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File: 32 KB, 500x375, Ketamax-ketamine-Hcl-50mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9771761 No.9771761 [Reply] [Original]

who else is dissociating away from their losses and missed gains?

>> No.9771786

Bladder pain made me stop :(

>> No.9771799

Might try it just got on dream market for steroids but so many other options

>> No.9771802


>> No.9771809

take SARMs instead

>> No.9771837

>just got into black market for meth lately
>try ephedrine instead

>> No.9771847

enjoy your cancer bucko :)

>> No.9771884

I've used sarms before got them from a place by me that sells all the non fda approved pre workouts but a test cycle makes you feel on top of the world I'm only planning maybe 600mg a week and some winstrol

>> No.9771889

Doing LSD and MDMA instead, getting myself to accept those losses and missed gains.
Realizing life is not just about chasing wealth.

Actually just paid my dealer to bring me MDMA later tonight
Gonna rent a hotel room, lock myself up and party like some autistic neet.

>> No.9771921

ive been taking mk677 for 15 months straight. i've never injected. how long have you been taking test?

>> No.9771938

Don't fry that brain dawg

>> No.9772108

rip liver

>> No.9772131

Gotta take a break to heal my brain. I'm also waiting for 2f-ketamine to hit the markets

>> No.9772224

Haven't done a cycle in about 2 years if I do it's a 3 month test cyp cycle with prop and what ever pill I fancy for the first 3 weeks to kick it off. I'm thinking of HGH with it to keeps my gainz but it's pretty intense as far as your body growing again and possibly becoming a diabetic. How has it been with the SARMS I've only ever done 2 months straight.

>> No.9772388

Don’t do MDMA so much

>> No.9772408


First roll in 2 years or so. LSD I do 1-2x a year.

>> No.9772839
File: 79 KB, 590x601, 1523141173403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketamine is at least 10X better with a big ol' dose of LSD. I prefer 500-1000 mics depending on the level of functionality I need to maintain. Seriously, it's a waste of good ketamine without acid.

See if he can bring you MDA (sass) instead, much less tooth grinding and restlessness.

What's the deal with 2f? I have only heard of R-isomer and S-isomer ketamine. I recall the R is more psychedelic.
Wish I could still find MXE though, that shit was great!

>> No.9772903

Fucking MXE was next-level, regular ket doesn't even compare baka

>> No.9773307

I read it's kind of in between mxe and k, and not as sketchy as dck. It's still probably really bad for you, so I only plan on buying small amounts at a time.

We should all throw down to hire a chemist to make some

>> No.9773330

enjoy your neuroteoxicity

>> No.9773355

Also after the peak of MDMA ,crazy shit.
K is a wonderful drug shame most people cant control themselves and become binge fags. Use it sparingly once in two weeks its a lifesaver.

>> No.9773407

can one go from a former binger to sparse user?
I've had a 6 month break but I'm worried I'll fall into the same habits again
I never hit the 1g/day levels like some ketheads though
around 2g in a week was my max

>> No.9773442

Just buy like 250-500mg at once and don't buy more for a month after it runs out

>> No.9773485

only retards who are short sighted.

>> No.9773521

Why not?
Personally a gram lasts me 2-3 months,i dont feel the need to hole myself everytime i use. Coming down from MD makes it easier and more fun so i do it only then.
Ur tolerance still might be a bit shot,is it really that hard to control your usage?

>> No.9773565

Not to mention the $$$ you have to splurge out on a full blown addiction,its just stupid.

>> No.9773579

I have been doing a lot of 3-meo-pcp last 2 years and my tolerance is very high, I stopped for like 5 months and it didnt went away.

>> No.9773620

Already knew about that, and I don't care because I hardly ever do it. The times I do partake though are immensely rewarding.

>> No.9773655

Oh by the way, s-isomer is more psychedelic. R-isomers is shit and racemic is alright

>> No.9773690

I got two kinds atm, one is classic probably R, long shardy,the other one i got came in huge rocks and its fking too weird imo,even a bit anxiety inducing coz so trippy.
I prefer the classic .

>> No.9773713

>is it really that hard to control your usage?
in all honesty not really
money wasn't an issue so I had a near endless supply
I just ended up going full on hedonist and stopped caring altogether
it's how slow your tolerance creeps up on you that's the killer

>> No.9773758

Most people don't sell r-isomer. s-isomer usually comes in shards in my experience. The other one is probably racemic but it could be an rc

>> No.9773848

rocks are pretty much always s-isomer
if you noticed a difference between the two then the shards would be racemic
shards aren't always s but the ket that comes in granules like salt tend to be racemic

>> No.9774303

An easy way to tell is how long it takes to kick in. S-isomers hits within a few minutes and you can go way deeper into the hole

>> No.9774376

where do you buy Ket??

>> No.9774405

same place you buy any other drug
the deepwebs

>> No.9774421

I went full matrix from ketamine, Almost jumped out of a window couse i thought the World was fake

still do it every weekend though

>> No.9774446

but the world is fake
true 'reality' is beyond perception

>> No.9774465
File: 57 KB, 500x987, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has done LSD, ketamine, DXM and others (not at once but over the course of your life), Id like to hear your comparisons and contrasts...thanks, just asking for a friend

>> No.9774473


I've seen the Matrix on Salvia. It's real and it has an infinite amount of me's stored in an infinite warehouse. Salvia is so fucking weird. Never again, gotta checkout DMT tho.

>> No.9774486 [DELETED] 

lsd is mediation
ketamine is astral projection
dxm is lucid dreaming

>> No.9774509

lsd is transcendental meditation
ketamine is astral projection
dxm is lucid dreaming

>> No.9774522

Well now i can cope with it thought, but sometimes it’s so weird. I see stuff like my watch and it looks like a new Rolex or something, then i sober up and i see it changing for my eyes back in my watch i was wearing. i’m afraid this shit is going to make me kill someone someday cause i see shit totaly different

>> No.9774557

DXM literally makes you more of a brainlet the longer you abuse it
since you're gonna do it anyway though, mix with alcolol for maximum unconcerns

>> No.9774632

One time an alien pulled me out of the test tube that our universe is in and showed me around their planet. Shit was insane

>> No.9774729
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, A44741E3-AF0A-4653-ADAF-A1750197B6D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha sounds pretty cool,

I had a trip on dmt that i was in the Google of the universes, i checked for link price and it was 75 2019 i think. Some other anon had the same

Also had a sick trip on ketamine 2 weeks ago, i saw crypto prices in all of the Grafitti in the toilet, do ketamine and watch this picture and tell me you don’t see it

>> No.9774746
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, DA65A885-4BA1-44D6-A6A1-73757170DC83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9774881

salvia is a humblimg experience. good for when you’re making sick gains and need to have your pride ripped to shreds. makes you feel like a literal non intergral mechanical part in a machine that is also not important and small on the grand scale.