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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 265 KB, 724x482, grocery-shopping-with-kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9774693 No.9774693 [Reply] [Original]

And the amount of moms who clearly aren't working, hauling around their snot nosed little shitheads who won't contribute to society disgusts me.

Like what right do you have to not have to work just because you have a vagina and know how to spread your legs while your husband slaves away all day constantly fighting the urge to commit suicide.

Why does he work? Oh yeah, because youre even more useless than he is. You working can't even cover the cost of daycare because you are literal human waste, so you get to trot around all day spending your husband's money.

This society is disgusting.

>> No.9774718

Don't know that feel

t. multimillionaire NEET

>> No.9774725


Lots of assumptions there, anon. Ever think that a lot of those moms work evenings and/or weekends and get work days off? Also, daycare is expensive. For families with multiple kids, it’s actually more sensible for one parent to not work or only work part time rather than work solely to spend their entire salary on paying strangers to watch their kids.

>> No.9774738

If you get married and have kids you did it to yourself.

>> No.9774741

>middle of the workday

those weren't moms, they were off the books babysitters

>> No.9774744

The largest employee of women in the country, the school system is out for summer break.

>> No.9774751

Or you are like me and make enough money to support a family on your own, like a man. I'd rather have my kids raised by my wife than some heroin addict highschool drop out like your sister. Making women go to work instead of raising kids is literally the reason we have all the SJW purple haired flaming dikes patrolling the streets waiting to confront you on you unconscious prejudices. Fuck off blue pilled beta cuck.

>> No.9774753

>t. never been around children for more than 20 minutes

>> No.9774774

Listen (((fellow white friend))),
I want my wife to stay at home and raise my children.
But yes, it is way better to put the child from 3-18 years under the supervision from to state and not getting love from the parents who should raise the kids properly on their own.

Fuck off faggot, stop hurting children and undermining a nations prosperity.

>> No.9774785

I have been married and have children, and I assure you I can spot a stay at home mom when I see one. My ex wife was a leech, and I bought into the whole family meme. I have money and trust me, any woman that pretends to show interest in you who isn't wealthy / successful just sees you as her meal ticket.

>> No.9774796

Good to see that there are still sane people.

>> No.9774801

I assume your dick is sub par and you weren't able to adequately satisfy her desires. Sorry about that.

>> No.9774807

Youve been cucked by the family meme too. I started using steroids back when I finished college after the divorce and I fucked a lot of married stay at home moms. While you're sitting in the office getting fact, Juan the yoga instructor is balls deep in your wife.

>> No.9774820

Just got back from Walmart. The person at the pharmacy had to explain to some mexinigger want a date of birth is. Not kidding

>> No.9774854

She was a disgusting lazy slob like all stay at home moms are. That's not the life I wanted to live. I asked her for a divorce and shes been living with her parents because she isnt even competent enough to afford her own place, like most stay at home moms.

Men who encourage their wives to stay at home are just wrecking their wives resumes for after the divorce.

>> No.9774862

>not hitting on mom's that haven't gotten railed Sinstyle in years cause hubby is low test.

>> No.9774875

Married a lazy slob and turned out disappointed. Never could have seen that coming.

>> No.9774903

She lied / exaggerated about most of her employment / education prior to marriage. On paper, it looked like a good idea.

>> No.9774930

On paper wtf. Did you buy her on craigslist?

>> No.9775007


Nice family FUD you fucking kike

>> No.9775098


Enjoy your family meme.

In reality it's all bullshit.

>> No.9775217

t. Incel

I'm glad you're so against family life, your weak genes need to be wiped from the gene pool.

>> No.9775244

Enjoy your psychological abuse and control

>> No.9775274

Yes procreation and raising children is bullshit, haha okay. Well have fun being the first person in your genetic line ever to not have kids and continue their genes. OHHH my god I can't wait until we can gas and bake all you bagel niggers.

>> No.9775276

>one shot at life
>not born a white female with rich parents
Does anyone else know this feel

>> No.9775279
File: 18 KB, 432x403, 1526449401289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about a healthy nuclear family structure
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9775290

>I just went to Target in the middle of the workday.
>And the amount of moms who clearly aren't working, hauling around their snot nosed little shitheads who won't contribute to society disgusts me.


We live in a society

>> No.9775859


>middle of the work day

what were you doing, anon? not...working?

>> No.9776032
File: 155 KB, 1280x640, white_women_no_children.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is paying you posting these shit threads?

> Don't get children goy
> the world is overpopulated
> Chidren are hurting the climate, everyone having children is destroying the world
> don't have children before you are 35/40 years old
> women must be forced into the workforce!

oooooooh the economy is going to shit because we get no more workforce.
We need more children!
too bad that the white folks won't have any children and we don't know why
we are dependend in immigrants, we need at least 1 million per year from countries with <80IQ and people that hate your religion / believes / system and mostly the current people living here

And people are getting jailed / losing their hob if they speak up against it.....

>> No.9776039

First of all, this is /biz/, not your livejournal.

Second, can you retards figure out what you want, once and for all? Trad wives who take care of the home and raise your white children or career women? You can't really have both.

>> No.9776059

You can it's called hiring a babysitter

>> No.9776078
File: 67 KB, 526x609, 1527323978964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> can you retards figure out what you want, once and for all?

Depends if you are asking a persong speaking for his own nation or someone who is starting his sentences with "Fellow white people".

>> No.9776083

Can confirm, Milfs love to shop at Target during the day. I want to fuck one so badly...

>> No.9776095

>(((I))) just went to Target
>talk shit about mothers caring for their kids
Just (((more))) attempts to subvert the idea of a healthy family dynamic.

>> No.9776108

>Like what right do you have to not have to work
Just as much right as you. What right would you have to force them to work? What right do you have to place their children in group care? What exactly is your objection? Consumerism during work hours? You are ridiculous

>> No.9776114
File: 37 KB, 384x441, mummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9776149

You sound like a self entitled commie mgtow

>> No.9776195


I like how people bring this up as if any of this shit matters. The way the world is going, I don't even know if the earth will want humanity raping it for another 200 years without lashing back.

>> No.9776218
File: 163 KB, 1158x984, 1516895172320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting jews raise your children
>paying money to let jews raise your children
>letting jews educate your children
Good goyim.

>> No.9776439


All of those 'cucked' dads have passed their genes on. They will live forever. Meanwhile you had some other dudes sloppy seconds. Congratulations.

>> No.9776635
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x2268, 20180605_144349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I slaved away so my kids, who are white can be raised by their white mother.

White, white, white btw.

120k a year in Texas is comfy for just my easy wage slave money.