.

>> No.9780943

Who cares where it's based, it's not like the devs are going to be put on the no fly list.
You guys will be stuck in the nocoiner toilet with the chinks while us and the pageets have mega parties on our LINK yachts.

>> No.9780950

>Everything that people complain about... no marketing, hype, "muh community involvement", regular updates...every leddit poster complaint, points to Sergey knowing whats up and doing the right thing for the project.

I think this is the one aspect of it he got right from the get go. I'm flatly unimpressed with the pace he set the team up at and undertook development though. Equally if he wants to run a company he should realise sales and marketing (to his prospective clients not some basement dwellers on here) is essential and should have hired someone with major account sales experience on fintech software.
Idea good, execution so far, amateur but the utility token definition was correct, he got that right..

>> No.9780954
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t. Braindead moron

>> No.9780963

Worst case scenario I’ll be giving my assets to my friend in Europe for the time being.

>> No.9780981

>Also started a trade war with Europe.
And? The EU is one of the biggest protectionist regimes in the world.

>> No.9780988
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>> No.9780992
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God damnit now I know why Hitler's just stared gassing people. Sooner or later the stupidity just set you off. Fuck off OP you're actually mentally retarded and should kys to cleanse society as a whole.

>> No.9781011

Which immigrants have been displaced due to Trump initiated policies?

>> No.9781017

>execution so far, amateur
t. 105er

>> No.9781027

>euros blame the US for refugees now, not their own faggot governments

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9781042

That’s already been posted in here. The point is, while that’s a good thing it won’t necessarily hold muster with the sec.

>> No.9781061


>> No.9781071
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anyone else regret buying this trash?

>> No.9781081

t. Has worked with major banks implementing Experian when it first came out. Rory is wrong. there. They need sales and tech pre-sales to get major financial houses actually trialling this. Senior bank managers are thick as two short planks and only respect similar numb nuts coke heads in suits who play golf, if they want to get this in house they will have to hire a suitable shit in a suit.

>> No.9781093

Not really, I only have a few grand in chump change in it and it has provided quite a bit of entertainment.

>> No.9781106

Trump is hitler tier???

In case you didn't know ... fascism is govt control of businesses/corporations... for instance... Obamacare was fascist.

Trump is literally trying to blow up all these federal bureaucracies controlling shit. That's the OPPOSITE of fascism.

You get it now nigger? Fascism = more govt control and trump going after these federal bureaucracies is trying to free you from fascism.2

Trump unironically is trying to decentralize shit.

Like Winston Churchill said... "the fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists."

The fascists like antifa are literally the fascists and have the definition backwards and unironically support fascism (which is govt control) that they scream about

>> No.9781117

If anything a plus if you think this place matters a shit. The odds of link being cited twice on communally selected digits means that the posting rate concerning link is basically massive thus hitting both link shill and fud threads on digits like these means link is getting a huge about of free marketing.

>> No.9781127

To expand.... fascism is a form of socialism. So unironically like I said above... all the people on the left bitching about fascism actually want it!

Which is why you have seen google changing the definition of fascism to a right wing thing when it's really a left winf thing

>> No.9781139
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This meme illustrates perfectly that the left crying about fascism means they are actually really for it! And the govt is using them.

>> No.9781140

Everyone I don’t like is a nazi!

>> No.9781143

Syrians, tons of syrians

>what is weaponized migration
shut the fuck up, this is geopolitical games that are being played. I'm not only pointing my finger to Trump, but he's doing nothing to stop it and you guys don't even seem to care that they're continuing the destabilization of the middle east. Drumpf is a kike puppet like his predecessors (most of them) he has only gave false dog whistles, gave a facade of a grassroots poppulism movement, pretends to be a nationalist while still playing with the kikes. He's literally false hope.

>> No.9781182

Nice bait, fellow pol user

1. He’s stabilizing Syria against the wishes of Israel despite talking about loving Israel, which is effectively halting refugee (or should but yuropoors love the MENA cock up their ass)
2. Has taken 0 approach or followed up his talk with Iran while allowing it to grow its influence in Syria
3. Every Neo-Con has teamed up with the DNC to stonewall him LOL

The delusion of some people

>> No.9781184

Implying trump is an establishment republican. Maybe you weren't alive in 2016 but the fuckinf republicans were anti trump...

And a few months before the election when trump was unshackled from being connected to the republican establishment... becaus Ryan and others weren't really supporting him.... was the reason trump ended up winning because he could say whatever he wanted.

You have to be dumber than a retarded nigger if you think trump won and was connected to your typical republicans.

Why the fuck you think he won????! He won because he torpedoed the democrats and republicans

>> No.9781186
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One thing is for sure, it's over for LINK

The SCAM has ended, capitulation now.

>> No.9781189

Hillary would have been worse.

>> No.9781194

Go for a walk, JIDF. You’re too angry to not expose yourself.

>> No.9781243

Trade war with europe? Yeah? So what? If you live in America and your against a trade war with other countries that have been screwing you how could you be against that???

President starts trade war with Europe to benefit American people... so we can ramp up our production again. In what fucking world is this a bad thing?

>> No.9781321

why don't you both fuck off to /pol
US partisan politics is boring an irrelevant to both economics and power, which is unelected an has been since WW2 when giant wartime bureaucracies with absolute powers were established ushering in an age of unelected oligarchy. If you want to have pleb tier conversations about the minute differences between irrelevant US electoral political factions take it to the sea of shit that is /pol where it belongs.

>> No.9781378

blaming biliary Clinton, Donald trump,the jews or Virginian coal miners for the level of individual personal sloth, educational underachievement and cultural degradation that resulted in some halfwitted niggers fat arsed wife becoming a popular icon in the USA is a cop out. Blame yourselves and your families, your neighbours your parents and your children. Blame yourselves foremost of all. Just look at this shit pit of a site your devote your life to..

>> No.9781399

that's where they are located physically in case you need to contact them, the company is registered in the Cayman Islands there was a picture of the certificate floating around

>> No.9781402

My point was merely that on Election Day we had two choices. Personally, I didn’t care for either of them. You’re correct though, our issues go much deeper.

>> No.9781410

>/biz - business & finance

>> No.9781422

Of course it's an ICO you fucking idiot. Ethereum is going to get destroyed soon.

>> No.9781426


>> No.9781464

Not necessarily. The lack of marketing for chainlink is actually vital, it has in fact NEVER been marketed in such a way that would interpretation of it as a utility token, quite carefully so in fact.

"Following the issuance of the 21(a) Report, certain market professionals have attempted to highlight utility characteristics of their proposed initial coin offerings in an effort to claim that their proposed tokens or coins are not securities. Many of these assertions appear to elevate form over substance. Merely calling a token a “utility” token or structuring it to provide some utility does not prevent the token from being a security. Tokens and offerings that incorporate features and marketing efforts that emphasize the potential for profits based on the entrepreneurial or managerial efforts of others continue to contain the hallmarks of a security under U.S. law. On this and other points where the application of expertise and judgment is expected, I believe that gatekeepers and others, including securities lawyers, accountants and consultants, need to focus on their responsibilities. I urge you to be guided by the principal motivation for our registration, offering process and disclosure requirements: investor protection and, in particular, the protection of our Main Street investors."


>> No.9781468

>LINK is a security. It was initially offered in an ICO.
Was offered outside the US only. SEC can't do shit. EOS is pretty fucked though.

>> No.9781476

Jesus Christ. It held an ICO.

Stay deluded.

>> No.9781484

Can’t do anything to chainlink is different from not doing anything to Americans that bought, might get rich, and might want to cash out (at least partially) some day.

>> No.9781544

>Jesus Christ. It held an ICO.Stay deluded.

"It is possible to conduct an ICO without triggering the SEC’s registration requirements. For example, just as with a Regulation D exempt offering to raise capital for the manufacturing of a physical product, an initial coin offering that is a security can be structured so that it qualifies for an applicable exemption from the registration requirements."


>> No.9781586

"The Order demonstrates that such relevant facts and circumstances are not limited to the rights and interests the tokens are purported to provide the holders, which may be of a utility or consumptive nature. In this case, the SEC also considered the manner of the offering, including how the tokens were marketed, to whom they were marketed and sold, how the offering proceeds were to be used, whether the promoter touted a potential increase in token value, the utility of the token (whether current or proposed), and the promoter’s promise of secondary market trading."


Thus the lack of marketing for chainlink, it has never been marketed as a security

>> No.9781597

Bro, got any more info on this?

>> No.9781598

Idiots this is just the nail in the coffin . But don't act like this is the reason why this garbage has been doing bad. Even with out this security fud Link was going down the shitter. It wouldn't even pump with btc most times. And Binance will want to get rid of it soon, the low vol is not worth it for them to keep if they aren't making fees.

The only exchanges that will think about taking this garbage are back alley pajeet ones

>> No.9781699

>It wouldn't even pump with btc most times.

Alts never moved with btc new friend.

>> No.9781747

>Bro, got any more info on this?

It really is that simple it was fairly evident to me that this was one key reason for the ico structure and the lack of any retail marketing for it. It has only ever been marketed as a token allowing and facilitating use of a distributed oracle network, never as an investment. This is why sergey never discussed it at conferences outside of that exact context

>> No.9782090

Chainlink is for enterprise clients, what interest do they have in marketing to US 4channers?

>> No.9782490

try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life. the fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction. obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every pool vacuum is the same. I've had blowjobs from 3 different women and 4 different men, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the pool cleaner. I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it. the only thing that is even remotely close to how good that pool vacuum felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fat chick who had a really warm snatch, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking pool cleaner vacuum was better than that. I don't own a pool or else I'd be doing it every day. unfortunately the owner of the pool caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking pool vacuum is like heaven. honestly the only reason I even want to get rich is so I can afford my own house with a heated pool and of course a pool vacuum. I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of pool cleaners and fuck them all. I live for that day to come.

LINK $1000 EOY